Art. 9
1 The Confederation shall grant a naturalisation licence only if the applicant: - a.
- holds a permanent residence permit when the application is made; and
- b.
- can prove that he or she has been resident in Switzerland for at least ten years, three of which have been in the five years prior to making the application.
2 When calculating the length of residence mentioned in paragraph 1 letter b, the period that the applicant has lived in Switzerland between the ages of 8 and 18 counts as double. The actual length of residence must however amount to at least six years.
Art. 10
1 If the applicant has entered into a registered partnership with a Swiss citizen, on making the application, he or she must prove that he or she: - a.
- has resided for at least five years in Switzerland, and for one year immediately prior to making the application; and
- b.
- has lived for three years with this person in a registered partnership.
2 The shorter length of residence in paragraph 1 letter a also applies in the event that one of the two partners acquired Swiss citizenship after registration of the partnership through: - a.
- reinstatement of citizenship; or
- b.
- through simplified naturalisation based on descent from a Swiss parent.
Art. 11
The Confederation shall grant the naturalisation licence if the applicant meets the following requirements: - a.
- he or she is successfully integrated;
- b.
- he or she is familiar with the Swiss way of life; and
- c.
- he or she does not pose a risk to Switzerland’s internal or external security.
Art. 12
1 Successful integration is demonstrated in particular by: - a.
- showing respect for public security and order;
- b.
- respecting the values enshrined in the Federal Constitution;
- c.
- being able to communicate in a national language in everyday situations, orally and in writing;
- d.
- participating in economic life or by acquiring an education; and
- e.
- encouraging and supporting the integration of one’s wife or husband, registered partner or the minor children for whom one has parental responsibility.
2 Appropriate account must be taken of the situation of persons who, due to disability or illness or other significant personal circumstances, are unable or only able with difficult to meet the criteria for integration set out in paragraph 1 letters c and d. 3 The cantons may provide for additional criteria for integration.
Art. 13
1 The canton shall designate the authority to which the application for naturalisation must be submitted. 2 If the canton and, if cantonal law so provides, the commune agree in principle to naturalisation, they shall forward the application for naturalisation to the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) once the applicant has passed the cantonal examination. 3 Once all the formal and substantive requirements have been fulfilled, the SEM shall grant the federal naturalisation licence and send it to the cantonal naturalisation authority for the decision on naturalisation. 4 The federal naturalisation licence may be amended retrospectively in order to include the applicant’s children.
Art. 14
1 The competent cantonal authority shall make the decision on naturalisation within one year of the granting of the federal naturalisation licence. On expiry of this period, the federal naturalisation licence ceases to be valid. 2 It shall refuse the application for naturalisation if matters come to light after the federal naturalisation licence is granted which would have given grounds for not agreeing in principle to naturalisation. 3 The applicant acquires communal, cantonal and Swiss citizenship when the cantonal naturalisation decision becomes legally binding.
Art. 15
1 The procedure in the canton and in the commune is governed by cantonal law. 2 Cantonal law may provide that an application for naturalisation may be submitted to the vote of the communal electorate at a communal assembly.
Art. 16
1 Reasons must be given for rejecting an application for naturalisation. 2 The communal electorate may reject an application for naturalisation only if a reasoned motion has been made that they should do so.
Art. 17
1 The cantons shall ensure that the privacy of applicants is respected in cantonal and communal naturalisation procedures. 2 The communal electorate shall be given the following particulars of applicants: - a.
- nationality;
- b.
- length of residence;
- c.
- information required to assess whether the applicant meets the naturalisation requirements, and in particular the requirement of integration.
3 When selecting information under paragraph 2, the cantons shall take account of the persons to whom the information is to be given.
Art. 18
1 The cantonal legislation shall provide for a minimum length of residence of between two and five years. 2 In the event that the applicant moves to another commune or another canton, the canton and the commune in which an application for naturalisation is made remain responsible if they have concluded their assessment of the naturalisation requirements in Articles 11 and 12.3 3 Corrected by the Federal Assembly Drafting Committee (Art. 58 para. 1 ParlA; SR 171.10).
Art. 19
The awarding of honorary citizenship to a foreign national by a canton or a commune without federal authorisation for naturalisation does not have the effects of naturalisation.