on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)
English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.
of 4 December 2015 (Status as of 1 January 2021)
The Swiss Federal Council,
on the basis of Articles 29, 30a letter c, 30bparagraph 1, 30cparagraph 3, 30dletter a, 30h paragraph 1, 39 paragraph 1, 45 and 46 paragraph 2 of the Environmental Protection Act of 7 October 19831 (EPA),
and Articles 9 paragraph 2 letter c, 16 letter c and 47 paragraph 1
of the Waters Protection Act from 24 January 19912,
1 SR 814.01
Chapter 1 Aim, Scope of Application and Definitions
Art. 1 Aim
This Ordinance aims to:
- a.
- protect people, animals, plants and their biological communities, waters, the soil and the air from harmful effects or nuisances caused by waste;
- b.
- to limit environmental pollution by waste through precautionary measures;
- c.
- to encourage the sustainable use of natural raw materials through the environmentally sustainable recovery of waste.
Art. 2 Scope of application
This Ordinance applies to the avoidance and disposal of waste and to the construction and operation of waste disposal facilities. Special regulations on individual types of waste in other federal acts and ordinances are reserved.
Art. 3 Definitions
In this Ordinance:
- a.3
- municipal waste means:
- 1.
- waste from households,
- 2.
- waste from businesses with fewer than 250 full-time employees the composition of which in ingredients and proportions is similar to waste from households,
- 3.
- waste from public authorities the composition of which in ingredients and proportions is similar to waste from households;
- b.
- undertaking means a legal entity with its own identification number or such entities combined in a group with a jointly organised waste disposal system;
- c.
- special waste means waste designated as special waste in the list of wastes issued in Article 2 of the Ordinance of 22 June 20054 on Movements of Waste (OMW);
- d.
- biogenic waste means waste of vegetable, animal or microbial origin;
- e.
- construction waste means waste produced in the construction, conversion or dismantling of fixed installations;
- f.
- excavated materialmeans material that is excavated or extracted in the course of construction work, with the exception of any topsoil and subsoil removed;
- fbis.5
- mercury waste:
- 1.
- waste that contains mercury or mercury compounds,
- 2.
- mercury or mercury compounds originating from the treatment of mercury waste in terms of number 1; the foregoing does not apply to mercury that has been authorised for export under Annex 1.7 Numbers 2.2.4 or 4.2 of the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance of 18 May 20056 (ORRChem),
- 3.
- mercury or mercury compounds that is or are no longer required in industrial processes;
- g.
- waste disposal facility means an installation in which waste is treated, recovered, deposited or temporarily stored, with the exception of material extraction sites in which excavated material is recovered;
- h.7
- ...
- i.
- composting facilitymeans a waste disposal facility in which biogenic waste decomposes while exposed to the air;
- j.8
- fermentation facilitymeans a waste disposal facility in which biogenic waste is allowed to ferment in the absence of air;
- k.
- landfill means a waste disposal facility in which waste is deposited;
- l.
- incineration means the treatment of waste at a temperature that is sufficiently high that substances hazardous to the environment are destroyed or physically or chemically bonded by mineralisation;
- m.
- state of the art means the latest stage of development of procedures, installations and operating methods which:
- 1.
- have been successfully tested in comparable facilities or activities in Switzerland or abroad or have been used successfully in trials and may be used in other facilities or activities in accordance with the rules of the technology, and
- 2.
- is economically viable in a medium-sized and economically sound enterprise in the relevant industry.
3 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
5 Inserted by No II 1 of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 5963).
7 Repealed by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, with effect from 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
8 The correction of 19 July 2016 relates to the Italian text only (AS 20162629).
Chapter 2 Planning and Reporting
Art. 4 Waste management plans
1 The cantons shall each draw up a waste management plan for their territory. It shall include in particular:
- a.
- measures to avoid waste;
- b.
- measures to recover waste;
- c.
- the number of facilities required to dispose of municipal waste and other types of waste that the cantons are responsible for disposing of;
- d.
- the landfill volume required and the locations of landfills (landfill plan);
- e.
- the required catchment areas.
2 The cantons shall work together on their waste management plans, in particular on the matters mentioned in paragraph 1 letters c–e and shall if necessary designate intercantonal planning regions for this purpose.
3 They shall review their waste management plans every five years and amend them if necessary.
4 The cantons shall submit their waste management plans and the significant revisions thereof to the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).
Art. 5 Coordination with the spatial planning
1 The cantons shall take account of the results of the waste management plan relevant to spatial planning in their structure plans.
2 They shall indicate the planned locations of landfills in the landfill plan in their structure plans and ensure that the required land use zones are set aside.
Art. 6 Reporting
1 Each year, the cantons shall draw up publicly accessible lists with the following information and submit the same to the FOEN:
- a.
- quantities of types of waste mentioned in Annex 1 that are disposed of on their territory;
- b.9
- facilities for treating construction waste and facilities for treating metallic waste on their territory in which more than 1000 t waste is treated each year;
- c.
- other waste disposal facilities on their territory in which more than 100 t waste is disposed of each year.
2 The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications may the revise the types of waste specified in Annex 1 to take account of technical developments.
3 The cantons shall submit a report to the FOEN on request on the operation and condition of the landfills on their territory.10 The report shall contain the following information in particular:
- a.
- the quantity and type of the deposited waste as well as remaining quantities of existing landfills;
- b.
- in the case of new landfills and alterations to existing landfill sites: evidence that the facilities on the site satisfy the requirements of Annex 2 numbers 2.1–2.4;
- c.
- where applicable, any measures taken under Article 53 paragraph 4 to prevent possible harmful effects or nuisances being caused to the environment by landfills.
9 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
10 Amended by No I of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).
Chapter 3 Avoidance, Recovery and Deposit of Waste
Section 1 General Regulations
Art. 7 Information and advice
1 The environmental protection agencies shall inform and advise private individuals and authorities on how to avoid producing waste and to dispose of waste. Among other issues, they shall provide information on the recovery of waste and on measures to avoid throwing away small quantities of waste or leaving it lying around.
2 Based on the reports from the cantons (Art. 6 para. 1), the FOEN shall publish reports on the quantities of waste disposed of throughout Switzerland and on existing waste disposal facilities as in Switzerland.
Art. 8 Training
In cooperation with the cantons and employment organisations, the Confederation shall ensure that persons carrying out activities in connection with the disposal of waste are taught the state of the art in their basic and continuing professional training.
Art. 9 Mixing ban
Waste of one types may not be mixed with other waste or with aggregates if this is primarily intended to reduce the pollutant content of the waste by dilution and thereby to comply with regulations on the consignment, recovery or landfill of waste.
Art. 10 Obligation to incinerate
Municipal waste and waste of similar composition, sewage sludge, combustible fractions of construction waste and other combustible waste must be incinerated in appropriate facilities, unless their constituents may be recovered.
Section 2 Avoidance of Waste
Art. 11
1 The FOEN and the cantons shall encourage the avoidance of waste through appropriate measures such as raising the awareness of and providing information to the public and businesses. In doing so, they shall work with the private sector organisations concerned.
2 Any person who manufactures products must organise the production processes according to the state of the art so that as little waste as possible is produced and any waste that is produced contains as few substances as possible that harm the environment.
Section 3 Recovery of Waste
Art. 12 General recovery obligation according to the state of the art
1 Waste must be recycled or recovered for energy provided recovery does less harm to the environment than:
- a.
- any other form of disposal; and
- b.
- the manufacture of new products or the acquisition of other heating fuels.
2 Recovery must be carried out according to the state of the art.
Art. 13 Municipal waste and waste of similar composition
1 The cantons shall ensure that that the recoverable parts of municipal waste such as glass, paper, cardboard, metals, garden waste and textiles are if possible collected separately and recycled.
2 They shall ensure that the following are collected and disposed of separately:
- a.
- special waste from households;
- b.11
- non-business-specific special waste of up to 20 kg per collection from businesses and public authorities with fewer than 10 full-time employment positions.
3 They shall ensure that the infrastructure required to comply with paragraphs 1 and 2 is provided, and in particular that collection points are set up. If necessary they shall also ensure that regular collections are made.
4 The proprietors of waste from businesses with 250 or more full-time employment positions must as far as possible and reasonable collect and recycle the recoverable parts of their waste that are similar in their composition to municipal waste.
11 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Art. 14 Biogenic waste
1 Biogenic waste must be recovered solely by recycling or by fermentation, provided:
- a.
- it is suitable for this purpose as a result of its properties, in particular its nutrient and pollutant content;
- b.
- it has been collected separately; and
- c.
- recovery is not prohibited by other provisions of federal law.
2 Biogenic waste that need not be recovered in accordance with paragraph 1 must as far as possible and reasonable simply be recovered for energy or incinerated in appropriate facilities. In doing so, its energy content must be used.
Art. 15 Phosphorus-rich waste
1 Phosphorus must be recovered from municipal waste water, from sewage sludge from central waste water treatment plants or from the ash produced by the incineration of such sewage sludge and then recycled.
2 Phosphorus in animal and bone meal must be recycled, unless the animal and bone meal is used as animal feedstuffs.
3 When recovering phosphorous from waste in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2, the pollutants in the waste must be removed according to the state of the art. If the phosphorous recovered is used to manufacture a fertiliser, the requirements of Annex 2.6 Number 2.2.4 ORRChem12 must also be met.13
12 SR 814.81
13 Amended by Annex No 1 of the O of 31 Oct. 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2018 4205).
Art. 16 Information on the disposal of construction waste
1 In the case of construction work, when applying for the building permit, the builder must provide the authority responsible with information on the nature, quality and quantity of the waste produced and on the plans for its disposal if:
- a.
- it is probable that more than 200 m3 construction waste will be produced; or
- b.
- construction waste containing substances that are hazardous to the environment or to health, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), lead or asbestos, is expected.
2 If the builder has prepared a waste management plan in accordance with paragraph 1, it must prove to the authority responsible for the building permit at its request on completion of the construction work that the waste produced has been disposed of accordingly to the authority’s requirements.
Art. 17 Separation of construction waste
1 In the case of construction work, special waste must be separated and disposed of separately from other waste. The following construction waste must be kept separate on the construction site:
- a.
- removed topsoil and subsoil, if possible without being mixed;
- b.
- unpolluted excavated material, excavated material that satisfies the requirements of Annex 3 number 2, and other excavated material, if possible without being mixed;
- c.
- excavated asphalt, concrete rubble, road surface rubble, mixed rubble, brick rubble and plaster, if possible without being mixed;
- d.
- further recyclable waste such as glass, metals, timber and plastics, if possible without being mixed;
- e.
- combustible waste that is not recyclable;
- f.
- other waste.
2 If the separation of other construction waste on the construction site is not operationally possible, the waste must be separated in suitable facilities.14
3 The authority may require further separation if additional parts of the waste may be recovered thereby.
14 The correction of 19 July 2016 relates to the Italian text only (AS 20162629).
Art. 18 Removed topsoil and subsoil
1 Removed topsoil and subsoil must be recovered in full if possible provided:
- a.
- it is suitable for the intended recovery owing to its properties;
- b.
- it meets the benchmark values in Annexes 1 and 2 of the Ordinance of 1 July 199815 on the Pollution of Soil (SoilPO); and
- c.
- it does not contain foreign substances or invasive alien organisms.
2 In the case of recovery, the topsoil and subsoil must be processed in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 SoilPO.
15 SR 814.12
Art. 19 Excavated material
1 Excavated material that satisfies the requirements of Annex 3 number 1 (unpolluted excavated material), must be recovered to the fullest extent possible as follows:
- a.
- as construction material on building sites or landfills;
- b.
- as raw material for the manufacture of construction materials;
- c.
- for the refilling of material extraction sites; or
- d.
- for permitted landscaping work.
2 Excavated material that satisfies the requirements of Annex 3 number 2 must be recovered to the fullest extent possible as follows:
- a.
- as a raw material for the manufacture of hydraulic or bituminous bound construction materials;
- b.
- as construction material for landfills of Types B–E;
- c.16
- as a raw material in the manufacture of cement clinker;
- d.17
- in the case of civil engineering work, on the site where the material is produced, provided any treatment required for the material is carried out on or directly adjacent to the site; Article 3 of the Contaminated Sites Ordinance of 26 August 199818 (CSO) remains reserved.
3 Excavated material that does not satisfy the requirements of Annex 3 number 2 may not be recovered. The foregoing does not apply to recovery at a cement works in accordance with Annex 4 number 1 and the recovery of excavated material that satisfies the requirements of Annex 5 number 2.3:19
- a.
- as construction material for landfills of Types C–E; or
- b.20
- as part of the remediation of the contaminated site that produces the material; a any treatment required for the material is carried out at or directly adjacent to the contaminated site.
16 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
17 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
18 SR 814.680
19 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
20 The correction of 19 July 2016 relates to the Italian text only (AS 20162629).
Art. 20 Mineral waste from the demolition of buildings and other structures
1 Excavated asphalt containing up to 250 mg PAH per kg, road surface rubble, mixed rubble and brick rubble must to the fullest extent possible be recovered as raw material for the manufacture of construction materials.
2 Excavated asphalt containing more than 250 mg PAH per kg may not be not recovered.
3 Concrete rubble must be recovered to the fullest extent possible as raw material for the manufacture of construction materials or as construction material for landfills.
Art. 21 Lightweight fraction from the shredding of waste containing metal
Metal fragments must be removed from the lightest fraction obtained by shredding waste containing metal (the lightweight fraction) and recycled.
Art. 22 Sludge and sweepings from street gullies
1 Recoverable parts such as chippings, sand and gravel must be separated from sludge and sweepings from street gullies that are primarily of mineral composition and recycled.
2 The remaining parts of street sweepings in accordance with paragraph 1 and other street sweepings, municipal waste or waste of similar composition or with high biogenic content must be incinerated in appropriate facilities.
Art. 23 Electric arc furnace slag 21
Electric arc furnace slag may only be recovered with the consent of the cantonal authority if:22
- a.
- recovery is carried out in the course of construction work in hydraulically or bituminously bound form or under a surface impermeable to water; and
- b.
- the electric arc furnace slag originates from the manufacture of unalloyed or low alloyed steels subsequent to 1989.
21 The correction of 3 Oct. 2017 relates to the French text only (AS 2017 5137).
22 The correction of 3 Oct. 2017 relates to the French text only (AS 2017 5137).
Art. 24 Recovery of waste in the production of cement and concrete
1 Waste may be used as a raw material, as raw meal corrective substances, as heating fuels or as additives or aggregates in the production of cement and concrete provided it satisfies the requirements under Annex 4. However, mixed municipal waste may not be used as a raw material or as a heating fuel even if collected and subsequently sorted.
2 Dusts from the exhaust filtering at facilities producing cement clinker must be recovered as aggregates for grinding cement clinker or as additives in the production of cement. The heavy metal content of the cement produced must not exceed the limit values in Annex 4 number 3.2.
Section 4 Landfilling of Waste
Art. 25 General regulations 23
1 Waste may only be deposited in landfills if the landfills satisfy the requirements of Annex 5. The construction and operating licence may include additional restrictions.
2 If landfills comprise two or more compartments separated by structural measures, the requirements for the deposit of each type of waste apply to the compartment in which the respective type is deposited.
3 Liquid, explosive, infectious and combustible waste may not be deposited.
23 Inserted by No II 1 of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 5963).
Art. 25a Mercury waste 24
1 Mercury waste in terms of Article 3 letter fbis numbers 1 and 2 are environmentally compatible and must be disposed of according to the state of the art.
2 Mercury waste in terms of Article 3 letter fbis number 3 are environmentally compatible and must be treated and deposited according to the state of the art.
24 Inserted by No II 1 of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 5963).
Chapter 4 Waste Disposal Facilities
Section 1 General Regulations
Art. 26 State of the art
1 Waste disposal facilities must be constructed and operated according to the state of the art.
2 Every ten years, the proprietors of waste disposal facilities must review whether their facility corresponds to the state of the art, and carry out any modifications required.
Art. 27 Facility
1 Proprietors of waste disposal facilities must:
- a.25
- operate the facilities so that no harmful effects or nuisances are occasioned to the environment if possible;
- b.
- check the waste on receipt and ensure that only acceptable waste is disposed of in the facilities;
- c.
- dispose of residues forming in the facilities in an environmentally compatible manner;
- d.
- ensure that the energy content of the waste is exploited as far as possible in its disposal;
- e.26
- keep a record of the accepted quantities of the types of waste mentioned in Annex 1 with details of their origin and of the residues and emissions arising in the facilities, and submit that record to the authority each year; the foregoing does not apply to temporary storage sites in accordance with Articles 29 and 30;
- f.
- ensure that they themselves and their staff have the required specialist knowledge to operate the facilities properly and provide the authority on its request with the relevant proof of basic and continuing education and training;
- g.
- check and maintain the facilities regularly and in particular verify by measuring emissions whether the requirements of environmental and waters protection legislation are being met;
- h.
- in the case of mobile facilities, ensure that waste produced at the operation site concerned is treated.
2 Proprietors of waste disposal facilities that dispose of more than 100 t waste each year must draw up operating regulations that in particular specify the requirements for the operation of the facilities. They shall submit the regulations to the authority for feedback.
25 The correction of 19 July 2016 relates to the French text only (AS 20162629).
26 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Art. 28 Supervision and rectification of defects
1 The authority shall check regularly whether a waste disposal facility complies with the environmental regulations.
2 If it identifies defects, it shall require the proprietor of the facility to rectify the same within reasonable time.
Section 2 Temporary Storage Sites
Art. 29 Construction 27
1 Temporary storage sites may only be constructed if the requirements of environmental and in particular waters protection legislation are satisfied.
2 At landfills, the material in temporary storage sites must satisfy the requirements for the type of landfill concerned
3 The waste stored temporarily must be kept separate from the waste landfill.
27 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Art. 30 Operation and provision of security 28
1 Waste may be temporarily stored for a maximum of five years. On expiry of the storage period, the authority may on one occasion only extend the temporary storage by no more than five years provided suitable disposal was demonstrably not possible within the previous storage period.
2 Waste suitable for fermentation and decomposition that is compressed into bales may be temporarily stored in landfills of types C-E and at facilities for the incineration of waste.29
- 3 The cantonal authority may require the proprietors of temporary storage sites to provide security in the form of a bank guarantee or insurance to cover the costs of a damaging event.30
4 ...31
28 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
29 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
30 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
31 Repealed by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, with effect from 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Section 3 Facilities for the Incineration of Waste
Art. 31 Construction
Facilities may be constructed for the incineration of waste provided the structural elements guarantee that:
- a.
- no diffuse waste gases are emitted;
- b.32
- at facilities that treat liquid waste with a flashpoint below 60 °C and infectious special waste, such waste can be placed in the incineration chamber separately from the other waste and as directly as possible.
32 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Art. 32 Operation
1 Only waste that is suitable for incineration may be treated in facilities for the incineration of waste.
2 Proprietors of facilities must operate them so that:
- a.
- at least 55 per cent of the energy content of municipal waste and waste of similar composition is used outside the facilities;
- b.
- on treatment, halogenated organic compounds are broken down as completely as possible and only reform to a minimal extent;
- c.33
- special waste that contains more than one per cent by weight of organically bonded halogens is treated at a minimum temperature of 1100 °C for at least 2 seconds; the authority may permit other minimum temperatures and treatment times if it is proven that this does not result in more residues from incineration and that the residues do not contain higher levels of organic pollutants such as PAKs, PCDDs, PCDFs or PCBs;
- d.34
- liquid waste with a flashpoint below 60 °C and infectious special waste are placed in the incineration chamber separately from the other waste and as directly as possible;
- e.
- the slag contains no more than two per cent by weight unburned parts, measured as total organic carbon (TOC);
- f.
- in the event of disruption to operations, the treatment of any waste in the incineration chamber is completed;
- g.
- at facilities that incinerate municipal waste or waste of similar composition, metals are recovered from the filter ash.
33 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
34 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Section 4 Composting and Fermentation Facilities
Art. 33 Construction
1 Composting and fermentation facilities that accept more than 100 t waste each year must be constructed on a surface impermeable to water; the foregoing does not apply to windrows at field-edge composting sites. A windrow may be used for one year at the most in any three-year period.
2 The structural elements must guarantee that:
- a.
- the waste water on any surface impermeable to waters can be collected, discharged and if necessary treated;
- b.
- gaseous effluents produced in closed spaces can be treated if necessary;
- c.
- suitable measures are taken to prevent or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
3 Storage capacity in the facility of at least three months for compost and solid digestates and of at least five months for liquid digestates must be available or contractually guaranteed. The authority may require a longer storage capacity for facilities in the mountain region or in unfavourable climatic or special agronomic conditions.
Art. 34 Operation
1 In composting and fermentation facilities that accept more than 100 t of waste each year, biogenic waste may only be allowed to decompose or ferment if it is suitable for the relevant procedure due to its properties, and in particular its nutrient and pollutant content, and for recovery as fertiliser as defined in Article 5 of the Fertiliser Ordinance of 10 January 200135 (FertO). Waste that is fermented in facilities for co-fermentation in waste water treatment plants is exempt from the requirement of suitability as fertiliser.
2 Packaged biogenic waste may only be allowed to decompose or ferment in composting and fermentation facilities in accordance with paragraph 1 other than waste water treatment plants if:
- a.
- the packaging is bio-degradable and suitable for the procedure concerned; or
- b.
- the packaging is as far as possible removed before or during decomposition or fermentation.
3 The regulations in the FertO and the ORRChem36 relating to compost and digestates also apply.
35 SR 916.171
36 SR 814.81
Section 5 Landfills
Art. 35 Types of landfills
1 The following types of landfills may be constructed and operated:
- a.
- Type A for waste in accordance with Annex 5 number 1;
- b.
- Type B for waste in accordance with Annex 5 number 2;
- c.
- Type C for waste in accordance with Annex 5 number 3:
- d.
- Type D for waste in accordance with Annex 5 number 4;
- e.
- Type E for waste in accordance with Annex 5 number 5.
2 Landfills may have compartments for different types in accordance with paragraph 1.
3 Where landfills are made up of two or more compartments, the requirements for the relevant type of waste apply to the compartments concerned.
Art. 36 Location and structure of landfills
1 The requirements specified in Annex 2 apply to the location and the structure of landfills.
2 Type E landfills may not be constructed underground. Other landfills may be constructed underground with the FOEN’s consent provided:
- a.
- the waste is deposited in a stable cavity until the end of the after-care phase;
- b.
- it is demonstrated that the landfills, with the exception of Type A landfills, cannot harm the environment until the end of the after-care phase;
- c.
- in the case of Type D landfills, only slag is deposited that originates from facilities in which municipal waste or waste of similar composition is incinerated and appropriate measures are taken to prevent the build-up of gases.
3 In cases where it is permitted under the waters protection legislation to divert a body of flowing water for the construction of a landfill:
- a.
- the bodies of water must be diverted around the landfill;
- b.
- it must be ensured that no water can intrude into the landfill.
Art. 37 Minimum volume
1 Landfills must be of at least the following exploitable volumes:
- a.
- Type A: 50 000 m3;
- b.
- Type B and Type C: 100 000 m3;
- c.
- Type D and Type E: 300 000 m3.
2 If landfills comprise compartments for different types, the type of compartment with the largest exploitable minimum volume determines the minimum volume of the entire landfill
3 The cantonal authorities may with the FOEN’s consent authorise the construction of landfills with lower volumes if this is appropriate given the geographical circumstances.
Art. 38 Authorisation
1 Any person who wishes to construct a landfill or a compartment requires a construction permit from the cantonal authority.
2 Any person who wishes to operate a landfill or a compartment requires an operating licence from the cantonal authority.
Art. 39 Construction permit
1 The cantonal authority shall grant the construction permit for a landfill or a compartment provided:
- a.
- the requirements for landfill volume and the location of the landfill are indicated in the waste management plan;
- b.
- the requirements under Article 36 for the location and building of landfills are met.
2 In the construction permit, it shall specify:
- a.
- the type the landfill or of the compartment;
- b.
- any restrictions on the acceptable waste in accordance with Annex 5;
- c.
- further requirements and conditions that are necessary for compliance with the environmental and waters protection legislation.
Art. 40 Operating licence
1 The cantonal authority shall grant the operating licence for a landfill or a compartment if:
- a.
- the landfill structure has been constructed in accordance with the approved construction plans;
- b.
- operating regulations in accordance with Article 27 paragraph 2 are available; and
- c.
- a preliminary plan for closure is available together with proof that the costs of closure in accordance with the preliminary plan and for the anticipated after-care will be covered.
2 It shall verify compliance with paragraph 1 letter a on the basis of documentation from the applicant and by carrying out an on-site inspection of the landfill structure.
3 The authority shall specify the following in the operating licence:
- a.
- the type the landfill or of the compartment;
- b.
- any catchment areas;
- c.
- any restrictions on the waste acceptable in accordance with Annex 5;
- d.
- measures to comply with the operating requirements in accordance with Article 27 paragraph 1, in particular the frequency of inspections;
- e.
- monitoring of the collected leachate and if applicable of the groundwater in accordance with Article 41;
- f.
- if applicable, the inspections of the degassing systems and analyses of the landfill gases in accordance with Article 53 paragraph 5;
- g.
- further requirements and conditions necessary to comply with the environmental and waters protection legislation.
4 The authority shall limit the operating licence to no more than five years.
Art. 41 Monitoring of collected leachate and the groundwater
1 The proprietors of landfills must analyse the collected leachate at least twice each year.
2 They must analyse the ground water at least twice each year if monitoring is required to protect waters as a result of the hydrogeological conditions. For Type A landfills, groundwater monitoring is only required if they are located above exploitable underground waters or in the adjoining zones required for their protection.
3 If monitoring of the groundwater is required in accordance with paragraph 2, proprietors must ensure that groundwater samples may be taken in the immediate vicinity of the landfill or the compartment, and if possible at three locations in the downstream area and one location in the upstream area.
4 They must document the analyses and submit the results to the authority.
Art. 42 Closure plan
1 The proprietor of a landfill or a compartment shall submit a plan for carrying out the required closure work to the cantonal authority at the earliest three years and at the latest six months before the closure of the landfill.
2 The cantonal authority shall approve the plan if:
- a.
- it satisfies the requirements of Annex 2 number 2.5 for surface closure;
- b.
- there is a guarantee that the requirements for the facilities under Annex 2 numbers 2.1–2.4 will be met for the entire after-care phase;
- c.
- if applicable, provision is made in accordance with Article 53 paragraph 4 for measures to ensure that the landfill causes no harm or nuisance to the environment.
Art. 43 After-care
1 The after-care phase for a landfill or a compartment begins after the closure of the landfill or the compartment and lasts for 50 years. The cantonal authority shall reduce the after-care phase provided harmful effects or nuisances to the environment are no longer expected. The after-care phase shall however last for at least:
- a.
- 5 years in the case of landfills or compartments of Types A and B;
- b.
- 15 years in the case of landfills or compartments of Types C, D and E.
2 The proprietor of a landfill or a compartment must ensure for the entire after-care phase that:
- a.
- the facilities satisfy the requirements of Annex 2 number 2.1–2.4 and are regularly inspected and maintained;
- b.
- the ground water, collected leachate and the landfill gases are monitored, provided monitoring in accordance with Article 41 and Article 53 paragraph 5 is required.
3 The proprietor must ensure that the surface soil fertility is monitored for five years following closure of a landfill or a compartment.
4 The cantonal authority shall specify the duration of the after-care phase and the obligations of the proprietor of the landfill in accordance with the paragraphs 2 and 3 in the final operating licence for the landfill or compartment fest. It may exempt Type A landfills or compartments from requirements mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3.
Chapter 5 Final Provisions
Section 1 Implementation
Art. 44 Responsibilities of the Confederation and cantons
1 The cantons shall implement this Ordinance, unless they assign implementation to the Confederation.
2 If federal authorities are required to apply other federal acts or international law agreements or decisions that relate to matters regulated in this Ordinance, they shall also implement this Ordinance. Article 41 paragraphs 2 and 4 EPA govern the involvement of the FOEN and the cantons; statutory duties of confidentiality are reserved.
Art. 45 Geoinformation
The FOEN shall specify the minimum geodata models and representation models for basic geographical data under this Ordinance; in this respect it is designated as the specialist federal authority in Annex 1 to the Geoinformation Ordinance of 21 May 200837.
37 SR 510.620
Art. 46 FOEN implementation guide
The FOEN shall issue an implementation guide on the application of this Ordinance, and in particular on the state of the art for waste disposal. In doing so, it shall work with the federal agencies, cantons and private sector organisations concerned.
Section 2 Repeal and Amendment of other Legislation
Art. 47 Repeal of other legislation
The Technical Ordinance on Waste of 10 December 199038 is repealed.
38 [AS 1991 169628, 1993 3022No IV 4, 1996 905, 1998 2261Art. 26, 2000 703No II 15, 2004 3079Art. 43 para. 2 No 2, 2005 2695No II 11 4199 Annex 3 No II 6, 2007 29294477No IV 32, 2008 2809Annex 2 No 10 4771 Annex No II 1, 2009 6259No II III, 2011 2699 Annex 8 No II 1]
Art. 48 Amendment of other legislation
The amendment of other legislation is regulated in Annex 6.
Section 3 Transitional Provisions
Art. 49 Municipal waste
1 Articles 3 letter a and 13 paragraph 4 apply from 1 January 2019.
2 Until 31 December 2018, waste from households and waste of similar composition is deemed to be municipal waste.
Art. 50 Reporting 39
The duty to report in accordance with Article 6 applies from 1 January 2021.
39 Amended by No I of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).
Art. 51 Phosphorus-rich waste
The duty to recover phosphorus in accordance with Article 15 applies from 1 January 2026.
Art. 52 Excavated asphalt
1 Excavated asphalt containing more than 250 mg PAH per kg may be recovered in the course of construction work until 31 December 2025 provided:
- a.
- the excavated asphalt contains no more than 1000 mg PAH per kg and is mixed in appropriate facilities with other material so that it contains no more than 250 mg PAH per kg on recovery; or
- b.
- the excavated asphalt is used with consent the cantonal authority so that no emissions of PAH occur. The cantonal authority shall record the precise level of PAH in the excavated asphalt as well as the location of recovery and shall retain the information for at least 25 years.
2 Excavated asphalt containing more than 250 mg PAH per kg may be deposited until 31 December 2025 in a landfill of Type E.
Art. 52a Wood ash 40
Filter ash and dust from the incineration of wood that is not wood fuel as defined in Annex 5 number 31 paragraph 2 of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance of 16 December 198541 (OAPC) may be deposited until 1 November 2023 in landfills of types D and E (Annex 5 Nos 4.1 and 5.1).
40 Inserted by No I of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).
Art. 53 Existing landfills and compartments
1 Landfills and compartments that came into operation before this Ordinance comes into force may continue in operation provided the requirements for granting an operating licence in accordance with Article 40 are met by 31 December 2020 at the latest.
2 The cantonal authority shall assess by by 31 December 2020 at the latest whether the landfills or compartments will cause harm or nuisance to the environment or whether they are likely to cause harm or nuisance within 50 years of closure (risk assessment). The proprietors of the landfills shall provide the authority with the data required for this purpose.
3 Where the risk assessment finds that a landfill or compartment is causing harm or nuisance to the environment or that there is a specific danger of such harm or nuisance, the landfill or compartment may not continue in operation unless improvements are made in accordance with the CSO42.
4 Where the risk assessment finds that a landfill or compartment is likely to cause harm or nuisance within 50 years of closure or that there is a specific risk of such harm or nuisance, the landfill or compartment may continue in operation, provided the potential harm or nuisance is prevented through appropriate measures.
5 The proprietor of an existing landfill or an existing compartment with degassing systems must arrange for these facilities to be regularly inspected by an expert until the end of operations and for the landfill gases to be analysed at least twice a year.
42 SR 814.680
Art. 54 Other existing waste disposal facilities
1 Waste disposal facilities other than landfills and compartments that come into operation before this Ordinance comes into force must satisfy the requirements of this Ordinance for structural modifications by 31 December 2020 at the latest. The other requirements apply from the date on which this Ordinance comes into force, subject to paragraphs 2 and 3.
2 The duty under Article 32 paragraph 2 letter a to use at least 55 per cent of the energy content of municipal waste and waste of similar composition in facilities for the incineration of waste applies from 1 January 2026.
3 The duty under Article 32 paragraph 2 letter g to recover metals from filter ash produced in the treatment of municipal waste and waste of similar composition applies from 1 January 2026. Until that date, filter ash may be deposited in hydraulically bound form without the recovery of metals in Type C landfills or compartments provided there are no available treatment capacities for recovery.43
43 Amended by No I of the O of 11 Dec. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 6283).
Section 4 Commencement
Art. 55
This Ordinance comes into force on 1 January 2016.
Annex 1 4444 Revised by No II of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).
44 Revised by No II of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).
Types of waste
Annex 2
Requirements for location and construction of landfills
1 Landfill location
1.1 Waters protection and natural hazards
1.2 Subsoil
2 Landfill structure
2.1 General regulations
2.2 Liner
2.3 Partitioning of compartments
2.4 Drainage
2.5 Surface closure
Annex 3
Requirements applicable to excavated material
Annex 4 4848 Revised by No II of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
48 Revised by No II of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).
Requirements applicable to waste from the production of cement and concrete
1 Using waste as a raw material and as a corrective substance to raw meal
2 Using waste as heating fuel
3 Using waste as additives and aggregates
4 Proof and modification of the limit values
Annex 5 5050 Revised by No II of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).
50 Revised by No II of the O of 21 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Nov. 2018 (AS 2018 3515).