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Noise Abatement Ordinance

The Swiss Federal Council,

on the basis of Articles 5, 12 paragraph 2, 13 paragraph 1, 16 paragraph 2, 19, 21 paragraph 2, 23, 39 paragraph 1, 40 and 45 of the Federal Act of 7 October 19831 on the Protection of the Environment (the Act),


Chapter 1 General Provisions

Art. 1 Aim and scope

1 This Or­din­ance is in­ten­ded to pro­tect against harm­ful and dis­turb­ing noise.

2 It reg­u­lates:

the lim­it­a­tion of ex­ter­i­or noise emis­sions caused by the op­er­a­tion of new and ex­ist­ing in­stall­a­tions in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 7 of the Act;
the des­ig­na­tion and de­vel­op­ment of build­ing zones in areas ex­posed to noise;
the is­su­ing of plan­ning per­mis­sion for build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise and ly­ing in areas ex­posed to noise;
the sound­proof­ing against ex­ter­i­or and in­teri­or noise of new build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise;
the sound­proof­ing against ex­ter­i­or noise of ex­ist­ing build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise;
the de­term­in­a­tion of the ex­pos­ure to ex­ter­i­or noise and its rat­ing based on ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues.

3 It does not reg­u­late:

pro­tec­tion against noise ori­gin­at­ing from an in­dus­tri­al site as long as this only af­fects in­dus­tri­al build­ings and dwell­ings with­in the site;
pro­tec­tion against in­fra- and ul­tra­sound.


2 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 12 April 2000, with ef­fect from 1 May 2000 (AS 2000 1388).

Art. 2 Definitions

1 Sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions are build­ings, trans­port fa­cil­it­ies, build­ing fa­cil­it­ies and oth­er im­mob­ile equip­ment that gen­er­ate ex­ter­i­or noise dur­ing op­er­a­tion. These in­clude in par­tic­u­lar roads, rail­way in­stall­a­tions, aero­dromes, in­dus­tri­al, com­mer­cial and ag­ri­cul­tur­al in­stall­a­tions, fir­ing ranges and per­man­ent mil­it­ary fir­ing ranges and train­ing grounds.

2 New sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions also in­clude sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions and build­ings whose use has been com­pletely altered.

3 Emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures are tech­nic­al, struc­tur­al or func­tion­al modi­fic­a­tions to in­stall­a­tions, or meas­ures to re­dir­ect, re­strict or calm the flow of traffic, or struc­tur­al meas­ures along the emis­sion path. The pur­pose of the meas­ures is to pre­vent or re­duce the gen­er­a­tion or propaga­tion of ex­ter­i­or noise.

4 Im­prove­ments are emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures for ex­ist­ing sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions.

5 Ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues in­clude im­pact thresholds, plan­ning val­ues and alarm val­ues. These are set ac­cord­ing to the noise char­ac­ter­ist­ics, the time of day and the sens­it­iv­ity to noise of the build­ings and areas to be pro­tec­ted.

6 Rooms sens­it­ive to noise are:

rooms in dwell­ings with the ex­cep­tion of kit­chens without din­ing fa­cil­it­ies, wash­rooms and stor­e­rooms;
rooms in in­dus­tri­al build­ings that are reg­u­larly oc­cu­pied by per­sons for sus­tained peri­ods of time, with the ex­cep­tion of those for farm an­im­als and those with high levels of in­dus­tri­al noise.

Chapter 2 Vehicles, Mobile Appliances and Machines

Section 1 Emission Limitation Measures from Vehicles

Art. 3

1 Noise emit­ted from mo­tor­ised vehicles, air­craft, wa­ter craft and rail­ways must be re­duced as far as pos­sible by tech­nic­al and op­er­a­tion­al means, and to the ex­tent that this is eco­nom­ic­ally ac­cept­able.

2 Emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures are gov­erned by the le­gis­la­tion on road traffic, civil avi­ation, in­land nav­ig­a­tion or the rail­ways, provided the vehicle con­cerned is covered by one of these cat­egor­ies of le­gis­la­tion.

3 Emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures for oth­er vehicles is gov­erned by the pro­vi­sions on mo­bile ap­pli­ances and ma­chines.

Section 2 Emission Limitation Measures for Mobile Appliances and Machines

Art. 4 Principles

1 The emis­sions of ex­ter­i­or noise from mo­bile ap­pli­ances and ma­chines must be re­duced to the ex­tent that:

this is tech­nic­ally and op­er­a­tion­ally feas­ible and eco­nom­ic­ally ac­cept­able; and that
the well-be­ing of the af­fected pop­u­la­tion is not ser­i­ously im­paired.

2 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall or­der op­er­a­tion­al and struc­tur­al meas­ures, or those for prop­er main­ten­ance.

3 Where it is not pos­sible to avoid ex­pos­ure to highly dis­turb­ing noise due to the op­er­a­tion of mil­it­ary equip­ment, ma­chines and weapons, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall re­lax the re­quire­ments.

4 The emis­sions of ap­pli­ances and ma­chines that are used to op­er­ate a sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tion are lim­ited ac­cord­ing to the pro­vi­sions on sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions.

Art. 5 Conformity assessment and marking of equipment and machines 3

1 Equip­ment and ma­chines may be placed on the mar­ket only fol­low­ing a con­form­ity as­sess­ment and the ap­pro­pri­ate mark­ing.

2 The Fed­er­al De­part­ment of the En­vir­on­ment, Trans­port, En­ergy and Com­mu­nic­a­tions (DE­TEC) shall spe­cify:4

the types of equip­ment and ma­chines sub­ject to the con­form­ity as­sess­ment and mark­ing;
the re­quire­ments for pre­vent­ive emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures and mark­ing, tak­ing in­to ac­count in­ter­na­tion­ally re­cog­nised stand­ards;
the doc­u­ments to be sub­mit­ted for the pur­pose of the con­form­ity as­sess­ment;
the test, meas­ure­ment and cal­cu­la­tion pro­ced­ures;
the sub­sequent con­trols;
the re­cog­ni­tion of for­eign test res­ults and la­belling.

3 Amended by No I of the O of 23 Aug. 2006, in force since 1 Nov. 2006 (AS 2006 3693).

4 Amended by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Art. 6 Regulationson noise from building sites 5

The Fed­er­al Of­fice for the En­vir­on­ment (FOEN) shall is­sue reg­u­la­tions cov­er­ing struc­tur­al and op­er­a­tion­al meas­ures to con­trol noise from build­ing sites.

5 Amended by No I of the O of 29 Sept. 2023, in force since 1 Nov. 2023 (AS 2023582).

Chapter 3 New and Modified Stationary Installations

Art. 7 Emission limitation measures for new stationary installations

1 Noise emis­sions from new sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions shall be lim­ited as dir­ec­ted by the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies in­so­far as:

this is tech­nic­ally and op­er­a­tion­ally feas­ible and eco­nom­ic­ally ac­cept­able; and
the noise ex­pos­ure level res­ult­ing from the in­stall­a­tion alone does not ex­ceed the plan­ning val­ues.

2 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall re­lax the re­quire­ments in cases where com­pli­ance with the plan­ning val­ues would place a dis­pro­por­tion­ate bur­den on the in­stall­a­tion and there is an over­rid­ing pub­lic in­terest, par­tic­u­larly re­gard­ing ques­tions of spa­tial plan­ning. The im­pact thresholds must not, however, be ex­ceeded.6

3 In the case of new air-to-wa­ter heat pumps that are primar­ily used for space heat­ing or for heat­ing drink­ing wa­ter and whose noise emis­sions do not ex­ceed the plan­ning val­ues, fur­ther emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1 let­ter a shall only be taken if a lim­it­a­tion of emis­sions of at least 3 dB can be achieved with no more than one per cent of the in­vest­ment costs of the sys­tem.7

6Amended by No I of the O of 16 June 1997, in force since 1 Aug. 1997 (AS 1997 1588).

7 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 29 Sept. 2023, in force since 1 Nov. 2023 (AS 2023582).

Art. 8 Emission limitation measures for modified stationary installations

1 Where a sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tion that already ex­ists when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force is mod­i­fied, the noise emis­sions from the new or mod­i­fied parts of the in­stall­a­tion must be lim­ited as dir­ec­ted by the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies as far as this is tech­nic­ally and op­er­a­tion­ally feas­ible and eco­nom­ic­ally ac­cept­able.8

2 If the in­stall­a­tion is sig­ni­fic­antly mod­i­fied, the noise emis­sions from the in­stall­a­tion as a whole must be lim­ited at least to the ex­tent that the im­pact thresholds are not ex­ceeded.

3 Con­ver­sions, ex­ten­sions and op­er­a­tion­al changes car­ried out by the per­son re­spons­ible for the in­stall­a­tion con­sti­tute sig­ni­fic­ant modi­fic­a­tions to sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions if it is an­ti­cip­ated that the noise ex­pos­ure level will rise per­cept­ibly as a res­ult either of the in­stall­a­tion it­self or of the in­creased de­mand on ex­ist­ing trans­port fa­cil­it­ies. The re­build­ing of an in­stall­a­tion con­sti­tutes a sig­ni­fic­ant modi­fic­a­tion ir­re­spect­ive of the cir­cum­stances.

4 If a new sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tion is mod­i­fied, Art­icle 7 ap­plies.9

8 Amended by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

9Amended by No I of the O of 16 June 1997, in force since 1 Aug. 1997 (AS 1997 1588).

Art. 9 Increased demand on transport facilities

The op­er­a­tion of new or sig­ni­fic­antly mod­i­fied sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions must not lead to a situ­ation in which:

ow­ing to the in­creased de­mand made on a trans­port fa­cil­ity, the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded; or
ow­ing to the in­creased de­mand made on a trans­port fa­cil­ity in need of re­medi­ation, the noise ex­pos­ure level rises per­cept­ibly.

Art. 10 Soundproofing measures in existing buildings

1 If the re­quire­ments spe­cified in Art­icles 7 para­graph 2 and 8 para­graph 2 or in Art­icle 9 are not ful­filled by new or sig­ni­fic­antly mod­i­fied pub­lic or li­censed sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall re­quire the own­ers of ex­ist­ing build­ings ex­posed to noise to sound­proof the win­dows of rooms sens­it­ive to noise in ac­cord­ance with An­nex 1.

2 With the ap­prov­al of the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies, build­ing own­ers may carry out oth­er struc­tur­al sound­proof­ing meas­ures provided these re­duce the noise with­in the rooms to the same ex­tent.

3 Sound­proof­ing meas­ures need not be taken if:

no per­cept­ible re­duc­tion of the noise level in the build­ing is to be ex­pec­ted;
they con­flict with the over­rid­ing in­terest of pre­serving loc­al char­ac­ter or monu­ments;
the build­ing is due to be de­mol­ished with­in three years of put­ting the new or mod­i­fied in­stall­a­tion in­to ser­vice, or the rooms con­cerned will be con­ver­ted to pur­poses not sens­it­ive to noise with­in this peri­od.

Art. 11 Costs

1 The per­son re­spons­ible for the new or sig­ni­fic­antly mod­i­fied in­stall­a­tion bears the costs of lim­it­ing the emis­sion it causes.

2 If the build­ing own­er is re­quired to take sound­proof­ing meas­ures ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 10 para­graph 1, the per­son re­spons­ible for the in­stall­a­tion also bears the cus­tom­ary loc­al costs proven to be due for:

en­gin­eer­ing and su­per­vi­sion of works;
sound­proof­ing of the win­dows in ac­cord­ance with An­nex 1 and the res­ult­ing ne­ces­sary ad­apt­a­tions;
the fin­an­cing if the per­son re­spons­ible has failed to con­trib­ute des­pite be­ing re­ques­ted to do so by the build­ing own­er;
any fees due.

3 If the build­ing own­er is re­quired to take sound­proof­ing meas­ures ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 10 para­graph 2, the per­son re­spons­ible for the in­stall­a­tion bears the cus­tom­ary loc­al costs proven to be due in­so­far as these do not ex­ceed those un­der para­graph 2. The build­ing own­er bears the re­main­ing costs.

4 Where the need for emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures or sound­proof­ing meas­ures arises as a res­ult of noise from sev­er­al in­stall­a­tions, the costs are di­vided among the in­stall­a­tions in pro­por­tion to their con­tri­bu­tion to the noise ex­pos­ure level.

5 The build­ing own­er bears the costs for main­ten­ance and re­new­al of the sound­proof­ing meas­ures.

Art. 12 Inspection

The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall in­spect the new or mod­i­fied in­stall­a­tion with­in one year of its be­ing put in­to ser­vice to check wheth­er the emis­sion lim­it­a­tion and sound­proof­ing meas­ures ordered have been taken. In the event of any doubt, they carry out tests to as­sess the ef­fect­ive­ness of the meas­ures.

Chapter 4 Existing Stationary Installations

Section 1 Improvements and Soundproofing Measures

Art. 13 Improvements

1 In the case of sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions that con­trib­ute sig­ni­fic­antly to the im­pact thresholds be­ing ex­ceeded, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall or­der the ne­ces­sary im­prove­ment meas­ures, after hear­ing the per­sons re­spons­ible for the in­stall­a­tions.

2 The in­stall­a­tions shall be im­proved to the ex­tent that:

is tech­nic­ally and op­er­a­tion­ally feas­ible and eco­nom­ic­ally ac­cept­able; and
the im­pact thresholds are no longer ex­ceeded.

3 Un­less there are over­rid­ing in­terests, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies give pri­or­ity to meas­ures which pre­vent or re­duce noise gen­er­a­tion in pref­er­ence to those which simply pre­vent or re­duce noise propaga­tion.

4 Im­prove­ments need not be car­ried out if:

the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded only in build­ing zones that have not yet been de­veloped;
due to the can­ton­al build­ing and plan­ning le­gis­la­tion, plan­ning, design or struc­tur­al meas­ures taken at the site ex­posed to the noise will sat­is­fy the im­pact thresholds be­fore the time lim­it spe­cified in Art­icle 17.

Art. 14 Relaxation of the requirements for improvements

1 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall re­lax the re­quire­ments in cases where:

im­prove­ments would res­ult in un­reas­on­able op­er­a­tion­al lim­it­a­tions or costs;
over­rid­ing in­terests, namely those of the pre­ser­va­tion of loc­al char­ac­ter, nature and land­scape pro­tec­tion, traffic and op­er­a­tion­al safety, or na­tion­al se­cur­ity, con­flict with the im­prove­ment ob­ject­ive.

2 Un­li­censed private in­stall­a­tions must not, however, ex­ceed the alarm val­ues.

Art. 15 Soundproofing measures for existing buildings

1 If, as a res­ult of re­lax­ing the re­quire­ments, the alarm val­ues for pub­lic or li­censed sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions can­not be com­plied with, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall re­quire the own­ers of ex­ist­ing build­ings ex­posed to noise to sound­proof the win­dows of rooms sens­it­ive to noise in ac­cord­ance with An­nex 1.

2 With the ap­prov­al of the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies, build­ing own­ers may take oth­er sound­proof­ing meas­ures in the build­ing provided these re­duce the noise with­in the rooms to the same ex­tent.

3 Sound­proof­ing meas­ures need not be taken if:

no per­cept­ible re­duc­tion of noise in the build­ing is to be ex­pec­ted;
they con­flict with the over­rid­ing in­terest of pre­serving loc­al char­ac­ter or monu­ments;
the build­ing is due to be de­mol­ished with­in three years of the sound­proof­ing meas­ures be­ing ordered, or the rooms will be con­ver­ted to pur­poses not sens­it­ive to noise with­in this peri­od.

Art. 16 Costs

1 The per­son re­spons­ible for the in­stall­a­tion bears the costs of its im­prove­ment.

2 The per­son re­spons­ible for a pub­lic or li­censed in­stall­a­tion also bears the costs of sound­proof­ing meas­ures for ex­ist­ing build­ings un­der Art­icle 11, un­less an ex­emp­tion has been gran­ted un­der Art­icle 20 para­graph 2 of the Act.

3 Where im­prove­ments or sound­proof­ing meas­ures are re­quired as a res­ult of noise from sev­er­al in­stall­a­tions, the costs are di­vided among the in­stall­a­tions in pro­por­tion to their con­tri­bu­tion to the noise ex­pos­ure level.

4 The build­ing own­er bears the costs of main­ten­ance and re­new­al of the sound­proof­ing meas­ures.

Art. 17 Time limits

1 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies set the time lim­its for im­ple­ment­ing im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures ac­cord­ing to their ur­gency.

2 In as­sess­ing ur­gency, the fol­low­ing factors are de­cis­ive:

the ex­tent to which the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded;
the num­ber of per­sons af­fected by the noise;
the cost-be­ne­fit re­la­tion­ship.

3 The im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures must be com­pleted with­in 15 years of this Or­din­ance com­ing in­to force.

4 The time lim­it (para. 3) for im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures on roads are ex­ten­ded:

for na­tion­al roads un­til 31 March 2015;
for trunk roads ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 12 of the Fed­er­al Act of 22 March 198510 on the Ap­plic­a­tion of the Ear­marked Min­er­al Oil Tax (MinOA), and for oth­er roads un­til 31 March 201811.

5 The time lim­its spe­cified in the Fed­er­al Act of 24 March 200012 on Rail­ways Noise Abate­ment ap­ply to the com­ple­tion of im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures on rail­way in­stall­a­tions.13

6 The im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures must be com­pleted:

at mil­it­ary aero­dromes by 31 Ju­ly 2020;
at civil aero­dromes that are used by heavy air­craft by 31 May 2016;
at civil shoot­ing ranges that re­quire com­puls­ory im­prove­ments as a res­ult of the Amend­ment of 23 Au­gust 200614 of An­nex 7: by 1 Novem­ber 2016;
at mil­it­ary fir­ing ranges and train­ing grounds: by 31 Ju­ly 2025.15

10 SR 725.116.2

11 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

12 SR 742.144

13 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

14 AS 2006 3693

15 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 23 Aug. 2006 (AS 20063693). Amended by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Art. 18 Inspection

With­in one year of com­ple­tion, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall in­spect the im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures to check com­pli­ance with the meas­ures ordered. In case of doubt, they carry out tests to as­sess the ef­fect­ive­ness of the meas­ures.

Art. 1916

16 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, with ef­fect from 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

Art. 20 Periodical surveys 17

1 The FOEN18 shall en­quire reg­u­larly of the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies as to the status of the im­prove­ments and the noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures, in par­tic­u­lar con­cern­ing roads, rail­way in­stall­a­tions, aero­dromes, shoot­ing ranges and mil­it­ary shoot­ing ranges and train­ing areas.

2 For roads, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies must provide the fol­low­ing doc­u­ments in par­tic­u­lar by 31 March each year:

a sum­mary of:
the roads or sec­tions of road re­quir­ing im­prove­ments,
the time frame with­in which these roads and sec­tions of road will be im­proved,
the total costs of these im­prove­ments and noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures, and
the num­ber of per­sons ex­posed to noise levels above the im­pact thresholds and alarm val­ues;
a re­port on:
the im­prove­ments made to roads and sec­tions of road, and the sound­proof­ing meas­ures im­ple­men­ted in the pre­vi­ous year, and
the ef­fect­ive­ness and the costs of these im­prove­ments and noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures.

3 For na­tion­al roads, it shall ob­tain the in­form­a­tion un­der Para­graph 2 from the Fed­er­al Roads Of­fice. For trunk roads and oth­er roads it shall ob­tain this in­form­a­tion from the can­tons. The in­form­a­tion must be sub­mit­ted in ac­cord­ance with the re­quire­ments of the FOEN.

4 The FOEN shall as­sess the in­form­a­tion in par­tic­u­lar in re­la­tion to the pro­gress made with im­prove­ments and the costs and ef­fect­ive­ness of the meas­ures. It shall in­form the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies of the res­ults and pub­lishes them.

17 Amended by No I 14 of the O of 7 Nov. 2007 on the New Sys­tem of Fisc­al Equal­isa­tion and Di­vi­sion of Tasks between the Con­fed­er­a­tion and the Can­tons, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 5823).

18 Name in ac­cord­ance with No I of the O of 29 Sept. 2023, in force since 1 Nov. 2023 (AS 2023582). This amend­ment has been made throughout the text.

Section 2 Federal Subsidies for Improvements and Soundproofing Measures on Existing Trunk Roads and Other Roads19

19 Amended by No I 14 of the O of 7 Nov. 2007 on the New System of Fiscal Equalisation and Division of Tasks between the Confederation and the Cantons, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 5823).

Art. 21 Eligibility for subsidies

1 The Con­fed­er­a­tion shall grant sub­sidies for im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures on ex­ist­ing in­fra­struc­ture for:20

trunk roads ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 12 MinOA21;
oth­er roads.

2 The sub­sidies gran­ted un­der para­graph 1 let­ter a form part of the glob­al pay­ments ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 13 MinOA. The pay­ments un­der para­graph 1 let­ter b are gran­ted glob­ally for the road sec­tions defined with the can­tons in pro­gramme agree­ments.

3 ...22

20 Amended by No I of the O of 21 Feb. 2018, in force since 1 April 2018 (AS 2018 965).

21 SR 725.116.2

22 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 21 Feb. 2018 (AS 2018 965). Re­pealed by No I of the O of 12 May 2021, with ef­fect from 1 Ju­ly 2021 (AS 2021 293).

Art. 22 Application

1 The can­ton sub­mits the ap­plic­a­tion for sub­sidies for im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures for roads ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 21 para­graph 1 let­ter b to the FOEN.

2 The ap­plic­a­tion must in par­tic­u­lar con­tain in­form­a­tion on:

the roads or road sec­tions to be im­proved dur­ing the peri­od covered by the pro­gramme agree­ment;
the im­prove­ments and sound­proof­ing meas­ures planned and their cost;
the ef­fi­ciency of the meas­ures.

Art. 23 Programme agreement

1 The FOEN con­cludes the pro­gramme agree­ment with the can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible.

2 The pro­gramme agree­ment cov­ers in par­tic­u­lar:

the roads or road sec­tions to be im­proved;
the amount paid by the Con­fed­er­a­tion;
the con­trol pro­ced­ures.

3 The pro­gramme agree­ment ap­plies for four years; in jus­ti­fied cases a longer or short­er peri­od may be agreed.23

4 The FOEN is­sues dir­ect­ives on the pro­ced­ure fol­lowed for pro­gramme agree­ments and on the in­form­a­tion and doc­u­ment­a­tion re­lat­ing to the sub­jects of the pro­gramme agree­ment.

23 Amended by No I of the O of 21 Feb. 2018, in force since 1 April 2018 (AS 2018 965).

Art. 24 Determination of the subsidy

1 The amount of the sub­sidy for im­prove­ments is de­term­ined by:

the num­ber of people who are pro­tec­ted by these meas­ures; and
the re­duc­tion in noise pol­lu­tion.

2 For sound­proof­ing meas­ures on ex­ist­ing build­ings, CHF 400 is al­loc­ated per sound­proof win­dow or oth­er equally ef­fect­ive struc­tur­al noise pro­tec­tion meas­ure.

3 The amount of the sub­sidy is ne­go­ti­ated between the Con­fed­er­a­tion and the can­ton.

Art. 24a and 24b


Art. 25 Payment

Glob­al sub­sidies are paid out in in­stal­ments.

Art. 26 Reports and controls

1 The can­ton shall re­port an­nu­ally to the com­pet­ent Fed­er­al Of­fice on the use of the sub­sidies.

2 The FOEN shall veri­fy by ran­dom sample:

im­ple­ment­a­tion of in­di­vidu­al meas­ures in ac­cord­ance with the pro­gramme goals;
use of the pay­ments made.

Art. 27 Inadequate fulfilment and misuse of subsidies

1 The FOEN shall with­hold all or part of the in­stal­ment pay­ments dur­ing the pro­gramme if the can­ton:

fails to ful­fil its re­port­ing duty (Art. 26 para. 1);
fails to meet its ob­lig­a­tions to a sub­stan­tial ex­tent through its own fault.

2 If on con­clu­sion of the pro­gramme it emerges that the can­ton has failed to meet its ob­lig­a­tions, the com­pet­ent Fed­er­al Of­fice shall re­quire the can­ton to rec­ti­fy the situ­ation; it shall set the Can­ton an ap­pro­pri­ate dead­line for do­ing so.

3 If in­stall­a­tions for which sub­sidies have been made are used for a pur­pose oth­er than that in­ten­ded, the FOEN may re­quire the can­ton to cease or make good the mis­use with­in a reas­on­able peri­od.

4 If the de­fects are not rec­ti­fied or the mis­use does not stop or is not remedied, the sub­sidies may be re­claimed in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 28 and 29 of the Sub­sidies Act of 5 Oc­to­ber 199024.

Art. 28


Chapter 5 Requirements for Building Zones and Planning Permission in Areas exposed to Noise

Art. 29 Designation of new building zones and new zones with higher noise abatement requirements

1 New build­ing zones for build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise and new no-build zones with high­er noise abate­ment re­quire­ments shall be des­ig­nated only in areas in which noise ex­pos­ure does not ex­ceed the plan­ning val­ues or in which these val­ues can be com­plied with by plan­ning, design or struc­tur­al meas­ures.


25 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 16 June 1997, with ef­fect from 1 Aug. 1997 (AS 1997 1588).

Art. 30 Development of building zones 26

Build­ing zones for build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise that have not yet been de­veloped when the Act comes in­to force may only be de­veloped to the ex­tent that the plan­ning val­ues are com­plied with or can be com­plied with by a change in the type of use, or by plan­ning, design or struc­tur­al meas­ures. The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies may grant ex­cep­tions for small sec­tions of build­ing zones.

26 Amended by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 20103223).

Art. 31 Planning permission in areas subject to noise

1 If the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded, new build­ings and sig­ni­fic­ant modi­fic­a­tions to build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise may only be au­thor­ised if the val­ues can be com­plied with:

by loc­at­ing the rooms sens­it­ive to noise on the side of the build­ing away from the source of the noise; or
by struc­tur­al or design meas­ures which shield the build­ing against noise.27

2 If the im­pact thresholds can­not be com­plied with by meas­ures un­der para­graph 1, plan­ning per­mis­sion may be gran­ted only if there is an over­rid­ing in­terest in con­struct­ing the build­ing and the can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies agree.

3 The landown­ers bear the costs of the meas­ures.

27 Amended by No I of the O of 16 June 1997, in force since 1 Aug. 1997 (AS 1997 1588).

Art. 31a Special provisions for airports used by large aircraft 28

1 In the case of air­ports that are used by large air­craft, the plan­ning val­ues and im­pact thresholds un­der An­nex 5 num­ber 222 are com­plied with at night if:

no flight op­er­a­tions are planned between 24 and 06 hours;
rooms sens­it­ive to noise are pro­tec­ted against ex­ter­i­or and in­teri­or noise as a min­im­um in ac­cord­ance with the in­creased re­quire­ments for sound­proof­ing un­der SIA Stand­ard 181 of 1 June 200629 of the Swiss So­ci­ety of En­gin­eers and Ar­chi­tects; and
the bed­rooms:
have a win­dow that closes auto­mat­ic­ally between 22 and 24 hours and can be opened auto­mat­ic­ally at oth­er times, and
are de­signed to guar­an­tee an ap­pro­pri­ate in­door cli­mate.

2 When des­ig­nat­ing or de­vel­op­ing build­ing zones, the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity shall en­sure that the re­quire­ments set out in para­graph 1 let­ters b and c are made bind­ing on prop­erty own­ers.

3 The FOEN may is­sue re­com­mend­a­tions on the en­force­ment of para­graph 1 let­ter c. In do­ing so, it shall take ac­count of the rel­ev­ant tech­nic­al stand­ards.

28 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 28 Nov. 2014, in force since 2 Feb. 2015 (AS 2014 4501).

29 The said stand­ard may be in­spec­ted free of charge at the Swiss So­ci­ety of En­gin­eers and Ar­chi­tects (SIA), Sel­naus­trasse 16, 8027Zurich, or ob­tained for a free from www.sia.ch.

Chapter 6 Soundproofing of New Buildings

Art. 32 Requirements

1 The pro­ject own­er of a new build­ing shall en­sure that the sound­proof­ing of the ex­tern­al build­ing ele­ments and par­ti­tions of rooms sens­it­ive to noise, and of the stairs and build­ing fa­cil­it­ies com­plies with re­cog­nised codes of build­ing prac­tice. These are in par­tic­u­lar, for noise from civil aero­dromes that are used by heavy air­craft, the stricter re­quire­ments, and for noise from oth­er sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions, the min­im­um re­quire­ments, of SIA Stand­ard No 181 of the Swiss So­ci­ety of En­gin­eers and Ar­chi­tects.30

2 If the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded but the re­quire­ments of Art­icle 31 para­graph 2 for grant­ing plan­ning per­mis­sion are ful­filled, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall im­pose stricter re­quire­ments for the sound­proof­ing of the ex­tern­al build­ing ele­ments ap­pro­pri­ately.

3 The re­quire­ments also ap­ply to the ex­tern­al build­ing ele­ments, par­ti­tions, stair­ways and build­ing fa­cil­it­ies that are con­ver­ted, re­placed or newly in­stalled. On re­quest, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies grant re­lief if com­pli­ance with the re­quire­ments would in­volve un­reas­on­able cost.

30 Sen­tence amended by No I of the O of 12 April 2000, in force since 1 May 2000 (AS 20001388).

Art. 33 External building elements, partitions and building facilities

1 Ex­tern­al build­ing ele­ments form the ex­tern­al bound­ary of a room (e.g. win­dows, ex­tern­al doors, ex­tern­al walls, roofs).

2 Par­ti­tions (e.g. in­tern­al walls, ceil­ings, doors) serve to sep­ar­ate in­di­vidu­al units, such as dwell­ings, with­in the build­ing.

3 Build­ing fa­cil­it­ies are fixed in­stall­a­tions such as heat­ing, vent­il­a­tion, sup­ply and dis­pos­al sys­tems, lifts and wash­ing ma­chines.

Art. 34 Application for planning permission

1 The pro­ject own­er must spe­cify in the ap­plic­a­tion:

the ex­ter­i­or noise pol­lu­tion in the event that the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded;
the use to which the rooms are put;
the ex­tern­al build­ing ele­ments and par­ti­tions of rooms sens­it­ive to noise.

2 For build­ing pro­jects in areas in which the im­pact thresholds are ex­ceeded, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies may de­mand de­tails of the sound­proof­ing of the ex­tern­al build­ing ele­ments.

Art. 35 Inspections

After build­ing works are com­pleted, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall make ran­dom checks to veri­fy wheth­er the sound­proof­ing meas­ures com­ply with the re­quire­ments. In the event of any doubt, they must carry out a more de­tailed in­spec­tion.

Chapter 7 Investigation, Assessment and Control of Exposure to Exterior Noise due to Stationary Installations 31

31 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

Section 1 Investigation

Art. 36 Obligation to investigate 32

1 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall in­vest­ig­ate the ex­pos­ure to ex­ter­i­or noise due to sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions, or or­der its in­vest­ig­a­tion if they have grounds to be­lieve that the rel­ev­ant ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues are be­ing ex­ceeded or that this is to be ex­pec­ted.

2 They shall take ac­count of in­creases and re­duc­tions in noise ex­pos­ure levels that are to be ex­pec­ted due to:

the con­struc­tion, al­ter­a­tion or im­prove­ment of sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions, in par­tic­u­lar if the pro­jects in ques­tion have already been ap­proved or made avail­able for pub­lic in­spec­tion at the time of the in­vest­ig­a­tion; and
the con­struc­tion, al­ter­a­tion or de­moli­tion of oth­er struc­tures if the pro­jects have been made avail­able for pub­lic in­spec­tion at the time of the in­vest­ig­a­tion.


32 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

33 Re­pealed by Art. 15 of the O of 4 Dec. 2015 on Rail­way Noise Abate­ment Meas­ures, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 5691).

Art. 37 Noise pollution register 34

1 In the case of roads, rail­way in­stall­a­tions, aero­dromes and mil­it­ary fir­ing ranges and train­ing grounds, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall re­cord in spe­cif­ic re­gisters (noise pol­lu­tion re­gisters) the noise ex­pos­ure levels meas­ured in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 36.35

2 The noise pol­lu­tion re­gisters spe­cify:

the noise pol­lu­tion meas­ured;
the cal­cu­la­tion pro­ced­ure used;
the in­put data for the cal­cu­la­tion;
the clas­si­fic­a­tion of the areas ex­posed to noise in the land use plan;
the sens­it­iv­ity levels ap­plic­able;
the in­stall­a­tions and their own­ers;
the num­ber of per­sons who are af­fected by noise ex­pos­ure levels above the ap­plic­able ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues.

3 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies are re­spons­ible for the su­per­vi­sion and re­vi­sion of the re­gisters.

4 On re­quest, they sub­mit the noise pol­lu­tion re­gisters to the FOEN. The Of­fice may is­sue re­com­mend­a­tions on the stand­ard­ised re­cord­ing and present­a­tion of the data.

5 The Fed­er­al Of­fice for Civil Avi­ation is re­spons­ible for meas­ure­ment of noise ex­pos­ure levels pro­duced by Basel Mul­house Air­port on Swiss ter­rit­ory.

6 Any per­son may have ac­cess to the noise pol­lu­tion re­gister provided that con­fid­en­ti­al­ity with re­spect to man­u­fac­tur­ing and busi­ness secrets is en­sured, and no con­flict with oth­er in­terests that over­ride ex­ists.

34 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

35 Amended by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 20103223).

Art. 37a Determination and control of noise exposure levels 36

1 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies state the per­mit­ted noise ex­pos­ure level in their de­cision on the con­struc­tion, al­ter­a­tion or im­prove­ment of an in­stall­a­tion.

2 If it is es­tab­lished or an­ti­cip­ated that the noise ex­pos­ure levels due to an in­stall­a­tion will de­vi­ate sig­ni­fic­antly and per­man­ently from those quoted in the de­cision, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall take the ne­ces­sary meas­ures.

3 The FOEN may is­sue re­com­mend­a­tions on the stand­ard­ised re­cord­ing and present­a­tion of the noise ex­pos­ure levels in these de­cisions.

36 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 12 April 2000 (AS 20001388). Amended by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 4167).

Art. 38 Method of determination

1 Noise ex­pos­ure levels are de­term­ined in the form of a rat­ing sound level, Lr, or a max­im­um sound level, Lmax, on the basis of cal­cu­la­tions or meas­ure­ments.37

2 Noise ex­pos­ure levels due to air­craft shall prin­cip­ally be de­term­ined by cal­cu­la­tion. The cal­cu­la­tions are car­ried out us­ing re­cog­nised state-of-the-art meth­ods. The FOEN shall re­com­mend suit­able cal­cu­la­tion pro­ced­ures.38

3 The re­quire­ments for cal­cu­la­tion pro­ced­ures and meas­ur­ing in­stru­ments are giv­en in An­nex 2.39

37 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004, in force since 1 Oct. 2004 (AS 2004 41674313).

38 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 12 April 2000, in force since 1 May 2000 (AS 20001388).

39 Ori­gin­ally para. 2.

Art. 39 Point of determination

1 For build­ings, noise ex­pos­ure levels shall be de­term­ined at the centre of open win­dows in rooms sens­it­ive to noise. Noise ex­pos­ure levels due to air­craft may also be de­term­ined in the vi­cin­ity of the build­ing.40

2 In the non-de­veloped sec­tor of zones with high­er noise abate­ment re­quire­ments, noise ex­pos­ure levels shall be meas­ured 1.5 m above the ground.

3 In build­ing zones that have not yet been de­veloped, noise ex­pos­ure levels shall be meas­ured at points where the build­ing and plan­ning le­gis­la­tion al­lows the build­ing of rooms sens­it­ive to noise.

40 The cor­rec­tion of 7 May 2019 con­cerns the French text only (AS 2019 1337).

Section 2 Rating

Art. 40 Exposure limit values

1 The en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall rate the ex­pos­ure to ex­ter­i­or noise due to sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions on the basis of the ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues spe­cified in An­nexes 3 ff.

2 The ex­pos­ure lim­it value, it is also con­sidered ex­ceeded if it is less than the sum of the levels of ex­pos­ure to sim­il­ar types of noise gen­er­ated by sev­er­al in­stall­a­tions. This does not ap­ply to the plan­ning val­ues for new sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions (Art. 7 para. 1).

3 In the ab­sence of ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues, the en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall rate the noise ex­pos­ure levels in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 15 of the Act. They shall also take ac­count of Art­icles 19 and 23 of the Act.

Art. 41 Validity of the exposure limit values

1 The ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues ap­ply to build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise.

2 They also ap­ply:

in yet un­developed build­ing zones in areas where the con­struc­tion of build­ings with rooms sens­it­ive to noise is al­lowed un­der the build­ing and plan­ning le­gis­la­tion;
in the non-de­veloped areas of zones with high­er noise abate­ment re­quire­ments.

3 For areas and build­ings in which, as a rule, people are present either only dur­ing the day or only at night, no ex­pos­ure lim­it val­ues ap­ply at night or dur­ing the day.

Art. 42 Special exposure limit values for rooms in industrial buildings

1 For rooms in in­dus­tri­al build­ings (Art. 2 para. 6 let. b) ly­ing in areas of sens­it­iv­ity levels I, II or III, the plan­ning and im­pact thresholds shall be in­creased by 5 dB(A).

2 Para­graph 1 does not ap­ply to rooms in schools, in­sti­tu­tions and homes. It ap­plies to ho­tels and gues­t­houses only if these can be ad­equately vent­il­ated when the win­dows are closed.

Art. 43 Sensitivity levels

1 In land use zones ac­cord­ing to Art­icles 14 ff. of the Spa­tial Plan­ning Act of 22 June 197941, the fol­low­ing sens­it­iv­ity levels ap­ply:

sens­it­iv­ity level I in zones with high­er noise abate­ment re­quire­ments, not­ably in leis­ure zones;
sens­it­iv­ity level II in zones in which op­er­a­tions that emit noise are not per­mit­ted, not­ably in res­id­en­tial zones and zones for pub­lic build­ings and in­stall­a­tions;
sens­it­iv­ity level III in zones in which op­er­a­tions emit­ting a cer­tain level of noise are per­mit­ted, not­ably in res­id­en­tial and in­dus­tri­al zones (mixed zones) and ag­ri­cul­tur­al zones;
sens­it­iv­ity level IV in zones in which op­er­a­tions emit­ting a high level of noise are per­mit­ted, not­ably in in­dus­tri­al zones.

2 Parts of land use zones rated as sens­it­iv­ity levels I or II may be as­signed the next high­er level if they are already ex­posed to noise.

Art. 44 Procedures

1 The can­tons shall en­sure that sens­it­iv­ity levels are as­signed to the land use zones in the build­ing reg­u­la­tions or land use plans of the com­munes.

2 The sens­it­iv­ity levels are as­signed at the time of des­ig­na­tion or modi­fic­a­tion of the land use zones, or at the time of modi­fic­a­tion of the build­ing reg­u­la­tions.42

3 Pri­or to as­sign­ment, the can­tons shall de­term­ine the sens­it­iv­ity levels on a case by case basis in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 43.


42 Amended by No IV 31 of the O of 22 Aug. 2007 on the Form­al Re­vi­sion of Fed­er­al Le­gis­la­tion, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 20074477).

43Re­pealed by No 1 of the O of 27 June 1995, with ef­fect from 1 Aug. 1995 (AS 1995 3694).

Chapter 8 Final Provisions

Section 1 Enforcement

Art. 45 Responsibilities of the Confederation and the cantons 4445

1 The can­tons shall en­force this Or­din­ance un­less it del­eg­ates en­force­ment to the Con­fed­er­a­tion.

2 If the fed­er­al au­thor­it­ies ap­ply oth­er fed­er­al laws or in­ter­na­tion­al treat­ies or de­cisions that re­late to the sub­ject mat­ter of this Or­din­ance, they shall also en­force this Or­din­ance. The co­oper­a­tion of the FOEN and the can­tons is gov­erned by Art­icle 41 para­graphs 2 and 4 of the Act; stat­utory du­ties of secrecy are re­served.

3 The fol­low­ing au­thor­it­ies are re­spons­ible for en­for­cing the pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures (Art. 4, 7–9 and 12), im­prove­ments (Art. 13, 14, 16–18 and 20) and the de­term­in­a­tion and con­trol of noise ex­pos­ure levels (Art. 36, 37, 37a and 40):

for rail­way in­stall­a­tions:
DE­TEC, where the pro­vi­sions re­late to ma­jor rail­way pro­jects un­der the An­nex to the Rail­ways Act of 20 Decem­ber 195746 and are im­ple­men­ted by means of a plan­ning ap­prov­al pro­ced­ure,
in oth­er cases, the Fed­er­al Of­fice of Trans­port;
for civil aero­dromes:
DE­TEC, where the pro­vi­sions re­late to build­ings and in­stall­a­tions un­der Art­icle 37 of the Air Nav­ig­a­tion Act of 21 Decem­ber 194847 that are used for op­er­a­tion of an aero­drome and are im­ple­men­ted by means of a plan­ning ap­prov­al pro­ced­ure,
in oth­er cases, the Fed­er­al Of­fice of Civil Avi­ation;
for na­tion­al roads:
DE­TEC, where the pro­vi­sions are im­ple­men­ted by means of a plan­ning ap­prov­al pro­ced­ure,
in oth­er cases the Fed­er­al Roads Of­fice;
for na­tion­al de­fence in­stall­a­tions: the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of De­fence, Civil Pro­tec­tion and Sport;
for elec­tric­al in­stall­a­tions:
the Swiss Fed­er­al Of­fice of En­ergy in cases where the Fed­er­al In­spect­or­ate for Heavy Cur­rent In­stall­a­tions (ESTI) has been un­able to deal with ob­jec­tions from or re­solve dis­putes with the Fed­er­al au­thor­it­ies con­cerned, in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 16 para­graph 2 let­ter b of the Elec­tri­city Act of 24 June 190248,
in oth­er cases the ESTI;
for cable rail­way in­stall­a­tions ac­cord­ing to Art­icle 2 of the Cable Rail­ways Act of 23 June 200649: the Fed­er­al Of­fice of Trans­port50.

4 In cases where the re­spons­ib­il­ity for or­der­ing emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures and im­prove­ments lies with the fed­er­al au­thor­it­ies, but that for noise pro­tec­tion lies with the can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies, the two au­thor­it­ies shall co­ordin­ate the ne­ces­sary meas­ures.

5 For na­tion­al roads, DE­TEC is also re­spons­ible for en­for­cing the pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing sound­proof­ing meas­ures (Art. 10 and 15). It co­ordin­ates the en­force­ment of these pro­vi­sions with the sound­proof­ing meas­ures that are ar­ranged by the can­tons.51

44 Amended by No II 14 of the O of 2 Feb. 2000 to the Fed­er­al Act on the Co­ordin­a­tion and Sim­pli­fic­a­tion of De­cision-mak­ing Pro­ced­ures, in force since 1 March 2000 (AS 2000 703).

45 In­ser­ted by An­nex 2 No 9 of the O of 21 May 2008 on Geoin­form­a­tion, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2008 (AS 2008 2809).

46 SR 742.101

47 SR 748.0

48 SR 734.0

49 SR 743.01

50 Amended by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

51 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Art. 45a National noise pollution survey 52

The FOEN shall con­duct a na­tion­al sur­vey of noise pol­lu­tion. It shall pub­lish a geo-ref­er­enced present­a­tion of the noise pol­lu­tion in par­tic­u­lar for road, rail­way and air­craft noise and for noise from mil­it­ary fir­ing ranges and train­ing grounds. It shall up­dates this present­a­tion at least every five years.

52 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Art. 46 Geoinformation 53

The FOEN shall provide spe­cific­a­tions for the min­im­al geodata mod­els and present­a­tion mod­els for of­fi­cial geodata un­der this Or­din­ance, for which it is des­ig­nated as the fed­er­al spe­cial­ist au­thor­ity in An­nex 1 to the Geoin­form­a­tion Or­din­ance of 21 May 200854.

53 Amended by An­nex 2 No 9 of the O of 21 May 2008 on Geoin­form­a­tion, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2008 (AS 2008 2809).

54 SR 510.620

Section 2 Transitional Provisions

Art. 47 Stationary installations and buildings 55

1 Sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions are deemed to be new sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions if the de­cision au­thor­ising the start of build­ing work has not yet taken full leg­al ef­fect when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force.

2 For sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions that are to be mod­i­fied, Art­icles 8-12 ap­ply only if the de­cision au­thor­ising the modi­fic­a­tion has not yet taken full leg­al ef­fect when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force.

3 Build­ings are deemed to be new build­ings if plan­ning per­mis­sion has not yet taken full leg­al ef­fect when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force.

4 For build­ings that must be mod­i­fied, Art­icles 31 and 32 para­graph 3 ap­ply only if plan­ning per­mis­sion has not yet taken full leg­al ef­fect when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force.

55 Amended by No I of the O of 23 Aug. 2006, in force since 1 Nov. 2006 (AS 20063693).

Art. 4856

56 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 30 June 2010, with ef­fect from 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Art. 48a57

57 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 1 Sept. 2004 (AS 2004 4167). Re­pealed by No I of the O of 21 Feb. 2018, with ef­fect from 1 April 2018 (AS 2018 965).

Art. 4958

58 Re­pealed by No IV 31 of the O of 22 Au­gust 2007 on the Form­al Re­vi­sion of Fed­er­al Le­gis­la­tion, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 20074477).

Section 3 Commencement

Art. 50

This Or­din­ance comes in­to force on 1 April 1987.

Annex 1 59

59 Amended by No II of the O of 23 Aug. 2006, in force since 1 Nov. 2006 (AS 2006 3693)

Requirements for Soundproofing of Windows

Annex 2 60

60 Amended by No II para. 1 of the O of 23 Aug. 2006 (AS 2006 3693). Revised in accordance with No II para. 1 of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Requirements for the Calculation Procedures and Measuring Instruments

1 Calculation Procedures

2 Measuring Instruments

Annex 3

Exposure Limit Values for Road Traffic Noise

1 Scope

2 Exposure limit values

3 Determination of the Rating Sound Level

31 Principles

32 Average Day and Night Traffic

33 Determination of Average Day and Night Motor Vehicle Traffic

34 Determination of the Average Day and Night Traffic for Railways

35 Level Corrections

Annex 4

Exposure Limit Values for Railway Noise

1 Scope

2 Exposure Limit Values

3 Determination of the Rating Sound Level

31 Principles

32 Average Day and Night Operations

33 Level Corrections

Annex 5 62

62 Amended by No I of the O of 30 May 2001 (AS 2001 1610). Revised in accordance with No II para. 1 of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Exposure Limit Values for Noise from Civil Aerodromes

1 Scope and Definitions

2 Exposure Limit Values

21 Exposure Limit Values for Light Aircraft Traffic Noise, expressed as Lrk

22 Exposure Limit Values for Total Traffic Noise from Light and Heavy Aircraft, expressed as Lr

221 Daytime Exposure Limit Values (06-22 hours), expressed as Lrt

222 Night Time Exposure Limit Values for the first (22-23 hours), the second (23-24 hours) and the last night hour (05-06 hours), expressed as Lrn

23 Exposure Limit Values expressed as max

3 Determination of the Rating Sound Level Lrk for Light Aircraft Noise

31 Principles

32 Number of Aircraft Movements n for existing Civil Aerodromes

33 Number of Aircraft Movements n for new Civil Aerodromes

34 Level Corrections

4 Determination of the Rating Sound Level Lr for Traffic at Civil Aerodromes used by Heavy Aircraft

41 Principles

42 Relevant Aircraft Traffic

5 Determination of the Average Maximum Noise Level max for Heliports

Annex 6

Exposure Limit Values for Industrial and Commercial Noise

1 Scope

2 Exposure Limit Values

3 Determination of the Rating Sound Level

31 Principles

32 Average Daily Duration of Noise Phases

33 Level Corrections

Annex 7 63

63 Amended by No I of the O of 23 Aug. 2006 (AS 20063693.). Revised in accordance with No II para. 1 of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Exposure Limit Values for Noise from Civil Firing Range Installations

1 Scope

2 Exposure Limit Values

3 Determination of rating sound level

31 Principles

32 Level Correction

321 Calculation

322 Determination of the number of firing half-days

323 Determination of the number of shots

Annex 8 66

66Inserted by No II of the O of 27 June 1995 (AS 1995 3694). Revised in accordance with No II para. 2 of the O of 12 April 2000 (AS 20001388) and of the O of 23 Aug. 2006, in force since 1 Nov. 2006 (AS 2006 3693).

Exposure Limit Values for Noise at Military Aerodromes

1 Scope

2 Exposure Limit Values

21 Exposure Limit Values expressed as Lr

22 Exposure Limit Values expressed as Lrz

3 Determination of the Rating Sound Level

31 Principles

32 Numbers of Flight Movements nj and np for Military Aerodromes

33 Level Corrections

Annex 9 67

67 Inserted by No II para. 2 of the O of 30 June 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3223).

Exposure Limit Values for Noise from Military Firing Ranges and Training Grounds

1 Scope

2 Exposure Limit Values

3 Determination of the Rating Sound Level

31 Principles

32 Determination of Shooting Operations