Art. 620
1 A company limited by shares is a company with its own business name whose pre-determined capital (share capital)287 is divided into specific amounts (shares) and whose liabilities are payable only from the company assets. 2 The shareholders are required only to fulfil the duties specified in the articles of association and are not personally liable for the company’s obligations. 3 A company limited by shares may also be established for a purpose that is non-commercial in character. 287 Term in accordance with No II 1 of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). This amendment has been taken into account throughout the Code.
Art. 621288
B. Minimum share capital
The share capital must amount to at least 100,000 francs.
Art. 622
1 The shares may be either registered or bearer shares. They may be issued in the form of negotiable securities. The articles of association may stipulate that they may be issued as uncertificated or ledger-based securities in accordance with Article 973c or 973d, or as intermediated securities in accordance with the Intermediated Securities Act (FISA) of 3 October 2008289.290 1bis Bearer shares are permitted only if the company has equity securities listed on a stock exchange or if the bearer shares are organised as intermediated securities in accordance with the FISA and are deposited with a custodian in Switzerland designated by the company or entered in the main register.291 2 Shares of both types may exist at the same time in a ratio fixed by the articles of association. 2bis A company with bearer shares must arrange for an entry to be made in the Commercial Register as to whether it has equity securities listed on a stock exchange or its bearer shares are organised as intermediated securities.292 2ter If all the equity securities are delisted, the company must within six months either convert the existing bearer shares into registered shares or organise them as intermediated securities.293 3 The articles of association may provide that registered shares should or may subsequently be converted into bearer shares or vice versa. 4 The nominal value of a share must be at least 1 centime.294 5 The share certificate must be signed by at least one member of the board of directors295. The company may decide that even shares issued in large numbers must bear a handwritten signature. 289 SR 957.1 290 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Feb. 2021 (AS 2021 33; BBl 2020 233). 291 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 21 June 2019 on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (AS 2019 3161; BBl 2019 279). Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Feb. 2021 (AS 2021 33; BBl 2020 233) 292 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 21 June 2019 on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, in force since 1 Nov. 2019 (AS 2019 3161; BBl 2019 279). 293 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 21 June 2019 on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, in force since 1 Nov. 2019 (AS 2019 3161; BBl 2019 279). 294 Amended by No I of the FA of 15 Dec. 2000, in force since 1 May 2001 (AS 2001 1047; BBl 2000 4337No 2.2.1 5501). 295 Term in accordance with No II 3 of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). This amendment has been taken into account throughout the Code.
Art. 623
II. Splitting and consolidating shares
1 By amending the articles of association, the general meeting may divide the shares into shares with a lower nominal value or consolidate them into shares with a higher nominal value, provided the share capital remains the same. 2 The consolidation of shares requires the consent of the shareholder.
Art. 624
1 The shares may be issued only at their nominal value or at a price that is higher. This does not apply to the issue of new shares to replace cancelled shares. 2–3 ...296
Art. 625297
1 A company limited by shares may be established by one or more natural persons or legal entities or other commercial enterprises. 297 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 626298
E. Articles of association
I. Content prescribed by law
The articles of association must contain provisions concerning: - 1.
- the business name and seat of the company;
- 2.
- the objects of the company;
- 3.
- the total share capital and the extent to which it is paid up;
- 4.
- the number, nominal value and types of shares;
- 5.
- the procedure for convening general meetings and the voting rights of shareholders;
- 6.
- the governing bodies for management and auditing;
- 7.
- the form of the company’s external communications.
Art. 627299
II. Further provisions
1. In general
In order to be binding, provisions on the following matters must be included in the articles of association: - 1.
- amendment of the articles of association, where different from the statutory provisions;
- 2.
- the payment of shares of profits paid to board members;
- 3.
- the interest paid to shareholders until commencement of the company’s operations;
- 4.
- limitation of the company’s duration;
- 5.
- contractual penalties for failure to pay up share capital on time;
- 6.
- capital increases from authorised capital and contingent capital increases;
- 7.300
- ...
- 8.
- restrictions on the transferability of registered shares;
- 9.
- the preferential rights of individual share classes, participation certificates, dividend rights certificates and the granting of special privileges;
- 10.
- restrictions on the voting rights of shareholders and their rights to appoint representatives;
- 11.
- cases not envisaged in law in which the general meeting may make resolutions only by qualified majority;
- 12.
- authority to delegate management responsibilities to individual members of the board of directors or to third parties;
- 13.
- the organisation and duties of the external auditors, where these go beyond those prescribed by law;
- 14.301
- the possibility of converting shares issued in a specific form into another form, together with an allocation of resultant costs, where this derogates from the regulations in the Uncertificated Securities Act of 3 October 2008302.
299 Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 300 Repealed by No I 2 of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014 on the Implementation of the revised recommendations 2012 of the Financial Action Task Force, with effect from 1 July 2015 (AS 20151389; BBl 2014605). 301 Inserted by Annex No 3 of the Uncertificated Securities Act of 3 Oct. 2008, in force since 1 Jan. 2010 (AS 2009 3577; BBl 2006 9315). 302 SR 957.1
Art. 628
2. Relating specifically to contributions in kind, acquisitions in kind, special privileges
1 Where a shareholder makes a contribution in kind, the articles of association must indicate its nature and value, the name of the contributor and the shares allocated to him.304 2 Where the company acquires or intends to acquire tangible fixed assets from shareholders or close associates, the articles of association must indicate their nature, the name of the person providing them and the consideration given by the company.305 3 Where special privileges are accorded to founder members or other persons on establishment of the company, the persons thus privileged must be named and each privilege precisely described and valued in the articles of association. 4 After ten years the general meeting may annul provisions of the articles of association concerning contributions in kind or acquisitions in kind. Provisions on acquisitions in kind may also be annulled if the company makes a final decision not to make the acquisition in kind. 306 307 304Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 305Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 306 Second sentence inserted by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969). 307Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745).
Art. 629308
F. Establishment
I. Deed of incorporation
1. Content
1 The company is established when the founder members declare by public deed that they are forming a company limited by shares, lay down the articles of association therein and appoint the governing bodies. 2 In such deed of incorporation, the founder members subscribe for the shares and declare: - 1.
- that all the shares are validly subscribed for;
- 2.
- that the promised capital contributions correspond to the full issue price;
- 3.
- that the requirements for payment of capital contributions prescribed by law and the articles of association are met;
- 4.309
- that there are no other contributions in kind, acquisitions in kind or intended acquisitions in kind, instances of offsetting or special privileges other than those mentioned in the supporting documents.
Art. 630310
The share subscription is valid only where: - 1.
- the number, nominal value, type, class and issue price of the shares are specified;
- 2.
- an unconditional commitment is given to pay up the capital corresponding to the issue price.
Art. 631311
II. Supporting documents
1 In the deed of incorporation, the notary must cite each of the documents supporting the establishment of the company individually and confirm that they were presented to the founder members. 2 The following documents must be appended to the deed of incorporation: - 1.
- the articles of association;
- 2.
- the incorporation report;
- 3.
- the audit confirmation;
- 4.
- confirmation of the deposit of capital contributions;
- 5.
- the agreements on contributions in kind;
- 6.
- agreements on acquisitions in kind that are already available.
311Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 632312
III. Capital contributions
1. Minimum contribution
1 When the company is established, capital equivalent to at least 20 per cent of the nominal value of each share must be paid up. 2 In all cases the capital contribution must be at least 50,000 francs.
Art. 633313
2. Performance of contributions
a. Money contributions
1 Money contributions must be deposited with an institution subject to the Federal Act of 8 November 1934314 on Banks and Savings Banks for the exclusive use of the company. 2 The institution may release the money only when the company has been entered in the commercial register.
Art. 634315
b. Contributions in kind
Contributions in kind satisfy the contribution requirement only where: - 1.
- made on the basis of an agreement to make a contribution in kind done in writing as a public deed;
- 2.
- on being entered in the commercial register, the company immediately acquires ownership and the right to dispose of them or an unconditional right to enter them in the land register;
- 3.
- an incorporation report with audit confirmation is available.
Art. 634a316
c. Subsequent contribution
1 The board of directors determines the rules governing subsequent contributions in respect of shares that are not fully paid-up. 2 Such subsequent contributions may be made in money or in kind or by means of set-off.
Art. 635317
3. Verification of capital contributions
a. Statutory report
The founder members draw up a written statutory report in which they give account of: - 1.
- the nature and condition of contributions in kind or acquisitions in kind and the appropriateness of their valuation;
- 2.
- the existence of debts and whether such debts may be set off;
- 3.
- the reasons for and appropriateness of special privileges accorded to founder members or other persons.
Art. 635a318
A licensed auditor verifies the incorporation report and confirms in writing that it is complete and accurate.
Art. 640320
G. Entry in the commercial register
I. Company
The company is entered in the commercial register of the place at which it has its seat. 320 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 641321
321Repealed by No I 2 of the FA of 17 March 2017 (Commercial Register Law), with effect from 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 957; BBl 2015 3617).
Art. 642322
III. Contributions and acquisitions in kind, special privileges
1 The subject matter of contributions in kind and the shares issued in exchange, the subject matter of acquisitions in kind and the consideration provided by the company, and the nature and value of special privileges must be entered in the commercial register. 322 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 643
H. Acquisition of legal personality
I. Timing; entry conditions not satisfied
1 The company acquires legal personality only through entry in the commercial register. 2 It acquires legal personality thereby even if the conditions for such entry were in fact not satisfied. 3 However, where the law or the articles of association were contravened in the establishment of the company such that the interests of creditors or shareholders were substantially jeopardised or harmed, at the request of those creditors or shareholders the court may order that the company be dissolved.324 4 The foregoing right of action prescribes if action is not brought within three months of publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce. 324 Second sentence repealed by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 644
II. Shares issued before entry
1 Shares issued before the company is entered in the commercial register are void; however, the obligations arising from the share subscription remain effective. 2 A person issuing shares prior to such entry is liable for all resultant losses.
Art. 645
III. Obligations contracted prior to entry
1 A person acting in the name of the company prior to entry in the commercial register is liable personally and jointly and severally for his actions. 2 Where such obligations were incurred expressly in the name of the company to be established and are assumed by the latter within three months of its entry in the commercial register, the persons who contracted them are relieved of liability and only the company is liable.
Art. 647326
J. Amending the articles of association
1 Any resolution adopted by the general meeting or the board of directors concerning an amendment of the articles of association must be done as a public deed and entered in the commercial register. 326Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 650328
K. Increase in the share capital
I. Ordinary and authorised capital increase
1. Ordinary capital increase
1 A decision to increase the share capital is taken by means of resolution passed by the general meeting; it must be carried out by the board of directors within three months. 2 The resolution of the general meeting must be done as a public deed and specify: - 1.
- the full nominal value by which the share capital is to be increased and the amount of contributions to be paid up;
- 2.
- the number, nominal value and type of shares and the preferential rights attaching to specific share classes;
- 3.
- the issue price or the authority conferred on the board of directors to set the price, and the date on which the dividend entitlement commences;
- 4.
- the type of capital contributions to be made and, in the case of contributions in kind, their nature and value, the name of the contributor and the shares due to him in exchange;
- 5.
- in the case of acquisitions in kind, the nature of such assets, the name of the contributor and the consideration provided by the company;
- 6.
- the nature and value of special privileges and the names of the beneficiaries;
- 7.
- any restriction on the transferability of new registered shares;
- 8.
- any restrictions on or cancellation of subscription rights and the allocation of subscription rights that have not been exercised or have been withdrawn;
- 9.
- the conditions to be met when exercising contractual subscription rights.
3 Where the capital increase is not entered in the commercial register within three months, the resolution of the general meeting lapses.
Art. 651329
2. Authorised capital increase
a. Basis in articles of association
1 By amending the articles of association, the general meeting may authorise the board of directors to increase the share capital within a period of no more than two years. 2 The articles of association lay down the nominal amount by which the board of directors may increase the share capital. Such authorised capital may not exceed one-half of the existing share capital. 3 Further, the articles of association stipulate the same information as required for an ordinary capital increase, with the exception of the specifications concerning the issue amount, the type of contributions, acquisitions in kind and the date on which the dividend entitlement commences. 4 Within the limits of its authority, the board of directors may carry out share capital increases. In so doing it enacts the necessary provisions where these are not already laid down in the resolution of the general meeting. 5 The foregoing paragraphs are subject to the regulations of the Banking Act of 8 November 1934330 on reserve capital.331
Art. 651a332
b. Amendment of the articles of association
1 Following every capital increase, the board of directors reduces the nominal amount of the authorised capital in the articles of association accordingly. 2 On expiry of the time limit set for execution of the capital increase, the provision concerning the authorised capital increase is deleted from the articles of association by resolution of the board of directors.
Art. 652333
3. Common provisions
a. Share subscription
1 The shares are subscribed in a special document (subscription form) in accordance with the provisions governing the establishment of the company. 2 The subscription form must make reference to the resolution of the general meeting concerning the share capital increase or the authorisation of such increase and to the resolution of the board of directors concerning the share capital increase. Where the law requires an issue prospectus, the subscription form also refers to this. 3 Where the subscription form does not indicate a time limit, it ceases to be binding three months after it was signed.
Art. 652b335
1 Every shareholder is entitled to the proportion of the newly issued shares that corresponds to his existing participation. 2 A resolution by the general meeting to increase the share capital may cancel this subscription right only for good cause. In particular, the takeover of companies, parts of companies or equity interests and employee share ownership are deemed to be good cause. The cancellation of the subscription right must not result in any improper advantage or disadvantage to the parties involved. 3 Where the company has granted a shareholder the right to subscribe to shares, it may not bar him from exercising such right on the basis of a restriction on the transferability of registered shares laid down in the articles of association.
Art. 652c336
d. Making capital contributions
Unless the law provides otherwise, capital contributions must be made in accordance with the provisions governing the establishment of the company.
Art. 652d337
e. Increase from equity capital
1 The share capital may also be increased through conversion of freely disposable equity capital. 2 The equity capital used to meet the amount of the increase is shown in the annual accounts as approved by the shareholders and in the audit report of a licensed auditor. If more than six months have elapsed since the accounting cut-off date, audited interim accounts are required.338 337Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 338 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 652e339
f. Capital increase report
The board of directors draws up a written report in which it gives account of: - 1.
- the nature and condition of contributions in kind or acquisitions in kind and the appropriateness of their valuation;
- 2.
- the existence of debts and whether such debts may be set off;
- 3.
- the free disposability of the equity capital thus converted;
- 4.
- compliance with the resolution of the general meeting, in particular concerning restrictions on or cancellation of subscription rights and the allocation of subscription rights that have not been exercised or have been withdrawn;
- 5.
- the reasons for and appropriateness of special privileges accorded to specific shareholders or other persons.
Art. 652f340
1 A licensed auditor verifies the capital increase report and confirms in writing that it is complete and accurate.341 2 No such audit confirmation is required where the capital contribution for the new share capital is made in money, the share capital increase is not for the purpose of funding an acquisition in kind and subscription rights are not restricted or cancelled. 340Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 341 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 652g342
h. Amendment of articles of association and statements required
1 Once the capital increase report and, where required, the audit confirmation are available, the board of directors amends the articles of association and declares: - 1.
- that all shares are validly subscribed for;
- 2.
- that the promised capital contributions correspond to the full issue price;
- 3.
- that the contributions have been made in accordance with the requirements prescribed by law, the articles of association and the resolution of the general meeting;
- 4.343
- that there are no other contributions in kind, acquisitions in kind or intended acquisitions in kind, instances of offsetting or special privileges other than those mentioned in the supporting documents.
2 The resolution and declarations must be done as public deeds. The notary must cite each of the documents supporting the capital increase individually and confirm that they were presented to the board of directors. 3 The amended articles of association, capital increase report, audit confirmation, agreements on contributions in kind and available agreements on acquisitions in kind must be enclosed with the public deed.
Art. 652h344
i. Entry in the commercial register; nullity of previously issued shares
1 The board of directors notifies the amendment of the articles of association and its declarations for entry in the commercial register. 2 It must submit: - 1.
- the public deeds concerning the resolutions of the general meeting and of the board of directors with their enclosures;
- 2.
- an authenticated copy of the amended articles of association.
3 Shares issued prior to entry of the capital increase are void; the obligations arising from the share subscription remain effective.
Art. 653345
II. Contingent capital increase
1. General principle
1 The general meeting may resolve to make a contingent capital increase by stipulating in the articles of association that creditors of new bonds and similar debt instruments issued by the company or its group companies and employees will be granted rights to subscribe to new shares (conversion or option rights). 2 The share capital automatically increases whenever and to the extent that such conversion or option rights are exercised and the contribution obligations are discharged by set-off or payment. 5 The foregoing paragraphs are subject to the regulations of the Banking Act of 8 November 1934346 on reserve capital.347
Art. 653a348
1 The nominal amount by which the share capital may be increased in this contingent manner must not exceed one-half of the existing share capital. 2 The capital contribution must be at least equal to the nominal value.
Art. 653b349
3. Basis in articles of association
1 The articles of association must stipulate: - 1.
- the nominal amount of the contingent capital increase;
- 2.
- the number, nominal value and type of shares;
- 3.
- the beneficiaries of conversion or option rights;
- 4.
- the cancellation of the subscription rights of existing shareholders;
- 5.
- preferential rights attached to specific share classes;
- 6.
- the restrictions on the transferability of newly registered shares.
2 Where the bonds or similar debt instruments to which the conversion or option rights attach are not offered first to the shareholders for subscription, the articles of association must also stipulate: - 1.
- the conditions on which the conversion or option rights may be exercised;
- 2.
- the basis on which the issue amount is to be calculated.
3 Conversion or option rights granted before the provision of the articles of association concerning the contingent capital increase has been entered in the commercial register are void.
Art. 653c350
4. Protection of shareholders
1 Where bonds or similar debt instruments to which conversion or option rights attach are to be issued as part of a contingent capital increase, they must be offered first to the shareholders for subscription in proportion to the shareholders’ existing participations. 2 This priority subscription right may be restricted or cancelled for good cause. 3 Any cancellation of subscription rights required in order to carry out a contingent capital increase and any restriction or cancellation of priority subscription rights must not result in any improper advantage or disadvantage to the parties involved.
Art. 653d351
5. Protection of beneficiaries of conversion or option rights
1 A creditor or employee who holds a conversion or option right to acquire registered shares may not be barred from exercising that right on account of restrictions on the transferability of registered shares, unless this possibility is reserved in the articles of association and the issue prospectus. 2 Conversion or option rights may be adversely affected by a share capital increase, by the issue of new conversion or option rights, or in some other manner only if the conversion price is lowered or the beneficiaries are granted some other form of adequate compensation or if the shareholders suffer the same adverse effect.
Art. 653e352
6. Execution of capital increase
a. Exercise of rights; capital contribution
1 Conversion or option rights are exercised by making a written declaration that refers to the provision of the articles of association concerning the contingent capital increase; where the law requires an issue prospectus, the declaration must refer to it. 2 A capital contribution in money or by set-off must be made through a banking institution subject to the Banking Act of 8 November 1934353. 3 The shareholder’s rights are established when the capital contribution is made.
Art. 653f354
1 At the end of each financial year, or earlier at the request of the board of directors, a licensed audit expert verifies whether the issue of the new shares was in conformity with the law, the articles of association and, where required, the issue prospectus.355 2 The auditor confirms this in writing. 354Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 355 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 653g356
c. Amendment of the articles of association
1 On receipt of the audit confirmation, the board of directors draws up a public deed stating the number, nominal value and type of the newly issued shares, the preferential rights attaching to specific share classes and the status of the share capital as at the end of the financial year or the date of the audit. It amends the articles of association as necessary. 2 In the public deed, the notary states that the audit confirmation contains the required information.
Art. 653h357
d. Entry in the commercial register
The board of directors applies for the amendment to the articles of association to be entered in the commercial register within three months of the end of the financial year and files the public deed and the audit confirmation.
Art. 653i358
1 Where the conversion or option rights are extinct and this is confirmed in a written report drawn up by a licensed audit expert, the board of directors annuls the provisions of the articles of association concerning the contingent capital increase. 2 In such public deed the notary states that the auditors’ report contains the required information. 358Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 654
III. Preference shares
1. Requirements
1 Pursuant to or by amendment of the articles of association, the general meeting may resolve that preference shares be issued or that existing shares be converted into preference shares. 2 Where a company has issued preference shares, further preference shares conferring preferential rights over the existing preference shares may be issued only with the consent of both a special meeting of the adversely affected holders of the existing preference shares and of a general meeting of all shareholders, unless otherwise provided in the articles of association. 3 The same applies to any proposal to vary or cancel preferential rights attached to the preference shares that were conferred pursuant to the articles of association.
Art. 656
2. Status of preference shares
1 Preference shares enjoy the preferential rights vis-à-vis ordinary shares that are expressly conferred on them by the original articles of association or by amendment thereof. In other respects they are of equal status with the ordinary shares. 2 In particular, preferential rights may relate to the dividend, with or without rights to cumulative dividends, to the share in the proceeds of liquidation and to subscription rights in the event that new shares are issued.
Art. 656a362
L. Participation certificates
I. Definition; applicable provisions
1 The articles of association may provide for participation capital divided into specific amounts (participation certificates). These participation certificates are issued against a capital contribution, have a nominal value and do not confer voting rights. 2 Unless otherwise provided by law, the provisions governing share capital, shares and shareholders also apply to the participation capital, participation certificates and participation certificate holders. 3 The participation certificates must be designated as such.
Art. 656b363
II. Participation and share capital
1 Participation capital must not exceed an amount equal to double the share capital. 2 The provisions governing minimum capital and the minimum total contribution do not apply. 3 For the purposes of the provisions governing restrictions on acquisition of a company's own shares, the general reserve, the instigation of a special audit against the will of the general meeting and duty of notification in the event of capital loss, participation capital is deemed to be part of the share capital. 4 An authorised or contingent increase of the share and participation capital must not in total exceed one-half of the combined existing share and participation capital. 5 Participation capital may be created by means of an authorised or contingent capital increase.
Art. 656c364
III. Legal position of participation certificate holders
1. In general
1 Participation certificate holders have no voting rights and, unless otherwise provided by the articles of association, none of the rights associated therewith. 2 Rights associated with voting rights are the right to convene a general meeting, the right to attend such a meeting, the right to information, the right of inspection and the right to table motions. 3 Where the articles of association do not grant a participation certificate holder the right to information, the right of inspection or the right to instigate a special audit (Art. 697a et seq.), he may submit a written request for information, access to documents or the instigation of a special audit to the general meeting.
Art. 656d365
2. Notice and resolutions of general meetings
1 Whenever a general meeting is convened, notice must be given to participation certificate holders together with the agenda items and the motions tabled. 2 Every resolution passed by the general meeting must be made available without delay at the seat of the company and in its registered branch offices for inspection by participation certificate holders. Their attention must be drawn to this in the notice relating to the meeting.
Art. 656e366
3. Representation on the board of directors
The articles of association may grant participation certificate holders the right to have a representative on the board of directors.
Art. 656f367
4. Pecuniary rights
a. In general
1 The articles of association must not place participation certificate holders at a disadvantage as against shareholders in respect of the distribution of the disposable profit and the proceeds of liquidation and subscription to new shares. 2 Where several share classes exist, the participation certificates must be treated as at least equivalent to the lowest ranking share class. 3 Amendments to the articles of association and other resolutions of the general meeting that adversely affect the position of participation certificate holders are permitted only if they also adversely affect the position of the shareholders to whom the participation certificate holders are equal in status to the same degree. 4 Unless otherwise provided by the articles of association, the preferential rights of participation certificate holders and their rights to participate in the company’s governance as laid down by the articles of association may be restricted or cancelled only with the consent of a special meeting of the participation certificate holders concerned and of the general meeting of all shareholders.
Art. 656g368
1 Where participation capital is created, the shareholders have a subscription right as for the issue of new shares. 2 The articles of association may provide that shareholders may subscribe only to shares and participation certificate holders only to participation certificates where the share capital and the participation capital are to be increased simultaneously in the same proportions. 3 Where only the participation capital or only the share capital is to be increased or one is to be increased by a greater proportion, the subscription rights must be allocated so that shareholders and participation certificate holders may retain their relative participations in the overall capital.
Art. 657369
M. Dividend rights certificates
1 The articles of association may provide for the creation of dividend rights certificates in favour of persons linked with the company by previous capital participation or by virtue of being shareholders, creditors, employees or similar. The articles of association must indicate the number of dividend rights certificates issued and the nature of the associated rights. 2 Such dividend rights certificates entitle their holders only to a share in the disposable profit or the proceeds of liquidation or to subscribe to new shares. 3 The dividend rights certificate must not have a nominal value; it must not be called a participation certificate or issued in exchange for a capital contribution stated as an asset in the balance sheet. 4 By operation of law, the beneficiaries under dividend rights certificates form a community to which the provisions governing the community of bond creditors apply mutatis mutandis. However, a decision to waive some or all rights under dividend rights certificates is binding only if taken by the holders of a majority of all such certificates in circulation. 5 Dividend rights certificates may be created in favour of the company’s founder members only by means of the original articles of association.
Art. 659371
N. Own shares
I. Restrictions on acquisition
1 The company may acquire its own shares only where freely disposable equity capital is available in the required amount and the combined nominal value of all such shares does not exceed 10 per cent of the share capital. 2 Where registered shares are acquired in connection with a restriction on transferability, the foregoing upper limit is 20 per cent. The company’s own shares that exceed the threshold of 10 per cent of the share capital must be sold or cancelled by means of a capital reduction within two years.
Art. 659a372
II. Consequences of acquisition
1 The voting rights on the company’s own shares and the rights associated therewith are suspended. 2 The company must set aside an amount equivalent to the cost of acquiring its own shares as a separate reserve.
Art. 659b373
III. Acquisition by subsidiaries
1 Where a company holds a majority interest in a subsidiary, any acquisition of its shares by such subsidiary is subject to the same restrictions and has the same consequences as the acquisition of its own shares. 2 Where a company acquires a majority interest in another company which holds shares of the acquirer, these shares are deemed the acquirer’s own shares. 3 The obligation to form a reserve rests with the company holding the majority interest.