Art. 707
B. The Board of Directors
I. In general
1. Eligibility
1 The company’s board of directors comprises one or more members.570 2 …571 3 Where a legal entity or commercial company holds an equity participation in the company, it is not eligible as such to serve as a member of the board of directors; however, its representative may be elected in its stead. 570 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969). 571 Repealed by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 708572
572 Repealed by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 709574
2. Representation of shareholder classes and groups
1 Where two or more different classes of shares exist with regard to voting or property rights, the articles of association must stipulate that the shareholders of each different class of shares are entitled to elect at least one representative to the board of directors. 2 The articles of association may contain special provisions to protect minorities or specific groups of shareholders.
Art. 710575
1 The term of office of members of the board of directors of companies whose shares are listed on a stock exchange shall end at the latest on conclusion of the next ordinary general meeting. Members are elected individually. 2 In the case of companies whose shares are not listed on a stock exchange, the term of office amounts to three years, unless the articles of association provide otherwise; however, the term of office must not exceed six years. Membersare elected individually, unless the articles of association provide otherwise or the person chairing the general meeting issues a different order with the consent of all the shareholders represented. 3 Re-election is possible.
Art. 711576
576 Repealed by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 712577
II. Organisation
1. Chair
1 In the case of companies whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, the general meeting shall elect one of the members of the board of directors to be chair. The chair’s term of office ends at the latest on conclusion of the next ordinary general meeting. 2 In the case of companies whose shares are not listed on a stock exchange, the board of directors shall elect one of its members to be chair. The articles of association may stipulate that the chair be elected by the general meeting. 3 Re-election is possible. 4 If the office of chair becomes vacant, the board of directors shall appoint a new chair for the remaining term of office. The articles of association may provide for different rules on remedying this organisational deficiency.
Art. 713578
1 Resolutions of the board of directors are passed by a majority of the votes cast. The chairman has a casting vote, unless the articles of association provide otherwise. 2 The board of directors may pass its resolutions: - 1.
- at a meeting that has a physical venue;
- 2.
- by using electronic means, applying Articles701c–701emutatis mutandis;
- 3.
- in writing on paper or electronically, unless a member requests that it be debated orally. If the resolution is passed electronically, no signature is required, unless the board of directors specify a different requirement in writing.579
3 Minutes shall be kept of the board’s discussions and resolutions; these shall be signed by the chair and by the minute-taker.580
Art. 714581
The grounds for the nullity of resolutions by the general meeting apply mutatis mutandis to resolutions by the board of directors.
Art. 715582
4. Right to convene meetings
Any member of the board of directors may request that the chair convene a meeting without delay, but must state the reasons for his request.
Art. 715a583
5. Right to information and of inspection
1 Any member of the board of directors may request information on any company business. 2 At meetings, all members of the board of directors and all persons entrusted with managing the company’s business are obliged to give information. 3 Outside meetings, any member may request information from the persons entrusted with managing the company’s business concerning the company’s business performance and, with the chair’s authorisation, specific transactions. 4 Where required for the performance of their duties, any member may request the chair to have books of account and documents made available to them for inspection. 5 If the chair refuses a request for information, a request to be heard or an application to inspect documents, the board of directors shall rule on the matter. 6 Rulings or resolutions of the board of directors conferring on the directors more extensive rights to obtain information or inspect documents are reserved.
Art. 716584
III. Duties
1. In general
1 The board of directors may pass resolutions on all matters not reserved to the general meeting by law or the articles of association. 2 The board of directors shall manage the business of the company, unless responsibility for such management has been delegated.
Art. 716a585
2. Non-transferable duties
1 The board of directors shall have the following non-transferable and inalienable duties: - 1.
- the overall management of the company and issuing the required directives;
- 2.
- determining the company’s organisation;
- 3.
- organising the accounting, financial control and financial planning systems as required for management of the company;
- 4.
- appointing and dismissing persons entrusted with managing and representing the company;
- 5.
- overall supervision of the persons entrusted with managing the company, in particular with regard to compliance with the law, articles of association, operational regulations and directives;
- 6.
- compiling the annual report586, preparing for the general meeting and implementing its resolutions;
- 7.587
- filing an application for a debt restructuring moratorium andnotifying the court in the event that the company is overindebted;
- 8.588
- in the case of companies whose shares are listed on a stock exchange: preparing the remuneration report.
2 The board of directors may assign responsibility for preparing and implementing its resolutions or monitoring transactions to committees or individual members. It must ensure appropriate reporting to its members.
Art. 716b589
3. Delegation of business management
1 Unless the articles of association provide otherwise, the board of directors may delegate the management of all or part of the company’s business in accordance with organisational regulations to individual members or third parties (executive board). 2 In the case of companies whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, the management of the company’s business may be delegated to individual members of the board of directors or to other natural persons. The management of the company’s assets may be delegated to natural persons or legal entities. 3 The organisational regulations shallregulate the management of the company’s business, stipulate the bodies required to carry this out, define their duties and, in particular, regulate the company’s internal reporting. 4 On request, the board of directors shall issue information in writing or electronically concerning the organisation of the business management to shareholders and company creditors with a demonstrable interest warranting protection.
5Where management of the company’s business has not been delegated, it is the responsibility of all the members of the board of directors.
Art. 717591
IV. Duty of care and loyalty
1. In general
1 The members of the board of directors and third parties engaged in managing the company’s business must perform their duties with all due diligence and safeguard the interests of the company in good faith. 2 They must afford the shareholders equal treatment in like circumstances.
Art. 717a592
1 The members of the board of directors and the executive board shall inform the board of directors immediately and comprehensively of any conflicts of interest affecting them. 2The board of directors shall take the measures required to safeguard the company’s interests.
Art. 718593
V. Representation
1. In general
1 The board of directors shall represent the company externally. Unless the articles of association or the organisational regulations stipulate otherwise, every member shall have the authority to represent the company. 2 The board of directors may delegate the task of representation to one or more members (managing directors) or third parties (executive officers). 3 At least one member of the board of directors must be authorised to represent the company. 4The company must be able to be represented by one person who is resident in Switzerland. This person must be a member of the board of directors or an executive officer. They must have access to the share register and to the register under Article 697l, unless this register is kept by a financial intermediary.594 593 Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 594 Inserted by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names) (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969). Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 12 Dec. 2014 on the Implementation of the revised recommendations 2012 of the Financial Action Task Force, in force since 1 July 2015 (AS 20151389; BBl 2014605).
Art. 718a595
2. Scope and restriction
1 The persons with authority to represent the company may carry out any legal acts on behalf of the company that are consistent with the company’s objects. 2 Any restriction of such authority shall have no effect against bona fide third parties; any provisions governing exclusive representation of the principal place of business or a branch office or governing joint representation of the company that are entered in the commercial register are exceptions to this rule.
Art. 718b596
3. Contracts between the company and its representative
If the company is represented in the conclusion of a contract by the person with whom it is concluding the contract, the contract must be done in writing. This requirement does not apply to contracts relating to everyday business where the value of the company's goods or services does not exceed 1,000 francs. 596 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 719
The persons with authority to represent the company must sign by appending their signature to the business name of the company.
Art. 721600
5. Registered attorneys and commercial agents
The board of directors may appoint registered attorneys and other commercial agents.
Art. 722602
VI. Directors’ and officers’ liability
The company shall be liable for any loss or damage caused by unauthorised acts carried out in the exercise of its business activities by a person authorised to manage or represent the company.
Art. 725604
VII. Imminent insolvency, loss of capital and overindebtedness
1. Imminent Insolvency
1 The board of directors shall monitor the solvency of the company. 2 If the company is threatened with insolvency, the board of directors shall take measures to ensure its solvency. It shall take, where necessary, further measures to restructure the company or shall request the general meeting to approve such measures if they fall within the competence of the general meeting. It shall, if necessary, apply for a debt restructuring moratorium. 3 The board of directors shall act with the required urgency.
Art. 725a605
1 If the most recent annual accounts indicate that the assets less the liabilities no longer cover half of the sum of the share capital, the statutory capital reserve not to be repaid to the shareholders and the statutory retained earnings, the board of directors shall take measures to rectify the loss of capital. It shall take, where necessary, further measures to restructure the company or shall request the general meeting to approve such measures if they fall within the competence of the general meeting. 2 If the company does not have an external auditor, the most recent annual accounts must also undergo a limited audit by a licensed auditor before their approval by the general meeting. The board of directors shall appoint the licensed auditor.
3 The audit requirement in paragraph 2 does not apply if the board of directors applies for a debt restructuring moratorium. 4The board of directors and the external auditor or the licensed auditor shall act with the required urgency.
Art. 725b606
1 If there is justified concern that the company’s liabilities are no longer covered by its assets, the board of directors shall immediately prepare an interim account at going concern values and sale values. An interim account at sale values is not required if it is assumed that the company will continue to operate and the interim account at going concern values does not indicate overindebtedness. If it is assumed that the company will not continue to operate, an interim account at sale values is sufficient. 2 The board of directors shall have the interim accounts audited by the external auditor or if there is no external auditor, by a licensed auditor; it shall appoint the licensed auditor. 3 If the company is overindebted according to the two interim accounts, the board of directors shall notify the court. The court shall open bankruptcy proceedings or proceed in accordance with Article 173a of the Federal Act of 11 April 1889607 on Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy. 4 Notification of the court is not required: - 1.
- if the company’s creditors subordinate their claims to those of all other company creditors to the extent of the overindebtedness, provided the subordination of the amount due and the interest claims apply for the duration of the overindebtedness; or
- 2.
- provided there is a reasonable prospect that the overindebtedness can be remedied within a reasonable period, but no later than 90 days after submission of the audited interim accounts, and that the claims of the creditors are not additionally jeopardised.
5 If the company does not have an external auditor, the licensed auditor must comply with the reporting duties of the external auditor conducting a limited audit. 6 The board of directors and the external auditor or the licensed auditor shall act with the required urgency.
Art. 725c608
4. Revaluation of immovable property and participations
1 In order to remedy a loss of capital in accordance with Article 725a or overindebtedness in accordance with Article 725b, immovable property and participations whose true value has exceeded their acquisition or production costs may be revalued at a maximum of the true value. The amount of the revaluation shall be shown separately under the statutory retained earnings as the revaluation reserve. 2 Revaluation is permitted only if the external auditor or, if there is no external auditor, a licensed auditor confirms in writing that the statutory provisions have been complied with. 3 The revaluation reserve may only be dissolved by conversion into share or participation capital and by valuation adjustment or sale of the revalued assets.
Art. 726
VIII. Dismissal and suspension
1 The board of directors may dismiss committees, managing directors, executive officers, registered attorneys and other commercial agents that it has appointed at any time. 2 The registered attorneys and commercial agents appointed by the general meeting may be suspended from their duties at any time by the board of directors, providing a general meeting is convened immediately. 3 Claims for compensation by persons dismissed or suspended are reserved.