Bei grossen Gesetzen wie OR und ZGB kann dies bis zu 30 Sekunden dauern

on the Reduction of Risks relating to the Use of Certain Particularly Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles
(Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance, ORRChem)

of 18 May 2005 (Status as of 1 December 2022)

The Swiss Federal Council,

on the basis of Articles 2 paragraph 4, 19, 22 paragraph 2, 24, 38, 39 paragraph 2,
44 paragraph 2, 45 paragraphs 2 and 5 and 46 paragraph 1 of the Chemicals Act of 15 December 20001 (ChemA),
on the basis of Articles 27 paragraph 2, 29, 30a,30b, 30c paragraph 3, 30d,32abis,
38 paragraph 3, 39 paragraphs 1 and 1bis, 41 paragraph 3, 44 paragraphs 2 and 3,
46 paragraphs 2 and 3, and 48 paragraph 2 of the Environmental Protection Act of 7 October 19832 (EPA),
on the basis of Articles 9 paragraph 2 letter c, 27 paragraph 2 and 48 paragraph 2 of the Waters Protection Act of 24 January 19913,
on the basis of Article 15 paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Foodstuffs Act of 20 June 20144,
and of Article 56 paragraph 2 of the Energy Act of 30 September 20165 (EnA), and in implementation of the Federal Act of 6 October 19956 on Technical Barriers to Trade,7


1 SR 813.1

2 SR 814.01

3 SR 814.20

4 SR 817.0

5 SR 730.0

6 SR 946.51

7 Amended by No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022, in force since 1 April 2022 (AS 2022 162).

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Art. 1 Purpose and scope  

1 This Or­din­ance:

pro­hib­its or re­stricts the use of the par­tic­u­larly dan­ger­ous sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles covered by the An­nexes;
spe­cifies the per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­fic­a­tions re­quired for the use of cer­tain par­tic­u­larly dan­ger­ous sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles.

2 Without pre­ju­dice to spe­cif­ic dis­pos­al re­quire­ments laid down in this Or­din­ance, sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles which are waste, as defined in Art­icle 7 para­graph 6 EPA, are sub­ject to:

the Waste Man­age­ment Or­din­ance of 4 Decem­ber 20159;
the Or­din­ance of 22 June 200511 on Move­ments of Waste; and
the Or­din­ance of 14 Janu­ary 199812 on the Re­turn, Take-Back and Dis­pos­al of Elec­tric­al and Elec­tron­ic Equip­ment.

3 This Or­din­ance does not ap­ply to:

the trans­port of sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles by road, rail, wa­ter, air or pipelines;
the trans­it of sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles un­der cus­toms su­per­vi­sion, provided that they do not un­der­go any pro­cessing or trans­form­a­tion.

8 Amended by An­nex 6 No 11 of the Waste Man­age­ment Or­din­ance of 4 Dec. 2015, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 5699).

9 SR 814.600

10 Amended by An­nex 3 No II 8 of the O of 22 June 2005 on Move­ments of Waste, in force since 1 Jan. 2006 (AS 2005 4199).

11 SR 814.610

12 SR 814.620

13 Amended by An­nex 4 No 45 of the Cus­toms Or­din­ance of 1 Nov. 2006, in force since 1 May 2007 (AS 2007 1469).

Art. 2 Definitions  

In this Or­din­ance, without pre­ju­dice to spe­cif­ic defin­i­tions giv­en in the An­nexes:14

man­u­fac­turer means any nat­ur­al or leg­al per­son who man­u­fac­tures, ex­tracts or im­ports sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions or art­icles on a pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial basis; also deemed to be a man­u­fac­turer is any per­son who ob­tains sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions or art­icles in Switzer­land and sup­plies them on a pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial basis, without al­ter­ing their com­pos­i­tion, un­der his own trade name or for some oth­er pur­pose; if a per­son ar­ranges for the man­u­fac­ture of a sub­stance, pre­par­a­tion or art­icle in Switzer­land by a third party, this per­son is deemed to be the sole man­u­fac­turer if he is dom­i­ciled or has a re­gistered of­fice in Switzer­land;
trader means any nat­ur­al or leg­al per­son who ob­tains sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions or art­icles in Switzer­land and sup­plies them on a com­mer­cial basis without al­ter­ing their com­pos­i­tion.

14 Amended by No I of the O of 7 Nov. 2012, in force since 1 Dec. 2012 (AS 2012 6161).

Chapter 2 Use of Substances, Preparations and Articles

Section 1 Restrictions, Prohibitions and Exemptions

Art. 3  

1 The re­stric­tions and pro­hib­i­tions on the use of spe­cif­ic sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles, to­geth­er with ex­emp­tions, are reg­u­lated in the An­nexes.

2 Ex­emp­tions un­der the An­nexes are only gran­ted to per­sons who are dom­i­ciled or have a re­gistered of­fice in Switzer­land.

Section 1a Special Labelling15

15 Inserted by Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

Art. 3a

1 Special labelling must be clearly legible and indelible. It must be in at least one official language of the place where the substance, preparation, appliance or article is supplied to users or the where the system is installed.

2 The following may be labelled in different official language or in English with the agreement of the individual professional users:

a substance or preparation for supply to professional users;
appliances and systems for professional users.

3 The official languages are German, French and Italian.

Section 2 Authorisations

Art. 4 Applications requiring authorisation 16  

The fol­low­ing ap­plic­a­tions re­quire an au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted by the au­thor­it­ies men­tioned be­low:


Au­thor­ity grant­ing au­thor­isa­tion

ap­plic­a­tion, on a pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial basis, of products in­ten­ded to pro­tect plants against ro­dents (ro­denti­cides), if ap­plied on more than one farm or by ma­chine

can­ton­al au­thor­ity; with the agree­ment of the Fed­er­al Food Safety and Veter­in­ary Of­fice (FS­VO), the Fed­er­al Of­fice for Ag­ri­cul­ture (FO­AG) and the Fed­er­al Of­fice for the En­vir­on­ment (FOEN) in the case of re­gion­al or supra­re­gion­al ap­plic­a­tions

aer­i­al spray­ing and spread­ing of plant pro­tec­tion products, biocid­al products and fer­til­isers

Fed­er­al Of­fice of Civil Avi­ation, with the agree­ment of the Fed­er­al Of­fice of Pub­lic Health (FOPH), the FS­VO, the FO­AG, the State Sec­ret­ari­at for Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs (SECO) and the FOEN

ap­plic­a­tion of plant pro­tec­tion products and fer­til­isers in forests, un­less covered by an au­thor­isa­tion un­der let­ter a or b

can­ton­al au­thor­ity

16 Amended by No I 6 of the O of 4 Sept. 2013 (Re­or­gan­isa­tion in the field of Food Safety and Veter­in­ary Medi­cine), in force since 1 Jan. 2014 (AS 2013 3041).

17 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

Art. 4a Applications that do not require authorisation 18  

The grant­ing of au­thor­isa­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 let­ter b is not re­quired for the ap­plic­a­tion of or­gan­isms us­ing an un­manned air­craft.

18 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

Art. 5 Requirements for authorisation  

1Au­thor­isa­tion shall be gran­ted in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 let­ter a or c if the planned ap­plic­a­tion is not ex­pec­ted to en­danger the en­vir­on­ment. This au­thor­isa­tion is for a lim­ited peri­od and for a spe­cif­ic geo­graph­ic­al area.19

1bis Au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 let­ter b shall be lim­ited in time and geo­graph­ic­al scope and only gran­ted if, in the case of the planned ap­plic­a­tion:

ap­plic­a­tion from the ground is not feas­ible or ap­plic­a­tion from the air is as­so­ci­ated with ad­vant­ages for the pro­tec­tion of hu­man health or the en­vir­on­ment;
the avi­ation com­pany uses air­craft and equip­ment with state-of-the-art tech­no­logy for the pro­tec­tion of hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment; and
there is no reas­on to fear any risk to hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment.20

2 Au­thor­isa­tions shall only be gran­ted to per­sons who are dom­i­ciled or have a re­gistered of­fice in Switzer­land or in a mem­ber state of the European Uni­on (EU) or the European Free Trade As­so­ci­ation (EFTA).

19 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

20 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

Art. 6 Coordination 21  

If a fed­er­al au­thor­ity is re­spons­ible for the au­thor­isa­tion, it shall con­sult the rel­ev­ant can­ton­al au­thor­ity be­fore mak­ing a de­cision, in par­tic­u­lar in re­la­tion to wheth­er the can­ton­al au­thor­ity takes the view that the con­di­tions for au­thor­isa­tion have been ful­filled and re­gard­ing the an­cil­lary re­quire­ments to be stip­u­lated in any au­thor­isa­tion that may be gran­ted. The fed­er­al au­thor­ity shall no­ti­fy the can­ton­al au­thor­ity of its de­cision.

21 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

Section 3 Certificates

Art. 7 Use of substances and preparations requiring a certificate  

1 The fol­low­ing activ­it­ies may only be car­ried out on a pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial basis by nat­ur­al per­sons with an ap­pro­pri­ate cer­ti­fic­ate or with a qual­i­fic­a­tion re­garded as equi­val­ent, or act­ing un­der the su­per­vi­sion of such per­sons:

the use of:
plant pro­tec­tion products,
pesti­cides on be­half of third parties,
dis­in­fect­ants for use in pub­lic swim­ming pools,
wood pre­ser­vat­ives;
the hand­ling of re­fri­ger­ants dur­ing:
the man­u­fac­ture, in­stall­a­tion, main­ten­ance or dis­pos­al of re­fri­ger­a­tion, air con­di­tion­ing or heat re­cov­ery ap­pli­ances or sys­tems,
the dis­pos­al of re­fri­ger­ants.

2 Pest con­trol with fu­mig­ants may only be car­ried out by nat­ur­al per­sons with an ap­pro­pri­ate cer­ti­fic­ate or with a qual­i­fic­a­tion re­garded as equi­val­ent.

3 The com­pet­ent Fed­er­al De­part­ment shall spe­cify de­tailed re­quire­ments for cer­ti­fic­ates. It may provide for ex­emp­tions to au­thor­isa­tion re­quire­ments and spe­cify a time lim­it for cer­ti­fic­ates for pest con­trol with fu­mig­ants. In its reg­u­la­tions it shall take ac­count of the pro­tec­tion goals.

22 Amended by No I of the O of 7 Nov. 2012, in force since 1 Dec. 2012 (AS 2012 6161).

Art. 8 Proof of specialist knowledge  

1 A cer­ti­fic­ate shall be is­sued to a per­son who, in an ex­am­in­a­tion, has demon­strated the know­ledge re­quired for the activ­ity con­cerned with re­gard to:

fun­da­ment­als of eco­logy and tox­ic­o­logy;
le­gis­la­tion on the pro­tec­tion of the en­vir­on­ment, health and work­ers;
meas­ures for the pro­tec­tion of the en­vir­on­ment and health;
en­vir­on­ment­al im­pacts and the ap­pro­pri­ate use and dis­pos­al of sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles;
ap­pli­ances and their ap­pro­pri­ate hand­ling.

2 Cer­ti­fic­ates from mem­ber states of the EU and EFTA are re­garded as equi­val­ent to Swiss cer­ti­fic­ates.

3 The com­pet­ent Fed­er­al De­part­ment or its des­ig­nated agency shall de­cide, if re­ques­ted by a col­lege or vo­ca­tion­al train­ing es­tab­lish­ment, wheth­er a spe­cif­ic qual­i­fic­a­tion must be re­garded as equi­val­ent to a cer­ti­fic­ate.

4 The com­pet­ent Fed­er­al De­part­ment shall de­term­ine which agency may re­cog­nise oc­cu­pa­tion­al ex­per­i­ence as equi­val­ent to a cer­ti­fic­ate and un­der what con­di­tions.

5 Art­icles 9–11 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis to:

cer­ti­fic­ates from mem­ber states of the EU and EFTA (para. 2);
qual­i­fic­a­tions re­garded as equi­val­ent to a cer­ti­fic­ate (para. 3);
oc­cu­pa­tion­al ex­per­i­ence re­cog­nised as equi­val­ent to a cer­ti­fic­ate (para. 4).
Art. 9 Geographical applicability  

Cer­ti­fic­ates are val­id throughout Switzer­land.

Art. 10 Continuing education and training requirements  

Any per­son who holds a cer­ti­fic­ate and car­ries out the rel­ev­ant activ­it­ies must keep abreast of best prac­tices and un­der­go con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion and train­ing.

Art. 11 Sanctions  

1 If the hold­er of a cer­ti­fic­ate wil­fully in­fringes the rel­ev­ant pro­vi­sions of en­vir­on­ment­al, health and work­er pro­tec­tion le­gis­la­tion, or re­peatedly in­fringes such pro­vi­sions through neg­li­gence, the can­ton­al au­thor­ity may, by means of a rul­ing:

re­quire the per­son con­cerned to at­tend a course or take an ex­am­in­a­tion; or
tem­por­ar­ily or per­man­ently re­voke the cer­ti­fic­ate.

2 The can­ton­al au­thor­ity shall in­form the com­pet­ent Fed­er­al Of­fice of such rul­ings.

Art. 12 Responsibilities  

1 The Fed­er­al De­part­ment of the En­vir­on­ment, Trans­port, En­ergy and Com­mu­nic­a­tions (DE­TEC) is re­spons­ible for cer­ti­fic­ates as spe­cified in Art­icle 7 para­graph 1 let­ter a num­bers 1 and 4, and let­ter b.

2 The Fed­er­al De­part­ment of Home Af­fairs (FDHA) is re­spons­ible for cer­ti­fic­ates as spe­cified in Art­icle 7 para­graph 1 let­ter a num­bers 2 and 3, and para­graph 2.

3 The De­part­ment shall define:

the con­tent, scope and pro­ced­ure for ex­am­in­a­tions;
the doc­u­ment­a­tion re­quire­ments for ex­amin­ing bod­ies.

4 The De­part­ment or its des­ig­nated agency shall spe­cify the ex­amin­ing bod­ies that con­duct ex­am­in­a­tions and is­sue cer­ti­fic­ates.

5 DE­TEC shall provide op­por­tun­it­ies for pre­par­a­tion for ex­am­in­a­tions with­in its sphere of re­spons­ib­il­ity.

Chapter 3 Enforcement

Art. 13 Cantons  

In the ab­sence of reg­u­la­tions to the con­trary, the can­tons are re­spons­ible for mon­it­or­ing com­pli­ance with the pro­vi­sions of this Or­din­ance.

Art. 14 Confederation  

The Con­fed­er­a­tion is re­spons­ible for:

the tasks as­signed to it in Art­icles 4, 7–12 (cer­ti­fic­ates) and 19;
the grant­ing of au­thor­isa­tions in ac­cord­ance with the An­nexes;
en­force­ment of the pro­vi­sions con­cern­ing im­ports and ex­ports;
en­force­ment with re­gard to sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles serving the in­terests of na­tion­al de­fence.

23 Amended by No I of the O of 7 Nov. 2012, in force since 1 Dec. 2012 (AS 2012 6161).

Art. 15 Delegation of tasks and powers to third parties  

1 The com­pet­ent fed­er­al agen­cies may del­eg­ate to ap­pro­pri­ate pub­lic bod­ies or private in­di­vidu­als some or all of the tasks and powers as­signed to them by this Or­din­ance.

2 In­so­far as the en­force­ment of health pro­tec­tion is con­cerned, del­eg­a­tion is lim­ited to Art­icles 7–12 (cer­ti­fic­ates) and the pro­vi­sion of in­form­a­tion un­der Art­icle 28 of the Chem­ic­als Act.

Art. 16 Special provisions concerning enforcement  

1 With re­gard to med­ic­al devices, en­force­ment is based on the Med­ic­al Devices Or­din­ance of 17 Oc­to­ber 200124.

2 With re­gard to sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles re­lat­ing to sys­tems and activ­it­ies serving the in­terests of na­tion­al de­fence, Art­icle 82 of the Chem­ic­als Or­din­ance of 5 June 201525 (ChemO) ap­plies.26

3 With re­gard to fer­til­isers, the en­force­ment pro­vi­sions of the Fer­til­iser Or­din­ance of 10 Janu­ary 200127 also ap­ply.

24 SR 812.213

25 SR 813.11

26 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

27SR 916.171

Art. 17 Monitoring of imports and exports  

1 At the re­quest of the FOPH, FO­AG or FOEN, cus­toms of­fices shall check wheth­er sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles com­ply with the pro­vi­sions of this Or­din­ance.28

2 In cases of sus­pec­ted in­fringe­ment, they are au­thor­ised to de­tain goods at the bor­der and call in the oth­er en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies in ac­cord­ance with this Or­din­ance. These au­thor­it­ies shall carry out fur­ther in­vest­ig­a­tions and take the ne­ces­sary meas­ures.

28 Amended by An­nex 4 No 45 of the Cus­toms Or­din­ance of 1 Nov. 2006, in force since 1 May 2007 (AS 2007 1469).

Art. 18 Inspections  

1 On a spot-check basis or at the re­quest of the FOPH, FO­AG, FOEN or SECO, the can­ton­al en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies shall in­spect sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles placed on the mar­ket at the premises of man­u­fac­tur­ers, traders and pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial users. They shall check wheth­er the sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles com­ply with the pro­vi­sions of the An­nexes, in par­tic­u­lar with re­gard to com­pos­i­tion, la­belling and in­form­a­tion for pur­chasers.29

2 They shall also check wheth­er the use of these sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions and art­icles com­plies with the re­quire­ments of this Or­din­ance.

3 If the sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions or art­icles in­spec­ted or the use there­of give cause for com­plaint, the in­spec­tion au­thor­ity shall in­form the au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for rul­ings un­der Art­icle 19. If the lat­ter are can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies, it shall ad­di­tion­ally in­form the FOPH, FOEN and SECO and also, in cases of com­plaints con­cern­ing plant pro­tec­tion products, the FS­VO and the FO­AG, and in cases of com­plaints con­cern­ing fer­til­isers, the FO­AG.30

29 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

30 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

Art. 19 Rulings arising from inspections  

If an in­spec­tion re­veals that pro­vi­sions of this Or­din­ance have been vi­ol­ated, the fed­er­al au­thor­ity or the au­thor­ity of the can­ton in which the man­u­fac­turer, trader or user is dom­i­ciled or has a re­gistered of­fice shall, by means of a rul­ing, or­der the ne­ces­sary meas­ures.

Art. 20 Specialist advice on the use of fertilisers and plant protection products  

1 The can­tons shall en­sure that spe­cial­ist ad­vice is offered on the use of fer­til­isers and plant pro­tec­tion products, and that fund­ing is avail­able for these ser­vices.

2 They may re­quire per­sons who use fer­til­isers or plant pro­tec­tion products on a pro­fes­sion­al or com­mer­cial basis in pol­luted areas:

to avail them­selves of the spe­cial­ist ad­vice offered for this pur­pose;
to make avail­able the op­er­a­tion­al data re­quired for such ad­vice.
Art. 21 Data confidentiality and data exchange 31  

Data con­fid­en­ti­al­ity and the ex­change of data among en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies and with oth­er coun­tries are gov­erned by Art­icles 73–76 of the ChemO32.

31 Amended by No I of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

32 SR 813.11

Art. 22 Fees  

The ob­lig­a­tion to pay fees and the cal­cu­la­tion of fees for ad­min­is­trat­ive acts per­formed by the fed­er­al en­force­ment au­thor­it­ies in ac­cord­ance with this Or­din­ance are based on the Chem­ic­als Fees Or­din­ance of 18 May 200533.

Chapter 4 Final Provisions

Art. 23 Transitional provisions  

1 The trans­ition­al pro­vi­sions on cer­ti­fic­ates in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 7–12 shall be en­acted by the com­pet­ent Fed­er­al De­part­ment.

2 Ex­emp­tions gran­ted un­der the Sub­stances Or­din­ance of 9 June 198634 re­main val­id for the peri­od ori­gin­ally spe­cified.

3 Ap­plic­a­tions for ex­emp­tions which are pending when this Or­din­ance comes in­to force shall be as­sessed ac­cord­ing to this Or­din­ance.

34[AS 1986 1254; 1988 911; 1989 270, 2420; 1991 1981; 1992 1749; 1994 678; 1995 1491Art. 440 No 2, 4425An­nex 1 No II 14, 5505; 1997 697; 1998 2009, 2863An­nex 5 No 3; 1999 39, 1362, 2045An­nex 2 No 3; 2000 703No II 9, 1949Art. 22 para. 2; 2001 522An­nex No 2, 1758, 3294No II 6; 2003 940, 1345, 5421No II 2; 2004 3209, 4037No I 7. AS 2005 2695No I 1].

Art. 23a Transitional provision to the Amendment of 11 March 2022 35  

Sub­stances, pre­par­a­tions, ap­pli­ances, art­icles and sys­tems that are la­belled in ac­cord­ance with the pre­vi­ous law may be sup­plied to third parties un­til 31 Decem­ber 2025.

35 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

Art. 24 Commencement  

This Or­din­ance comes in­to force on 1 Au­gust 2005.

Annexes 36

36 Revised by No I of the O of 17 April 2019, in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1495).

1 Provisions relating to specific substances

Persistent organic pollutants
Halogenated organic substances
Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons
Substances that deplete the ozone layer
Substances stable in the atmosphere
Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their ethoxylates
Flame retardants
Substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction
Dangerous liquid substances
Benzene and related compounds
Nitroaromatics, aromatic amines and azo dyes
Organotin compounds
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Substances listed in Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

2 Provisions relating to groups of preparations and articles

Laundry detergents
Cleaning, deodorising and cosmetic products
Biocidal products
Plant protection products
De-icing products
Paints and varnishes
Plastics and additives
Extinguishing agents
Aerosol dispensers37
Thermal fuel additives
Capacitors and transformers
Special provisions relating to metals
Wood-based materials
Electrical and electronic equipment

37 Term in accordance with No I 2 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010, in force since 1 Feb. 2011 (AS 2011 113). This amendment has been applied throughout the text.

Annex 1

Provisions relating to specific substances

Annex 1.1 38

38 Amended by No II para. 1 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367). Revised by No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963), of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and of 23 Feb. 2022, in force since 1 April 2022 (AS 2022 162).

(Art. 3)

Persistent organic pollutants

1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import on a private basis or use:

persistent organic substances as specified in Number 3;
substances and preparations containing persistent organic substances as specified in Number 3 which are not merely unavoidable impurities.

2 New articles may not be placed on the market if they or their components contain persistent organic substances as specified in Number 3 which are not merely unavoidable impurities.

3 For perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS), and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its precursor compounds, Annex 1.16 applies.

4 For electrical and electronic equipment that contains hexabromobiphenyl or brominated diphenyl ethers, Annex 2.18 applies.

5 For decabromodiphenyl ether, Annex 1.9 numbers 2 and 4 apply.

2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 do not apply to:

manufacture, placing on the market and use for analysis and research purposes;
lubricating oils and greases manufactured from waste oils if the content of persistent organic substances does not exceed 0.0001 % by mass (1mg/kg).

1bis The prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letter b do not apply to substances and preparations, provided that:

their content of alkanes C10–C13, chloro- does not exceed 1 % by mass;
their content of brominated diphenyl ethers as specified in Number 3 letter d does not exceed 0.001 % by mass (10 mg/kg).

2 The prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letter b and paragraph 2 do not apply to articles and their components, provided that:

their content of alkanes C10–C13, chloro does not exceed 0.15 % by mass;
their content of tetra-, penta-, hexa- and heptabromodiphenyl ether as specified in Number 3 letter d does not exceed 0.001% by mass (10mg/kg).

3 In addition, the prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letter b and paragraph 2 do not apply to preparations and articles manufactured partially or fully from recycled materials or materials from waste prepared for re-use, provided that their content of tetra-, penta-, hexa- and heptabromodiphenyl ether as specified in Number 3 letter d does not exceed 0.1 % by mass.

3 List of prohibited persistent organic pollutants

Halogenated aliphates
Hexachlorobutadine (CAS no 87-68-3);
Alkanes C10–C13, chloro (CAS no 85535-84-8);
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS);
Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH, all isomers);
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD, isomers of CAS no 25637-99-4, CAS no 3194-55-6, CAS no 134237-50-6, CAS no 134237-51-7 and CAS no 134237-52-8);
Aldrin (CAS no 309-00-2);
Chlordane (CAS no 57-74-9);
Chlordecone (Kepone, CAS no 143-50-0);
Dieldrin (CAS no 60-57-1);
Endosulfan (CAS no 115-29-7) and its isomers (CAS no 959‑98‑8 and CAS no 33213-65-9);
Endrin (CAS no 72-20-8);
Heptachlor (CAS no 76-44-8) and Heptachlor epoxide (CAS no 1024‑57-3);
Mirex (CAS no 2385-85-5);
Toxaphene (CAS no 8001-35-2).
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its precursor compounds.
Halogenated Monoaromaten
Pentachlorobenzene (CAS no 608-93-5);
Hexachlorobenzene (CAS no 118-74-1).
Pentachlorphenol (PCP, CAS no 87-86-5), its salts and esters.
Halogenated biphenyls and naphthalenes
Polychlorinated biphenyls (CAS no 1336-36-3 and others);
Hexabrombifenyl (CAS no 36355-01-8);
Polychlorinated naphthalenes with the formula C10HnCl8–n where 0 ≤ n ≤ 7.
Brominated diphenyl ethers
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether with the formula C12H6Br4O;
Pentabromodiphenyl ether with the formula C12H5Br5O;
Hexabromodiphenyl ether with the formula C12H4Br6O;
Heptabromodiphenyl ether with the formula C12H3Br7O;
Decabromdiphenyl ether with the formula C12Br10O.
DDT and DDT-like compounds
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT);
Dicofol (CAS no 115-32-2).

4 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letter b and paragraph 2 come into force on 1 March 2016 for:

the placing on the market and use of expandable polystyrene that contains HBCDD for the manufacture of insulation panels for use in and on buildings;
the first placing on the market of insulation panels made of expanded polystyrene that contains HBCDD for use in and on buildings;
the first placing on the market of installation panels made of extruded polystyrene that contains HBCDD for use in and on buildings.

2 The prohibition specified in Number 1 paragraph 2 does not apply to insulation panels made of expanded or extruded polystyrene for use in and on buildings if the insulation panels were manufactured with sections containing HBCDD that arise in the processing of new insulation panels in and on buildings.

3 On the receipt of a justified request, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) may grant temporary exemptions from the prohibitions specified in paragraph 1 letters a and b if the applicant can demonstrate that a substitute without HBCDD cannot actually be obtained for the preparations or objects. The time limit may last until 1 March 2018 at the latest.

Annex 1.2 39

39 Amended by No II para. 1 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367). Revised by No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022, in force since 1 April 2022 (AS 2022 162)

(Art. 3)

Halogenated organic substances

1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import on a private basis or use:

halogenated organic substances as specified in Number 3;
substances and preparations containing halogenated organic substances as specified in Number 3 which are not merely unavoidable impurities.

2 It is prohibited to place new textiles and new leather goods on the market if they or their components contain substances as specified in Number 3 letters a – e which are not merely unavoidable impurities.

3 It is prohibited to place on the market new articles if they or their components contain substances as specified in Number 3 Letters f and g which are not merely unavoidable impurities.

4 For chlorinated biphenyls and naphthalenes and hexabromobiphenyl, Annex 1.1 applies.

5 For electrical and electronic equipment that contain octabromodiphenyl ether, Annex 2.18 applies.

2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 do not apply to:

manufacture, placing on the market and use for analysis and research purposes;
mono- and di-halogenated biphenyls, terphenyls and naphthalenes and to preparations that contain such substances if they are used exclusively as intermediate products in synthesis and are merely contained in finished products as unavoidable impurities;
lubricating oils and greases manufactured from waste oils if their content of halogenated biphenyls does not exceed 0.0001 % (1mg/kg) by mass;
the manufacture of 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene and substances and preparations containing 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene;
the placing on the market and use of 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene and of substances and preparations containing 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene as:
intermediate products in synthesis, in particular for the manufacture of 1,3,5-trinitro-2,4,6-triaminobenzene,
process solvents in closed systems in chlorination reactions;
the placing on the market and use of substances and preparations with a maximum concentration of 0.1 % 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene by mass.

2 The prohibition specified in Number 1 paragraph 2 does not apply to the import of new textiles and new leather goods which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re-exported in their entirety.

3 In relation to the substance specified in Number 3 letter g, the prohibition specified in Number 1 paragraph 3 does not apply to the placing on the market of articles if their content of octabromodiphenyl ether does not exceed 0.1 % by mass.

3 List of prohibited halogenated organic substances

Aliphatic polycyclic systems
isodrin (CAS no 465-73-6);
kelevan (CAS no 4234-79-1);
strobane (CAS no 8001-50-1);
telodrin (CAS no 297-78-9).
DDT-like compounds
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE);
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD);
methoxychlor (CAS no 72-43-5);
perthane (CAS no 72-56-0);
Quintozene(CAS no 82-68-8).
Polychlorinated phenols and their derivatives
pentachlorophenoxy compounds;
tetrachlorphenols (TeCP) and their salts, and tetrachlorophenoxy compounds.
Halogenated biphenyls, terphenyls and naphthalenes
halogenated biphenyls with the formula C12HnX10-n;
X = halogen, 0 ≤ n ≤ 9;
halogenated terphenyls with the formula C18HnX14–n;
X = halogen, 0 ≤ n ≤ 13;
halogenated naphthalenes with the formula C10HnX8–n;
X = halogen, 0 ≤ n ≤ 7.
Halogenated diarylalkanes
monomethyl-tetrachloro-diphenyl methane (CAS no 76253-60-6);
monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl methane;
monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methane (CAS no 99688-47-8).
Octabromodiphenyl ether with the molecular formula C12H2Br8O.
Trichlorophenoxy fatty acids and their derivatives
2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (CAS no 93-76-5) and its salts and 2,4,5-trichlorphenoxyacetyl compounds;
2-(2,4,5-Trichlorphenoxy) propionic acid (CAS no 93-72-1) and its salts, and 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionyl compounds.
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (CAS no 120-82-1).

Annex 1.3 40

40 Revised by Annex 2 No II 2 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 23 Nov. 2005 (AS 2005 5451), No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113), No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons

1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market or use the following substances:

chloroform (CAS no 67-66-3);
1,1,2-trichloroethane (CAS no 79-00-5);
1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (CAS no 79-34-5);
1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane (CAS no 630-20-6);
pentachloroethane (CAS no 76-01-7);
1,1-dichloroethylene (CAS no 75-35-4).

2 It is also prohibited to place on the market or use substances and preparations containing 0.1% or more, by mass, of the substances specified in paragraph 1.

3 It is prohibited to use hexachloroethane (CAS no 67-72-1) in the manufacturing or processing of non-ferrous metals.

2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to:

medicinal products;
cosmetic products which, based on Article 54 paragraphs 2–5 and 7 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 201641, may contain substances specified in Number 1 paragraph 1;
substances and preparations intended for use in closed systems in industrial processes;
substances and preparations intended for analysis and research.

2 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may, with the agreement of the SECO and the FOPH, grant temporary exemptions from the prohibitions specified in Number 1 paragraphs 1 and 2 for the use of chloroform if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute for chloroform is available for the use in question; and
the quantity of chloroform used is no greater than is required for the intended purpose and does not exceed 20 litres per year.

3 Special labelling

1 The packaging of substances and preparations specified in Number 2 letter c must be marked as follows: «For industrial use only».


Annex 1.4 42

42 Amended by No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495). Revised by No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022, in force since 1 April 2022 (AS 2022 162).

(Art. 3)

Substances that deplete the ozone layer

1 Definitions

1 Substances that deplete the ozone layer are:

all fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons with up to three carbon atoms (CFCs), such as:
trichlorofluoromethane (CFC 11),
dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC 12),
tetrachlorodifluoroethane (CFC 112),
trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC 113),
dichlorotetrafluoroethane (CFC 114),
chloropentafluoroethane (CFC 115);
all hydrochlorofluorocarbons with up to three carbon atoms (HCFCs), such as:
chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC 22),
dichlorotrifluoroethane (HCFC 123),
dichlorofluoroethane (HCFC 141),
chlorodifluoroethane (HCFC 142);
all fully halogenated bromofluorocarbons with up to three carbon atoms (halons), such as:
bromochlorodifluoromethane (halon 1211),
bromotrifluoromethane (halon 1301),
dibromotetrafluoroethane (halon 2402);
all partially halogenated hydrobromofluorocarbons with up to three carbon atoms (HBFCs);
1,1,1-trichloroethane (CAS no 71-55-6);
carbon tetrachloride (CAS no 56-23-5);
bromomethane (CAS no 74-83-9);
bromochloromethane (CAS no 74-97-5).

2 Preparations containing substances specified in paragraph 1 are deemed equivalent to substances that deplete the ozone layer if they are found in containers used solely for the transport or storage of these preparations.

3 Regenerated substances that deplete the ozone layer are substances produced by re-processing of used ozone depleting substances without chemical modification.

2 Manufacture

2.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to manufacture substances that deplete the ozone layer.

2.2 Exemption

The prohibition specified in Number 2.1 does not apply to the manufacture of regenerated substances that deplete the ozone layer.

3 Placing on the market

3.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to place on the market preparations and articles which:

contain substances that deplete the ozone layer;
were manufactured with substances that deplete the ozone layer and are listed in an Annex to the Montreal Protocol of 16 September 198743 on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol).

3.2 Exemptions

The prohibition specified in Number 3.1 does not apply to the placing on the market of:

preparations and articles for whose manufacture or maintenance substances that deplete the ozone layer may be used in accordance with Number 6.2 or on the basis of an exemption permit under Number 6.3.1 paragraph 1;
preparations and articles which may be placed on the market in accordance with the provisions of Annexes 2.9–2.11 and which, if imported, are imported from countries that comply with the provisions of the Montreal Protocol and the Amendments to the Protocol of 29 June 199044, 25 November 199245, 17 September 199746 and 3 December 199947, as approved by Switzerland;
preparations deemed equivalent to substances that deplete the ozone layer as specified in Number 1 paragraph 2.

3.3 Import of substances

3.3.1 Licence requirement

Any person wishing to import substances that deplete the ozone layer as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1, or who intends to store such substances in an open customs warehouse, in a warehouse for bulk goods or in a duty-free warehouse, requires an import licence from the FOEN.

3.3.2 Licence conditions

1 An import licence is granted on application, provided that:

the substances that deplete the ozone layer which are intended to be imported are for a permitted use as specified in Number 6.2 or the intended user has an exemption permit in accordance with Number 6.3.1 paragraph 1; and
the substances that deplete the ozone layer which are intended to be imported are imported from countries that comply with the Montreal Protocol provisions approved by Switzerland.

2 In addition, for substances specified in Number 1 paragraph 1, the import licence is only issued for the quantities and uses approved by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.

3.3.3 Principles

1 The import licence is granted in the form of a general import licence.

2 A general import licence entitles the holder to import specific quantities of substances that deplete the ozone layer from specific foreign exporters. It is personal and non-transferable.

3 The FOEN shall inform the cantons and the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS)48 of the granting and revocation of general import licences.

48 The name of this administrative unit was changed on 1 Jan. 2022 pursuant to Art. 20 para. 2 of the Publications Ordinance of 7 Oct. 2015 (SR 170.512.1) (AS 2021 589). This change has been made throughout the text.

3.3.4 Application

1 The application must include:

the applicant’s name and address;
the names and addresses of the foreign exporters;
for each substance to be imported, the following information:
the chemical name according to an internationally recognised nomenclature,
the customs tariff number according to the Annexes of the Federal Act of 9 October 198649 on Customs Tariffs (CTA),
the intended quantity, expressed in kilograms per calendar year,
the intended uses.

2 The FOEN may request further information on the origin and intended use of the substances concerned.

3.3.5 Decision

1 The FOEN shall make a decision on the complete application within two months.

2 A general import licence is issued for a maximum period of 18 months; it expires at the end of a calendar year and is numbered.

3.3.6 Obligations relating to import and storage

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 of the Customs Act of 18 March 200550 (CustA) must specify the number of the general import licence in the customs declaration.

2 At the request of the customs office, the person required to submit a declaration must submit a copy of the import licence as specified in Number 3.3.5 paragraph 1.

3 On storage in an open customs warehouse, in a warehouse for bulk goods or in a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the number of the import licence in an inventory record.

4 Export

4.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to export articles the use of which requires substances that deplete the ozone layer as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letters a, c–f and h.

4.2 Export licence

4.2.1 Licence requirement

For substances that deplete the ozone layer as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 with a gross mass of more than 20kg, an export licence from the FOEN is required by any person wishing to:

export such substances; or
move such substances to another country from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse.

4.2.2 Licence conditions

An export licence is granted on application, provided the export is to countries that comply with the Montreal Protocol provisions approved by Switzerland.

4.2.3 Principles

1 The export licence is granted in the form of a specific export licence.

2 An export licence entitles the holder to export, on one occasion, specific quantities of substances that deplete the ozone layer to a specific foreign importer in a country that complies with the Montreal Protocol provisions approved by Switzerland. It is personal and non-transferable.

3 The FOEN shall inform the cantons and the FOCBS of the granting and revocation of export licences.

4.2.4 Application

1 The application must include:

the applicant’s name and address;
the name and address of the foreign importer;
for each substance to be exported, the following information:
the chemical name according to an internationally recognised nomenclature,
the customs tariff number according to the Annexes of the CTA,
the name and address of the previous owner,
the intended quantity, expressed in kilograms.

2 The FOEN may request further information on the origin and intended use of the substances concerned.

4.2.5 Decision

1 The FOEN shall make a decision on the complete application within two months.

2 An export licence is issued for a period of 12 months and is numbered.

4.2.6 Obligations relating to export and removal from storage

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 CustA must specify the number of the export licence in the customs declaration.

2 The person required to submit a declaration must submit a copy of the export licence with the customs declaration.

3 On removal from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the number of the export licence in an inventory record.

5 Reporting requirements for imports and exports

5.1 Principles

1 Any person who imports or exports substances that deplete the ozone layer as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 or preparations as specified in Number 1 paragraph 2 must inform the FOEN each year by 31 March of the quantities imported or exported during the previous year.

2 The reports must be classified by substance and intended use.

5.2 Exemptions

The reporting requirements specified in Number 5.1 paragraph 1 do not apply to storage in, or removal to another country from, a customs bonded warehouse, a bulk goods warehouse or a duty-free warehouse.

6 Use

6.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to use substances that deplete the ozone layer.

6.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 6.1 does not apply to the use of substances that deplete the ozone layer for the manufacture of preparations or articles which may be placed on the market or imported for private purposes in accordance with the provisions of Annexes 2.9–2.11.

2 If, according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances that deplete the ozone layer or for the preparations and articles manufactured using these substances, the prohibition specified in Number 6.1 does not apply to the use of substances that deplete the ozone layer:

as intermediate products for complete subsequent chemical conversion;
for the laboratory or analytical purposes permitted in accordance with Decision X/19 of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol51.

51 The text of this Decision may be obtained at > Treaties > Montreal Protocol > Decisions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol > Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties > Decision XXVI/5.

6.3 Exemption permits

6.3.1 Principles

1 On receipt of a justified application, the FOEN may grant temporary exemptions for other uses of substances that deplete the ozone layer.

2 It shall inform the cantons of the granting and revocation of exemption permits.

6.3.2 Authorisation requirements

An exemption permit may be granted if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances that deplete the ozone layer or for the preparations and articles manufactured using these substances; and
the quantity of substances that deplete the ozone layer being used is no greater than is required for the intended purpose.

6.3.3 Application

1 An application must include:

the applicant's name and address;
the chemical name of the substance according to an internationally recognised nomenclature;
the safety data sheet for the substance;
the name and address of the supplier of the substance;
information about the intended use, including the quantities to be used and disposed of per year;
the intended disposal method;
a description of the measures to prevent or reduce emissions of the substance concerned throughout its lifetime;
a description of the research and development activities undertaken to avoid the use of the substance concerned.

2 The FOEN may request further information on the substance concerned and its intended use.

3 Applications under Number 6.3.3 paragraph 1 must be submitted at least 14 months before the start of the calendar year in which the use is to take place.

6.3.4 Decision

The FOEN shall decide on complete applications within two months of receiving the decision of the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on the quantity of a particular substance which may be used during a particular period.

7 Transitional provision

Preparations and articles which were manufactured with substances that deplete the ozone layer and are listed in an Annex to the Montreal Protocol (No 3.2.1 let. b) may continue to be imported for one year after the relevant Annex to the Montreal Protocol comes into force.

Annex 1.5 52

52 Amended by No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495). Revised by the Annex to the O of 24 Nov. 2021 (AS 2021 859), No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022 (AS 2022 162) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Substances stable in the atmosphere

1 Definition

1 Substances stable in the atmosphere are:

hydrofluorocarbons as listed in Annex F to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer53;
other fluorinated organic compounds54 with a vapour pressure of at least 0.1 mbar at 20ºC or whose boiling point does not exceed 240ºC at 1013.25 mbar, and which have a mean atmospheric lifetime of at least 2 years;
sulphur hexafluoride (CAS no 2551-62-4);
nitrogen trifluoride (CAS no 7783-54-2).

1bis For the purposes of the obligation in accordance with Number 9 paragraph 2, nitrous oxide (CAS no 10024-97-2) also applies as a substance stable in the atmosphere, provided the nitrous oxide is generated as a by-product in the manufacture of the following substances:

nitric acid (CAS no 7697-37-2);
caprolactam (CAS no 105-60-2);
adipic acid (CAS no 124-04-9);
glyoxal (CAS no 107-22-2) and glyoxylic acid;
nicotinic acid (CAS no 59-67-6);
substances other than those named in letters a–e that are generated from a reaction with nitrous oxides or nitric acid, provided nitrous oxide is generated in a comparable volume to that in the manufacture of the substances named in letters a–e.

2 Preparations containing substances specified in paragraph 1 are deemed equivalent to substances stable in the atmosphere if they are found in containers used solely for the transport or storage of these preparations.

3 Regenerated substances stable in the atmosphere are substances produced by reprocessing of used substances stable in the atmosphere without chemical modification.

53 SR 0.814.021

54 The list of the most common other fluorinated organic compounds may be obtained at > Chemikalien > Fachinformationen > Bestimmungen and Verfahren > in der Luft stabile Stoffe.

2 Substances stable in the atmosphere which are substances that deplete the ozone layer

For substances stable in the atmosphere which are substances that deplete the ozone layer, Annex 1.4 applies.

3 Manufacture

3.1 Prohibition

The manufacture of hydrofluorocarbons as specified in Number 1 letter a is prohibited.

3.2 Exemption

The prohibition specified in Number 3.1 does not apply to the manufacture of regenerated hydrofluorocarbons.

4 Placing on the market

4.1 Prohibition

1 It is prohibited to place on the market preparations and articles containing substances stable in the atmosphere.

2 Substances listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/201455 must be placed on the market in reusable containers if they are intended for use:

in accordance with Number 6.2 paragraph 2 or Annex 2.3 number 4.2; or
in systems and appliances that may be placed on the market or imported for private purposes in accordance with Annex 2.10 numbers 2.1 and 2.2 and Annex 2.11 numbers 2.1 and 2.2.

55 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, Last amended by OJ L 150 of 20.5.2014, p. 195.

4.2 Exemptions

Without prejudice to Number 8 paragraph 1, the prohibition specified in Number 4.1 paragraph 1 does not apply to the placing on the market of:

preparations and articles for whose manufacture or maintenance substances stable in the atmosphere may be used in accordance with Number 6.2 or on the basis of an exemption permit under Number 6.3.1 paragraph 1;
preparations and articles which may be placed on the market in accordance with the provisions of Annexes 2.3, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12; and
preparations deemed equivalent to substances stable in the atmosphere as specified in Number 1 paragraph 2.

4.3 Import of substances

4.3.1 Licence requirement

Any person wishing to import hydrofluorocarbons as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letter a, or who intends to store them in an open customs warehouse, in a warehouse for bulk goods or in a duty-free warehouse, requires an import licence from the FOEN.

4.3.2 Licence conditions

Without prejudice to Number 8 paragraph 1, an import licence is granted on application, provided that the hydrofluorocarbons which are intended to be imported are for a permitted use as specified in Number 6.2 or the intended user has an exemption permit in accordance with Number 6.3.1 paragraph 1.

4.3.3 Principles

1 The import licence is granted in the form of a general import licence.

2 A general import licence entitles the holder to import specific quantities of hydrofluorocarbons from specific foreign exporters. It is personal and non-transferable.

3 The FOEN shall inform the cantons and the FOCBS of the granting and revocation of general import licences.

4.3.4 Application

1 An application must include:

the applicant's name and address;
the names and addresses of the foreign exporters;
for each substance to be imported, the following information:
the chemical name according to an internationally recognised nomenclature,
the customs tariff number according to the Annexes of the Customs Tariff Act of 9 October 198656 (CTA),
the intended quantity, expressed in kilograms per calendar year,
its quality (new, used, regenerated),
the intended uses.

2 The FOEN may request further information on the origin and intended use of the substances concerned.

4.3.5 Decision

1 The FOEN shall make a decision on the complete application within two months.

2 A general import licence is issued for a maximum period of 18 months; it expires at the end of a calendar year and is numbered.

4.3.6 Obligations relating to import and storage

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 of the Customs Act of 18 March 200557 (CustA) must specify the number of the general import licence in the customs declaration.

2 At the request of the customs office, the person required to submit a declaration must submit a copy of the import licence.

3 On storage in an open customs warehouse, in a warehouse for bulk goods or in a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the number of the import licence in an inventory record.

5 Export

5.1 Licence requirement

For hydrofluorocarbons as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 letter a with a gross mass of more than 20kg, an export licence from the FOEN is required by any person wishing to:

export such substances; or
move such substances to another country from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse.

5.2 Licence conditions

An export licence is issued if the applicant submits a complete application as specified in Number 5.4.

5.3 Principles

1 The export licence is granted in the form of a specific export licence.

2 A specific export licence entitles the holder to export, on one occasion, specific quantities of hydrofluorocarbons. It is personal and non-transferable.

3 The FOEN shall inform the cantons and the FOCBS of the granting and revocation of export licences.

5.4 Application

An application must include:

the applicant's name and address;
the name and address of the foreign importer;
for each substance to be exported, the following information:
the chemical name according to an internationally recognised nomenclature,
the customs tariff number according to the Annexes of the CTA,
the name and address of the previous owner,
the intended quantity, expressed in kilograms, broken down by calendar year, importer and recipient country,
its quality (new, used, regenerated).

5.5 Decision

1 The FOEN shall make a decision on the complete application within two months.

2 An export licence is issued for a period of 12 months and is numbered.

5.6 Obligations relating to export and removal from storage

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 CustA must specify the number of the export licence in the customs declaration.

2 The person required to submit a declaration must submit a copy of the export licence with the customs declaration.
3 On removal from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the number of the export licence in an inventory record.

6 Use

6.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to use substances stable in the atmosphere.

6.2 Exemptions

1 Without prejudice to paragraph 3, the prohibition specified in Number 4.1 does not apply to the use of substances stable in the atmosphere:

for the manufacture or maintenance of preparations or articles which may be placed on the market or imported for private purposes in accordance with the provisions of Annexes 2.3 and 2.9–2.12;
5% of the quantity of substances used;
as an intermediate in a process leading to complete chemical conversion, provided that emissions do not exceed 0.5% of the quantity of substances used;
as heat transfer or insulation fluids in welding machines and in testing and calibration baths;
for research and analysis purposes.

2 In addition, without prejudice to paragraph 3, the prohibition specified in Number 4.1 does not apply to the use of sulphur hexafluoride:

for the manufacture of the high-voltage component of particle accelerators whose gas compartment is continuously monitored or hermetically sealed, in particular X-ray equipment, electron microscopes and industrial particle accelerators used in the production of plastics;
for the manufacture of mini-relays;
for the manufacture of electrical distribution systems with voltages according to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) above 1 kV, whose gas compartment is continuously monitored or hermetically sealed in accordance with the standard SN EN 62271-1:200858;
for the maintenance and operation of equipment and systems allowed to contain sulphur hexafluoride in accordance with letters a to c.

3 The exemptions specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 apply provided that:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available either for the substances stable in the atmosphere or for the preparations and articles manufactured with or containing such substances;
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used are no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art; and
emissions of substances stable in the atmosphere are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use.

58 This standard may be viewed free of charge at or obtained for a fee from the Schweizerische Normenvereinigung (SNV), Sulzerallee 70, 8404Winterthur;

6.3 Exemption permits

6.3.1 Principles

1 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may grant temporary exemptions for other uses of substances stable in the atmosphere.

2It shall inform the cantons of the granting and revocation of exemption permits.

6.3.2 Authorisation requirements

An exemption permit may be granted if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available either for the substances stable in the atmosphere or for the preparations and articles manufactured with these substances;
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used is no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art; and
emissions of substances stable in the atmosphere are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use.

6.3.3 Application

An application must include:

the applicant's name and address;
the chemical name of the substance according to an internationally recognised nomenclature;
the safety data sheet for the substance;
the name and address of the supplier of the substance;
information about the intended use, including the quantities to be used and disposed of per year;
the intended disposal method;
a description of the measures to prevent or reduce emissions of the substance concerned throughout its lifetime;
a description of the research and development activities undertaken to avoid the use of the substance concerned.

7 Reporting requirements

7.1 Reporting requirements for importers and exporters

7.1.1 Principles

1 Any person who imports or exports substances stable in the atmosphere as specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 or preparations as specified in Number 1 paragraph 2 must inform the FOEN each year, by 31 March, of the quantities imported or exported during the previous year.

2 The reports must be classified by substance and intended use.

7.1.2 Exemptions

The reporting requirements specified in Number 7.1.1 paragraph 1 do not apply to:

storage in, or removal to another country from, an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse;
importers and exporters who are party to a sectoral agreement, as defined in Article 41a of the Environmental Protection Act, if this agreement ensures that the FOEN will be duly informed.

7.2 Reporting requirements for appliances and systems containing sulphur hexafluoride

7.2.1 Principle

1 Any person commissioning or decommissioning an appliance or system containing more than 1kg sulphur hexafluoride must inform the FOEN accordingly.

2 The report must contain the following data:

the type and location of the appliance or system;
the quantity of sulphur hexafluoride contained therein;
the date of commissioning or decommissioning;
in the case of decommissioning: the recipient of the sulphur hexafluoride.

7.2.2 Exemptions

1 Parties to a sectoral agreement, as defined in Art. 41aof the Environmental Protection Act, on sulphur hexafluoride are exempt from the reporting requirements specified in Number 7.2.1 paragraph 1 if this agreement ensures that the FOEN will be duly informed.

2 Reporting is not required for:

appliances or systems containing more than 1kg sulphur hexafluoride in hermetically sealed pressure systems in accordance with SN EN 62271-1:200859 if one party to a sectoral agreement assumes responsibility for reporting.
appliances or systems serving the interests of national defence.

59 This standard may be viewed free of charge at or obtained for a fee from the Schweizerische Normenvereinigung (SNV), Sulzerallee 70, 8404Winterthur;

7.3 Reporting by the FOEN

The FOEN is responsible for reporting of data in accordance with Article 7 paragraph 3 of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

8 Special labelling

1 The manufacturer may only place on the market containers containing or designed to contain substances listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/201460 or switchgear containing sulphur hexafluoride or preparations with sulphur hexafluoride, if they are labelled with the following information:

the text: «Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases»;
the abbreviated chemical names for the substances stable in the atmosphere contained or designed to be contained in the containers or systems, using the industry nomenclature accepted for the area concerned;
the quantity of the substances stable in the atmosphere, expressed in kilograms and in tonnes of CO2 equivalent, and the global warming potential of the substances.

1bis The manufacturer of containers that contain or will contain substances mentioned in paragraph 1 in recycled or reclaimed form in terms of Article 2 paragraphs 15 and 16 of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 or in regenerated form in terms of Number 1 paragraph 3 must indicate on the containers:

the form of the substances;
the name and address of the facility in which the substances were recycled, reclaimed or regenerated.

2 The manufacturer of appliances or of systems other than those referred to in paragraph 1 which contain more than 1kg sulphur hexafluoride must indicate the presence of this substance on the appliances or systems and indicate the quantity of the substance contained in the appliances or systems.

60 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, version in accordance with OJ L 150 of 20.5.2014, p. 195.

9 Obligations in relation to chemical conversion processes

1 Any person who initiates chemical conversion processes in which substances stable in the atmosphere in accordance with Number 1 paragraph 1 may be generated as a by-product shall ensure that no more than 0.5% of the quantity of starting material used is emitted as these substances.

2 Any person who manufactures substances in accordance with Number 1 paragraph 1bis must convert the nitrous oxide generated as a by-product in accordance with the state of the art provided this is technically and operationally feasible and economically viable.

9 Monitoring the conversion of nitrous oxide from manufacturing processesbis

1 The FOEN shall monitor compliance with the obligation in accordance with Number 9 paragraph 2.

2 If the monitoring indicates that the obligation is not being complied with, the FOEN shall take the measures required. If necessary, it shall order the discontinuation of the manufacturing process concerned.

10 Transitional provision

For containers containing substances stable in the atmosphere which are listed in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 11 December 199761 (Kyoto Protocol) and switchgear containing sulphur hexafluoride or preparations with sulphur hexafluoride, labelling as specified in Number 5 of the ORRChem in the version of 11 December 201062 remains permitted until 31 May 2020.

11 Transitional provision to the Amendment of 24 November 2021

Substances in accordance with Number 1 paragraph 1bis letter f may continue to be manufactured until 30 June 2023 without converting the nitrous oxide generated.

Annex 1.6 63

63 Revised by No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495), of 23 Feb. 2022 (AS 2022 162) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)


1 Definitions

1 Asbestosrefers to the natural fibrous silicate minerals of:

actinolite (CAS no 77536-66-4);
amosite (CAS no 12172-73-5);
anthophyllite (CAS no 77536-67-5);
chrysotile (CAS no 12001-29-5);
crocidolite (CAS no 12001-28-4);
tremolite (CAS no 77536-68-6).

2 Asbestos-containing preparations are preparations in which asbestos is present not merely as an unavoidable impurity.

3 Asbestos-containing articles are articles in which asbestos is present not merely as an unavoidable impurity, and appliances and equipment such as vehicles, machines or instruments with asbestos-containing components.

2 Prohibitions

It is prohibited:

to use asbestos;
to place asbestos-containing preparations or articles on the market;
to export asbestos-containing preparations or articles;
to use asbestos-containing preparations or articles.

3 Exemptions

1 On receipt of a justified request and with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may grant exemptions to the prohibitions specified in Number 2 letters a and b if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute for asbestos is available and the quantity of asbestos used is no greater than is required for the intended purpose;
on account of particular design characteristics, only asbestos-containing spare parts can be used; or
on aesthetic grounds, no asbestos-free substitute material is considered suitable for ad hoc repair and restoration work in existing buildings and monuments.

2 On receipt of a justified request and with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may grant exemptions to the prohibition specified in Number 2 letter b for appliances and equipment with asbestos-containing components if they:

were in operation before 1 March 1990; and
only contain small quantities of asbestos, solely in a bound form.


4 The prohibition specified in Number 2 letter d does not apply to the use of asbestos-containing preparations and articles for a purpose for which placing on the market under paragraph 1 or 2 has been authorised.

4 Special labelling

1 The manufacturer may only place asbestos on the market if the packaging is marked with:

the name of the manufacturer;
a warning about the dangers of asbestos to human health and the environment and reference to protective measures; it must comply with the following specifications:


H = at least 5 cm

B = at least 2.5 cm

h1 = 40% of H

h2 = 60% of H



«a» in white on black background


black or white text on red background

2 The manufacturer must also label asbestos-containing preparations and articles with the markings specified in paragraph 1. If the markings are printed directly on the preparation or article, a single colour contrasting clearly with the background is sufficient for the head and field. In this case, the text fields may also be combined under a single head, arranged either horizontally or vertically.

3 In articles with asbestos-containing components, the manufacturer must clearly label these components must be clearly labelled with the markings specified in paragraph 1.

4 If, for important reasons, a preparation or article cannot be marked in accordance with the provisions specified in paragraphs 1–3, the FOEN may, on receipt of a justified request and with the agreement of the FOPH, grant a temporary exemption. It shall require the necessary information to be conveyed to the purchaser in an equivalent form.

5 Duty to provide information

If asbestos-containing preparations or articles have the potential to release fine dust during use, the manufacturer must provide the user with the following information in writing:

a warning that inappropriate use poses a risk of lung disease and an increased risk of cancer; and
recommendations on the necessary protective measures.

6 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 2 letter d does not apply to uses of asbestos-containing preparations and articles that began before 1 June 2019.

2 Until 30 June 2025, the prohibition specified in Number 2 letter a does not apply to the use of asbestos for the manufacture of diaphragms for existing electrolysis installations.

3 Until 30 June 2025, the prohibitions specified in Number 2 letters b, c and d do not apply to asbestos-containing diaphragms for use in existing electrolysis installations.

Annex 1.7 64

64 Amended by No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963). Revised by No I of the O of 17 April 2019, in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1495).

(Art. 3)


1 Placing on the market

1.1 Prohibitions

1The placing on the market of the following mercury compounds and of preparations that contain these mercury compounds is prohibited if their mercury content is 0.01 % or more by mass:

phenylmercury acetate (CAS no 62-38-4);
phenylmercury propionate (CAS no 103-27-5);
phenylmercury 2-ethylhexanoate (CAS no 13302-00-6);
phenylmercury octanoate (CAS no 13864-38-5);
phenylmercury neodecanoate (CAS no 26545-49-3);
mercury compounds other than those specified in letters a–e, provided that they are intended for the manufacture of polyurethanes.

2 It is prohibited to place on the market:

clinical thermometers and other measuring instruments that contain mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6) and are intended for the general public;
the following measuring instruments that contain mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6) and are intended for application on a professional or commercial basis:
strain gauges for use in plethysmographs,
thermometers and other non-electrical thermometric applications,
instruments for the determination of the softening point;
Switches and relays containing mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6);
the following product types that contain mercury compounds:
plant protection products,
biocidal products as specified in Article 1a of the Biocidal Products Ordinance of 18 May 200566 (OBP),
paints and varnishes,
cosmetic products, provided that they are not based on Article 54 paragraphs 4 and 7 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 201667 may contain mercury compounds as preservatives in ophthalmic products,
topical antiseptics;
preparations and articles that contain mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6) or mercury compounds, for a use unknown before 1 January 2018.

3 In addition, the placing on the market of articles is prohibited if the articles or their components contain mercury compounds specified in paragraph 1 and the mercury content in the articles or their constituents is 0.01 % or more by mass.

4 For the placing on the market of batteries, packaging and packaging components, vehicles and vehicle materials and components, wood-based materials and electrical and electronic equipment and their spare parts, Annexes 2.15–2.18 apply.

65 In force from 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2017 5963).

66 SR 813.12

67 SR817.02

1.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions of the placing on the market of mercury compounds specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 and of articles specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 3 do not apply for analysis and research purposes.

2 The prohibition on the placing on the market of measuring instruments specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter a does not apply to instruments that were more than 50 years old on 1 September 2015 and are considered to be antiques or cultural goods.

3 The prohibitions of the placing on the market of measuring instruments specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter b do not apply to:

sphygmomanometers for use as a reference standard for the validation of mercury-free sphygmomanometers;
thermometers which are exclusively intended to carry out tests based on standards that prescribe the use of mercury thermometers;
triple point cells which are used for the calibration of platinum resistance thermometers;
instruments which were more than 50 years old on 1 September 2015 and are considered to be antiques or cultural goods;
instruments to be exhibited in public exhibitions for cultural and historical purposes.

4 The prohibition on the placing on the market specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter c does not apply to switches and relays that:

are intended as components or spare parts for equipment that is required to protect Switzerland's essential security interests, including weapons, ammunition and war materiel for military purposes;
are intended as components or spare parts for equipment that Annex 2.18 Number 3 specifies may contain switches and relays containing mercury;
are intended as spare parts for equipment other than that mentioned in letter b that have been or will be placed on the market in accordance with Annex 2.18 number 8 paragraphs 1 and 4;
are intended as spare parts for the articles, equipment, large-scale tools, large-scale installations, means of transport, machinery, photo-voltaic panels and pipe organs listed in Article 2 paragraph 4 letters b to k of Directive 2011/65/EU68.

5 The prohibition on the placing on the market of biocidal products specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter d Number 2 does not apply for research and development purposes.

6 The prohibition on the placing on the market specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter e does not apply to:

mercury-containing preparations and articles that are necessary for the protection of the essential interests of the security of Switzerland, including arms, munitions and war material specifically intended for military purposes;
mercury-containing preparations and articles for use in outer space;
mercury-containing preparations for use as auxiliary substances in industrial manufacturing processes, the use of which has been authorised as specified in Number 3.2.1 paragraph 1.

68 Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 88; last amended by Directive (EU) 2017/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council, OJ L 305 of 21.11.2017, p. 8.

1.3 Exemptions with Authorisation

1.3.1 Principle

On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may, with the agreement of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), grant temporary exemptions from the prohibition specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter e.

1.3.2 Authorisation requirements

An exemption permit is granted if:

the use of the preparation or article is not possible without mercury for technical reasons or the use of the preparation or article is not financially viable for a medium-sized and economically healthy enterprise of the sector without mercury; and
evidence is provided that there are no significant risks for the environment and human health associated with the use of the mercury-containing preparation or mercury-containing article.

1.3.3 Application

An application must contain at least:

information about the use of the mercury-containing preparation or mercury-containing article and the function that the mercury or mercury compound fulfils;
information on the mercury content by mass or the identity and content of the mercury compound in the preparation or in the article by mass;
information on the estimated annual quantity of the preparation or of the annual total weight of the article to be placed on the market;
an assessment of the risks associated with the use of the preparation or article for human health and the environment, as well as information on the necessary protective measures;
an analysis of whether the requirement specified in Number 1.3.2 letter a is met;
a description of the research and development activities carried out to avoid the use of mercury in the preparation or the article.

1.4 Import

1.4.1 Licence requirement

1 A licence from the FOEN is required by any person who wants to import for professional or commercial purposes:

mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6);
a preparation with a mercury content of 95 % and more by mass;
a mercury compound not specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1;
an alloy of mercury.

2 In addition, any person who intends to store substances and preparations or any other mercury compounds specified in paragraph 1 in a customs bonded warehouse, in a customs warehouse for bulk goods or in a duty-free warehouse requires an import licence as specified in paragraph 1.

1.4.2 Exemptions

No import licence is required by a person who:

imports mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6) or a preparation with a mercury content of 95 % and more by mass from a country that is a signatory69 to the Minamata Convention on Mercury of 10 October 201370 (Minamata Convention), provided that the substance or preparation is intended for analysis and research purposes;
imports a mercury compound or alloy of mercury if the substance or preparation is intended for analysis and research purposes;
imports a substance or preparation specified in letter a or b for use as a substance in a preparation or article, if the substance, preparation or article is intended for analysis and research purposes.

69 The list of the signatories can be found on the internet at the FOEN website under > Topics > Chemicals > Information for specialists > Regulations and procedures > Mercury.

70 SR0.814.82

1.4.3 Licence conditions

An import licence is granted upon request, provided that:

the substance or preparation intended to be imported is supplied for a permitted use as specified in Number 3;
the importer confirms that the substance or preparation intended to be imported is not intended for re-export in a chemically altered or chemically unaltered form;
if the exporting country is not a signatory to the Minamata Convention, the FOEN has a certificate from the exporting country stating that the mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6) intended for export or the preparation intended for export with a mercury content of 95 % and more by mass neither originated from the primary mercury mining nor from the chlorine-alkali industry.

1.4.4 Application

The application must contain at least:

the name and address of the applicant;
the name and address of the foreign importer;
for each substance and each preparation to be imported:
the chemical name in accordance with an internationally recognised nomenclature,
the customs tariff number in accordance with the annexes to the CTA71,
the intended use,
the intended import quantity in kilogrammes,
the confirmation specified in Number 1.4.3 letter b;
a certificate as specified in Number 1.4.3 letter c.

1.4.5 Decision

1 The FOEN decides within 30 days of having received all the necessary documents. It provides the import licence with a number.

2 In each case, an import licence is granted for a period limited to 12 months.

1.4.6 Obligations relating to import and storage

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 of the Customs Act of 18 March 200572 (CustA) must specify in the customs declaration:

that the importation of mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6), a preparation with a mercury content of 95 % and more by mass, a mercury compound or an alloy of mercury is subject to authorisation in accordance with this Annex;
the number of the import licence.

2 At the request of the customs office, the person required to submit a declaration must submit a copy of the import licence as specified in this Annex.

3 On storage in a customs bonded warehouse, in a customs warehouse for bulk goods or in a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the number of the import licence in an inventory record.

1.4.7 Retention requirement

The owner of the import licence must retain it for five years.

1.5 Reporting requirements

1 Any person who imports mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6), a preparation with a mercury content of 95 % and more by mass, a mercury compound or alloy of mercury and does not require an import licence, in accordance with Number 1.4.2, must report to the FOEN annually by 30 April the quantities imported in the previous year, broken down by substances and preparations.

2 Any person who, for the first time, supplies mercury derived from the domestic treatment of mercury waste or from a mercury compound derived from the domestic treatment of mercury waste, must report to the FOEN annually by 30 April the quantities supplied in the previous year, broken down by substances, and the names and addresses of the recipients.

2 Export

2.1 Prohibitions

The export of measuring instruments, switches and relays is prohibited unless placing them on the market is permitted.

2.2 Export licence

2.2.1 Licence requirement

Any person who wishes to export mercury (CAS No 7439-97-6) or preparations with a mercury content of 95 % or more for professional or commercial purposes or to move the same from a customs bonded warehouse, a customs warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse to another country requires an export licence from the FOEN.

2.2.2 Licence conditions

1 An export licence shall be granted on application provided the mercury (CAS No 7439-97-6) or preparations with a mercury content of 95 % or more are intended for analysis and research purposes in the importing country and the FOEN has a certificate from the importing country confirming that the latter authorises the import.

2 If the export is made to a country that is not a signatory73 to the Minamata Convention, an export licence shall only be granted if the FOEN also has a certificate from the importing country confirming that the latter has put measures in place to protect human health and the environment when handling mercury.

73 The list of the signatories can be found on the internet at the FOEN website under > Topics > Chemicals > Information for specialists > Regulations and procedures > Mercury.

2.2.3 Application

An application must contain at least:

the name and address of the applicant;
the name and address of the foreign importers, broken down according to recipient country;
the anticipated export volume in kilogrammes per importer and recipient country;
the anticipated date of the first export for each recipient country;
confirmation that the mercury (CAS No 7439-97-6) or the preparations with a mercury content of 95 % or more are being exported for analysis and research purposes;
certificates in accordance with number 2.2.2 paragraphs 1 and 2.

2.2.4 Decision

1 The FOEN shall decide within 30 days of receiving all the required documents. It shall give the export licence a number.

2 An export licence shall be issued for a maximum of 12 months and in each case terminates at the end of a calendar year.

2.2.5 Obligations relating to export

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 of the CustA must specify in the customs declaration:

that a licence is required in terms of this Annex for the export of mercury (CAS No 7439-97-6) or a preparation with a mercury content of 95 % or more;
the number of the export licence.

2 At the request of the customs office, the person required to submit a declaration must submit a copy of the import licence as specified in this Annex.

3 On removal from a customs bonded warehouse, a customs warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the number of the export licence in an inventory record.

2.2.6 Retention requirement

The exporter must retain the export licence for five years.

3 Use

3.1 Prohibitions

Prohibited is the use of:

mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6), mercury compounds and mercury-containing preparations for the manufacture of:
mercury-containing substances, preparations and articles, provided that they cannot be placed on the market as specified in Number 1.1 paragraphs 1–3 and Numbers 1.2 and 1.3,
batteries that contain more than 5 mg mercury per kg, and their components;
dental amalgam, if priority can be given to a different filling material for medical reasons;
mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6), mercury compounds and mercury-containing preparations as auxiliary substances in industrial manufacturing processes.

3.2 Exemption authorisations

3.2.1 Principle

1 On request, the FOEN, with the agreement of the FOPH, may grant temporary exemptions from the prohibition specified in Number 3.1 letter c if the mercury (CAS no 7439-97-6), the mercury compounds or the mercury-containing preparations are not be used for chlorine-alkali electrolysis or in the manufacture of acetaldehyde, vinyl chloride, sodium- or potassium-methylate or ethylate.

2 An authorisation granted within the meaning of paragraph 1 is subject to an authorisation granted on the basis of Number 2.2 paragraph 1 of this Annex in the version of 1 July 201574.

3.2.2 Authorisation requirements

An exemption permit is granted, provided that:

mercury-free auxiliary substances cannot be used for technical reasons or the use of these auxiliary substances is not financially viable for a medium-sized and economically healthy enterprise of the sector; and
the volume of the mercury emissions into the environment is reduced to a minimum and measures necessary to protect human health and the environment are taken.

3.2.3 Application

An application must contain at least:

the identity of the mercury-containing auxiliary substance and information about the use of the auxiliary substance to be approved;
a mercury mass balance, including information about the fate of the mercury in the environment and in waste;
an assessment of the risks associated with the use of the auxiliary substance for human health and the environment, as well as information on the necessary protective measures;
an analysis of whether the requirement specified in Number 3.2.2 letter a is met;
a description of the research and development activities undertaken to avoid the use of the mercury-containing auxiliary substance.

4 Transitional provisions

4.1 Placing on the market

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 paragraphs 1 letters a–e and 3 do not apply to mercury compounds or preparations and articles that contain the mercury compounds specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 letters a–e, which were first placed on the market before 10 October 2017.

2 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 paragraphs 1 letter f and 3 do not apply to mercury compounds or preparations and articles that contain the mercury compounds specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 letter f, which were first placed on the market before 1 January 2018.

3 The prohibition specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter b does not apply to the placing on the market of sphygmomanometers intended for use in epidemiological tests, which had not been completed by 1 September 2015.

4.2 Export

1 In derogation from numbers 2.2.1–2.2.2, the FOEN shall on application authorise the export of mercury (CAS No 7439-97-6) that was imported before 1 January 2018 or extracted in Switzerland from waste containing mercury for the uses and until the dates listed below, provided a certificate approving the import issued by the importing country is submitted:



Manufacture of discharge lamps

31 December 2020

Maintenance of rolling seam welding machines that work with roller heads containing mercury

31 December 2020

Manufacture of dental amalgam capsules

31 December 2027

2 If the export is made to a country that is not a signatory75 to the Minamata Convention, an export licence shall only be granted if the FOEN also has a certificate from the importing country confirming that the latter has put measures in place to protect human health and the environment when handling mercury.

3 An application must contain at least:

the name and address of the applicant;
the name and address of the foreign importer;
the intended use;
the export volume in kilogrammes;
a written declaration from the recipient in which it undertakes to use the mercury (CAS No 7439-97-6) for one of the purposes listed in paragraph 1;
certificates in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2.

4 Numbers 2.2.4–2.2.6 apply in relation to the decision, export obligations and the retention requirement.

5 DETEC may extend the period allowed in paragraph 1 for the manufacture of dental amalgam capsules. In doing so, it shall take account of the demand for mercury for use in dental amalgam in contracting parties to the Minamata Convention, the measures taken by contracting parties to reduce the release of mercury when using of dental amalgam and progress made in ending the use of dental amalgam in the European Union.

75 The list of the signatories can be found on the internet at the FOEN website under > Topics > Chemicals > Information for specialists > Regulations and procedures > Mercury.

4.3 Use

A request based on the previous law under Number 2.2 paragraph 1 will be assessed in accordance with the previous law.

Annex 1.8 76

76 Revised by Annex 2 No II 2 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 23 Nov. 2005 (AS 2005 5451), No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963) and 17 April 2019, in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1495).

(Art. 3)

Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their ethoxylates

1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place the following product types on the market if the content of octylphenol (molecular formula C14H22O), nonylphenol (molecular formula C15H24O) or their ethoxylates is 0.1% or more by mass:

laundry detergents as defined in Annex 2.1;
cleaning products as defined in Annex 2.2;
cosmetic products as defined in Art. 35 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 201677;
textile processing agents;
leather processing agents;
metalworking agents;
additives for the manufacture of pulp and paper;
agricultural teat dips containing these substances as emulsifiers;
biocidal products and plant protection products containing these substances as co-formulants.

2 It is prohibited to use octylphenol, nonylphenol and their ethoxylates for purposes for which the product types specified in paragraph 1 are intended.

3 It is prohibited to place on the market washable textile fibres and semi-finished and finished textile products such as fibres, yarns, fabrics, knitted fabrics, home textiles, accessories or clothing if the content of nonylphenol ethoxylates relative to the textile component is 0.01% or more by mass.

2 Exemptions

The prohibitions specified in Number 1 do not apply to:

textile and leather processing agents if:
processing does not result in the release of octylphenol ethoxylates or nonylphenol ethoxylates into wastewater, or
in installations for special treatment, such as sheepskin degreasing, process water is pretreated to remove the organic fraction completely prior to biological wastewater treatment;
metalworking agents for use in controlled closed systems where the washing liquid is recycled or incinerated;
textile fibres and semi-finished and finished textile products if exceedance of the limit specified in Number 1 paragraph 3 is due to the recycling of textiles and nonylphenol ethoxylates are not added during the manufacturing process.

3 Transitional provisions

1 Octylphenol ethoxylates and nonylphenol ethoxylates contained as co-formulants in biocidal products or plant protection products with a marketing authorisation granted before 1 August 2005 may continue to be placed on the market until the expiry of this authorisation.

2 Octylphenol ethoxylates and nonylphenol ethoxylates may be used as co‑formulants for biocidal products or plant protection products in accordance with paragraph 2.

3 The prohibition specified in Number 1 paragraph 3 does not apply to textile fibres or semi-finished and finished textile products containing nonylphenol ethoxylates which were first placed on the market before 1 June 2022.

Annex 1.9 78

78 Revised by No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161) and No I of the O of 17 April 2019, in force since 1 June 2021 (AS 2019 1495).

(Art. 3)

Flame retardants

1 Organophosphorus compounds

1.1 Definition

Flame-retardant organophosphorus compounds are:

tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate (CAS no 126-72-7);
tris(aziridinyl)phosphine oxide (CAS no 545-55-1).

1.2 Prohibition

It is prohibited for the manufacturer to place on the market textiles containing substances specified in Number 1.1 which are intended to be worn directly or indirectly next to the skin (clothing, wigs, fancy dress, etc.) or used in room furnishings (bed linen, tablecloths, furniture fabrics, carpets, curtains, etc.).

2 Decabromdiphenyl ether

2.1 Definitions

1 For the purposes of Number 4 letter a No 1 and 3, an aircraft means:

a civil aircraft produced in accordance with a type certificate issued under Regulation (EU) 2018/113979 or with a design approval issued under the national regulations of a contracting state to the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 194480 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), or for which a certificate of airworthiness has been issued by an ICAO contracting state under Annex 8 to the Convention81;
a military aircraft.

2 For the purposes of Number 4 letter a No 2 and 4, a motor vehicle means a category M, N or O vehicle as defined in Annex II Section A number 1 of Directive 2007/46/EC82.

79 Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91, version in accordance with OJ L 212 of 22.8.2018, p. 1.

80 SR 0.748.0

81 The list of states can be found on the ICAO website at > About ICAO > List Member States.

82 Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive), OJ L 263 of 9.10.2007, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) 2017/1347, OJ L 192 of 24.7.2017, p. 1.

2.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market or use decabromdiphenyl ether (decaBDE, CAS no 1163-19-5) or any substance or preparation containing decaBDE not merely as an unavoidable impurity.

2 New articles may not be placed on the market if these articles or parts of these articles contain decaBDE not merely as an unavoidable impurity.

3 For electrical and electronic equipment that contains decaBDE, Annex 2.18 applies.

3 Inorganic ammonium salts83

83 In force since 1 June 2021 (AS 2019 1495).

3.1 Prohibition

1 Bulk cellulose insulating materials and articles containing cellulose insulating materials may not be placed on the market and used if they contain inorganic ammonium salts unless the emission of ammonia from the insulating materials in a test chamber under the test conditions described in paragraph 2 results in a volume content of less than 3 ppm (2.12 mg/m3).

2 Compliance with the emission limit specified in paragraph 1 shall be demonstrated in accordance with Standard SN EN 16516:201784 by the following measures:

the minimum test duration is 14 days;
the ammonia gas emission is measured at least once a day throughout the test;
the emission limit specified in paragraph 1 is not reached or exceeded in any measurement during the test;
the relative humidity amounts to 90 %;
a suitable method is used to measure the ammonia gas emission;
the loading rate, expressed in thickness and density, of the samples of the cellulose insulating materials to be tested and articles containing such cellulose insulating materials is recorded.

84 The standard may be inspected free of charge or obtained for a fee from the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV), Sulzerallee 70, 8404Winterthur;

3.2 Exemption

Number 3.1 paragraph 1 does not apply to loose cellulose insulating material used in the manufacture of an article for which compliance with the emission limit for ammonia of 3 ppm is demonstrated in accordance with Number 2.1 paragraph 2.

3.3 Special labelling

Any person who places a cellulose insulating material containing inorganic ammonium salts on the market in bulk form must inform the purchaser, on a label or in another equivalent written form, of the maximum permissible loading rate of the insulating material.

3.4 Compliance with the specifications of the person placing the material on the market

Any person using a cellulose insulating material containing inorganic ammonium salts must not exceed the maximum permissible loading rate specified by the person placing the material on the market.

4 Transitional provisions

The prohibitions specified in Number 2.2 paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to:

the placing on the market of the following articles containing decaBDE:
aircraft manufactured before 2 March 2027, if the type-approval for the aircraft was granted before 1 December 2022,
motor vehicles manufactured before 1 December 2019,
components for the manufacture of aircraft which may be placed on the market under No 1 and components for the repair and maintenance of such aircraft,
components for the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles which may be placed on the market under No 2 and components intended for the following uses:
drivetrain and equipment under the bonnet
fuel supply systems
pyrotechnic devices and related elements
suspension applications
parts made of reinforced plastics and textiles
equipment under the dashboard
electrical and electronic equipment
interior applications;
the manufacture, placing on the market and use of decaBDE or any substance or preparation containing decaBDE for:
analysis and research purposes,
the manufacture of vehicle components which may be placed on the market under letter a No 3 and 4.

Annex 1.10 85

85 Amended by No II para. 2 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495), Annex No 2 of the O of 18 Nov. 2020, in force from 15 Dec. 2020 until 1 June 2025 (AS 2020 5125), No I of the FOPH O of 23 Dec. 2021 (AS 2022 1), No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022 (AS 2022 162) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction

1 Prohibition

1 It is prohibited to supply to the general public substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction according to Annex XVII, Appendices 1–6 to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (EU REACH Regulation)86, or substances and preparations containing them, if they have a content by mass exceeding the concentration specified in Annex I No to Regulation (EC) No 1272/200887.

2 The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), with the agreement of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and SECO, shall amend the provisions of paragraph 1 to comply with amendments to Annex XVII, Appendices 1 – 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

3 The use of thermal paper with a content by mass of bisphenol A (CAS No 80-05-7) or bisphenol S (CAS No 80-09-1) of 0.02 per cent or more.

86 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) 2021/2204, OJ L 446 of 14.12.2021, p. 34.

87 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1; last amended by Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/849, OJ L 188 of 28.5.2021, p.27.

2 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 1 paragraph 1 does not apply to:

medicinal products and medical devices;
artists’ paints, subject to Annex 1.17;
motor fuels;
mineral oil products used as heating fuels in mobile or fixed combustion plants, and heating fuels in closed systems;
substances listed in Annex XVII, Appendix 11, Column 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/200688, with the applications and any time limits listed in Column 2.

1bis The prohibition in number 1 paragraph 3 does not apply to thermal paper used for special applications that require additional technical specifications. These include the following applications in particular:

applications in the fields of medicine and laboratories;
self-adhesive labels;
admission and travel tickets with additional functions.

2 The FOPH, with the agreement of the FOEN and SECO, shall amend the provisions of paragraph 1 letter e to comply with amendments to Annex XVII, Appendix 11 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

3 For carcinogens, mutagens or substances toxic to reproduction in cosmetic products, the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 201689 on applies.

88 See footnote to No 1 para. 1.

89 SR 817.02

3 Special labelling

1 The packaging of substances and preparations subject to the prohibition specified in Number 1 must be marked as follows: “For professional users only”.


4 Transitional Provision to the Amendment of 23 December 2021

The following substances included by Regulation (EU) 2021/220490 in Annex XVII Appendices 1–6 of the EU REACH Regulation, and substances and preparations that contain such substances may continue to be supplied to the general public until the following dates:

until 1 March 2022: the following substances:
Silicon carbide fibres (with diameter of < 3 μm, length > 5 μm and aspect ratio ≥ 3:1) (CAS 409-21-2 or CAS 308076-74-6)
Sodium-N-(hydroxymethyl) glycinate; [formaldehyde released from sodium-N-(hydroxymethyl) glycinate] (CAS 70161-44-3)
Methylolacrylamide (CAS 924-42-5)
Resorcinol diglycidyl ether (CAS 101-90-6)
Butanone oxime (CAS 96-29-7)
Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene / Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (CAS 191-30-0)
Tris(2-methoxyethoxy) vinylsilane (CAS 1067-53-4)
Dioctyltin dilaurate (CAS 3648-18-8) and stannane, dioctyl, bis (coco acyloxy) derivatives (CAS 91648-39-4)
Ipconazole (ISO) (CAS 125225-28-7, CAS 115850-69-6, CAS 115937-89-8)
Tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (CAS 143-24-8)
2-(4-tert-Butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde (CAS 80-54-6)
Diisooctyl phthalate (CAS 27554-26-3)
2-Methoxyethyl acrylate (CAS 3121-61-7)
Pyrithione zinc (CAS 13463-41-7)
Flurochloridone (ISO) (CAS 61213-25-0)
Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide (CAS 80-43-3)
Dichlordioctyl stannane (CAS 3542-36-7);
until 30 September 2021: all substances that do not fall under letter a.

90 Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/2204 der of 13 December 2021, last amended by OJ L 446 of 14.12.2021, p. 34.

Annex 1.11 91

91 Amended by No II para. 2 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Dangerous liquid substances

1 Definition

Dangerous liquid substances and preparations are liquid preparations with one of the properties specified in Article 2 paragraph 2 of Directive 1999/45/EC92 or liquid substances and preparations which fulfil the criteria for any of the following hazard classes or categories listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1272/200893:

hazard classes 2.1 – 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 types A and B, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13 categories 1 and 2, 2.14 categories 1 and 2, 2.15 types A – F;
hazard classes 3.1 – 3.6, 3.7 owing to adverse effects on sexual function and fertility or on development, 3.8 effects other than narcotic effects, 3.9 and 3.10;
hazard class 4.1;
hazard class 5.1.

92 Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 1999 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations, OJ L 200, 30.7.1999, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1. The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be accessed at:

93 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 618/2012, OJ L 179, 11.7.2012, p. 3.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market dangerous liquid substances and preparations in:

ornamental articles intended to produce light or colour effects by means of different phases;
tricks and jokes;
games or articles intended to be used as such, even with ornamental aspects.

2 It is prohibited to add colouring agents, unless required for fiscal reasons, or perfumes to dangerous liquid substances and preparations:

which present an aspiration hazard and are labelled with R 65 in accordance with Annex III to Directive 67/548/EEC94 or H304 in accordance with Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1272/200895; and
which can be used as fuel in decorative lamps (lamp oil) and are intended for supply to the general public.

94 Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances, OJ L 196, 16.8.1967, p. 1; last amended by Directive 2009/2/EC, OJ L 11, 16.1.2009, p. 6.

95 See footnote to No 1.

3 Special labelling

1 The packaging of lamp oils labelled with R 65 or H304 and intended for supply to the general public must be marked as follows: «Keep lamps filled with this liquid out of the reach of children. Just a sip of lamp oil – or even sucking the wick of lamps – may lead to life-threatening lung damage».

2 The packaging of grill lighter fluids labelled with R 65 or H304 and intended for supply to the general public must be marked as follows: «Just a sip of grill lighter may lead to life-threatening lung damage».

4 Special packaging

1 Lamp oils and grill lighter fluids labelled with R 65 or H304 and intended for supply to the general public must be packaged in black opaque containers not exceeding 1 litre.

2 Decorative oil lamps for supply to the general public may only be placed on the market if they comply with the standard SN EN 14059:200296.

96 This standard may be viewed free of charge at or obtained for a fee from the Schweizerische Normenvereinigung (SNV), Sulzerallee 70, 8404Winterthur;

Annex 1.12 9797

97 Amended by No I 2 of the O of 15 Dec. 2006, in force since 1 March 2007 (AS2007 111).

(Art. 3)

Benzene and related compounds

1 Benzene

1.1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market and to use benzene (CAS no 71-43-2).

2 It is also prohibited to place on the market and to use any substances or preparations with a benzene content of 0.1% or more by mass.

1.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 do not apply to the use of benzene or substances and preparations containing benzene:

in closed systems in industrial processes;
for analysis and research purposes.

2 For petrol, the above is without prejudice to the provisions of the Ordinance of 16 December 198598 on Air Pollution Control.

2 Toluene99

99 In force from 1 Sept. 2008.

It is prohibited to place on the market and to use toluene (CAS no 108-88-3) and preparations with a toluene content of 0.1% or more by mass in adhesives and spray paints intended for supply to the general public.

Annex 1.13 100100

100 Revised by Annex 2 No II 2 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 23 Nov. 2005 (AS 2005 5451) and No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 5963).

(Art. 3)

Nitroaromatics, aromatic amines and azo dyes

1 Definition

Blue colourant means the azo dye with the components:

disodium-(6-(4-anisidino)-3-sulphonato-2-(3,5-dinitro-2-oxidophenylazo)-1-naphtholato)(1-(5-chloro-2-oxidophenylazo)-2-naphtholato)chromate(1-) (molecular formula: C39H23ClCrN7O12S.2Na; CAS no 118685-33-9); and
trisodium bis(6-(4-anisidino)-3-sulphonato-2-(3,5-dinitro-2-oxidophenylazo)-1-naphtholato)chromate(1-) (molecular formula: C46H30CrN10O20S2.3Na).

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market and to use the following substances:

2-naphthylamine (CAS no 91-59-8) and its salts;
4-biphenylamine (CAS no 92-67-1) and its salts;
benzidine (CAS no 92-87-5) and its salts;
4-nitrobiphenyl (CAS no 92-93-3).

2 It is also prohibited to place on the market and to use any substances or preparations containing 0.1% or more by mass of the substances specified in paragraph 1.

3 It is prohibited to place on the market and to use blue colourant or any substances or preparations with a blue colourant content of 0.1% or more by mass for dyeing textiles or leather goods.

3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to placing on the market and use for analysis and research purposes.

2 For azo dyes which are used in textiles and leather goods and may release substances specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 or other aromatic amines, Article 64 paragraph 2 of the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 2016101 applies.

4 Transitional provision

The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 3 come into force on 1 August 2006.

Annex 1.14 102

102 Amended by No II para. 2 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367) and No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 5963).

(Art. 3)

Organotin compounds

1 Di-substituted organotin compounds

1.1 Definitions

1Preparations containing dibutyltin compounds or dioctyltin compounds are preparations which contain dibutyltin compounds or dioctyltin compounds and have a tin content of 0.1% or more by mass.

2 Articles containing dibutyltin compounds or dioctyltin compounds are articles which contain dibutyltin compounds or dioctyltin compounds and where the tin content in the article, or part thereof, is 0.1% or more by mass.

1.2 Prohibitions

It is prohibited to place on the market:

preparations and articles which contain dibutyltin compounds and are intended for supply to the general public;
preparations and articles which contain dioctyltin compounds and are intended for supply to the general public for the following applications:
two-component room temperature vulcanisation moulding kits (RTV-2 moulding kits),
wall and floor coverings.

1.3 Relationship to the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 2016 103

For textiles, leather products and other articles intended to come into contact with the skin which contain dioctyltin compounds, and for articles which contain dibutyltin compounds and are intended, in connection with food production, use or packaging, to come into contact with food, the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance applies.

2 Tri-substituted organotin compounds

2.1 Definitions

1 Preservatives refers to:

biocidal products used to protect service water from contamination with harmful organisms in the industrial, commercial or municipal sector;
biocidal products of product type 6 (in-can preservatives) as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP104;
biocidal products of product type 7 (film preservatives) as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP.
2 Antifouling products are biocidal products of product type 21 as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP.
3 Articles containing tri-substituted organotin compounds are articles which contain tri-substituted organotin compounds and where the tin content in the article, or part thereof, is 0.1% or more by mass.

2.2 Prohibitions

It is prohibited:

to place on the market or use, in paints or varnishes or for service water, preservatives containing trialkyl or triaryl tin compounds;
to place on the market or use antifouling products containing trialkyl or triaryl tin compounds;
to manufacture or place on the market articles containing tri-substituted organotin compounds.

2.3 Exemptions

1The prohibitions specified in Number 2.2 letters a and b do not apply for research and development purposes.

2The prohibitions specified in Number 2.2 letter a do not apply to paints and varnishes in which trialkyl or triaryl tin compounds are chemically bound.

3 Di-µ-oxo-di-n-butylstanniohydroxyborane (DBB)

3.1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market and to use dibutyltin hydrogen borate (di-µ-oxo-di-n-butylstanniohydroxyborane, DBB, CAS no 75113-37-0).

2 It is also prohibited to place on the market and to use any substances or preparations with a DBB content of 0.1% or more by mass.

3.2 Exemptions

The prohibitions specified in Number 3.1 do not apply:

to placing on the market and use for analysis and research purposes;
if a conversion process produces finished products with a DBB content of less than 0.1% by mass.

4 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 1.2 letter a does not apply to articles containing dibutyltin compounds which were first placed on the market before 1 June 2013.

2 The following preparations and articles containing dibutyl tin compounds may continue to be placed on the market until 1 January 2015:

one- and two-component room temperature vulcanisation sealants (RTV-1 and RTV-2 sealants);
paints and coatings containing dibutyl tin compounds as catalysts when applied on articles;
soft polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profiles whether by themselves or coextruded with hard PVC;
fabrics coated with PVC containing dibutyl tin compounds as stabilisers when intended for outdoor applications;
aoutdoor rainwater pipes, gutters and fittings, as well as covering material for roofing and façades.

3The prohibition specified in Number 1.2 letter b does not apply to RTV-2 moulding kits or wall and floor coverings containing dioctyl tin compounds which were first placed on the market before 1 June 2013.

4 The prohibition on placing on the market specified in Number 2.2 letter c does not apply to articles containing tri-substituted organotin compounds which were first placed on the market before 1 June 2013.

Annex 1.15 105

105 Inserted by No I 4 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010, in force since 1 Dec. 2012 (AS 2011 113).

(Art. 3)


1 Definitions

1 The following preparations are deemed to be tar-containing if, on account of the concentration of tar constituents, they exceed the following limits specified for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs):



Binders used in surfacings, such as foundation, base, binder and surface courses


Preparations for surface dressing of paved surfaces


Joint sealants for paved surfaces


Paints and varnishes


2 Tar-containing clay pigeons are articles used as aerial targets in shooting which contain more than 30 mg PAHs per kilogram107.

106 Overall limit for the following PAHs: naphthalene (CAS number 91-20-3), acenaphthylene (208-96-8), acenaphthene (83-32-9), fluorene (86-73-7), phenanthrene (85-01-8), anthracene (120-12-7), fluoranthene (206‑44‑0), pyrene (129-00-0), benzo[a]anthracene (56-55-3), chrysene (218-01-9), benzo[b]fluoranthene (205-99-2), benzo[k]fluoranthene (207-08-9), benzo[a]pyrene (50‑32‑8), indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (193-39-5), dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (53-70-3) and benzo[g,h,i]perylene (191-24-2).

107 Overall limit for the following PAHs: naphthalene (CAS number 91-20-3), acenaphthylene (208-96-8), acenaphthene (83-32-9), fluorene (86-73-7), phenanthrene (85-01-8), anthracene (120-12-7), fluoranthene (206‑44‑0), pyrene (129-00-0), benzo[a]anthracene (56-55-3), chrysene (218-01-9), benzo[b]fluoranthene (205-99-2), benzo[k]fluoranthene (207-08-9), benzo[a]pyrene (50‑32‑8), indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (193-39-5), dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (53-70-3) and benzo[g,h,i]perylene (191-24-2).

2 Prohibitions

It is prohibited:

to place on the market tar-containing preparations for surface dressing of paved surfaces;
to place on the market tar-containing joint sealants for paved surfaces;
to manufacture surfacings, such as foundation, base, binder and surface courses, using tar-containing binders;
to place on the market tar-containing clay pigeons;
to place on the market tar-containing paints and varnishes.

3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 are not applicable in cases where authorisations have been granted by the European Commission in accordance with Article 60 paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006108.

2 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may, with the agreement of the FOPH and SECO, grant further (possibly temporary) exemptions to the prohibitions specified in Number 2 letters a–c and e, if:

in the current state of technology, no substitutes for tar-containing preparations are available;
the quantity of tar-containing preparations used is no greater than is essential for the intended purpose; and
risks to human health and the environment are adequately limited.

108 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1; last amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 of 20 May 2010, OJ L 133, 31.05.2010, p. 1. The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be accessed at:

Annex 1.16 109

109 Inserted by No I 4 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113). Amended by No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022, in force since 1 Oct. 2022 (AS 2022 162). The correction of 6 Oct. 2022 concerns the French text only (AS 2022 560).

(Art. 3)

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances

1 Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives

1.1 Definitions

Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS) are substances with the molecular formula C8F17SO2X, where X = OH, metal salt [OM+], halide, amide, and other derivatives including polymers.

1.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market or use PFOS, or any substance or preparation containing PFOS in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.001% by mass.

2 It is prohibited to place on the market new articles, or parts thereof with the following values:

a concentration of PFOS equal to or greater than 0.1% by mass calculated with reference to the mass of structurally or microstructurally distinct parts that contain PFOS; or
for textiles or other coated materials: an amount of PFOS equal to or greater than 1 µg/m2 of the coated material.

1.3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.2 do not apply to manufacture, placing on the market or use for analysis and research purposes.

2 Perfluorooctanoic acid and its precursor compounds

2.1 Definitions

1 Precursor compounds of perfluorooctanoic acid in the form of their linear or branched isomers and their salts (PFHxS) are substances including polymers with a linear or branched perfluoroheptyl group with the formula C6F13 in direct combination with a sulphur atom as structural element that degrade to PFHxS.

2.2 Prohibitions

1 The manufacture, placing on the market and use of the following are prohibited:

PFHxS and its precursor compounds;
Substances and preparations that exceed the following values:
a content of PFHxS of 0.0000025 per cent (25 ppb), or
a content of the sum of PFHxS precursor compounds of 0.0001 per cent (1000 ppb).

2 The placing on the market of articles or parts thereof is prohibited if they exceed the following values:

a concentration by mass of PFHxS of 0.0000025 per cent (25 ppb); or
a concentration by mass of the sum of PFHxS precursor compounds of 0.0001 per cent (1000 ppb).

2.3 Exemptions

The prohibitions specified in Number 2.2 do not apply to manufacture, placing on the market and use for analysis and research purposes.

3 Perfluorooctanoic acid, longer-chain perfluorocarboxylic acids and their precursor compounds

3.1 Definitions

1 Precursor compounds of perfluorooctanoic acid in the form of their linear or branched isomers and their salts (PFOA) are substances including polymers, with a linear or branched perfluoroheptyl group with the formula C7F15in direct combination with an additional carbon atom as a structural element that degrade to PFOA.

2 Paragraph 1 does not apply to:

substances with the molecular formula C8F17X, where X = F, Cl or Br;
fluoropolymers with the structural element CF3[CF2]n-R with n > 16, where R = any group;
perfluorocarboxylic acids and perfluorophosphonic acids, including their derivatives, such as salts, esters, halides or anhydrides, with eight or more perfluorinated carbon atoms;
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its derivatives (PFOS) in accordance with Number 1.1;
perfluorosulphonic acids, including their derivatives, such as salts, esters, halides or anhydrides, with nine or more perfluorinated carbon atoms.

3 Precursor compounds of perfluorononanoic, perfluorodecanoic, perfluorundecanoic, perfluorododecanoic, perfluorotridecanoic and perfluorotetradecanoic acid in the form of their linear and branched isomers and salts (C9–C14-PFCA) are substances, including polymers, with a linear or branched perfluoroalkyl group with the formula CnF2n+1 with n = 8 – 13 in direct combination with an additional carbon atom as a structural element that degrade to C9–C14-PFCA.

4 Paragraph 3 does not apply to:

substances with the molecular formula CnF2n+1X with n = 9 – 14, where X = F, Cl or Br;
perfluorocarboxylic acids, including their derivatives such as salts, esters, halides or anhydrides with 14 or more perfluorinated carbon atoms.

3.2 Prohibitions

1 The manufacture, placing on the market and use of the following are prohibited:

PFOA, C9–C14-PFCAs and their precursor compounds;
substances and preparations, if they exceed the following values:
a concentration by mass of PFOA or of the sum of C9–C14-PFCA of 0.0000025 per cent (25 ppb),
a concentration by mass of the sum of PFOA precursor compounds of 0.0001 per cent (1000 ppb), or
a concentration by mass of the sum of C9–C14-PFCA precursor compounds of 0.000026 per cent (260 ppb).

2 It is prohibited to place articles or parts thereof on the market if they exceed the following values:

a content of PFOA or of the sum of C9–C14-PFCA of 0.0000025 per cent (25 ppb);
a content of the sum of PFOA precursor compounds of 0.0001 per cent (1000 ppb); or
a concentration by mass of the sum of C9–C14-PFCA precursor compounds of 0.000026 per cent (260 ppb).

3.3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions in Number 3.2 paragraph 1 do not apply to:

the manufacture and use of a fluorine-substituted substance with a carbon chain containing no more than six atoms if:
it contains PFOA, C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds as unavoidable by-products,
it is used as an intermediate,
when using this substance, emissions of PFOA, C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds are avoided according to the state of the art or, if this is not possible, are reduced to a minimum;
the placing on the market of a fluorine-substituted substance that may be manufactured and used in accordance with letter a for use as an intermediate;
the use of a PFOA precursor compound isolated in the manufacturing process of a fluorine-substituted substance according to letter a for conversion into a non-precursor compound, if in the process emissions of the PFOA precursor compound are avoided according to the state of the art or, if this is not possible, are reduced to a minimum;
the placing on the market of a PFOA precursor compound that may be used in accordance with letter c, for conversion into a non-precursor compound.
the manufacture, placing on the market and use of fluoropolymers containing perfluoroalkoxy groups provided their concentration by mass of the sum of C9–C14-PFCAs does not exceed 0.00001 per cent (100 ppb).

2 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 3.2 paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to non-invasive and non-implantable medical devices and their components, together with the substances and preparations required for their manufacture, provided the components of these medical devices do not exceed the following values:

a concentration by mass of PFOA and of the sum of PFOA precursor compounds of 0.0002 per cent (2000 ppb); or
a concentration by mass of the sum of C9–C14-PFCAs and of the sum of C9–C14-PFCA precursor compounds of 0.0002 per cent (2000 ppb).

3 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 3.2 paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply for analysis and research purposes.

4 Fluoroalkylsilanols and their derivatives

4.1 Definitions

1 Fluoroalkylsilanols and their derivatives are substances with the structural element C6F13(C2H4)Si(OH)n(OX)3–n with 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, where X means any alkyl group.

2 Spray dispensers are aerosol dispensers, pump sprays and atomisers.

4.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to supply to the general public organic solvents containing preparations in spray dispensers containing fluoroalkylsilanols or their derivatives in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.0000002 % (2 ppb) by mass.

2 The prohibition in paragraph 1 also applies to preparations intended to refill spray dispensers.

4.3 Special labelling

Packaging for preparations subject to the prohibitions in Number 4.2 must be marked as follows: “For professional users only” and “May cause death if inhaled”.

5 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 1.2 paragraph 1 do not apply before 1 April 2024 to the use of PFOS-containing agents for spray suppression for non-decorative hard chrome plating (chromium VI) in closed loop systems and the substances and preparations required for their manufacture, if the amount of PFOS emissions into the environment is reduced to a minimum during the manufacture of the agents and during their use.

2 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 2.2 do not apply to:

PFOS-containing agents for spray suppression that may be manufactured, placed on the market and used, die in accordance with paragraph 1, if they contain PFHxS or PFHxS precursor compounds but only as unavoidable impurities;
the use of fire-fighting foams that were placed on the market before 1 October 2022, if they contain PFHxS or PFHxS-precursor compounds but only as unavoidable impurities;
the placing on the market of PFHxS or PFHxS-precursor compounds containing articles that were placed on the market for the first time before 1 October 2022.

3 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 3.2 do not apply to:

the following medical devices and their components containing PFOA, C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds, and to substances and preparations that are required for their manufacture:
non-implantable medical devices that were placed on the market for the first time before 1 October 2022,
invasive and implantable medical devices that were placed on the market for the first time before 4 July 2025;
the following articles and their components containing PFOA, C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds that were placed on the market before the date specified, and to substances and preparations required to manufacture these articles:



Oil and water repellent occupational safety textiles for handling liquids that are hazardous to health

4 July 2023

High-performance, corrosion-resistant gas filter membranes, water filter membranes and medical textile membranes based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)

4 July 2023

Industrial heat exchangers and sealing compounds based on PTFE or PVDF that prevent the escape of volatile organic compounds or suspended particulates (PM2.5)

4 July 2023

Photographic coatings on films

4 July 2025

the following C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds containing articles and their components and to substances and preparations that are required for their manufacture:
semi-conductors that intended for installation in electrical and electronic equipment, and equipment containing such semi-conductors containing: until 31 December 2023,
semi-conductors: until 31 December 2030, provided they are intended as spare parts for electrical and electronic equipment that were placed on the market for the first time on or before 31 December 2023;
any other articles and their components that:
contain PFOA or their precursor compounds and that were placed on the market for the first time before 1 June 2021, with the exception of equipment for the production of semi-conductors, printed matter containing latex inks and articles containing plasma nanocoatings that were placed on the market for the first time on or before 1 October 2022,
contain C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds and were placed on the market for the first time before 1 October 2022.

4 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 3.2 paragraph 1 do not apply to:

the manufacture, placing on the market and use of preparations for photolithographic or etching processes in semiconductor manufacture containing PFOA, C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds: until 4 July 2025;
the placing on the market and use of perfluorooctyl bromide for the manufacture of medicinal products containing perfluorooctyl iodide: until 31 December 2036;
the placing on the market and use of fluoropolymers for coating MDI containers containing C9–C14-PFCAs or their precursor compounds: until 25. August 2028;
the use of fire-fighting foams that:
were placed on the market for the first time before 1 June 2021 where they contain PFOA or PFOA-precursor compounds but only as unavoidable impurities,
were placed on the market for the first time before 1 October 2022, where they contain C9–C14-PFCAs or C9–C14-PFCA precursor compounds but only as unavoidable impurities.

5 In derogation from the prohibition in accordance with Number 3.2 paragraph 1, fire-fighting foams that were placed on the market for the first time before 1 June 2021 and in accordance with the intended purpose contain PFOA precursor compounds as components, and fire-fighting foams that were placed on the market for the first time before 1 October 2022 and in accordance with the intended purpose contain precursor compounds of C9–C14-PFCAs as components may be used as follows:

by fire services and military units to fight serious fires: until 1. April 2023;
in installations for the protection of systems, including the use for the necessary functional checks of these installations, provided the fire-fighting foams used during the checks are collected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

6 Fluoropolymers containing perfluoroalkoxy groups in accordance with Number 3.3 paragraph 1 letter e may be manufactured, placed on the market and used until 25 August 2024, provided their concentration of the sum of C9–C14-PFCAs does not exceed 0.0002 per cent (2000 ppb) by mass.

Annex 1.17 110

110 Inserted by No II para. 1 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No I of the FOEN Ordinance of 27 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 4051), of 10 Jan. 2017 (AS 2017 173), of 27 Sept. 2018 (AS 2018 3519), the correction of 26 Feb. 2019 (AS 2019 759), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and No I of the FOEN Ordinance of 29 Sept. 2020, in force since 1 Nov. 2020 (AS 2020 4315).

(Art. 3)

Substances listed in Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 111

111 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 2017/999, OJ L 150, 14.6.2017, p. 7.

1 Prohibitions

It is prohibited to place on the market for use the substances listed in Number 5 or preparations containing such substances, or to use them on a professional or commercial basis, subject to the exemptions specified in Number 2 and in the list under Number 5.

2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1 do not apply to use:

as an intermediate as defined in Article 2 paragraph 2 letter j of the Chemicals Ordinance of 5 June 2015112 (ChemO);
in medicinal products;
in foodstuffs or feedingstuffs;
in plant protection products;
in biocidal products;
as a motor fuel;
in mineral oil products used as fuels in mobile or fixed combustion plants, and fuels in closed systems;
in cosmetic products, provided that the substance has been included in the list under Number 5 solely on the basis of the intrinsic properties «carcinogenic», «mutagenic», «toxic to reproduction» or «other serious effects to human health»;
in food contact materials and articles, provided that the substance has been included in the list under Number 5 solely on the basis of the intrinsic properties «carcinogenic», «mutagenic», «toxic to reproduction» or «other serious effects to human health»;
in scientific research and development;
of substances present in preparations below a concentration limit of 0.1 % by mass ofd included in the list under Number 5 on the basis of Article 57 letters d, e or f of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006113;
of substances present in preparations below the lowest of the concentration limits specified in Annex I number of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008114 which result in the classification of the mixture as dangerous, and not included in the list under Number 5 on the basis of Article 57 letters d, e or f of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

2 In addition, a prohibition specified in Number 1 does not apply:

in cases where authorisations have been granted by the European Commission in accordance with Article 60 paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and the substance is placed on the market and used in accordance with the EU authorisation; or
to those uses of the substance in question for which an application for authorisation has been made, within the deadline set, in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, on which a decision has not yet been taken.

3 If so requested by the Notification Authority as specified in Article 77 ChemO, the importer must furnish the authorisation dossier submitted to the European Chemicals Agency, provided that it can be obtained without unreasonable effort.

4 On receipt of a justified request, the Notification Authority may, with the agreement of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and SECO, grant further, temporary exemptions from the prohibitions specified in Number 1, with the assignment of a number (approval number), if:

the applicant provides the information specified in Article 62 paragraphs 4–6 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, with the socioeconomic analysis being tailored to the situation in Switzerland; and
the requirements for the granting of an authorisation in accordance with Article 60 paragraphs 2–10 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 are fulfilled mutatis mutandis.

4bis The Notification Authority may, with the agreement with the assessment authorities of the FOEN, FOPH and SECO, avoid the presentation of certain information as specified in Paragraph 4 if appropriate.

5 Requests in accordance with paragraph 4 must be submitted no later than 18 months before the expiry of the transitional period specified in Number 5 paragraph 1. The Notification Authority shall grant an appropriate extension if, no later than 18 months before the expiry of the transitional period, it is credibly demonstrated that the necessary documentation cannot be furnished within the specified period.

6 For uses for which the European Commission has refused to grant authorisation under Article 60 paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, a request in accordance with paragraph 4 may be submitted within 3 months after the refusal. In addition to the documentation specified in paragraph 4 letter a, the following items must be enclosed with such a request:

the application for authorisation originally submitted to the European Commission;
the refusal issued by the European Commission.

7 Pending a decision on a request in accordance with paragraph 4, notwithstanding Number 1, the requested uses of the substance in question, and of preparations containing this substance, are permitted.

8 The Notification Authority shall, with due regard to Article 73 ChemO, publish on its website information on the requested uses of the substances concerned and specify a period within which information on alternative substances or technologies may be submitted by interested third parties.

9 It shall maintain, in electronic form, a publicly accessible register of the exemptions granted under paragraph 4. The register shall include the following details:

name, or company name, of the holder of the approval;
approval number;
name of the substance in accordance with Number 5, paragraph 1, «Substance» column;
trade name of the substance or preparation;
approved use;
term of and conditions attached to the approval.

112 SR 813.11

113 See footnote on the title of this Annex.

114 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) 2015/491, OJ L 78, 24.3.2015, p. 12.

3 Reporting requirements

1 Any person who obtains from a manufacturer or trader and uses on a professional or commercial basis a substance listed in Number 5 paragraph 1, or a preparation containing such a substance, must provide the Notification Authority, within three months after the first delivery, with details of the use and the approval number or EU authorisation number of the substance concerned.

1bis Any person who uses a chromium(VI) compound listed in Number 5 paragraph 1 entry numbers 16–18 in a process in whose end product chromium is not in hexavalent form must provide the Notification Authority with the following information each year, by 31 March, in respect of the previous calendar year:

the user's name and address;
the name and CAS number of the chromium(VI) compound or the name of the preparation containing the chromium(VI) compound and the content of the chromium(VI) compound by mass;
the quantity of the chromium(VI) compound or preparation used in the previous calendar year;
the location of the use;
details of the process in which the chromium(VI) compound is used.

2 The Notification Authority shall establish and keep up to date a register of reports made in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 1bis.

4 ...

5 List of substances specified in Number 1 and transitional provisions

1 Number 1 applies to the substances listed below, with the conditions stipulated in the columns «Transitional period», «Exempted (categories of) uses» and «Review periods».

Entry no


Intrinsic properties underlying the prohibition

Transitional period

Exempted (categories of) uses

Review periods


5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene (musk xylene)

EC no: 201-329-4

CAS no: 81-15-2


21 August 2014




4,4'-methylenedianiline (MDA)

EC no: 202-974-4

CAS no: 101-77-9

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

21 August 2014







di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)

EC no: 204-211-0

CAS no: 117-81-7

Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

21 February 2015

Uses in the immediate packaging of medicinal products covered under Regulation (EC) No 726/2004115, Directive 2001/82/EC116 and/or Directive 2001/83/EC117


Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP)

EC no: 201-622-7

CAS no: 85-68-7

Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

21 February 2015

Uses in the immediate packaging of medicinal products covered under Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, Directive 2001/82/EC and/or Directive 2001/83/EC


Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)

EC no: 201-557-4

CAS no: 84-74-2

Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

21 February 2015

Uses in the immediate packaging of medicinal products covered under Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, Directive 2001/82/EC and/or Directive 2001/83/EC


Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)

EC no: 201-553-2

CAS no: 84-69-5

Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

21 February 2015




Diarsenic trioxide

EC no: 215-481-4

CAS no: 1327-53-3

Carcinogenic (category 1A)

21 May 2015




Diarsenic pentaoxide

EC no: 215-116-9

CAS no: 1303-28-2

Carcinogenic (category 1A)

21 May 2015




Lead chromate

EC no: 231-846-0

CAS no: 7758-97-6

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

Toxic for reproduction (category 1A)

21 May 2015




Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34)

EC no: 215-693-7

CAS no: 1344-37-2

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

Toxic for reproduction (category 1A)

21 May 2015




Lead chromate molybdate sulfate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104)

EC no: 235-759-9

CAS no: 12656-85-8

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

Toxic for reproduction (category 1A)

21 May 2015


Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP)

EC no: 204-118-5

CAS no: 115-96-8

Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

21 August 2015


2,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT)

EC no: 204-450-0

CAS no: 121-14-2

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

21 August 2015



EC no: 201-167-4

CAS no: 79-01-6

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 December 2019


Chromium trioxide

EC no: 215-607-8

CAS no: 1333-82-0

Carcinogenic (category 1A) Mutagenic category 1B)

1 June 2021

Uses in processes in which the end products do not contain chromium in hexavalent form


Acids formed from chromium trioxide, and their oligomers

Group with:

Chromic acid

EC no: 231-801-5

CAS no: 7738-94-5

Dichromic acid

EC no: 236-881-5

CAS no: 13530-68-2

Oligomers of chromic acid and dichromic acid

EC no: not yet assigned

CAS no: not yet assigned

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 June 2021

Uses in processes in which the end products do not contain chromium in hexavalent form


Sodium dichromate

EC no: 234-190-3

CAS no: 7789-12-0 10588-01-9

Carcinogenic (category 1B) Mutagenic (category 1B) Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

1 June 2021

Uses in processes in which the end products do not contain chromium in hexavalent form


Potassium dichromate

EC no: 231-906-6

CAS no: 7778-50-9

Carcinogenic (category 1B) Mutagenic (category 1B) Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

1 June 2021


Ammonium dichromate

EC no: 232-143-1

CAS no: 7789-09-5

Carcinogenic (category 1B) Mutagenic (category 1B) Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

1 June 2021


Potassium chromate

EC no: 232-140-5

CAS no: 7789-00-6

Carcinogenic (category 1B) Mutagenic (category 1B)

1 June 2021


Sodium chromate

EC no: 231-889-5

CAS no: 7775-11-3

Carcinogenic (category 1B) Mutagenic (category 1B) Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

1 June 2021


Formaldehyde, oligomer reaction products with aniline (Technical MDA)
EC no: 500-036-1 CAS no: 25214-70-4

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 November 2021


Arsenic acid
EC no: 231-901-9 CAS no: 7778-39-4

Carcinogenic (category 1A)

1 November 2021


Di(2-methoxyethyl) ether (Diglyme)
EC no: 203-924-4 CAS no: 111-96-6

Toxic for reproduction (category 1B)

1 November 2021


1,2-Dichlorethane (EDC)
EC no: 203‑458-1 CAS no: 107-06-2

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 Feb-ruary 2022


2,2′-Dichloro-4,4′-methylenedianiline (MOCA)
EC no: 202-918-9 CAS no: 101-14-4

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 Feb-ruary 2022


Dichromium tris(chromate)

EC no: 246‑356-2 CAS no: 24613-89-6

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 April 2023


Strontium chromate
EC no: 232-142-6 CAS no: 7789-06-2

Carcinogenic (category 1B)

1 April 2023


Zinc potassium chromate

EC no: 234-329-8 CAS no: 11103-86-9

Carcinogenic (category 1A)

1 April 2023


Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide
EC no: 256-418-0 CAS no: 49663-84-5

Carcinogenic (category 1A)

1 April 2023


(n-propyl bromide)
EC no: 203-445-0 CAS no: 106-94-5

Toxic for
reproduction (category 1B)

2 November 2023


Diisopentyl phthalate
EC no: 210-088-4
CAS no: 605-50-5

Toxic for
reproduction (category 1B)

2 November 2023


1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, Di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7 rich
EC no: 276-158-1 CAS no: 71888-89-6

Toxic for
reproduction (category 1B)

2 November 2023


1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, Di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl esters
EC no: 271-084-6 CAS no: 68515-42-4

Toxic for
reproduction (category 1B)

2 November 2023


1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, Dipentylester, branched and linear
EC no: 284-032-2 CAS no: 84777-06-0

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate
EC no: 204-212-6 CAS no: 117-82-8

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


EC no: 205-017-9
CAS no: 131-18-0

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


EC no: –
CAS no:

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


Anthracene oil
EC no: 292-602-7 CAS no:

Carcinogenic (category 1B), if the Benzo[a]pyrene content exceeds 0.005 %, PBT, vPvB

2 February 2024


Pitch, coal tar, high temp.
EC no: 266-028-2
CAS no: 65996-93-2

Carcinogenic (category 1B), PBT, vPvB

2 February 2024


4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl) phenol, ethoxylated [includes clearly defined substances and UVCB substances, polymers and homologe substances]
EC no: –
CAS no: –


2 May 2024


4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear, ethoxylated [substances with a linear and/or branched alkyl chain with a carbon number of 9, in which position 4 is covalently bonded to phenol, ethoxylated, including UVCB substances and clearly defined substances, polymers and homologous substances comprising the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof]
EC no: –
CAS no: –

Endocrine disrupting

2 May 2024


1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, Dihexylester, branched and linear
EC no: 271-093-5
CAS no: 68515-50-4

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


EC no: 201-559-5
CAS no: 84-75-3

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, Di-C6-10-
alkyl esters; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, mixed decyl-, hexyl- and octyldiesters with ≥ 0.3 % dihexylphthalate (EC no: 201-559-5)
EC no:
271-094-0; 272-013-1
CAS no:

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 November 2023


EC no: 246-677-8
CAS no:

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 February 2024


Sodium perborate; perboric acid,
sodium salt
EC no: 239-172-9; 234-390-0
CAS no: –

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 Februar 2024


Sodium peroxometaborate
EC no: 231-556-4
CAS no: 7632-04-4

Toxic for reproduction
(category 1B)

2 February 2024


5-sec-Butyl-2-(2,4-dimethylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl)–5-methyl-1,3-dioxane [1], 5-sec-Butyl-2- (4,6-dimethylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl)-5-methyl- 1,3-dioxane [2] [includes each individual stereoisomer of [1] and [2] or any combination thereof]
EC no: –
CAS no: –


2 May 2024


EC no: 247-384-8
CAS no: 25973-55-1


2 August 2024


2,4-Di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chlorbenzotriazol-2- yl)phenol
EC no: 223-383-8
CAS no: 3864-99-1


2 August 2024


6- (sec-butyl)phenol (UV-350)
EC no: 253-037-1
CAS no: 36437-37-3


2 August 2024


EC no: 223-346-6
CAS no: 3846-71-7


2 August 2024

1bis For substances in entry numbers 4–7, 10–12, 14 and 15, a transitional period also applies until 1 May 2021 for the following uses:

manufacture of a replacement part in order to repair a product where the substance concerned is or was used in the manufacture of the product and the product will not function properly without this replacement part;
repair of a product where the substance concerned is or was used in the manufacture of the product and the product can only be repaired by using the substance concerned.

1ter For substances in entry numbers 32–46, a transitional period also applies until 2 July 2026 for the following uses:

manufacture of a replacement part in order to repair a product where the substance concerned is or was used in the manufacture of the product and the product will not function properly without this replacement part;
repair of a product where the substance concerned is or was used in the manufacture of the product and the product can only be repaired by using the substance concerned.

2 The FOEN, with the agreement of the FOPH and SECO, shall adapt the provisions specified in paragraph 1, taking into account any amendments to Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006118 and the entries in Annex 3 ChemO.

115 Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 laying down Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use and establishing a European Medicines Agency, OJ L 136, 30.4.2004, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 1027/2012, OJ L 316, 14.11.2012, p. 38.

116 Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products, OJ L 311, 28.11.2001, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 596/2009, OJ L 188, 18.7.2009, p. 14.

117 Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use, OJ L 311, 28.11.2001, p. 67; last amended by Directive 2017/745, OJ L 117, 5.5.2017, p. 1.

118 See footnote to the title of this Annex.

Annex 1.18 119

119 Inserted by No I of the O of 17 April 2019, in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1495).

(Art. 3)


1 Definitions

1 Phthalatesare:

bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP; CAS no 117-81-7);
dibutyl phthalate (DBP; CAS no 84-74-2);
diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP; CAS no 84-69-5);
benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP; CAS no 85-68-7).

2 An article is deemed to contain phthalate if it, or a part of it, has a phthalate content of 0.1% or more by mass in the plasticised material.

3 Plasticised material means the following homogeneous materials:

all plastics except silicone rubber and natural latex coatings;
surface coatings, non-slip coatings, finishes, decals, printed designs;
adhesives, sealants, paints and inks.

4 Prolonged contact with human skin is deemed to occur if the skin, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, is in continuous contact of more than 10 minutes duration or intermittent contact over a period of 30 minutes, per day, with an article containing phthalate.

5 For the purposes of Number 5 letter a No 1 and 3, an aircraftmeans:

a civil aircraft produced in accordance with a type certificate issued under Regulation (EU) 2018/1139120 or with a design approval issued under the national regulations of a contracting state to the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944121 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), or for which a certificate of airworthiness has been issued by an ICAO contracting state under Annex 8 to the Convention122;
a military aircraft.

6 For the purposes of Number 5 letter a No 2 and 4, a motor vehicle means a category M, N or O vehicle as defined in Annex II Section A number 1 of Directive 2007/46/EC123.

120 Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91, version in accordance with OJ L 212 of 22.8.2018, p. 1.

121 SR 0.748.0

122 The list of states can be found on the ICAO website at > About ICAO > List Member States.

123 Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive), OJ L 263 of 9.10.2007, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) 2017/1347, OJ L 192 of 24.7.2017, p. 1.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market articles containing phthalate.

2 For the placing on the market of electrical and electronic equipment, Annex 2.18 applies.

3 Relationship to the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 2016 (FUAO)124

For the placing on the market of phthalate-containing consumer articles, toys and utility articles for infants and small children, the FUAO applies.

4 Exemptions

1 Exempted from the prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 are:

measuring devices for laboratory purposes and parts of such devices;
the immediate packaging of medicinal products within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 726/2004125, Directive 2001/82/EC126 and/or Directive 2001/83/EC127;
medical devices within the scope of the Medical Devices Ordinance of 17 October 2011128 and components for such devices;
articles exclusively for industrial or agricultural use, or for use exclusively in the open air, provided that no material containing phthalate comes into contact with human mucous membrane or into prolonged contact with human skin.

125 Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 laying down Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use and establishing a European Medicines Agency, OJ L 136 of 30.4.2004, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 1027/2012, OJ L 316 of 14.11.2012, p. 38.

126 Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products, OJ L 311 of 28.11.2001, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 596/2009, OJ L 188 of 18.7.2009, p. 14.

127 Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use, OJ L 311 of 28.11.2001, p. 67; last amended by Regulation (EU) 2017/745, OJ L 117 of 5.5.2017, p. 1.

128 SR 812.213

5 Transitional provisions

The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 does not apply to:

the placing on the market of the following articles containing phthalate:
aircraft manufactured before 7 January 2024,
motor vehicles first placed on the market in Switzerland or a Member State of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) before 7 January 2024,
components for the manufacture of aircraft which may be placed on the market under No 1 and components for the repair and maintenance of such aircraft, where those components are essential for the safety and airworthiness of the aircraft,
components for the manufacture of motor vehicles which may be placed on the market under No 2 and components for the repair and maintenance of such motor vehicles, where those components are essential for the proper operation of the motor vehicles;
any other articles containing phthalate which were first placed on the market before 7 July 2020.

Annex 2

Provisions relating to groups of preparations and articles

Annex 2.1 129

129 Revised by No I 3 of the O of 15 Dec. 2006 (AS2007 111), Annex No 2 of the O of 14 Jan. 2009 (AS 2009 401), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Laundry detergents

1 Definition

1 Laundry detergents are textile washing products and textile auxiliary washing products which are released into wastewater. In particular, they include:

prewash and heavy-duty detergents;
detergents for delicate fabrics and special detergents;
water softeners;
pretreatment products;
bleaching agents, decolourants;
fabric softeners.

2 Products used in special washing and cleaning processes during the manufacture or finishing of textiles are not deemed to be laundry detergents.

3 An ingredient means any chemical substance of synthetic or natural origin which is deliberately added to the detergent. For the purposes of this Annex, a perfume, essential oil or colouring agent is deemed to be an individual ingredient unless it contains an allergenic fragrance as specified in Number 3 paragraph 4.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to produce for personal use or place on the market laundry detergents containing:

liquid halogenated organic compounds such as dichloromethane (CAS no 75-09-2), trichloroethylene (CAS no 79-01-6) and tetrachloroethylene (CAS no 127-18-4);
more than 0.5% by mass of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA; CAS no 60-00-4) or propylenediaminetetraacetic acid (PDTA; CAS no 1939-36-2), or their salts or compounds derived therefrom;
more than 0.5% phosphorus by mass;
anionic or non-ionic surfactants for which the level of primary biodegradability is less than 80%;
cationic or amphoteric surfactants for which the level of primary biodegradability is less than 80%;
surfactants for which the level of ultimate biodegradability is less than 60% (mineralisation) or 70% (dissolved organic carbon die-away);
surfactants listed in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004130 on detergents:

Name (IUPAC131 nomenclature)


CAS no


2 The FOEN shall amend the provisions of paragraph 1 letter h to comply with amendments to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004.

3 The test and analytical methods are based on Annexes II, III and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004.

130 OJ L 104 of 8.4.2004, p.1, last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 907/2006 of 20 June 2006 (OJ. L 168 of 21.6.2006, p. 5).The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be obtained against payment or consulted free of charge at the Chemicals Notification Authority, 3003 Bern; they may also be accessed on the Internet at

131 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

3 Special labelling

1 In the case of laundry detergents, the following ingredients shall be listed if the content is more than 0.2% by mass:

anionic surfactants;
non-ionic surfactants;
cationic surfactants;
amphoteric surfactants;
oxygen-based bleaching agents;
chlorine-based bleaching agents;
aromatic hydrocarbons;
aliphatic hydrocarbons;
EDTA (CAS no 60-00-4) and its salts;
nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA, CAS no 139-13-9) and its salts;

2 The content of ingredients specified in paragraph 1 shall be indicated using one of the following mass percentage ranges:

less than 5%;
5% or over, but less than 15%;
15% or over, but less than 30%;
30% and more.

3 The following classes of ingredient shall be listed as such irrespective of their concentration and with no indication of the content by mass:

preservation agents;
optical brighteners;

3bis If an INCI designation132 exists, preservation agents are to be indicated accordingly.

4 If added, as such, at concentrations exceeding 0.01 by weight, allergenic fragrances that are included in the list of substances in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009133 in column a with the reference numbers 45, 67, or 69 to 92 shall be listed using the nomenclature of that Regulation.

4bis In the case of laundry detergents, the product name must be indicated as well as the manufacturer’s name, address and telephone number. If the laundry detergent is imported from an EEA Member State, the name address and telephone number of the party responsible for the first placing of the product on the market in the EEA may be indicated. This does not apply to imports of dangerous laundry detergents within the meaning of Article 3 of the Chemicals Ordinance of 5 June 2015134 (ChemO) which are intended for supply to the general public.

5 Also to be indicated in the case of laundry detergents are the address, e-mail address (where available) and telephone number from which the ingredient data sheet specified in Number 5 can be obtained.

6 The information must appear on the packaging. If the laundry detergent is supplied for professional or commercial use, the information may be provided in another appropriate form (e.g. technical data sheets, safety data sheets).

132 International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.

133 Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products, OJ L 342, 22.12.2009, p. 59; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 358/2014, OJ L 107, 10.4.2014, p. 5.

134 SR 813.11

4 Instructions for use

1 In the instructions for use of laundry detergents supplied to the general public, the dosage must be expressed in SI units (millilitres, grams).

2 If the dosage varies according to water hardness, it must be adjusted to the total hardness levels soft, medium (25 degrees French = 2.5 mmol CaCO3/L) and hard.

5 Ingredient data sheet

1On request, manufacturers placing laundry detergents on the market shall make an ingredient data sheet available to the Notification Authority (Art. 77 ChemO) or to the cantonal authority responsible for enforcement in accordance with Article 13.

2 On request, manufacturers must also make the ingredient data sheet available for medical purposes, immediately and free of charge, to physicians and to ancillary staff who are bound by professional confidentiality.

3 Physicians and ancillary staff as specified in paragraph 2 must treat the data made available to them as confidential and use it solely for medical purposes.

4 The ingredient data sheet must include the following information:

name of the laundry detergent;
name of the manufacturer or the person responsible for placing the product on the market in the EEA in accordance with Article 2 point 10 of Regulation (EC) No 648/2004;
all the ingredients, in order of decreasing abundance by mass, divided into the following mass percentage ranges:
10% or more,
1% or over, but less than 10%,
0.1% or over, but less than 1%,
less than 0.1%;
for each ingredient, the common chemical name or IUPAC name, the CAS number and, where available, the INCI135 name and the Swiss or European Pharmacopoeia name shall be given. Impurities are not considered to be ingredients.

135 International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.

6 Exemptions

1 The requirements specified in Numbers 2–5 do not apply to the import of laundry detergents which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re‑exported in their entirety.

2 Number 2 paragraph 1 letters e–h does not apply to surfactants which are active ingredients of disinfectants approved under the OBP136. In addition, Numbers 4 and 5 do not apply to such disinfectants.

3 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter g does not apply to the following surfactants listed in Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004:



CAS no


4 The FOEN shall amend the provisions of paragraph 3 to comply with amendments to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004.

5 On receipt of a justified request, it may grant further exemptions to the prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter g for surfactants not listed in Annex V or VI to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004, provided that they are used in laundry detergents employed exclusively outside the domestic sphere. Here, it shall take into account the criteria laid down in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004.

7 Transitional provisions

1 The following provisions come into force on 8 October 2005:

the prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letters f, g and h;
the special labelling requirements specified in Number 3 paragraph 3 letters d and e and paragraph 4;
the provisions on the data sheet specified in Number 5.

2 Laundry detergents which contain surfactants as specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter g and were already on the market before 8 October 2005 may continue to be produced for personal use or placed on the market until 7 October 2007 at the latest.

3 From 8 October 2007, laundry detergents as specified in paragraph 2 may only be produced for personal use or placed on the market if:

evidence has been presented to the FOEN showing that a request for an exemption for the area of use concerned was submitted in an EU member state before this date in accordance with the procedure specified in Regulation (EC) No 648/2004; or
a request for an exemption has been submitted to the FOEN in accordance with Number 6 paragraph 5.

4 The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 apply until a decision has been made by the relevant authority on the application for approval of an exemption.

Annex 2.2 137

137 Revised by No I 3 of the O of 15 Dec. 2006 (AS2007 111), Annex No 2 of the O of 14 Jan. 2009 (AS 2009 401), No I of the FOEN Ordinance of 19 Oct. 2009 (AS 20095429), No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011113), No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Cleaning, deodorising and cosmetic products

1 Definition

1 Cleaning products are preparations used in cleaning which are released into wastewater. In particular, they include:

machine dishwashing detergents;
hand dishwashing detergents;
general-purpose cleaners;
rinse aids;
scouring agents;
lavatory cleaners;
car shampoos;
metal cleaners;
engine cleaners;
cleaning products for the food and drinks industry and for washing bottles and containers;
car wash cleaning products;
carpet cleaners;
degreasing agents;
rust removers.

2 An ingredient means any chemical substance of synthetic or natural origin which is deliberately added to the cleaning product. For the purposes of this Annex, a perfume, essential oil or colouring agent is deemed to be an individual ingredient unless it contains an allergenic fragrance as specified in Number 3 paragraph 4.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to produce for personal use or place on the market cleaning products containing:

liquid halogenated organic compounds such as dichloromethane (CAS no 75-09-2), trichloroethylene (CAS no 79-01-6) and tetrachloroethylene (CAS no 127-18-4);
more than 1% by mass of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA; CAS no 60-00-4) or propylenediaminetetraacetic acid (PDTA; CAS no 1939-36-2), or their salts or compounds derived therefrom;
anionic or non-ionic surfactants for which the level of primary biodegradability is less than 80%;
cationic or amphoteric surfactants for which the level of primary biodegradability is less than 80%;
surfactants for which the level of ultimate biodegradability is less than 60% (mineralisation) or 70% (dissolved organic carbon die-away);
surfactants listed in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) 648/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004138 on detergents:

Name (IUPAC139


CAS no


1bis It is prohibited to place on the market household machine dishwashing detergents which have a total phosphorus content of 0.3 g or more in the standard dosage as defined in Number 4 paragraph 1.

2 The FOEN shall amend the provisions of paragraph 1 letter f to comply with the amendments to Regulation (EC) 648/2004.

3 The test and analytical methods are based on Annexes II, III and VIII to Regulation (EC) 648/2004.

4 Deodorising products and air fresheners intended for use in toilets, private homes, offices or other publicly accessible Interior spaces, may not be placed on the market, if their content of 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (CAS No 106-46-7) is 1 % or more by mass.

5 The use of 1,4-Dichlorobenzene for purposes set out in paragraph 4 is prohibited.

6 Wash-off cosmetic products may not be placed on the market if their content of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4, CAS no 556-67-2) or decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5, CAS no 541-02-6) amounts to 0.1 per cent or more.

138 OJ L 104 of 8.4.2004, p.1, last amended by Regulation (EC) No 551/2009 of the Commission of 25 June 2009 (OJ L 164 of 26.6.2009, p. 3). The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be obtained against payment or consulted free of charge at the Chemicals Notification Authority, 3003 Bern; they may also be accessed on the Internet at

139 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

3 Special labelling

1 In the case of cleaning products, the following ingredients shall be listed if the content is more than 0.2% by mass:

anionic surfactants;
non-ionic surfactants;
cationic surfactants;
amphoteric surfactants;
oxygen-based bleaching agents;
chlorine-based bleaching agents;
aromatic hydrocarbons;
aliphatic hydrocarbons;
EDTA (CAS no 60-00-4) and its salts;
nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA, CAS no 139-13-9) and its salts;
phenols and halogenated phenols;
paradichlorobenzene (CAS no 106-46-7).

2 The content of ingredients specified in paragraph 1 shall be indicated using one of the following mass percentage ranges:

less than 5%;
5% or over, but less than 15%;
15% or over, but less than 30%;
30% and more.

3 The following classes of ingredient shall be listed as such irrespective of their concentration and with no indication of the content by mass:

preservation agents;

3bis If an INCI designation140 exists, preservation agents are to be indicated accordingly.

4 If added, as such, at concentrations exceeding 0.01 by weight, allergenic fragrances that are included in the list of substances in Annex III of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009141 in column a with the reference numbers 45, 67, or 69 to 92 shall be listed using the nomenclature of that Regulation.

4bis In the case of cleaning, the product name must be indicated as well as the manufacturer’s name, address and telephone number. If the cleaning product is imported from an EEA Member State, the name address and telephone number of the party responsible for first placing the product on the market in the EEA may be indicated. This does not apply to imports of dangerous cleaning products within the meaning of Article 3 of the Chemicals Ordinance of 5 June 2015142 (ChemO), which are intended for supply to the general public.

5 Also to be indicated in the case of cleaning products are the address, e-mail address (where available) and telephone number from which the ingredient data sheet specified in Number 5 can be obtained.

6 The information must appear on the packaging. If the cleaning product is supplied for professional or commercial use, the information may be provided in another appropriate form (e.g. technical data sheets, safety data sheets).

7 The labelling must appear in at least one official language, be clearly legible and indelible.

140 International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.

141 Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Council and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products, OJ L 342, 22.12.2009, p. 59; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 358/2014, OJ L 107, 10.4.2014, p. 5.

142 SR 813.11

4 Instructions for use

1 In the instructions for use of household machine dishwashing detergents, the standard dosage must be indicated in grams or millilitres or the number of tablets required for the main washing cycle for normally soiled tableware in a fully loaded 12 place settings dishwasher; if the dosage varies according to water hardness, additional information must be provided to indicate the dosage for the total hardness levels soft, medium and hard.


5 Ingredient data sheet

1 On request, manufacturers placing cleaning products on the market shall make an ingredient data sheet available to the Notification Authority (Art. 77 ChemO) or to the cantonal authority responsible for enforcement in accordance with Article 13.

2 On request, manufacturers must also make the ingredient data sheet available for medical purposes, immediately and free of charge, to physicians and to ancillary staff who are bound by professional confidentiality.

3 Physicians and ancillary staff as specified in paragraph 2 must treat the data made available to them as confidential and use it solely for medical purposes.

4 The ingredient data sheet must include the following information:

name of the cleaning product;
name of the manufacturer or the person responsible for placing the product on the market in the EEA in accordance with Article 2 point 10 of Regulation (EC) No 648/2004;
all the ingredients, in order of decreasing abundance by mass, divided into the following mass percentage ranges:
10% or more,
1% or over, but less than 10%,
0.1% or over, but less than 1%,
less than 0.1%;
for each ingredient, the common chemical name or IUPAC name, the CAS number and, where available, the INCI143 name and the Swiss or European Pharmacopoeia name shall be given. Impurities are not considered to be ingredients.

143 International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.

6 Exemptions

1 The requirements specified in Numbers 2–5 do not apply to the import of cleaning products which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re‑exported in their entirety.

2 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may grant exemptions to the prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter a if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available; and
the quantity of the substances used is no greater than is required for the intended purpose.

3 Number 2 paragraph 1 letters c–f do not apply to surfactants which are active ingredients of disinfectants that are approved under the OBP144 or comply with the requirements of the Medical Devices Ordinance of 17 October 2001145. In addition, Numbers 4 and 5 are not applicable to such disinfectants.

4 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter e does not apply to the following surfactants listed in Annex V to Regulation (EC) 648/2004:



CAS no


Alcohols, Guerbet, C16–20, ethoxylated, n-butyl ether (7‑8EO)

None (polymer)


Can be used for the following industrial applications until 27 June 2019:

bottle washing
metal cleaning

5 The FOEN shall amend the provisions of paragraph 4 to comply with amendments to Regulation (EC) 648/2004.

6 On receipt of a justified request, it may grant further exemptions to the prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter e for surfactants not listed in Annex V or VI to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004. Here, it shall take account of the criteria laid down in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) 648/2004.

7 Transitional provisions

1 The following provisions come into force on 8 October 2005:

the prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letters d–f;
the special labelling requirements specified in Number 3 paragraph 3 letter d and paragraph 4;
the provisions on the data sheet specified in Number 5.

2 Cleaning products which contain surfactants specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter e and were already on the market before 8 October 2005 may continue to be produced for personal use or placed on the market until 7 October 2007 at the latest.

3 From 8 October 2007, cleaning products as specified in paragraph 2 may only be produced for personal use or placed on the market if:

evidence has been presented to the FOEN showing that a request for an exemption for the area of use concerned was submitted in an EU member state before this date in accordance with the procedure specified in Regulation (EC) No 648/2004; or
a request for an exemption has been submitted to the FOEN in accordance with Number 6 paragraph 6.

4 The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 apply until a decision has been made by the relevant authority on the application for approval of an exemption.

5 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1bis and the requirements specified in Number 4 paragraph 1 do not apply to household machine dishwashing detergents first placed on the market before 1 January 2017.

6 In the case of household machine dishwashing detergents placed on the market in accordance with paragraph 5, the dosage indicated for the detergent in the instructions for use must be such that, if complied with, the quantity of phosphorus used per washing cycle does not exceed 2.5g.

Annex 2.3 146

146 Amended by No II 2 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)


1 Methanol

1.1 Prohibitions

It is prohibited to place on the market windscreen washing or defrosting fluids with a methanol (CAS no 67-56-1) content of 0.6% or more by mass which are intended for supply to the general public.

1 Glycol ethersbis

1 .1 Prohibitionsbis

It is prohibited to place on the market:

preparations containing 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGME, CAS no 111-77-3) in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass which are intended for supply to the general public for use as:
paints and varnishes,
paint strippers,
cleaning agents,
self-shining emulsions,
floor sealants;
spray paints and spray cleaners in aerosol dispensers containing 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGBE, CAS no 112-34-5) in a concentration of 3% or more by mass which are intended for supply to the general public.

1 .2 Special labellingbis

1 Paints, other than spray paints, containing DEGBE in a concentration of 3% or more by mass ofd intended for supply to the general public must be labelled as follows: «Do not use in paint spraying equipment».


2 Cyclohexane

2.1 Special labelling

1 Neoprene-based contact adhesives containing cyclohexane (CAS no 110-82-7) in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass ofd intended for supply to the general public must be labelled as follows: «This product is not to be used under conditions of poor ventilation. – This product is not to be used for carpet laying».


2.2 Special packaging

Neoprene-based contact adhesives containing cyclohexane (CAS no 110-82-7) in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass ofd intended for supply to the general public must be packaged in containers not exceeding 350 g.

3 Dichlormethan

3.1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market paint strippers containing dichloromethane (CAS no 75-09-2) in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass which:

are intended for supply to the general public;
are intended for professional or commercial use outside an industrial installation.

2It is prohibited to use paint strippers containing dichloromethane in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass for professional or commercial purposes outside an industrial installation.

3.2 Special labelling

1 Paint strippers containing dichloromethane in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass must be labelled as follows: «Restricted to industrial use and to professionals approved in certain EU Member States – verify where use is allowed».

2 Notwithstanding paragraph 1, paint strippers intended for use in Switzerland may be labelled as follows: «Restricted to industrial use».

4 Substances that deplete the ozone layer and substances stable in the atmosphere

4.1 Prohibitions

It is prohibited:

to manufacture, place on the market, import on a private basis or use substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4) or substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5), or preparations containing such substances, for purposes of cleaning, dissolution, emulsification or suspension;
to manufacture, place on the market, or import on a private basis articles which contain substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4) or substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5) for purposes of cleaning, dissolution, emulsification or suspension.

4.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 4.1 letter a does not apply to substances stable in the atmosphere, or preparations containing such substances, which are used in surface treatment installations as specified in Annex 2 Number 87 of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance of 16 December 1985147.

2 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may grant temporary exemptions to the prohibitions specified in Number 4.1 for further uses if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances stable in the atmosphere, or for the preparations and articles containing such substances;
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used are no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art; and
emissions of substances stable in the atmosphere are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use.

4.3 Special labelling

1 Containers containing or designed to contain substances which are listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014148 must be labelled with the following information:

the text: «Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases»;
the abbreviated chemical names for the substances stable in the atmosphere contained in the containers, using the industry nomenclature accepted for the area concerned;
the quantity of the substances expressed in kg and in tonnes of CO2 equivalent, and the global warming potential of the substances.

148 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, version in accordance with OJ L 150 of 20.5.2014, p. 195.

5 Halogenated solvent wastes handling

5.1 Definitions

Halogenated solvents are solvents containing in total more than 1% of the following substances by weight:

dichloromethane (CAS no 75-09-2);
1,1-dichloroethane (CAS no 75-34-3);
1,2-dichloroethane (CAS no 107-06-2);
chloroform (CAS no 67-66-3);
trichloroethylene (CAS no 79-01-6);
tetrachloroethylene (CAS no 127-18-4);
substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4);
substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5).

5.2 Prohibition of mixing

1 It is prohibited for any person using halogenated solvents on a professional or commercial basis to mix wastes from these solvents:

with non-halogenated solvents or wastes from non-halogenated solvents;
with other types of halogenated solvents or of wastes from halogenated solvents, if recycling is significantly complicated as a result;
with other wastes, substances, preparations or articles.

2 The prohibition specified in paragraph 1 letter b does not apply to persons who do not use more than 20 litres per year of a substance specified in Number 5.1.

3 The prohibitions specified in paragraph 1 do not apply to persons who recycle or incinerate halogenated solvent wastes themselves in an appropriate manner.

5.3 Take-back obligation

Any person who supplies a user with halogenated solvents in containers of more than 20 litres must, if the user so requires, take back these solvents, including process-related impurities or additives, or arrange for them to be taken back by a third party.

5.4 Recycling

The canton may require holders of halogenated solvent wastes or companies who accept such wastes for disposal:

to investigate whether recycling options are available or could be created;
to inform the canton of the results of their investigations;
to ensure that these wastes are recycled if this is technically feasible and economically viable and does not entail disproportionate use of energy.

6 Transitional provisions

1 For paints, contact adhesives and paint strippers, labelling as specified in Numbers 1.2, 2.1 and 3.2 of the ORRChem in the version of 7 November 2012149 remains permitted until 31 May 2020.

2 For containers containing substances stable in the atmosphere which are listed in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 11 December 1997150 (Kyoto Protocol), labelling as specified in Number 4.3 of the ORRChem in the version of 7 November 2012 remains permitted until 31 May 2020.

Annex 2.4 151

151 Revised by No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113), No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), Annex No 2 of the O of 4 Nov. 2015 (AS 2015 4791), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Biocidal products

1 Wood preservatives

1.1 Definitions

1 Wood preservatives are biocidal products of product type 8 as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP152.

2 Tar oils refers in particular to:

creosote (CAS no 8001-58-9);
creosote oil (CAS no 61789-28-4);
distillates (coal tar), naphthalene oils (CAS no 84650-04-4);
creosote oil, acenaphthene fraction (CAS no 90640-84-9);
distillates (coal tar), upper (CAS no 65996-91-0);
anthracene oil (CAS no 90640-80-5);
tar acids, coal, crude (CAS no 65996-85-2);
creosote, wood (CAS no 8021-39-4);
low-temperature tar oil, alkaline; extract residues (coal) (CAS no 122384‑78‑5).

1.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market wood preservatives containing:

arsenic or arsenic compounds;
tar oils.

2 It is prohibited to supply or use wood treated with wood preservatives containing tar oil.

3 Wood treated with a wood preservative and articles containing such wood may only be imported for professional or commercial purposes if each active substance contained in the wood preservative is listed, for inclusion in product type 8:

in the list of notified active substances specified in Article 9 paragraph 1 letter d, in conjunction with paragraph 2 letter b and paragraph 3 OBP; or
in Annex 1 List I or Annex 2 List IA OBP and complies with the requirements specified therein.

1.3 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 1 letter b does not apply to wood preservatives containing tar oil if they:

contain the smallest quantity of water extractable phenols or benzo[a]pyrene possible according to the state of the art, but no more than:
30 g water extractable phenols per kilogram,
50 mg benzo[a]pyrene per kilogram; and
are supplied to professional or commercial users in packages with a minimum content of 20 litres.

2 The prohibition on supply specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 2 does not apply to railway sleepers supplied by one rail company to another for use in railway track installations.

3 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 2 do not apply to wood that has been treated with a tar oil-based wood preservative as specified in paragraph 1 and which is used for railway track installations:

4 The prohibition specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 3 does not apply to the import of wood which is only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re-exported in its entirety.

5 The Notification Authority (Art. 77 of the Chemicals Ordinance of 5 June 2015153) may grant exceptions from the prohibition specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 3. It shall make its decision with the agreement of the competent assessment authorities specified in Article 52 OBP.

1.4 Use in groundwater protection zones

1 In groundwater protection zones S1, S2 and Sh it is prohibited:

to use wood preservatives;
to store wood treated with wood preservatives.

2 Any person wishing to use wood preservatives or store wood treated with these products in groundwater protection zones S3 and Sm or near waterbodies must take structural measures to prevent seepage or run-off of the preservatives.

2 Other preservatives

2.1 Definitions

Preservatives also refers to:

biocidal products used to protect service water from contamination with harmful organisms in the industrial, commercial or municipal sector;
biocidal products of product type 6 (in-can preservatives) as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP;
biocidal products of product type 7 (film preservatives) as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP.

2.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market or use, in paints or varnishes or for service water, preservatives containing arsenic or arsenic compounds.

2For preservatives containing trialkyl or triaryl tin compounds in paints or varnishes or for service water, the provisions specified in Annex 1.14 apply.

3 It is prohibited to manufacture or place on the market articles or any parts thereof containing dimethylfumarate (CAS no 624-49-7) in concentrations greater than 0.1mg/kg.

3 Rodenticides

3.1 Definition

Rodenticides are biocidal products of product type 14 as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP.

3.2 Prohibition

It is prohibited to place on the market or use rodenticides containing:

arsenic or arsenic compounds;
thallium or thallium compounds;

4 Antifouling products (underwater coatings)

4.1 Definition

Antifouling products are biocidal products of product type 21 as defined in Annex 10 to the OBP.

4.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market or use antifouling products containing arsenic compounds.

2For antifouling products containing trialkyl or triaryl tin compounds, the provisions specified in Annex 1.14 apply.

4 Biocidal products used to control algae and mossesbis154

154 In force from 1 Dec. 2020 (AS 2019 1495).

4 .1 Definitionsbis

Biocidal products used to control algae and mosses are:

algaecides for the remedial treatment of construction materials that belong to Product Type 2 in accordance with Annex 10 OBP;
Products used for preservation of masonry, composite materials or other construction materials other than wood by the control of microbiological and algal attack that belong to Product Type 10 (construction material preservatives) in accordance with Annex 10 OBP, provided they are used to protect against or control algae or mosses.

4 .2 Prohibitionsbis

Biocidal products used to control algae and mosses may not be used:

on roofs and terraces;
on storage sites;
on and along roads, paths and squares;
on embankments and verges along roads and railway lines.

4 .3 Special labellingbis

1 The holders of authorisation under Article 7 paragraph 1 OPB must inform purchasers of biocidal products used to control algae and mosses about the prohibitions specified in Number 4bis.2 by means of labelling or in an equivalent written form.

2 The information in accordance with paragraph 1 must contain the following statement: “Use is prohibited on roofs and terraces, on storage sites, on or along roads, paths and squares, and on embankments and verges along roads and railways”.

5 Bring-back obligation

1 Users must return biocidal products for which they have no further use or which they wish to dispose of to a person obliged to take them back or deposit them at an appropriate collection centre.

2 Small quantities of biocidal products shall be taken back free of charge.

6 Exemptions relating to biocidal products for research and development purposes

The prohibitions specified in this Annex do not apply to the placing on the market of biocidal products for research and development purposes.

7 Transitional provision

1 The prohibition on use specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 2 does not apply to wood supplied by 31 December 2001 and used by 31 December 2011.

2 The prohibition on use specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 2 does not apply to wood treated with wood preservatives that do not meet the requirements specified in Number 1.3 paragraph 1 letter a if the treated wood was supplied by 30 June 2005 and was used by 31 December 2011 for one of the following applications:

railway track installations;
slope stabilisation structures and avalanche barriers outside residential areas;
noise barriers outside residential areas;
path and road reinforcement structures outside residential areas;
utility pole and pylon bases;
other installations having a purpose similar to the installations specified in letters a to e and which are located outside residential areas; the FOEN shall issue recommendations for enforcement authorities after consulting the relevant federal offices.

3 In addition, the prohibition on use specified in Number 1.2 paragraph 2 does not apply to wood treated with wood preservatives that meet the requirements specified in Number 1.3 paragraph 1 letter a if the treated wood was supplied by1 June 2019 and is used by 1 June 2021 for one of the following applications:

slope stabilisation structures and avalanche barriers outside residential areas;
noise barriers outside residential areas;
path and road reinforcement structures outside residential areas;
utility pole and pylon bases;
other installations having a purpose similar to the installations specified in letters a to d and which are located outside residential areas; the FOEN shall issue recommendations for enforcement authorities after consulting the relevant federal offices.

Annex 2.5 155

155 Revised by No I 3 of the O of 29 June 2011 (AS 2011 3379), No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), Annex 9 No 1 of the Direct Payments Ordinance of 23 Oct. 2013 (AS 2013 4145), Annex No 2 of the O of 4 Nov. 2015 (AS 2015 4791), No I of the O of 14 Oct. 2020 (AS 2020 4675) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Plant protection products

1 Use

1.1 Prohibitions and restrictions

1 It is prohibited to use plant protection products:

in areas designated as nature reserves under federal or cantonal legislation, in the absence of provisions to the contrary in the relevant regulations;
in reed beds and mires;
in hedges and groves and in a 3m-wide strip alongside hedges and groves;
in forests and in a 3m-wide strip alongside the stand of trees;
in surface waters and in a 3m-wide strip alongside surface waters, whereby the strip alongside watercourses for which a space for waters has been specified in accordance with Article 41a WPO156 or for which a space for waters has been expressly dispensed with under 41a paragraph 5 WPO is measured from the shore line, and in the case of other watercourses and standing waters from the top edge of the bank in accordance with the buffer strip information sheet «Measuring and managing buffers strips correctly», KIP/PIOCH 2009157;
in groundwater protection zone S1;
on or alongside railway track installations in groundwater protection zones S2 and Sh.

2 It is also prohibited to use herbicides or plant growth control agents:

on roofs and terraces;
on storage sites;
on or along roads, paths and squares;
on embankments and verges along roads and railways.

3 The use of plant protection products in groundwater protection zones S2 and Sh is governed by the Ordinance of 12 May 2010158 on Plant Protection Products.

4 With regard to the use of plant protection products in the areas of contribution Zu and Zo, the cantons, taking account of the exemptions specified in Number 1.2 paragraphs 2, 4 and 5, shall specify restrictions going beyond those listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 if this is necessary to ensure water protection. In particular, they shall restrict the use of a plant protection product in the area of contribution Zu if the product is detected at a drinking water well and the requirements for groundwater which is used or intended for use are repeatedly not met.

5 With regard to the use of plant protection products on or alongside railway track installations outside groundwater protection zones S1, S2 and Sh, the Federal Office of Transport shall specify the restrictions and prohibitions required to ensure protection of the environment. It shall take local conditions into account and consult the cantons concerned before making its decision.

156 SR 814.201

157 The information sheet may be obtained (not in English) from Agridea, 8315 Lindau.

158 SR916.161

1.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 letters a and b do not apply to the use of plant protection products intended to preserve crops in closed installations or buildings, provided that measures are taken to prevent run-off and seepage of the products or their degradation products.

2 The prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 letters c and d, provided letter d concerns wooded pastures or the 3-metre-wide strip along the wooded area, do not apply to the individual treatment of problem plants, provided these plants could not be controlled effectively with other measures such as mowing.

3 In forests, if plant protection products cannot be replaced by measures less harmful to the environment, notwithstanding the prohibition specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 letter d, the competent cantonal authority shall, in accordance with Articles 4–6, grant an authorisation for the use of plant protection products:

to treat wood which could cause damage to a forest following natural disasters and to control the harmful pathogens, if this is required to preserve the forest;
to treat cut wood with insecticides authorised under the Plant Protection Products Ordinance for the crop ‘Lying roundwood in forests and at storage sites’, at appropriate sites, provided that the wood cannot be removed in good time, the sites concerned are not located in groundwater protection zones S1, S2 or Sh and effective measures are taken to prevent seepage or run-off of the products;
in forest nurseries outside groundwater protection zones S1, S2, S3 and Sh;
to remedy browsing damage in areas of natural regeneration, afforestation or reforestation, if this is essential to preserve the forest.

3bis The Federal Office of Transport shall, in consultation with the FOEN and in derogation from the prohibition contained in Number 1.1 paragraph 1 letter g, grant authorisation for the use of plant protection products in groundwater zones S2 and Sh if:

the railway track installation lies in a water-tight cutting;
the waste water generated is disposed of outside groundwater zones S2 or Sh; and
it would be disproportionate to replace the plant protection products with other measures that would have a lower impact on the environment is a disproportionate measure.

4 The prohibition specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter c does not apply to individual treatments of problem plants on national and cantonal roads if they cannot be effectively controlled by other measures such as regular mowing.

5 The prohibition specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2 letter d does not apply to individual treatments of problem plants if they cannot be effectively controlled by other measures such as regular mowing.

2 Special labelling

1 For herbicides or plant growth control agents authorised in accordance with Article 15 letter a PSMV, licence holders must inform the purchasers, by means of labelling or in an equivalent written form, about the prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2.

2 Any person who imports a herbicide or plant growth control agent included in the list specified in Article 36 paragraph 1 PSMV must inform the purchasers, by means of labelling or in an equivalent written form, about the prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 paragraph 2.

3 The labelling specified in paragraph 1 and the information specified in paragraph 2 must include the following details: “Use is prohibited on roofs and terraces, on storage sites, on or along roads, paths and squares, and on embankments and verges along roads and railways”.

3 Bring-back obligation

1 Users must return plant protection products for which they have no further use or which they wish to dispose of to a person obliged to take them back or deposit them at an appropriate collection centre.

2 Small quantities of plant protection products must be taken back free of charge.

4 Export

4.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to export or to move the following substances, or preparations that include such substances, to another country from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse:


Relevant CAS number(s)







and its salts, including:
‒ Paraquat-dichloride
‒ Paraquat-dimethylsulphate


1910-42-5, 75365-73-0



4.2 Export licence

4.2.1 Licence requirement

Any person who wishes to export the following substances, or preparations that include such substances, or move the same from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse to another country requires a licence from the FOEN:


Relevant CAS number(s)















Arsenic and its compounds

7440-38-2 and others





































Choline chloride






































Fenbutatin oxide








Fentin hydroxide


Fentin acetate






















































































Thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate






















4.2.2 Licensing requirements

1 An export licence shall be issued if the applicant submits a duly completed application in accordance with Number 4.2.3.

2 If the export is being made to a country that is not a signatory159 to the Rotterdam Convention of 10 September 1998160, an export licence shall only be issued if the FOEN has received a certificate from the importing country confirming that the latter has authorises the import.

3 If the export is being made to a country that is a signatory to the Rotterdam Convention, an export licence shall only be issued if the FOEN has received authorisation from the importing country.

159 The list may be obtained against payment from or consulted free of charge at FOEN, 3003 Bern or accessed at > Countries > Status of ratifications

160 SR 0.916.21

4.2.3 Application

1 An application must include:

the applicant’s name and the address;
the foreign importers’ names and the addresses,broken down according to the recipient countries;
the name of the substance as specified in Number 4.2.1, the preparation or the preparation that includes such a substance and, if applicable, the name and content of the substance in the preparations;
the planned annual export volume of the substance or the preparations in kilogrammes per importer and import country;
instructions on countermeasures in the event of an accident, on measures for safe disposal and on other precautionary measures, in particular to reduce exposure and emissions;
details of the uses envisaged;
the safety data sheet or the safety data sheets under Article 20 the Chemicals Ordinance of 5 June 2015161;
if applicable, a certificate in accordance with Number 4.2.2 paragraph 2.

4.2.4 Decision

1 The FOEN shall decide within 30 days of receiving all the required documents.

2 An export licence shall be issued for a maximum of 12 months and in each case terminates at the end of a calendar year; it is given a country-specific number.

4.2.5 Obligations relating to export

1 The person required to submit a declaration under Article 26 of the Customs Act of 18 March 2005162 must specify in the customs declaration:

that the export of the substances in accordance with Number 4.2.1 or of the preparations that include such substances requires a licence under this Annex;
the country-specific number for the export licence.

2 At the request of the customs office, the person required to submit a declaration must provide a copy of the export licence required by this Annex.

3 On removal from an open customs warehouse, a warehouse for bulk goods or a duty-free warehouse, the storer or depositor must enter the country-specific number of the export licence in an inventory record.

4 The provisions of Article 5 paragraphs 1 and 3 of the PIC Ordinance of 10 November 2004163 apply to labelling and the provision of the safety data sheet.

Annex 2.6 164164

164 Revised by Annex of the O of 14 Nov. 2007 (AS 2007 6295), Annex 9 No 1 of the Direct Payments Ordinance of 23 Oct. 2013 (AS 2013 4145), Annexe No 2 of the O of 4 Nov. 2015 (AS 2015 4791), Annex 6 No 11 of the Waste Management Ordinance of 4 Dec. 2015 (AS 2015 5699) and Annex No 2 of the O of 31 Oct. 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2018 4205). The correction of 7 May 2019 relates to the French text only (AS 2019 1339)

(Art. 3)


1 Definitions

1 The terms used in this Annex are defined in the Ordinance of 10 January 2001165 on Fertilisers.

2 Forage areas are meadows and pastures, and vegetated farmland producing crops used wholly or partly as fodder. The term does not apply to farmland where only the grain or cobs are harvested.

2 Special requirements for supply

2.1 Supply of fertilisers

1 Fertilisers may only be supplied if the requirements specified in Number 2.2 are met in addition to those specified in the Ordinance on Fertilisers.

2 It is prohibited to supply sewage sludge.

2.2 Quality requirements

2.2.1 Organic fertilisers, recycling fertilisers with the exception of mineral recycling fertilisers and farm manure

1 The pollutant content of organic fertilisers, recycling fertilisers with the exception of mineral recycling fertilisers, and farm manure must not exceed the following limit values:


Limit value in grams per tonne of dry matter

Cadmium (Cd)


Copper (Cu)


Lead (Pb)


Mercury (Hg)


Nickel (Ni)


Zinc (Zn)


150 g/t dry matter if the proportion of pig excrement is more than 50% of dry matter
600 g/t dry matter if the proportion of pig excrement is more than 50% of dry matter

2 In addition, the following requirements for inert contaminants apply to compost and digestate:

contaminants (metal, glass, wastepaper, cardboard, etc.) with a diameter of more than 2 mm must not exceed 0.5% of the mass of the dry matter;
the content of aluminium foil and plastics must not exceed 0.1% of the mass of the dry matter;
the content of stones with a diameter of more than 5 mm should be as low as possible, so that fertiliser quality is not impaired.

3 The following guide values apply to compost and digestate:


Guide value

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

4 grams per tonne of dry mattera

Dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs)

20 nanograms I-TEQbper kilogram of dry matter

Sum of the following 16 PAH compounds on the EPA priority pollutants list: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene and benzo[ghi]perylene
I-TEQ = International toxic equivalents

4 The provisions of paragraph 1 do not apply to farm manure intended for own‑farm use or supplied directly to end users by a livestock farm. This is without prejudice to the provisions specified in Article 30a paragraph 2 of the Ordinance on Fertilisers.

2.2.2 Mineral fertilisers and fertilisers prepared from animal by‑products

The pollutant content of mineral fertilisers and fertilisers prepared from animal by‑products must not exceed the following limit values:


Limit value in grams per tonne of

dry matter

phosphorus (P)

Cadmium (Cd) in phosphorus fertilisers containing more than 1% phosphorus


Chromium (Cr)


Vanadium (V)


2.2.3 Organic mineral fertilisers

The pollutant content of organic mineral fertilisers must not exceed the limit values specified in Number 2.2.1; however, if the proportion of phosphorus is more than 5%, the limit value for cadmium specified in Number 2.2.2 applies.

2.2.4 Mineral recycling fertilisers

1 The inorganic pollutant content of mineral recycling fertilisers with recovered phosphorus may not exceed the following limit values:


Limit value in grams per tonne of phosphorus (P)

Lead (Pb)


Cadmium (Cd)


Copper (Cu)

3 000

Nickel (Ni)


Mercury (Hg)


Zinc (Zn)

10 000

Arsenic (As)


Chromium (Cr)

1 000

2 The organic pollutant content of mineral recycling fertilisers with recovered phosphorus may not exceed the following limit values:


Limit value

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)

25 grams per tonne of phosphorus (P)a

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)

0.5 grams per tonne of phosphorus (P)b

Dioxins (PCDD) and furans (PCDF)

120 nanograms I-TEQ per kilogram of phosphorus (P)c

Sum of the following 16 PAH compounds on the EPA priority pollutants list: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene and benzo[ghi]perylene
Sum of the 7 congeners according to IRMM (Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements), IUPAC No 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180
I-TEQ = International toxic equivalents

3 Mineral recycling fertilisers with recovered nitrogen or potassium may not exceed the limit values for recycling fertilisers under No 2.2.1.

3 Use

3.1 Principles

1 Any person who uses fertilisers must give due consideration to:

the nutrients present in the soil and the nutrient requirements of plants (recommendations on fertiliser application);
the site (vegetation, topography and soil conditions);
meteorological conditions;
limits ordered or agreed under legislation on water protection, nature and cultural heritage protection or environmental protection.

2 Any person who has supplies of farm manure may only use recycling or mineral fertilisers if the farm manure is insufficient or not suitable for meeting the nutrient requirements of the plants concerned.

3 Inputs of pollutants to agricultural soils must be avoided as far as possible.

3.2 Restrictions

3.2.1 Nitrogenous fertilisers and fluid fertilisers

1 Use of nitrogenous fertilisers is only permitted during periods when plants can absorb nitrogen. If the particular crop production conditions require fertiliser treatment outside these periods, use of such fertilisers is only permitted if they pose no risk to water quality.

2 Use of fluid fertilisers is only permitted if the soil has the necessary absorption capacity. In particular, they must not be used when the soil is waterlogged, frozen, snow-covered or dried-out.

3.2.2 Compost and digestate

1 Over a three-year period, up to 25 tonnes of compost or solid digestate (based on dry matter) may be applied as fertiliser per hectare, or 200m3 liquid digestate per hectare, provided that these quantities do not exceed the nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of the plants.

2 It is prohibited to use, over a ten-year period, more than 100 tonnes of organic or organic mineral soil improvement agents, compost or solid digestate per hectare, either for soil improvement, as a substrate, for erosion protection, for recultivation purposes or for artificial topsoil mixtures.

3.2.3 Residues from small wastewater treatment plants and from non‑agricultural sealed cesspools

1 Residues from non-agricultural wastewater treatment plants with a maximum of 200 population equivalents and from non-agricultural sealed cesspools may be used on forage areas in remote or poorly accessible locations outside the groundwater protection zones if an authorisation is granted by the cantonal authority.

2 Without prejudice to the provisions of Number 3.3, they must not be used on vegetable plots or added to slurry pits.

3.3 Prohibitions and exemptions

3.3.1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to use fertilisers:

in areas designated as nature reserves under federal or cantonal legislation, in the absence of relevant regulations or agreements to the contrary;
in reed beds and mires, where these are not already covered by provisions referred to in letter a;
in hedges and copses and in a 3m-wide strip alongside hedges and copses;
in surface waters and in a 3m-wide strip alongside surface waters, whereby the strip alongside watercourses for which a space for waters has been specified in accordance with Article 41a WPO166 or for which a space for waters has been expressly dispensed with under 41a paragraph 5 WPO is measured from the shore line, and in the case of other watercourses and standing waters from the top edge of the bank in accordance with the buffer strip information sheet «Measuring and managing buffers strips correctly», KIP/PIOCH 2009167;
in groundwater protection zone S1.

2 It is prohibited to use liquid farm manure and recycling fertilisers in groundwater protection zones S2 and Sh.

3 With regard to the use of fertilisers in the areas of contribution Zu and Zo, the cantonal authority shall specify restrictions going beyond those listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 if this is necessary to ensure water protection.

4 It is prohibited to use sewage sludge.

5 It is prohibited to use fertilisers in forests and in a 3 m strip alongside the stand of trees.

166 SR 814.201

167 The information sheet may be obtained (not in English) from Agridea, 8315 Lindau.

3.3.2 Exemptions

1 Notwithstanding the prohibition specified in Number 3.3.1 paragraph 2, the cantonal authority may permit the spreading of a maximum of 20m3 liquid farm manure and recycling fertilisers per hectare in groundwater protection zone S2 up to three times per growing season, at appropriate intervals, if the nature of the soil is such that no pathogenic microorganisms can enter the groundwater well or recharge facility.

2 Notwithstanding the prohibition specified in Number 3.3.1 paragraph 5 and without prejudice to Number 3.3.1 paragraphs 1–4, the application of fertilisers in forests and in a 3m-wide strip alongside the stand of trees outside groundwater protection zones may be authorised (Art. 4–6) for:

the use of compost, solid digestate and mineral fertilisers:
in forest nurseries,
during afforestation or reforestation and for sowing,
to promote the development of plant cover on forestry road verges and for bioengineering,
on small areas within the framework of scientific trials;
the spreading of farm manure, compost, solid digestate and non-nitrogenous mineral fertilisers on wooded pastures.

4 Analyses carried out by the authorities

1 At appropriate intervals, the FOEN shall carry out analyses to determine the PAH, dioxin and furan content of compost and digestate. It shall publish a summary of the findings and communicate them in advance to the cantonal authority, the FOAG and the owners of the plants in question.

2 The cantonal authorities shall identify the cause of any exceedance of the guide values specified in Number 2.2.1 paragraph 3 and ensure that compost and digestate are not supplied if their use could endanger soil fertility.

Annex 2.7 168

168 Revised by No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

(Art. 3)

De-icing products

1 Definition

De-icing products are substances and preparations used to combat ice and slippery snow and containing more than 10% of de-icing substances by mass.

2 Supply

It is prohibited to supply de-icing products containing de-icing substances other than:

sodium chloride, calcium chloride or magnesium chloride;
biodegradable lower alcohols;
sodium formate or potassium formate;
sodium acetate or potassium acetate;
molasses from sugar production and equivalent products from other processes that contain carbohydrates.

3 Use

3.1 Restrictions

1 It is prohibited to use de-icing products containing de-icing substances other than those specified in Number 2.

2 De-icing products containing substances as specified in Number 2 letters b, c or e are only to be used at airfields.

3 De-icing products containing substances as specified in Number 2 letter d are only to be used at airfields and on footpaths that border green areas.

4 De-icing products containing substances as specified in Number 2 letter f are only to be used as brine additives and only:

on motorways, if:
the brine is spread mechanically using brine or pre-wetted salt technology, and
its dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is readily biodegradable and its pre-wetted salt content does not exceed 20 grams per kilogram by mass when using brine technology, and 10 grams per kilogram by mass when using pre-wetted salt technology;
on other road surfaces, if:
the brine is spread mechanically using pre-wetted salt technology, and
its dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is readily biodegradable and its pre-wetted salt content does not exceed 10 grams per kilogram by mass.

3.2 Exemptions

The FOEN may permit certain users to use de-icing products containing de-icing substances other than those specified in Number 2 for purposes of suitability testing. Authorisation is granted for a period of no more than three months. It may be renewed.

3.3 Use by public services for winter road treatment

1 As far as appropriate, snow-covered roads must be cleared mechanically before use is made of de-icing products.

2 De-icing products are only to be used by public services for winter road treatment:

if mechanical spreaders are deployed which ensure uniform application;
for preventive purposes in critical weather conditions and only on motorways and at exposed sites.

3 With regard to public roads, paths and squares, the cantons shall ensure that it is defined when, where and how de-icing products must be applied or other methods must be used to combat ice and slippery snow.

Annex 2.8 169169

169 Revised by No I 3 of the O of 15 Dec. 2005 (AS2007 111), No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161) and No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015, in force since 1 Sept. 2015 (AS 2015 2367).

(Art. 3)

Paints and varnishes

1 Definitions

1 Cadmium-containing paints and varnishes are paints and varnishes containing cadmium or cadmium compounds and with a cadmium content of 0.01% or more by mass.

2 Lead-containing paints and varnishes are paints and varnishes containing lead or lead compounds and with a lead content of 0.01% or more by mass.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited for manufacturers to place on the market cadmium-containing paints and varnishes, or articles treated with such paints and varnishes.

2 It is prohibited for manufacturers to place on the market lead-containing paints and varnishes, or articles treated with such paints and varnishes.

3 The placing on the market of packaging and packaging components treated with cadmium- or lead-containing paints or varnishes is governed by Annex 2.16 Number 4.

3 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 does not apply to the placing on the market of:

paints and varnishes with a zinc content of 10% or more by mass, provided that the content of cadmium or cadmium compounds by weight does not exceed 0.1% cadmium;
articles treated with paints or varnishes as specified in letter a.

2 Without prejudice to Annex 1.17, the prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 2 does not apply to:

the import of paints and varnishes for the treatment of articles which are exported in their entirety;
the import of articles which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re-exported in their entirety;
the placing on the market of paints and varnishes for the treatment of articles as specified in paragraph 3.

3 Without prejudice to Annex 2.16 Numbers 5 and 7 paragraphs 2 and 3 and Annex 2.18 Numbers 3 and 8, the prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 2 does not apply to the placing on the market of vehicles, electrical and electronic equipment and the components of such equipment and vehicles treated with paints or varnishes.

4 Transitional provisions

Manufacturers may continue to place on the market paints and varnishes or articles treated with such paints and varnishes until 31 July 2006.

Annex 2.9 170170

170 Revised by No I 3 of the O of 15 Dec. 2005 (AS2007 111), No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113), No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963), of 23 Feb. 2022 (AS 2022 162) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Plastics and additives

1 Definitions

1 Cadmium-containing plastics are plastics containing cadmium or cadmium compounds in the form of articles composed entirely or partly of such plastics, or in the form of preparations containing cadmium or cadmium compounds.

2 Recovered PVC is a preparation containing PVC waste.

3 Tyres within the meaning of this Annex are tyres for vehicles of the following categories:

category M, N or O as defined in Annex II, Section A of Directive 2007/46/EC171;
category T, R or S as defined in Annex II, Chapter A of Directive 2003/37/EC172;
categories L1e – L7e as defined in Article 1 paragraphs 2 and 3 of Directive 2002/24/EC173.
4 An oxo-degradable plastic is a plastic that contains additives that by oxidation cause the plastic to break down into micro-particles or chemically degrade.

171 Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive), OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 65/2012, OJ L 28, 31.1.2012, p. 24. The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be accessed at:

172 Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, together with their systems, components and separate technical units and repealing Directive 74/150/EEC, OJ L 171, 9.7.2003, p. 1; last amended by Directive 2010/62/EU, OJ L 238, 9.9.2010, p. 7.

173 Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles and repealing Council Directive 92/61/EEC, OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008, OJ L 311, 21.11.2008, p. 1.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited:

to manufacture or for the manufacturer to place on the market cadmium-containing plastics if the concentration of cadmium is 0.01% or more by mass of the plastic material;
to manufacture or place on the market foams manufactured with substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4), or articles containing such foams;
to supply or use foams manufactured with substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5), or articles containing such foams;
to place on the market or use extender oils for the manufacture of tyres or parts of tyres if these oils contain:
more than 1mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene,
more than 10mg/kg of the sum of the following polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons:
benzo[a]pyrene (CAS no 50-32-8)
benzo[e]pyrene (CAS no 192-97-2)
benzo[a]anthracene (CAS no 56-55-3)
chrysene (CAS no 218-01-9)
benzo[b]fluoranthene (CAS no 205-99-2)
benzo[j]fluoranthene (CAS no 205-82-3)
benzo[k]fluoranthene (CAS no 207-08-9)
dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (CAS no 53-70-3);
to place on the market tyres and treads for retreading if they contain extender oils exceeding the limits specified in letter d;
to place on the market articles which consist entirely or in part of plastics, which contain more than 1 mg of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as specified in Letter d number 2 per kilogram of plastic if:
the articles are intended for supply to the general public, and
during the normal or reasonably predictable use of the article a component containing a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon comes into direct contact with human skin for an extended period of time or repeatedly for short periods. This applies in particular to:
sports equipment such as bicycles, golf clubs, racquets
household equipment, vehicles fitted with wheels, walking aids
tools for private use
clothing, shoes, gloves and sportswear and
watch straps, wristbands, masks, headbands;
to place on the market or use plastic granules or crumb which, taken together, contain more than 20 mg per kilogram of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons referred to in letter d number 2 and which are used as infill material for artificial turf fields or as loose bulk material on playgrounds or sports fields;
to place on the market or use acrylamide (CAS no 79-06-1) or substances or preparations containing acrylamide in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass for grouting applications.
to place on the market or use oxo-degradable plastics.

1bis The test and analytical methods for determining the limits specified in Paragraph 1 letters d and e are based on entry 50 of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006174.

2 For aerosol dispensers used to produce foams, Annex 2.12 applies.

3 For cadmium-containing plastic packaging, Annex 2.16 Number 4 applies.

4 For toys and articles for infants and small children that contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as specified in paragraph 1 letter d number 2, the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 2016175 applies.

174 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 412/2012, OJ L 128, 16.5.2012, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) 2015/326, OJ L 58, 3.3.2015, p. 43.

175 SR 817.02

3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter a, do not apply to:

recovered PVC, provided that the exceedance of the specified cadmium limit is attributable to the PVC waste used, and cadmium or cadmium compounds are not introduced as a constituent during the manufacturing process;
plastics containing recovered PVC as specified in letter a, if their concentration of cadmium does not exceed 0.1% by mass of the plastic material in the following rigid PVC applications:
profiles and rigid sheets for building applications,
doors, windows, shutters, walls, blinds, fences, and roof gutters,
decks and terraces,
cable ducts,
pipes for non-drinking water if the recovered PVC is used in the middle layer of a multilayer pipe and is entirely covered with a layer of newly produced PVC.

2 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter c do not apply if:

according to the state of the art the necessary thermal insulation cannot be obtained using other materials;
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used are no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art; and
emissions of substances stable in the atmosphere are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use, in particular during the disposal of wastes from foams and from substances stable in the atmosphere contained therein.

3 After consulting interested parties and the cantons, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) shall issue recommendations for the enforcement authorities on the state of the art and on the disposal of wastes as specified in paragraph 2.

3bis The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter b do not apply if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances that deplete the ozone layer or for preparations and articles manufactured with such substances;
the substances used that deplete the ozone layer have an ozone depletion potential of no more than 0.0005;
the quantity of substances used that deplete the ozone layer is not more than is required according to the state of the art for the intended purpose; and
the emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use, in particular during the disposal of wastes from foams and from substances that deplete the ozone layer contained therein.

4 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may grant a temporary exemption from the prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter c if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances stable in the atmosphere or for the preparations and articles manufactured using such substances;
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used are no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art; and
emissions of substances stable in the atmosphere are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use, in particular during the disposal of wastes from foams and from substances stable in the atmosphere contained therein

5 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter e does not apply to the placing on the market of retreaded tyres if their treads contain extender oils that comply with the limits specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter d.

4 Special labelling

1 Manufacturers of foams must inform the purchasers, by means of labelling or in an equivalent written form, about the foam-blowing agents contained in the foam.

2Preparations and articles containing recovered PVC must be marked with the text «Contains recovered PVC» or with the following pictogram:

3Preparations containing methylenediphenyl diisocyanate in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass ofd intended for supply to the general public must be marked as follows: «Persons already sensitised to diisocyanates may develop allergic reactions when using this product. – Persons suffering from asthma, eczema or skin problems should avoid contact, including dermal contact, with this product. – This product should not be used under conditions of poor ventilation unless a protective mask with an appropriate gas filter (i.e. type A1 according to standard EN 14387) is used.»


5 Plastic granulate or crumb placed on the market for use as infill material for artificial turf fields or as loose bulk material on playgrounds or sports fields must have a batch number that clearly identifies the batch. The batch number shall be indicated on the packaging or in another suitable form.

4 Special packagingbis

The packaging of a preparation containing methylenediphenyl diisocyanate in a concentration of 0.1% or more by mass ofd intended for supply to the general public must contain protective gloves which comply with the requirements specified in Article 13 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 12 paragraph 2 of the Ordinance on Product Safety of 19 May 2010176. This does not apply to packaging for hot melt adhesives.

5 Reporting requirements

Manufacturers of foams manufactured using substances stable in the atmosphere must inform the FOEN, if so requested, of:

the type and quantity of foams supplied in Switzerland during the previous three years, classified by origin (imported or manufactured in Switzerland);
the type and quantity of substances stable in the atmosphere contained in the foams supplied.

5 Recommendationsbis

The FOEN shall, after consulting the industry concerned, issue recommendations on the state of the art mentioned in Number 3 paragraph 3bis.

6 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibition on imports specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter b does not apply to imports of:

cooling appliances, water heaters and hot water storage tanks with foams which contain partially halogenated hydrochlorofluorocarbons (Annex 1.4), if they were manufactured before 1 January 2000;
motor vehicles with foams manufactured using fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (Annex 1.4), or spare parts and accessories intended for these vehicles and containing such foams, if they were manufactured before 1 October 1994;
integral skin foams for use in safety applications manufactured using partially halogenated hydrochlorofluorocarbons, if they were manufactured before 1 January 2000.

2 The prohibition on use specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter c does not apply to the use of foams manufactured using substances stable in the atmosphere, or to articles containing such foams, if they were supplied before 1 January 2004.

3 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter d apply to the placing on the market and use of extender oils for the manufacture of tyres or parts of tyres from 1 January 2010.

4 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter e does not apply to the placing on the market of tyres and treads for retreading which were manufactured before 1 January 2010.

5 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter ebis does not apply to the placing on the market of articles which were first placed on the market before 1 September 2016.

6 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 2 paragraph 1 letter eter do not apply to placing on the market or using plastic granules or crumb that has been used on by 1 April 2023 on artificial turf fields, playgrounds or sports fields.

7 The prohibitions in accordance with Number 2 paragraph 1 letter g do not apply to placing on the market or using oxo-degradable plastics that were placed on the market for the first time before 1 October 2022.

8 Foams and articles containing foams to which Number 3 paragraph 3bis no longer applies because a substitute is available due to a change in the state of the art may continue to be manufactured and imported for professional or commercial purposes for a period of six months and supplied to third parties for a further six-month period.

Annex 2.10 177177

177 Revised by No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113), No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495), Annex No 2 of the O of 18 Nov. 2020, (AS 2020 5125), No I of the FOEN O of 9 Sept. 2021 (AS 2021 550), No I of the O of 23 Feb. 2022 (AS 2022 162) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)


1 Definitions

1 Refrigerants are substances and preparations which, in appliances or systems, transport heat from a lower to a higher temperature.

2 Ozone-depleting refrigerants are refrigerants containing substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4).

3 Refrigerants stable in the atmosphere are refrigerants containing substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5).

4 A system comprises all refrigeration circuits used for one and the same application: it may comprise one or more chillers. The term «chiller» refers to a compact cooling system with one or more refrigeration circuits.

5 Any non-minor modification of the cooling part of existing systems is deemed to be equivalent to placing systems on the market. Significant modifications of the cooling part of existing systems are not deemed to be equivalent to placing on the market if the modification achieves a significant increase in energy efficiency or, through material savings, avoids significant greenhouse gas emissions.

6 An appliance is a plug-in cooling system not permanently connected to refrigerant or thermal distribution piping. Fixed appliances are classified as appliances rather than as systems.

7 Medium temperature cooling is the cooling of foodstuffs or perishable goods where the working temperature is not lower than 0 °C or if no freezing occurs.

8 Low temperature cooling is the cooling of foodstuffs or perishable goods where the working temperature is not lower than –25 °C.

9 Deep cooling is the cooling of foodstuffs or perishable goods where the working temperature is lower than –25 °C.

10 The cooling capacity of a system is its effective cooling capacity at peak consumption where the system design corresponds to the state of the art.

2 Manufacture, placing on the market, import and export

2.1 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import on a private basis or export:

ozone-depleting refrigerants with an ozone depletion potential greater than 0.0005;
appliances or systems using ozone-depleting refrigerants.

2 It is prohibited to manufacture or place on the market, or to import on a private basis, the following appliances and mobile systems using refrigerants stable in the atmosphere:

household refrigerators and freezers;
commercial refrigerators and freezers;
household appliances with heat pumps, in particular dehumidification and drying appliances
air conditioners;
air conditioning systems used in motor vehicles.
mobile refrigeration systems for the transport of goods.

3 It is prohibited to place on the market the following stationary systems which are operated using refrigerants which are stable in the atmosphere:

air conditioning systems for cooling buildings:
with a cooling capacity of more than 400 kW, or
where the refrigerant used that is stable in the atmosphere has a global warming potential of more than 2100;
cooling systems in commerce and industry for cooling foodstuffs or perishable goods by:
low temperature or deep cooling with a cooling capacity of more than 30 kW, or
medium temperature cooling with a cooling capacity of more than 40 kW, or
low temperature or deep cooling with a cooling capacity of more than 8 kW, where the low temperature or deep cooling can be combined with medium temperature cooling, or
medium temperature, low temperature or deep cooling, where the refrigerant used that is stable in the atmosphere has a global warming potential of more than 1500;
industrial cooling systems for process cooling and any other cooling applications:
with a cooling capacity of more than 400 kW, or
where, at a cooling capacity of no more than 100 kW, the refrigerant used that is stable in the atmosphere has a global warming potential of more than 2100, or
where, at a cooling capacity of more than 100 kW, the refrigerant used that is stable in the atmosphere has a global warming potential of more than 1500;
heat pumps for local and district heating:
with a cooling capacity of more than 600 kW, or
where the refrigerant used that is stable in the atmosphere has a global warming potential of more than 2100;
ice rinks:
permanent ice rinks,
temporary systems, if the refrigerant used that is stable in the atmosphere has a global warming potential of more than 4000.

4 It is prohibited to place on the market systems for using cold air which are operated using refrigerants stable in the atmosphere and which are not fitted with a secondary refrigerant circuit if they:

use at least three evaporator units and have a cooling capacity of more than 80kW; or
use more than 40 evaporator units.

5 It is prohibited to place on the market systems featuring an air-cooled condenser which contain a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of more than 4,000, without prejudice to the maximum permissible global warming potentials specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 3.

6 It is prohibited to place on the market systems featuring an air-cooled condenser which have a cooling capacity of more than 100kW if they:

contain per kW of cooling capacity:
more than 0.18kg of a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of more than 1,900,
more than 0.4kg of a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of 1,900 or less;
have a waste heat recovery or free cooling system and contain per kW of cooling capacity:
more than 0.22kg of a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of more than 1,900,
more than 0.48kg of a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of 1,900 or less;
are used for heating and cooling simultaneously, have at least two air heat exchangers, and contain more than 0.37kg per kW of cooling capacity of a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of more than 1,900.

7 It is prohibited to place on the market systems for medium temperature cooling, low temperature cooling or a combination of the two with a cooling capacity of more than 10kW, if they contain more than 2kg per kW of cooling capacity of a refrigerant stable in the atmosphere and are not fitted with technology to reduce the refrigerant content by at least 15%.

2.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2.1 paragraphs 1 letter b and 2 letters a, c and d do not apply to appliances belonging to a private household or which are placed on the market on a private basis or imported or exported on a private basis.

2 The prohibitions specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 2 letters b–f do not apply to appliances and systems if:

no state of the art alternative is available;
according to the state of the art, the refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with the lowest impact on the climate has been selected; and
state-of-the-art measures have been taken to prevent refrigerant emissions.

3 For the refrigeration systems, cooling applications and heating systems referred to in Number 2.1 paragraph 3, each with an evaporation temperature below –50 °C, cascade systems may be placed on the market if:

no state of the art alternative is available;
according to the state of the art, the refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with the lowest impact on the climate has been selected; and
state-of-the-art measures have been taken to prevent refrigerant emissions.

4 The prohibition specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 3 letter b number 4 does not apply to deep cooling systems where:

deep cooling cannot be combined with medium temperature cooling;
no state of the art alternative is available;
according to the state of the art, the refrigerant that is stable in the atmosphere with the lowest impact on the climate has been selected; and
state-of-the-art measures have been taken to prevent refrigerant emissions.

5 Existing systems lawfully placed on the market, which require authorisation to place them on the market, may be transferred to a third party for the areas of application specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 3 without a new authorisation, provided that they are not modified and their location is not changed.

6 The prohibition specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 1 letter b does not apply if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available; and
the refrigerant has an ozone depletion potential of no more than 0.0005; and
state-of-the-art measures have been taken to prevent refrigerant emissions.

7 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may grant temporary exemptions to the prohibitions specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 2 letter a if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available;
according to the state of the art, the refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with the lowest impact on climate has been selected; and
state-of-the-art measures have been taken to prevent refrigerant emissions.

8 On receipt of a justified request, the FOEN may grant an exemption to the prohibition specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 3 if:

according to the state of the art, it would not be possible to comply with the standards SN EN 378-1:2017+A1:2021, SN EN 378‑2:2017 and SN EN 378-3:2017+A1:2021178 without the use of a refrigerant which is stable in the atmosphere;
according to the state of the art, the refrigerant stable in the atmosphere with the lowest impact on climate has been selected; and
state-of-the-art measures have been taken to prevent refrigerant emissions.

9With the agreement of the SECO, the FOEN may adapt paragraph 8 letter a in the event of changes to the specified norms.

178 These standards may be viewed free of charge at or obtained for a fee from the Schweizerische Normenvereinigung (SNV), Sulzerallee 70, 8404Winterthur;

2.3 Operator and information obligations relating to exemptions

1 A system, which may only be placed on the market if an exemption has been granted for it as specified in Number 2.2 paragraph 8179, may only be operated if the operator of this system has first ascertained that this authorisation is available.

2 Any person who places such a system on the market shall provide the operator of this system with a copy of the exemption permit free of charge.

179 The reference was modified on 1 June 2019 in application of Art. 12 para. 2 of the Publications Act of 18 June 2004 (SR 170.512).

2.4 Special labelling for professionals

1 Manufacturers of appliances and systems must provide on the appliance or system a clear indication of the types and quantities of refrigerants used.

2 For appliances and systems containing or designed to contain refrigerants which are listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014180 , the labelling must include the following information:

the text «Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases»;
the abbreviated chemical names for the substances contained or designed to be contained in the appliances or systems, using the industry nomenclature accepted for the area concerned;
the quantity of the substances expressed in kilograms and in tonnes of CO2 equivalent, and the global warming potential of the refrigerant;
the text «hermetically sealed», where applicable.

3 Manufacturers must label appliances and systems with the text «Foam blown with fluorinated greenhouse gases» if they:

contain refrigerants stable in the atmosphere which are listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014; and
are insulated with foam blown with substances stable in the atmosphere which are listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 before being placed on the market.

180 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, version in accordance with OJ L 150 of 20.5.2014, p. 195.

2.5 Requirements for the supply of refrigerants

Refrigerants and systems already containing refrigerants where commissioning involves the performance of operations on the refrigerant circuit may only be supplied to recipients who meet the requirements specified in Article 7 paragraph 1 letter b for the handling of refrigerants.

3 Use

3.1 Duty of care

Any person who handles or uses refrigerants, or appliances or systems containing refrigerants, must ensure that the refrigerants do not pose a risk to the environment, in particular:

by preventing emissions of refrigerants; and
by ensuring that wastes from such substances are appropriately disposed of.

3.2 Refilling with ozone-depleting refrigerants

3.2.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to refill appliances or systems with ozone-depleting refrigerants.

3.2.2 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 3.2.1 does not apply to refilling in systems placed on the market under the exemption specified in Number 2.2 paragraph 6.

2 Provided that it supports the safety of a nuclear power plant or another particularly complex system, an exemption granted under Annex 2.10 Number 3.2.2 of the ORRChem in the version of 1 July 2015181 may be extended if:

for technical, operational or economic reasons, it is not possible to comply with the prohibition within the set deadline; and
the applicant acquired the volume of refrigerant with regenerated partly halogenated chlorofluorocarbons for possible refilling before 1 January 2015.

3.3 Refilling systems with refrigerants stable in the atmosphere

3.3.1 Prohibition

Refilling systems with a filling capacity of 40 tonnes or more of CO2 equivalent with refrigerants that are stable in the atmosphere that have a global warming potential of 2500 or more is prohibited.

3.3.2 Exceptions182

182 Applies until 31 Dec. 2029 (AS 2020 5125).

The prohibition in number 3.3.1 does not apply to refilling:

regenerated refrigerants that are stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of 2500 or more;
non-regenerated refrigerants that are stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of 2500 or more in systems with a working temperature lower than –50°C, provided regenerated refrigerants are not available on the market for such systems;
non-regenerated refrigerants that are stable in the atmosphere with a global warming potential of 2500 or more in systems that have been placed on the market in terms of an exemption authorised in accordance with number 2.2 paragraph 8, provided regenerated refrigerants are not available on the market.

3.4 Leak checking

1 The owners of the following appliances and systems must arrange for leak checking to be carried out regularly, but at least whenever an intervention or service is performed:

appliances and systems containing more than 3kg of ozone-depleting refrigerants or refrigerants stable in the atmosphere;
appliances and systems containing refrigerants stable in the atmosphere and whose charge size is more than 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent;
refrigeration and air conditioning systems used in motor vehicles and containing ozone-depleting refrigerants or refrigerants stable in the atmosphere.

2 If a leak is detected, the owner must arrange for the appliance or system to be repaired immediately.

3.5 Maintenance log

1 Owners of appliances and systems containing more than 3kg of refrigerants must ensure that a maintenance log is kept.

2 The name of the owner of the appliance or system must appear on the maintenance log.

3 After each intervention or service, the specialist carrying out the work on the appliance or system must record the following information in the maintenance log:

the date of the intervention or service;
a brief description of the work performed;
the result of the leak checking specified in Number 3.4;
the quantity and type of refrigerant removed;
the quantity and type of refrigerant used for refilling;
the name of the company and the specialist's own name and signature.

4 Disposal

Any person who receives appliances or systems containing refrigerants for disposal must remove the refrigerants contained and dispose of them separately and appropriately.

5 Reporting requirements

5.1 Principle

1 Any person who has commissioned or is commissioning or decommissioning a stationary system containing more than 3kg of refrigerants must report this to the FOEN within three months of commissioning or decommissioning.

2 The report must contain the following information:

the date of commissioning or decommissioning;
the name of the owner of the system and of the specialist company tasked with carrying out the commissioning or decommissioning, and of the specialist responsible;
the type, location and cooling capacity of the system;
the type and quantity of refrigerant that it contains;
in the case of decommissioning: the person receiving the refrigerant.
in addition, for systems used for heating or for heating and cooling: the energy source used and the thermal capacity of the installation if the installation was commissioned after 30 September 2022.

3 The owner must notify the FOENimmediately of any change in the location or cooling capacity of the system or changes to the type or quantity of the refrigerant.

4 On change of ownership, the new owner must notify the FOEN immediately of their name.

5 The specialist company shall draw the owner’s attention to the reporting requirements.

6 The FOEN shall issue numbers to identify the systems and notify the persons obliged to file a report thereof.

7 The person obliged to file a report must immediately display the number mentioned in paragraph 6 in a visible, legible and permanent way on the system.

8 The FOEN shall on request provide the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) with the information mentioned in paragraph 2 letters a, c, d, and f.

5.2 Exemptions

Reporting under Number 5.1 is not required for systems serving the interests of national defence.

6 Recommendations

The FOEN shall issue recommendations concerning:

the state of the art as specified in Number 2.2 paragraph 5;
leak checking as specified in Number 3.4;
the maintenance log as specified in Number 3.5.

7 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2.1 paragraph 2 concerning the placing on the market and import on a private basis do not apply to household refrigerators and freezers, dehumidifiers or air conditioners manufactured before 1 January 2005.

2 If as specified in Number 3.3 in the version of 18 May 2005183, authorisation was granted for the construction of a stationary system with over 3kg of refrigerants which are stable in the atmosphere before 1 December 2013, the corresponding system may only be constructed until 31 December 2016.

3 For appliances and systems containing or designed to contain refrigerants stable in the atmosphere which are listed in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 11 December 1997184 (Kyoto Protocol), labelling as specified in Number 2.3bis of the ORRChem in the version of 10 December 2010185 remains permitted until 31 May 2020.

4 Systems and appliances to which Number 2.2 paragraphs 2–4 and 6 do not apply because a change in the state of the art means that a substitute now exists may continue to be manufactured and imported for professional or commercial purposes for a period of six months and supplied to third parties for a further six-month period.

Annex 2.11 186

186 Revised by No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495), of 23 Feb. 2022 (AS 2022 162) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Extinguishing agents

1 Definitions

1 Ozone-depleting extinguishing agents are extinguishing agents containing substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4).

2 Extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere are extinguishing agents containing substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5).

3 A system is equipment permanently installed in a building (stationary system) or on a vehicle (mobile system) which distributes the extinguishing agent by means of a pipe system to the places where a fire is being tackled.

4 The modification of existing systems is deemed to be equivalent to the placing on the market of systems.

5 An appliance is a portable fire extinguishing aid that does not have a permanently installed pipe system.

1 Extinguishing agents containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substancesbis

For extinguishing agents containing PFOS or PFOA C9–C14-PFCA, PFHxS and their related substances, Annex 1.16 applies.

2 Placing on the market and import on a private basis

2.1 Prohibition

It is prohibited to place on the market or import on a private basis ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere, or appliances or systems containing such extinguishing agents.

2.2 Exemptions

The prohibitions specified in Number 2.1 do not apply:

to supply for purposes of recycling;
to the import of portable extinguishers for use in one's own vehicle;
to the re-import of extinguishing agents for which there is proof that they were exported for recycling;
if, according to the state of the art of fire prevention, the safety of persons in aeroplanes, special-purpose military vehicles or nuclear installations cannot be adequately ensured without the use of ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere; the FOEN may in other similar cases grant temporary exemptions for the owners of individual items of property.

3 Export

3.1 Prohibitions

It is prohibited to export:

ozone-depleting extinguishing agents;
waste from ozone-depleting extinguishing agents; and
appliances and systems required for the use of ozone-depleting extinguishing agents.

3.2 Exemptions

1 Ozone-depleting extinguishing agents, together with appliances and systems required for the use of ozone-depleting extinguishing agents, may be exported for use in aircraft, in special purpose military vehicles and in nuclear installations if, according to the state of the art of fire prevention, the safety of persons cannot be adequately ensured without the use of ozone-depleting extinguishing agents.

2 Waste from ozone-depleting extinguishing agents may only be exported for neutralisation, disposal or treatment for re-importation.

3.3 Export licence

1 Any person wishing to export ozone-depleting extinguishing agents with a gross mass exceeding 20 kg must apply to the FOEN for an export licence.

2 The application must contain:

the name and address of the applicant;
the name and address of the foreign importer;
the following information on each ozone-depleting extinguishing agent that is to be exported:
the chemical name in accordance with an internationally recognised nomenclature,
the customs tariff number in accordance with the annexes to the CTA187,
the name and address of the previous holder,
the intended export quantity in kilogrammes,
confirmation in accordance with paragraph 3 letter b.

3 An export licence is issued if:

the export is to states that comply with the provisions of the Montreal Protocol of 16 September 1987188 on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and the Amendments to the Protocol of 29 June 1990189, 25 November 1992190, 17 September 1997191 and 3 December 1999192 (Montreal Protocol), as approved by Switzerland; and
the recipient has confirmed to the exporter that they will be used exclusively for an application specified in No 3.2 paragraph 1 for which, according to the state of the art, no substitute is available in the recipient country. The confirmation must state the location, type and purpose of the system in which the extinguishing agent is to be used.

4 The FOEN may require additional information on origin and destination of the ozone-depleting extinguishing agents. It shall decide on a completed application within two months.

5 The person required to submit a declaration under the customs legislation must present the export licence when making the customs declaration.

6 The exporter must retain the export licence for five years from the time of export of the ozone-depleting extinguishing agent.

4 Use

Ozone-depleting extinguishing agents and extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere must not enter the environment, except when used in fire-fighting. In particular, use in exercises and tests is prohibited.

4 Disposalbis

Ozone-depleting extinguishing agents and extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere are deemed to be waste if they are contained in an appliance or system that is being decommissioned. This does not apply to extinguishing agents which are lawfully put back on the market without treatment under Number 2.2 letter d.

5 Recommendations

The FOEN shall issue recommendations for the enforcement authorities concerning the export and appropriate disposal of ozone-depleting extinguishing agents.

6 Appliances and systems containing ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere

6.1 Information required by the FOEN

Owners of appliances containing more than 8kg of ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere, or of systems containing such extinguishing agents, must inform the FOEN of:

the type and location of the appliances or systems;
the date of purchase or installation;
the type and quantity of extinguishing agent;
the type of property protected;
in the case of decommissioning of appliances or systems: the date of decommissioning and the recipient of the extinguishing agent.

6.2 Servicing

1 Owners of appliances containing ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere must have these appliances serviced by a specialist every three years.

2 Owners of systems containing ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere must have these systems serviced by a specialist once a year.

7 Reporting requirements

1 Any person who supplies, receives or exports ozone-depleting extinguishing agents or extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere, or appliances or systems containing such extinguishing agents, must provide the FOEN each year, by 31 March, with the following information in respect of the previous year:

the type and number of appliances and systems supplied;
the quantity of extinguishing agents supplied in appliances;
the quantity of extinguishing agents supplied for appliances and systems;
the quantity of extinguishing agents received from owners of decommissioned appliances and systems;
the quantity of extinguishing agents no longer needed which were submitted for treatment;
the quantity of extinguishing agents re-imported after being recycled abroad (No 2.2 let. c).

2 The information must be classified by:

existing and new appliances and systems;
the type of extinguishing agent;
the type of treatment.

3 Any person who exports ozone-depleting extinguishing agents must, at the time of export at the latest, inform the FOEN of the quantity exported and present the confirmation specified in Number 3 paragraph 1.

8 Special labelling

1 Extinguishing appliances and systems containing or designed to contain extinguishing agents listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014193 must be labelled by manufacturers with the following information:

the text: «Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases»;
the abbreviated chemical names for the fluorinated greenhouse gases contained or designed to be contained, using the industry nomenclature accepted for the area concerned;
the quantity of extinguishing agents, expressed in kilograms and in tonnes of CO2 equivalent, and the global warming potential of the extinguishing agents.


193 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, version in accordance with OJ L 150 of 20.5.2014, p. 195.

9 Transitional provision

For extinguishing appliances and systems containing or designed to contain extinguishing agents stable in the atmosphere which are listed in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 11 December 1997194 (Kyoto Protocol), labelling as specified in Number 8 of the ORRChem in the version of 10 December 2010195 remains permitted until 31 May 2020.

Annex 2.12 196196

196 Amended by No II para. 2 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by Annex No 3 of the Ordinance on Foodstuffs and Utility Articles of 16 Dec. 2016 (AS 2017 283), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Aerosol dispensers

1 Definitions

1 Aerosol dispensers are non-refillable receptacles made of metal, glass or plastics and containing a gas compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure, with or without a liquid, paste or powder. They are fitted with a release device allowing the contents to be ejected as a gas or as solid or liquid particles in suspension in a gas, as a foam, paste or powder or in a liquid state. They may comprise one or more chambers.

2 Entertainment or decoration purposes comprise in particular:

metallic glitter;
artificial snow and frost;
rude noises;
imitation excrement and stink bombs;
horn sounds for parties;
decorative foams and flakes;
artificial cobwebs.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to manufacture or place on the market aerosol dispensers if they contain:

substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4); or
substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5).

2 It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, import on a private basis or use aerosol dispensers if they contain:

vinyl chloride; or
bases or acids in liquid phase, or solvents, and must be labelled as follows in accordance with Annex III to Directive 67/548/EEC197 or Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008198:
R23, R26, or
H330, H331.

2bis It is prohibited to supply aerosol dispensers to the general public if they contain bases or acids in liquid phase or solvents and must be labelled as follows in accordance with Annex III to Directive 67/548/EEC or Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008:

R34, R35, R41, or
H314, H318.

3 Aerosol dispensers for entertainment or decoration purposes must not be supplied to the general public if they contain substances which on their own or in the form of preparations meet the criteria specified in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 for one of the following hazard classes:

hazard classes 2.2 (flammable gases), 2.6 (flammable liquids), 2.7 (flammable solids);
hazard classes 2.9 (pyrophoric liquids), 2.10 (pyrophoric solids);
hazard class 2.12 (substances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gases).

197 Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances, OJ L 196, 16.8.1967, p. 1, last amended by Directive 2009/2/EC, OJ L 11, 16.1.2009, p. 6.

198 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1; in the version referred to Annex 2, No 1, of the Chemicals Ordinance of 5 June 2015 (ChemO).

3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter b do not apply to medicinal products or medical devices if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances stable in the atmosphere, or for the preparations and articles containing such substances; and
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used are no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art.

2 On receipt of a justified request and with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may grant a manufacturer a temporary exemption from the prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 letter b if:

according to the state of the art, no substitute is available for the substances stable in the atmosphere, or for the preparations and articles containing such substances; and
the quantity and the global warming potential of the substances stable in the atmosphere being used are no greater than is required for the intended purpose according to the state of the art.

3 The prohibition on supply to the general public specified in Number 2 paragraph 3 does not apply to aerosol dispensers which are referred to in Article 8 paragraph 1 letter a of Directive 75/324/EEC199 and which meet the requirements specified therein.

199 Council Directive 75/324/EEC of 20 May 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to aerosol dispensers, OJ L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 40; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 219/2009, OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 109.

4 Special labelling

1 Aerosol dispensers as specified in Number 2 paragraph 3 must be labelled as follows: “For professional users only”.


5 Reporting requirements

Any persons who themselves fill or import aerosol dispensers with substances stable in the atmosphere must inform the FOEN, if so requested, of the quantities of the various substances used during the past three years; the information must be classified by import, consumption in Switzerland and export, as well as by intended use.

Annex 2.13 200

200 Revised by Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Thermal fuel additives

1 Definition

Thermal fuel additives are substances or preparations added to thermal fuels, in particular to improve combustion or extend storage life.

2 Special labelling

1 The packaging of thermal fuel additives must indicate that they are not to be used for «extra-light» heating fuel if they contain:

halogenated or heavy metal compounds (except iron compounds); or
substances, such as magnesium compounds, which distort the results of smoke number measurement in the control of oil-fired installations.


3 Addition to thermal fuels

For the addition of additives to thermal fuels, the requirements specified in Annex 5 to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance of 16 December 1985201 apply.

Annex 2.14 202

202 Revised by No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010, in force since 1 Feb. 2011 (AS 2011 113).

(Art. 3)

Capacitors and transformers

1 Definitions

1 Pollutant-containing capacitors and transformers are capacitors and transformers containing:

halogenated aromatic compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), halogenated diarylalkanes or halogenated benzenes; or
substances or preparations containing more than 500 ppm monohalogenated or more than 50 ppm polyhalogenated aromatic compounds as impurities.

2 Capacitors manufactured in or before 1982 are deemed to be pollutant-containing unless the owner provides credible proof to the contrary.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market or to import on a private basis pollutant‑containing capacitors and transformers.

2 It is also prohibited to use:

pollutant-containing capacitors with a total mass in excess of 1kg;
pollutant-containing transformers.

3 Monitoring

1 The inspection bodies specified in Article 26 paragraph 1 of the Ordinance of 7 November 2001203 on Low-Voltage Electrical Installations shall also check, as part of the enforcement responsibilities assigned to them, whether pollutant-containing capacitors with a total mass in excess of 1kg are being used.

2 If the inspection bodies suspect or determine that such capacitors are being used, they shall notify the owner of the installation and the authority of the canton in whose territory the installation is located.

3 If necessary, the authority notified in accordance with paragraph 2 shall order the decommissioning or replacement of the capacitors referred to in paragraph 1, and their disposal.

4 The costs of the checking specified in paragraph 1 shall be borne by the owner of the installation.

Annex 2.15 204

204 Amended by No I 5 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113). Revised by No II para. 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495) and Annex No II 2 of the O of 20 Oct. 2021 on the Return, Taking Back and Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, in force since 1 Jan. 2022 (AS 2021 633).

(Art. 3)


1 Definitions

1 Batteries are sources of electricity that convert chemical energy directly to electrical energy and which consist of one or more non-rechargeable cells (primary cells) or one or more rechargeable cells (accumulators).

2 Automotive batteries are batteries used for automotive starter, lighting or ignition power.

3 Portable batteries are batteries that:

are sealed;
can be hand-carried;
are not designed exclusively for professional or industrial uses, or for powering any type of electrical vehicle; and
are not automotive batteries.

4 Button cells are small round portable batteries, of which the diameter is greater than the height, and which are used for special purposes such as to provide power for hearing aids, watches or small portable equipment, or back-up power.

5 Industrial batteries are batteries designed exclusively for industrial or professional uses or for powering any type of electrical vehicle, or other batteries not classified as portable or automotive batteries.

6 Appliances are electrical and electronic equipment, as defined in Article 3 letter a of Directive 2002/96/EC205, which is fully or partly powered by batteries or is capable of being so.

205 Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment, OJ L 37, 13.2.2003, p. 24. The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be accessed at:

2 Prohibitions

1 Batteries, including those incorporated into appliances, must not be placed on the market if they contain more than 5 mg mercury per kilogram.

2 Portable batteries, including those incorporated into appliances, must not be placed on the market if they contain more than 20 mg cadmium per kilogram.

3 Exemptions


2 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 2 does not apply to portable batteries intended for use in:

emergency and alarm systems, including emergency lighting;
medical equipment.
equipment which is necessary for the protection of the essential interests of the security of Switzerland, including arms, munitions and war material intended for military purposes.

4 Information

4.1 Special labelling

1 Manufacturers of batteries, and of vehicles or appliances containing batteries, must ensure that information on disposal via separate collection is displayed on the batteries in a visible, clearly legible and indelible form. Batteries containing more than 5 mg mercury, more than 20 mg cadmium, or more than 40 mg lead per kilogram must also be marked with the chemical symbol Hg, Cd or Pb for the metal concerned.

2 The markings required in accordance with paragraph 1 must take the form specified in Article 21 of Directive 2006/66/EC206.

3 Manufacturers of automotive batteries and portable rechargeable batteries, and of vehicles or appliances containing such batteries, must ensure that the automotive and portable batteries are provided with labelling indicating their capacity in a visible, clearly legible and indelible form.

4 Paragraph 3 does not apply to the portable rechargeable batteries specified in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1103/2010207.

5 The determination of capacity as specified in paragraph 3 and the capacity label design are governed by Articles 2–4 of Regulation (EU) No 1103/2010.

206 Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC, OJ L 266, 26.9.2006, p. 1; last amended by Directive 2008/103/EC, OJ L 327, 5.12.2008, p. 7.

207 Commission Regulation (EU) No 1103/2010 of 29 November 2010 establishing, pursuant to Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, rules as regards capacity labelling of portable secondary (rechargeable) and automotive batteries and accumulators, OJ L 313, 30.11.2010, p. 3.

4.2 Sales points and advertising

1 At sales points where batteries are supplied, it must be clearly and prominently indicated that:

batteries must be handed over to a sales point for disposal or disposed of via a battery collection scheme or collection point;
batteries are taken back free of charge at the sales point for disposal; and
batteries are subject to a fee intended to finance the costs of disposal.

2 Advertisements for batteries must draw attention to the bring-back obligation specified in Number 5.1.

5 Bring-back and take-back obligation

5.1 Bring-back obligation

Consumers must hand over batteries to a trader or manufacturer with a take‑back obligation or dispose of them via a battery collection scheme or collection point. Automotive batteries may also be submitted to disposal companies that are entitled to receive batteries on the basis of an authorisation granted under Article 10 of the Ordinance of 22 June 2005208 on the Movement of Wastes, provided that these disposal companies agree to accept them.

5.2 Take-back obligation

1 Traders who supply portable batteries must take back portable batteries from consumers free of charge at every sales point.

2 Traders who supply automotive or industrial batteries must take back from consumers free of charge, at every sales point, those types of batteries which are stocked there.

3 For the manufacturer, the obligations specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 exist vis-à-vis consumers, traders and operators of collection schemes or collection points.

6 Prepaid disposal fee and reporting obligation

6.1 Liability for the fee

1 A prepaid disposal fee (fee) for batteries placed on the market (batteries subject to the fee) must be paid to an organisation appointed by the FOEN in accordance with Number 6.7 (organisation) by:

manufacturers of batteries;
manufacturers of vehicles or appliances which incorporate batteries, if these batteries are not already subject to the fee.

2 Paragraph 1 letter b does not apply if third parties have assumed liability for the fee as specified in paragraph 1 and the reporting obligation as specified in Number 6.3 paragraph 1.

3 On request, the organisation shall exempt manufacturers of automotive and industrial batteries and of vehicles and appliances incorporating automotive or industrial batteries from liability for the fee if they:

on the basis of a sectoral solution or as a result of particular market condition, ensure environmentally sound disposal of the batteries and the covering of all disposal costs; and
make a suitable contribution to the costs incurred by the organisation for exemption from the liability for the fee and reporting as specified in Number 6.3 paragraph 2.

6.2 Level of the fee

1 The level of the fee is based on the expected costs of the activities specified in Number 6.5. It shall be no less than CHF 0.10 and no more than CHF 7 per kilogram of batteries subject to the fee and at least CHF 0.03 per battery.

2 The DETEC shall establish the level of the fee, review it each year and adjust it if necessary.

6.3 Reporting obligation

1 Those liable for the fee must report to the organisation, in accordance with its requirements, the quantity of batteries subject to the fee placed on the market, indicating in particular the types of batteries and the pollutant content. Reporting shall be carried out monthly, unless a different interval has been agreed with the organisation.

2 Manufacturers who are exempt from liability for the fee in accordance with Number 6.1 paragraph 3 must provide the organisation each year by 31 March with information on the quantity of batteries placed on the market, indicating the types of batteries and the pollutant content. The organisation shall make available reporting forms in paper or electronic form. It shall forward the reports received to the FOEN in accordance with its requirements.

3 Disposal companies that, by virtue of a licence issued under Article 10 of the Ordinance of 22 June 2005 on Movements of Waste, are entitled to accept batteries must provide the organisation each year by 30 April, in accordance with its requirements, with information on the quantities of batteries taken back in Switzerland and recycled by them or exported for disposal during the previous year.

6.4 Time of falling due and period for payment

1 The organisation shall submit an invoice to those liable for the fee. The fee falls due upon receipt of the invoice by those liable for the fee or, if the invoice is disputed, when the fee ruling as specified in Number 6.9 paragraph 2 becomes legally valid.

2 Payment must be made within 30 days of the fee falling due. If payment is delayed, interest of 5% is payable on arrears; the organisation may pay interest on advance payments.

6.5 Use of the fee

The organisation may use the fee solely to finance the following activities:

collection, transport and recycling of batteries, provided that these activities are carried out according to the state of the art;
provision of information, in particular to improve the return rate for batteries, although no more than 25% of annual fee revenues may be used for this purpose;
its own activities within the scope of its mandate from the FOEN;
costs incurred by the FOEN in fulfilling the responsibilities specified in Numbers 6.7 and 6.8.

6.6 Payments to third parties

1 Third parties claiming payments from the organisation for activities specified in Number 6.5 must submit a justified request by no later than 31 March of the following year. The organisation shall make application forms available in paper or electronic format.

2 The organisation shall only make payments to third parties if they carry out the activities appropriately and cost-effectively. It may take the measures necessary to assess whether these conditions are met.

3 The organisation shall only make payments for activities specified in Number 6.5 letters a and b within the limits of available resources.

6.7 Organisation

1 The FOEN shall appoint a suitable private organisation to collect, administer and use the fee. The organisation must not itself carry out any business activities relating to the manufacture, import, sale or recycling of batteries.

2 The FOEN shall conclude a contract with the organisation for a term of no more than five years. This contract shall specify in particular the proportion of fee revenues that the organisation may use for its own activities, as well as the conditions and consequences of premature termination of the contract.

3 The Fee Organisation must carry out internal controls of management and appoint independent third parties approved by the FOEN to examine the internal control results and audit its accounts. It must supply them with all the necessary information and permit access to files.

4 The organisation shall maintain commercial secrecy with regard to those liable to the fee and the disposal companies.

5 The FOCBS may communicate to the organisation data from customs declarations and other observations relating to the import or export of batteries.

6 The organisation may arrange with the FOCBS for the fee to be collected on import. In this case, collection, time of falling due and interest are governed by the relevant customs legislation.

6.8 Supervision of the organisation

1 The FOEN shall supervise the organisation. It may also issue instructions, in particular on the use of fee revenues.

2 The organisation must provide the FOEN with the necessary information and allow it to examine its files.

3 It must submit to the FOEN each year, by no later than 30 June, a report on its activities during the previous year. This report must include in particular:

the annual accounts;
the report by the independent third-party auditors;
the quantity of batteries subject to the fee placed on the market in the previous year, indicating the types of batteries and the pollutant content, together with the return rate for batteries subject to the fee;
a breakdown of the use of fee revenues by amount, purpose and recipient;
the list of manufacturers exempt from liability for the fee in accordance with Number 6.1 paragraph 3.

4 The FOEN shall publish the report while ensuring that commercial and manufacturing secrecy is maintained.

6.9 Procedures

1 The organisation shall decide on exemptions from liability for the fee and on requests for payments to third parties by means of rulings.

2 In the event of a dispute concerning the invoice specified in Number 6.4 paragraph 1 sentence 1, it shall issue a fee ruling.

3 The procedures are governed by the provisions on federal administrative justice.

7 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 1 does not apply to:

button cells containing no more than 20g mercury per kilogram if they were first placed on the market before 1 March 2016;
button cells containing no more than 20 g mercury per kilogram which are incorporated into appliances if the appliances were first placed on the market before 1 June 2016.

1bis The prohibition specified in Number 2 paragraph 2 does not apply to:

portable batteries intended for use in hand-held, battery-powered tools intended for maintenance, construction or gardening activities, including those incorporated in such power tools, if the batteries were first placed on the market before 31 December 2016;
other portable batteries, if they:
are not incorporated into appliances and were first placed on the market before 1 February 2011,
are incorporated into appliances and the appliances were first placed on the market before 1 October 2011.

2 The requirements specified in Number 4.1 paragraph 1 do not apply to:

batteries that were first placed on the market before 1 October 2011;
batteries contained in vehicles or appliances and which were first placed on the market before 1 October 2011.
2bis The requirements specified in Number 4.1 paragraph 3 do not apply to automotive batteries and portable rechargeable batteries, or to vehicles or appliances containing such batteries, if they were first placed on the market before 1 July 2013.

3 The liability for the fee specified in Number 6.1 does not apply to batteries weighing more than 5kg placed on the market before 1 January 2012.

Annex 2.16 209209

209 Revised by No I 3 of the O of 15 Dec. 2006 (AS2007 111), No I 6 of the O of 10 Dec. 2010 (AS 2011 113), No II para 3 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161), No II para. 2 of the O of 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 2367), No 1 of the FOEN Ordinance of 27 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 4051), No I of the O of 25 Oct. 2017 (AS 2017 5963), No I of the FOEN Ordinance of 27 Sept. 2018 (AS 2018 3519), No I of the FOEN Ordinance of 29 Sept. 2020 (AS 2020 4315) and Annex No 2 of the O of 11 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 220).

(Art. 3)

Special provisions relating to metals

1 Chromium(VI) in cements

1.1 Principle

It is prohibited to place on the market or use cement and cement-containing preparations which contain, when hydrated, more than 0.0002% soluble chromium(VI) of the total dry mass of the cement.

1.2 Exemptions

The prohibitions specified in Number 1.1 do not apply to placing on the market for, or use in, controlled closed and totally automated processes, and in processes in which cement and cement-containing preparations are handled solely by machines and in which there is no possibility of contact with the skin.

1.3 Special labelling

1 Cement and cement-containing preparations which contain more than 0.0002% soluble chromium(VI) of the total dry mass of the cement must be labelled as follows: «Contains chromium(VI). May produce an allergic reaction».

2 Paragraph 1 does not apply to cement or cement-containing preparations which are classified as sensitising in accordance with the criteria specified in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008210 or in Part A of Annex II to Directive 1999/45/EC211 and must be labelled with H317 in accordance with Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 or with R43 in accordance with Annex III to Directive 67/548/EEC212.

3 The packaging of cement or cement-containing preparations which contain reducing agents must be marked with the following information:

the packing date;
the storage conditions and storage period appropriate to keeping the content of soluble chromium(VI) below 0.0002% of the total dry mass of the cement.

4 Paragraph 3 does not apply to placing on the market for uses specified in Number 1.2.

210 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EU) No 618/2012, OJ L 179, 11.7.2012, p. 3.

211 Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 1999 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations, OJ L 200, 30.7.1999, p. 1; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1.

212 Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances, OJ L 196, 16.8.1967, p. 1; last amended by Directive 2009/2/EC, OJ L 11, 16.1.2009, p. 6.

1 Chromium(VI) in leather goodsbis

1 .1 Definitionbis

Chromium-containing leather goods are articles which consist entirely or in part of leather, if the chromium(VI) content is 0.0003 % or more of the dry weight of the leather by mass.

1 .2 Prohibitionbis

It is prohibited to place on the market chromium-containing leather goods which come into contact with the skin.

2 Cadmium-plated articles

2.1 Definition

Cadmium-plated articles are:

articles with a cadmium coating on metal surfaces;
articles containing components with a cadmium coating on metal surfaces.

2.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited for manufacturers to manufacture or place on the market cadmium-plated articles.

2 For the placing on the market of electrical and electronic equipment, Annex 2.18 applies.

2.3 Exemptions

1 The prohibition on placing on the market specified in Number 2.2 does not apply to:

the import of articles which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re-exported in their entirety.
1bis The prohibitions on manufacture and placing on the market specified in Number 2.2 do not apply to components for electrical and electronic equipment for which it is specified in Annex 2.18 Numbers 3 and 8 that they may contain cadmium.

2 If according to the state of the art no non-cadmium-plated substitute is available, and if the quantity of cadmium applied is no greater than is required for the article’s intended use, the prohibitions specified in Number 2.2 do not apply to:

aircraft, guided missiles, boat engines and their components;
articles which, for reasons of operating safety, require both corrosion resistance and particular sliding properties;
spare parts for cadmium-plated articles.

3 On receipt of a justified request, with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may grant exemptions for other articles if:

according to the state of the art no non-cadmium-plated substitute is available; and
the quantity of cadmium applied is no greater than is required for the article’s intended use.

3 Cadmium in zinc-plated articles

1 Manufacturers producing zinc-plated articles must ensure that the cadmium content of the zinc applied does not exceed 0.025% by mass.

2 The value specified in paragraph 1 is deemed to be complied with if it is not exceeded by the cadmium content of the solution or molten mass used for plating.

3 Zinc-plated articles must not be imported on a professional or commercial basis if the cadmium content of the zinc applied exceeds the limit specified in paragraph 1.

4 Paragraph 3 does not apply to the import of zinc-plated articles which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re-exported in their entirety.

5 For the placing on the market of vehicle materials and components, vehicles and electrical and electronic equipment and their spare parts, which contain zinc-plated components, Numbers 5, 7 paragraphs 2 and 3 and Annex 2.18 apply.

3 Cadmium in brazing fillersbis

3 .1 Definitionbis

Brazing is a joining technique using alloys and undertaken at temperatures above 450° C.

3 .2 Prohibitionsbis

It is prohibited to manufacture or place on the market brazing fillers with a cadmium content of 0.01% or more by mass.

3 .3 Exemptionsbis

The prohibitions specified in Number 3bis.2 do not apply to brazing fillers used in defence and aerospace applications or used for safety reasons.

3 Lead and its compounds in articles for the general publicter

3 .1 Definitionster

1 An article that contains lead (CAS no 7439-92-1) or one of its compounds is deemed to contain lead if it, or an accessible part of it, has a lead content (in metal) of 0.05 % or more by mass.

2 An article or an accessible part of it can be put into the mouth by children if the height, length or width is less than 5 cm or if the article or a part of it has a detachable or protruding part of that size.

3 .2 Prohibitionster

1 The placing on the market of lead-containing articles intended for sale to the general public is prohibited if the articles or accessible parts thereof can be put into the mouth by children under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.

2 For the placing on the market of packaging with articles treated with paints and varnishes, wood-based materials and electrical and electronic equipment that contain lead or compounds, Number 4 and Annexes 2.8, 2.17 and 2.18 apply.

3 .3 Relationship to the Foodstuffs and Utility Articles Ordinance of 16 December 2016 (FUAO)ter213

For the placing on the market of consumer articles, toys, jewellery and candle wicks containing lead or lead compounds, intended for sale to the general public and which, or their accessible parts, can be put into the mouth by children under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, the FUAO applies.

3 .4 Exemptionster

1 Exempted from the prohibition specified in Number 3ter.2 are:

crystal glass in accordance with Annex I (crystal glass types 1, 2, 3 and 4) under Directive 69/493/ EEC214;
non-synthetic or reconstituted precious or semi-precious stones (customs tariff number 7103), insofar as they are not treated with lead or lead compounds or preparations containing these substances;
enamel, defined as vitrifiable mixtures from the melting, vitrification or sintering of minerals at temperatures of at least 500°C;
keys and locks, including padlocks;
musical instruments;
articles and components of articles containing brass alloys provided that the lead content (in metal) in the brass does not exceed 0.5% by weight;
tips of writing instruments;
devotional objects;
zinc-carbon portable batteries and button cells.

2 In addition, exempted from the prohibition specified in Number 3ter.2 paragraph 1 are:

uncoated lead-containing articles, if the release rate of lead from the article or accessible parts demonstrably does not exceed 005 μg/cm2 per hour (corresponding to 0.05 μg/g/h);
coated lead-containing articles, provided that they demonstrably do not exceed the release rate referred to in letter a and the coating is sufficient to ensure that this rate is not exceeded for a period of at least two years of use of the article under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions.

214 Council Directive 69/493/EEC of 15 December 1969 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to crystal glass, OJ L 326 of 29.12.1969, p. 36; last amended by Directive 2006/96/EG, OJ L 363 of 20.12.2006, p. 81.

4 Heavy metals in packaging

4.1 Definitions

1 Heavy metals are lead, cadmium, mercury and their compounds and also chromium(VI).

2 Packaging and packaging components are products made of materials of any nature to be used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery or presentation of goods.

4.2 Prohibition

It is prohibited for the manufacturer to place on the market packaging or packaging components with a heavy metal content in excess of 100mg/kg.

4.3 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 4.2 does not apply to the following:

packaging made entirely of lead crystal;
glass packaging other than lead crystal, if exceedance of the heavy metal content specified in Number 4.2 is attributable to recycled materials and there is no intentional introduction of heavy metals during the manufacturing process;
caps on bottles containing wine from before 1996;
plastic crates or plastic pallets, if:
exceedance of the heavy metal content specified in Number 4.2 is attributable to the recycling of plastic crates or plastic pallets,
the material used for recycling originates only from other plastic crates or plastic pallets,
the introduction of material other than that specified in Number 2 is limited to the minimum technically necessary and, in any case, does not exceed 20% by mass, and
heavy metals were not intentionally introduced during recycling.

2 On receipt of a justified request, with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may grant exemptions for other packaging. It shall take account of decisions made by the European Commission in accordance with Article 11 paragraph 3 of European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994215 on packaging and packaging waste, and the state of the art.

215 OJ L 365 of 31.12.1994, p. 10. The texts of the European Union legal documents mentioned in this Annex may be obtained against payment or consulted free of charge at the Chemicals Notification Authority, 3003 Bern; they may also be accessed on the Internet at

5 Heavy metals in vehicles

5.1 Definition

Vehicles are cars and light duty vehicles in accordance with Directive 2000/53/EC216, covered by the categories M1 or N1 of Annex II A number 1 to Directive 2007/46/EC217.

216 Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on end-of-life vehicles, version in accordance with OJ L 269, 21.10.2000, p. 34.

217 Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive), OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1; last amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/45, OJ L 9, 15.1.2015, p. 1.

5.2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market new vehicle materials and components which contain more than 0.1% by mass of lead, mercury or chromium(VI), or more than 0.01% by mass of cadmium per homogeneous material.

2 It is also prohibited to place on the market new vehicles which contain materials or components as specified in paragraph 1.

5.3 Exemptions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 5.2 paragraph 1 does not apply to:

the vehicle materials and components listed without an exemption expiry date in Annex II to the Directive 2000/53/EC218, subject to the conditions stated in this Annex;
spare parts for vehicles placed on the market for the first time before 1 August 2006, with the exception of:
wheel balance weights,
carbon brushes,
brake linings.

2The prohibition specified in Number 5.2 paragraph 2 does not apply to vehicles which contain materials or components that may be placed on the market in accordance with Paragraph 1 letter a.

218 Directive 2000/53/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on end-of-life vehicles, OJ L 269, 21.10.2000, p. 34; last amended by Directive (EU) 2020/363, OJ L 67, 5.11.2020, p. 119.

5.4 Special labelling

Vehicle materials and components must be labelled or made identifiable by other means in accordance with Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC219.

219 See footnote to No 5.3 para. 1.

5.5 Adaptation of the exemptions and labelling

1 On receipt of a justified request, with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may adapt Number 5.3 paragraph 1, Number 5.4 and Number 7 paragraph 2 to the version of Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC220 in force.

2 If the expiry date of an original material or component specified in Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC is before 1 August 2006, the provision specified in Number 5.3 paragraph 1 letter b shall apply to placing it on the market as spare parts.

220 See footnote to No 5.3 para. 1.

6 …

7 Transitional provisions

1 The prohibition specified in Number 1bis.2 does not apply to the placing on the market of chromium-containing leather goods which were supplied to end users for the first time before 1 September 2016.

1bis The prohibition specified in Number 3ter.2 paragraph 1 does not apply to articles that are placed on the market for the first time before 1 January 2019.

2 The prohibition specified in Number 5.2 paragraph 1 does not apply to vehicles and components, if they are listed in Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC221 and were placed on the market for the first time within the dates specified in this Annex and under the conditions specified there.

3 The prohibition specified in Number 5.2 paragraph 2 does not apply to vehicles placed on the market for the first time in Switzerland or a Member State of the EU or EFTA, which contain materials or components that may be placed on the market in accordance with Paragraph 2.

221 See footnote to No 5.3 para. 1.

Annex 2.17 222

222 Revised by No I of the O of 13 Feb. 2008, in force since 1 March 2008 (AS2008 561).

(Art. 3)

Wood-based materials

1 Definitions

1 Wood-based materials are articles produced from wood chips or wood fibres, in particular chipboard and fibreboard in an untreated or coated form.

2 Secondary raw material means recycled wood (waste wood) used in the manufacture of wood-based materials.

2 Prohibitions

It is prohibited for manufacturers to place on the market wood-based materials if the content by mass of the following substances exceeds the limit values listed below:


Limit value in milligrams per kilogram of dry matter

Arsenic (As)


Cadmium (Cd)


Lead (Pb)


Mercury (Hg)


Benzo[a]pyrene (CAS no 50-32-8)


Pentachlorophenol (PCP, CAS no 87-86-5)


3 Exemptions

1 The prohibitions specified in Number 2 do not apply to the import of wood‑based materials which are only finished or repackaged in Switzerland and then re-exported in their entirety.

2 On receipt of a justified request, with the agreement of the FOPH, the FOEN may grant exemptions to the prohibitions specified in Number 2 if:

the exceedance of limit values is not due to the secondary raw material; and
the quantity of listed substances contained in wood-based materials is no greater than is technically required for manufacture or necessary for the intended use.

4 Transitional provision

The prohibitions specified in Number 2 come into force on 1 August 2006.

Annex 2.18 223

223 Inserted by No II para. 1 of the O of 7 Nov. 2012 (AS 2012 6161). Revised by No 1 of the FOEN Ordinances of 27 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 4051), No I of the O of 17 April 2019 (AS 2019 1495), No I of the FOEN O of 9 Sept. 2021 (AS 2021 550) and of 28 Oct. 2022, in force since 1 Dec. 2022 (AS 2022 632).

(Art. 3)

Electrical and electronic equipment

1 Definitions

1 Electrical and electronic equipment means equipment as defined in Article 3 point 1 in conjunction with point 2 of Directive 2011/65/EU224, if it falls within the categories listed in Annex I to this Directive. Electrical and electronic equipment does not include equipment which is necessary for the protection of the essential interests of the security of Switzerland, including arms, munitions and war material intended for military purposes, or the equipment, devices, large-scale tools, large-scale installations, means of transport, machinery, photovoltaic panels and pipe organs referred to in Article 2 paragraph 4 letters b to k of Directive 2011/65/EU, as defined in Article 3 of this Directive.

2 Cables means all cables with a rated voltage of less than 250 volts that serve as a connection or an extension to connect electrical or electronic equipment to the electrical outlet or to connect two or more items of electrical or electronic equipment to each other.

3 Spare part means a separate part of an item of electrical or electronic equipment that can replace a part of an item of electrical or electronic equipment. The electrical or electronic equipment cannot function as intended without that part. A spare part serves to restore or upgrade the functionality of the electrical or electronic equipment, to upgrade its capacity or to update its functionalities.

4 Homogeneous material means one material of uniform composition throughout or a material consisting of a combination of materials that cannot be disjointed or separated into different materials by mechanical actions such as unscrewing, cutting, crushing, grinding or abrasive processes.

5 Manufacturer means any natural or legal person who manufactures electrical or electronic equipment, or who has it designed or manufactured, and markets it under his name or trademark.

6Importer means any natural or legal person established in Switzerland who places electrical or electronic equipment from another country on the Swiss market.

7 Trader means any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or the importer, who makes electrical or electronic equipment available on the market.

8 An importer or trader who places electrical or electronic equipment on the market under his name or trademark or modifies equipment already placed on the market in such a way that compliance with the requirements specified in Number 2 may be affected shall be considered a manufacturer.

9 Authorised representative means any natural or legal person established in Switzerland who has received a written mandate from a manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation to specified tasks.

10 Making available on the market means any supply of electrical or electronic equipment for distribution, consumption or use on the market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge.

11 Placing on the market means making electrical or electronic equipment available on the market for the first time.

12 Recall means any measure aimed at ensuring that the end user returns electrical or electronic equipment that has already been made available.

13 Withdrawal means any measure aimed at preventing electrical or electronic equipment in the supply chain from being made available on the market.

224 Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 88; last amended by Directive (EU) 2017/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council, OJ L 305 of 21.11.2017, p. 8.

2 Prohibitions

1 It is prohibited to place on the market electrical and electronic equipment, cables or spare parts if the concentration by mass of the following substances listed in Annex II to Directive 2011/65/EU225 exceeds the specified maximum concentration value in the homogeneous material:



Maximum concentration values (by mass)











Hexavalent chromium



Polybrominated biphenyls



Polybrominated diphenyl ethers



di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) CAS no: 117-81-7



Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP)

CAS no: 85-68-7



Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)

CAS no: 84-74-2



Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)

CAS no: 84-69-5


2 For compliance with the maximum concentration values specified in paragraph 1, the technical rules specified in Article 4 paragraph 2 sentence 2 of Directive 2011/65/EU apply.

225 Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, OJ L 174 of 1.7.2011, p. 88; last amended by Delegated Directive (EU) (EU) 2015/863, OJ L 137 of 4.6.2015, p. 10.

3 Exemptions

The prohibitions specified in Number 2 do not apply to electrical and electronic equipment, cables and spare parts which contain substances included in Annexes III and IV to Directive 2011/65/EU226 in the applications listed therein.

226 Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 88; last amended by Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/1632, OJ L 245 of 22.9.2022, p. 48.

4 Requirements for economic operators

4.1 Obligations of the manufacturer

1 Without prejudice to Numbers 3 and 8, the manufacturer placing electrical and electronic equipment on the market must ensure that it has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements specified in Number 2.

2 The manufacturer must draw up the required technical documentation; he must carry out the internal production control procedure in line with module A of Annex II to Decision No 768/2008/EC227 or have it carried out.

3 Where compliance of electrical or electronic equipment with the requirements specified in Number 2 has been demonstrated by the procedure referred to in paragraph 2, the manufacturer shall draw up a declaration of conformity in accordance with paragraph 4. Where other Swiss or EU legislation requires the application of a conformity assessment procedure which is at least as stringent, compliance with the requirements of Number 2 may be demonstrated within the context of that procedure. A single technical documentation may be drawn up.

4 The declaration of conformity shall have the model structure and shall contain the elements specified in Annex VI to Directive 2011/65/EU228 and shall be updated. It must be written in an official language of Switzerland or in English.

5The manufacturer must ensure that procedures are in place to ensure that, with series production, the requirements specified in this Annex are complied with. Changes in product design or characteristics and changes in the harmonised standards or in technical specifications by reference to which conformity of the electrical or electronic equipment is declared shall be adequately taken into account.

6The manufacturer must keep the technical documentation and the declaration of conformity for 10 years after the electrical or electronic equipment has been placed on the market.

7 The manufacturer of electrical or electronic equipment must also ensure that:

the equipment bears a type, batch or serial number or other element allowing its identification, or, where the size or nature of the equipment does not allow it, that the required information is provided on the packaging or in a document accompanying the equipment;
his name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and the address at which he can be contacted is indicated on the equipment or, where that is not possible, on its packaging or in a document accompanying the equipment. The address must indicate a single point at which the manufacturer can be contacted.

8 A manufacturer who considers or has reason to believe that electrical or electronic equipment which he has placed on the market does not comply with the requirements specified in this Annex must immediately take the necessary corrective measures to bring that equipment into conformity, or, if appropriate, to withdraw it or recall it; he must immediately inform the competent cantonal authority to that effect, giving details, in particular, of the non-compliance and of any corrective measures taken.

9The manufacturer must keep a register of his non-conforming electrical and electronic equipment and associated recalls and withdrawals and keep traders regularly informed thereof.

227 Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on a common framework for the marketing of products, and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC, OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 82.

228 See footnote to No 1 para. 1.

4.1 Authorised representativebis

1 The manufacturer may appoint an authorised representative by written mandate. The manufacturer may not transfer the obligations under Number 4.1 paragraphs 1 and 2 to an authorised representative.

2 An authorised representative performs the tasks specified in the mandate received from the manufacturer. The mandate must allow the authorised representative to do at least the following:

keep the declaration of conformity and the technical documentation at the disposal of the relevant cantonal authority for 10 years following the placing on the market of the electrical or electronic equipment;
further to a reasoned request from the relevant cantonal authority, provide that authority with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the conformity of the electrical or electronic equipment with this Annex;
cooperate with the relevant cantonal authority, at its request, on any action taken to ensure that the electrical or electronic equipment complies with this Annex.

4.2 Obligations of the importer

1 The importer may only place on the market electrical or electronic equipment which, without prejudice to Numbers 3 and 8, complies with the requirements specified in Number 2.

2 Before placing electrical or electronic equipment on the market, the importer must ensure that:

the appropriate conformity assessment procedure has been carried out by the manufacturer;
the manufacturer has drawn up the technical documentation;
the manufacturer has complied with the requirements specified in Number 4.1 paragraph 7 letter a.

3 The importer must indicate his name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and the address at which he can be contacted on the electrical or electronic equipment or, where that is not possible, on its packaging or in a document accompanying the equipment. If the equipment is imported from a Member State of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the name, trade name or trade mark and contact address of the party responsible for placing the equipment on the market in the EU or EFTA may be indicated.

4 The importer must keep, for 10 years following the placing on the market of the electrical or electronic equipment, a copy of the EU declaration of conformity in accordance with Article 13 of Directive 2011/65/EU at the disposal of the competent cantonal authority and ensure that the technical documentation can be made available to this authority, upon request.

5 An importer who considers or has reason to believe that electrical or electronic equipment, without prejudice to Numbers 3 and 8, does not comply with the requirements specified in Number 2, must not place the equipment on the market until it has been brought into conformity; he must inform the manufacturer and the competent cantonal authority to that effect.

6 An importer who considers or has reason to believe that electrical or electronic equipment which he has placed on the market is not in conformity with this Annex must immediately take the necessary corrective measures to bring that equipment into conformity, to withdraw it or recall it, if appropriate; he must immediately inform the competent cantonal authority to that effect, giving details, in particular, of the non-compliance and of any corrective measures taken.

7 The importer must keep a register of the non-conforming electrical and electronic equipment that he imports and associated recalls and withdrawals of electrical and electronic equipment and keep traders regularly informed thereof.

4.3 Obligations of the trader

1 When making electrical or electronic equipment available on the market, traders must act with due care in relation to the requirements of this Annex, in particular by verifying that the manufacturer and the importer have complied with the requirements specified in Number 4.1 paragraph 7 and in Number 4.2 paragraph 3.

2 A trader who considers or has reason to believe that electrical or electronic equipment, without prejudice to Numbers 3 and 8, does not comply with the requirements specified in Number 2, must not make the equipment available on the market until it has been brought into conformity; he must inform the manufacturer or the importer and the competent cantonal authority to that effect.

3 A trader who considers or has reason to believe that electrical or electronic equipment which he has placed on the market is not in conformity with this Annex must ensure that the corrective measures necessary to bring that equipment into conformity, to withdraw it or recall it, as appropriate, are taken; he must immediately inform the competent cantonal authority to that effect, giving details, in particular, of the non-compliance and of any corrective measures taken.

5 Presumption of conformity

1 In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the competent cantonal authorities shall presume that electrical and electronic equipment for which a declaration of conformity can be made available complies with the requirements of this Annex.

2Materials, components and electrical and electronic equipment shall be presumed to comply with the requirements of this Annex if:

tests and measurements demonstrating compliance with the requirements of Number 2 have been performed on them; or
they have been assessed in accordance with harmonised standards, the references of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

6 Responsibilities of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)

1 The FOEN, with the agreement of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and SECO, shall adapt the provisions of this Annex as follows:

Number 2 in accordance with amendments of Annex II to Directive 2011/65/EU229;
Number 3 in accordance with the currently applicable version of Annexes III and IV to Directive 2011/65/EU.

2The FOEN shall publish in the Federal Gazette the titles of the harmonised standards referred to in Number 5 paragraph 2 letter b, also indicating the references or where the standards may be obtained.

229 See footnote to No 1 para. 1.

7 Batteries

For batteries in electrical and electronic equipment, Annex 2.15 applies.

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