Art. 26 Preparatory phase 78
1 After the application for asylum has been filed, the preparatory phase begins. Under the Dublin procedure, it lasts no more than 10 days, and under other procedures no more than 21 days. 2 In the preparatory phase, SEM records the asylum seekers’ personal details and normally takes their fingerprints and photographs. It may collect additional biometric data, prepare reports on a person's age (Art. 17 para. 3bis), verify evidence and travel and identity documents and make enquiries specific to origin and identity. 3 SEM shall inform asylum seekers of their rights and obligations in the asylum procedure. It may question the asylum seekers about their identity and their itinerary, and summarily about the reasons for leaving their country. At this point, SEM may also ask about any commercial human trafficking. It shall discuss with the asylum seeker whether there is sufficient justification for their request for asylum. If this is not the case and if the asylum seeker withdraws the request, the request shall be cancelled without a formal decision being taken and preparations made for the return journey. 4 The comparison of data under Article 102abis paragraphs 2–3, the examination of fingerprints under Article 102ater paragraph 1 and the request for admission or readmission to the competent state bound by one of the Dublin Association Agreements is made during the preparatory phase. 5 SEM may delegate the tasks under paragraph 2 to third parties. Third parties are subject to the same duty of confidentiality as federal personnel.
Art. 26a Establishing medical condition 79
1 Immediately after filing their application, but at the latest at the interview on the grounds for asylum under Article 36 paragraph 2 or being granted a hearing under Article 36 paragraph 1, asylum seekers must state any serious health problems of relevance to the asylum and return procedures of which they were aware when filing the application for asylum. 2 SEM appoints a competent medical specialist to investigate matters contended under paragraph 1. Article 82a applies mutatis mutandis. SEM may delegate the required medical duties to a third party. 3 Medical problems that are claimed later or established by another medical specialist may be taken into account in the asylum and return procedures if they are proven. The provision of prima facie evidence suffices by way of exception if there are excusable grounds for the delay or proof cannot be provided in the case in question for medical reasons. SEM may call in an independent medical examiner. 79 Originally Art. 26bis. Inserted by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2012, in force since 1 Feb. 2014 (AS 2013 43755357; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325). See also the transitional provisions to this Amendment at the end of the text.
Art.26b Dublin procedure 80
The procedure with view to a decision under Article 31a paragraph 1 letter b begins with submission of a request to a Dublin state for the admission or readmission of the asylum seeker. It lasts until the asylum seeker is transferred to the Dublin state responsible or until it is terminated and a decision is taken about implementing an accelerated or extended procedure.
Art. 26c Accelerated procedure 81
After the preparatory phase, the accelerated procedure shall commence immediately with an interview on the grounds for asylum or the granting of a hearing under Article 36. The Federal Council shall lay down the individual steps of the procedure.
Art. 26d Extended procedure 82
If it is clear after the interview on the grounds for asylum that a decision cannot be made under the accelerated procedure, namely because further investigation is required, the asylum seeker shall be assigned to the extended procedure and be allocated to a canton under Article 27.
Art. 27 Distribution and allocation to the cantons 83
1 The cantons shall reach an agreement on the distribution of asylum seekers. 1bisThe special services provided by cantons where federal centres or airports are located shall be appropriately taken into account in the distribution of asylum seekers.84 2 If the cantons cannot reach an agreement, the Federal Council shall, after hearing them, set out the criteria for distribution in an ordinance. 3 SEM shall allocate asylum seekers to the cantons (cantons of allocation).85 In doing so, it shall take account of the interests of the cantons and of the asylum seekers that are worthy of protection. Asylum seekers may only contest the decision on allocation if it violates the principle of family unity. 4 Persons whose removal has been ordered and in respect of whom a decision on asylum has become legally binding in a federal centre or whose request for asylum was cancelled in a federal centre86 shall not be allocated to a canton.
Art. 28 Allocation of a place of stay and accommodation
1 SEM or the cantonal authorities may allocate asylum seekers to a place of stay. 2 They may allocate asylum seekers accommodation, and in particular accommodate them as a group. The cantons shall ensure that this procedure is operated efficiently; they may lay down provisions and take measures.87
Art. 29 Interview on the grounds for asylum 88
1 SEM shall interview asylum seekers on their grounds for asylum; the interview shall take place in a federal centre. 1bis If necessary, it shall call in an interpreter. 2 The asylum seekers may be accompanied additionally at their own expense a person and an interpreter of their choice who are not themselves asylum seekers. 3 Minutes shall be taken of the interview. They shall be signed by those participating in the interview.
Art. 29a Trustworthiness assessment 89
1 Before and during their contractual relationship, SEM may have interpreters and translators assessed with regard to their trustworthiness. 2 The trustworthiness assessments shall be carried out by the PSS specialist units under Article 31 paragraph 2 of the Information Security Act of 18 December 202090(ISA). The procedure is governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions of the ISA on basic security screening. 3 If the interpreters or translators undergo personnel security screening in accordance with the ISA at the same time, both procedures shall be combined. 4 SEM shall bear the costs of the trustworthiness assessments.
Art. 29b Cooperation in establishing the circumstances 91
The Federal Council may enter into agreements with third countries and international organisations on cooperation in establishing the circumstances of cases. It may in particular enter into agreements on a mutual exchange of information in order to establish the motives for seeking asylum of an asylum seeker in his or her native country or country of origin, his or her itinerary and his or her stay in a third country.
Art. 31 Preparation of decisions by the cantons 93
The FDJP may with the consent of the cantons determine that cantonal officials prepare the decisions on behalf of and under the supervision of SEM.
Art. 31a SEM decisions 94
1 SEM shall normally dismiss an application for asylum if the asylum seeker: - a.
- can return to a safe third country under Article 6a paragraph 2 letter b in which he or she was previously resident:
- b.
- can travel to a third country that is responsible under an international agreement for conducting the asylum and return procedures;
- c.
- can return to a third country in which he or she was previously resident;
- d.
- can continue to a third country for which he or she holds a visa and in which he or she can seek protection;
- e.
- can continue to a third country in which persons with whom he or she has a close relationship or dependants live;
- f.95
- can be removed to their native country or country of origin under Article 31b.
2 Paragraph 1 letters c–e do not apply if there are indications in the case in question that the third country does not provide effective protection against refoulement in terms of Article 5 paragraph 1. 3 SEM shall dismiss an application that fails to meet the requirements of Article 18. This applies in particular if the application for asylum is made exclusively for economic or medical reasons. 4 In the other cases, SEM shall reject the application for asylum if refugee status has neither been proven nor credibly demonstrated or there are grounds for denying asylum under Articles 53 and 54.96
Art. 31b Recognition of asylum and return decisions made in Dublin States 97
1 An asylum seeker in respect of whom a negative asylum decision and a legally binding return decision has been issued in a state that is bound by one of the Dublin Association Agreements (Dublin State) may be removed directly to their native country or country of origin in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2001/40/EC98 if: - a.
- the competent Dublin State has not executed any removals to the asylum seeker’s native country or country of origin for a long period; and
- b.
- it is likely that removal from Switzerland can be executed quickly.
2 SEM shall obtain the information required to execute the removal from the competent authorities of the Dublin State concerned and make the necessary arrangements. 97 Inserted by No I of the FA of 26 Sept. 2014, in force since 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 1871; BBl 2014 3373). 98 Council Directive 2001/40/EC of 28 May 2001 on the mutual recognition of decisions on the expulsion of third country nationals, OJ L 149 of 2.6.2001, p. 34.
Art. 35a Resumption of asylum proceedings under the Dublin procedure 100
If Switzerland is responsible for assessing an asylum application on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 604/2013101, the asylum proceedings shall be resumed, even if the asylum application had previously been dismissed. 100 Inserted by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (AS 2006 4745; BBl 20026845). Amended by Annex No I 2 of the FD of 26 Sept. 2014 (Adoption of R[EU] establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national), in force since 1 July 2015 (AS 2015 1841; BBl 2014 2675). 101 See footnote to Art. 22 para. 1ter.
Art. 36 Procedure prior to a decision 102
1 If it is decided to dismiss an application under Article 31a paragraph 1, the asylum seeker is granted a hearing. The same applies if the asylum seeker: - a.
- deceives the authorities as to his or her identity and this deception is confirmed by the results of the identification procedure or other evidence;
- b.
- bases his or her application primarily on forged or falsified evidence;
- c.
- seriously and culpably fails to cooperate in some other way.
2 In the other cases, an interview is held under Article 29.
Art. 37 Procedural deadlines in the first instance 103
1 Notice of decisions under the Dublin procedure (Art. 26b) must be given within three working days after the Dublin state to which the request was directed has agreed to the transfer request under Articles 21 and 23 of Regulation (EU) No 604/2013104. 2 Notice of decisions under the accelerated procedure (Art. 26c) must be given within eight days of the conclusion of the preparatory phase. 3 If there are valid reasons and it is foreseeable that the decision can be taken in a federal centre, the time limits laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 may be exceeded by a few days. 4 Decisions under the extended procedure (Art. 26d) must be taken within two months of the conclusion of the preparatory phase. 5 In other cases, decisions to dismiss an application must be made within five working days and decisions must be made within ten working days of the application being filed. 6 SEM shall decide as a priority and immediately if the person seeking asylum is in detention pending extradition on the basis of a request by a state which the asylum seeker is seeking protection from in Switzerland. This also applies when the person has been made subject to an expulsion order under Article 66a or 66abis of the Criminal Code (SCC)105 or Article 49a or 49abis of the Military Criminal Code of 13 June 1927106 (MCC) or an expulsion order under Article 68 FNIA107.108 103 Amended by No I, paras 4 and 6 in accordance with No IV 2 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2015, in force since 1 March 2019 (AS 2016 3101, 2018 2855; BBl 2014 7991). 104 Council Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national; (new version), Amended by OJ L 180 of 29.6.2013, p. 31. 105 SR 311.0 106 SR 321.0 107 SR 142.20 108 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on Police Counterterrorism Measures, in force since 1 June 2022 (AS 2021 565; 2022 300; BBl 2019 4751).
Art. 37a Grounds 109
Decisions to dismiss an application must be accompanied by a summary statement of grounds.
Art. 37b SEM processing strategy 110
SEM shall set out in a processing strategy which applications for asylum shall be processed as a priority. In doing so, it shall pay particular attention to the statutory time limits, the situation in the countries of origin, the evident merits or otherwise of the applications and the conduct of the asylum seekers.
Art. 39 Granting temporary protection 112
If, as a result of questioning at the federal centre or at the interview, it is obvious that asylum seekers belong to a group of persons in need of protection in accordance with Article 66, they shall be granted temporary protection.
Art. 40 Rejection without further investigations
1 If, as a result of the interview, it is obvious that asylum seekers are unable to prove or credibly demonstrate their refugee status and there are no grounds preventing their removal, the application shall be rejected without further investigations. 2 The decision must at least be summarily substantiated.113
Art. 41a Coordination with the extradition proceedings 115
If the person seeking asylum is the subject of an application for extradition in accordance with the Mutual Assistance Act of 20 March 1981116, SEM shall consult the files on the extradition proceedings when deciding on the asylum application.