Art. 620301
1 The company limited by shares is a company in which one or more persons or commercial enterprises participate. It is liable for its obligations to the extent of the company’s assets. 2 The shareholders are required only to fulfil the duties specified in the articles of association. 3 A shareholder is any person who holds at least one share in the company.
Art. 621302
1 The share capital amounts to at least 100,000 francs. 2 A share capital in the foreign currency required for business operations is also permitted. At the time of foundation, this must have a value equivalent to at least 100,000 francs. If the share capital is in a foreign currency, the accounts must be kept and financial reports must be filed in the same currency. The Federal Council shall specify which currencies are permitted. 3 The general meeting may resolve to change the currency of the share capital at the start of any financial year. In such an event, the board of directors shall amend the articles of association. It shall establish that the requirements of paragraph 2 have been met, and specify the exchange rate applied. The resolutions of the general meeting and of the board of directors must be done as a public deed.
Art. 622
1 The shares may be either registered or bearer shares. They may be issued in the form of negotiable securities. The articles of association may stipulate that they may be issued as uncertificated or ledger-based securities in accordance with Article 973c or 973d, or as intermediated securities in accordance with the Intermediated Securities Act (FISA) of 3 October 2008303.304 1bis Bearer shares are permitted only if the company has equity securities listed on a stock exchange or if the bearer shares are organised as intermediated securities in accordance with the FISA and are deposited with a custodian in Switzerland designated by the company or entered in the main register.305 2 Shares of both types may exist at the same time in a ratio fixed by the articles of association. 2bis A company with bearer shares must arrange for an entry to be made in the Commercial Register as to whether it has equity securities listed on a stock exchange or its bearer shares are organised as intermediated securities.306 2ter If all the equity securities are delisted, the company must within six months either convert the existing bearer shares into registered shares or organise them as intermediated securities.307 3 Registered shares may be converted into bearer shares and bearer shares into registered shares.308 4 The shares shall have a nominal value that is greater than zero.309 5 If share certificates are issued, they must be signed by at least one member of the board of directors.310 303 SR 957.1 304 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 25. Sept. 2020 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Feb. 2021 (AS 2021 33; BBl 2020 233). 305 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 21 June 2019 on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (AS 2019 3161; BBl 2019 279). Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 25 Sept. 2020 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Feb. 2021 (AS 2021 33; BBl 2020 233). 306 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 21 June 2019 on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, in force since 1 Nov. 2019 (AS 2019 3161; BBl 2019 279). 307 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 21 June 2019 on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and the Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, in force since 1 Nov. 2019 (AS 2019 3161; BBl 2019 279). 308 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399). 309 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399). 310 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).
Art. 623
II. Splitting and consolidating shares
1 By amending the articles of association, the general meeting may divide the shares into shares with a lower nominal value or consolidate them into shares with a higher nominal value, provided the share capital311 remains the same. 2 The consolidation of shares that are not listed on a stock exchange requires the consent of all the shareholders concerned.312
Art. 624
1 The shares may be issued only at their nominal value or at a price that is higher. This does not apply to the issue of new shares to replace cancelled shares. 2–3 ...313
Art. 626316
D. Content of the articles of association prescribed by law
1 The articles of association must contain provisions concerning: - 1.
- the business name and seat of the company;
- 2.
- the objects of the company;
- 3.317
- the total share capital, its currency, and the extent to which it is paid up;
- 4.
- the number, nominal value and types of shares;
- 5. and 6.318
- ...
- 7.319
- the form of the company’s communications with its shareholders.
2 In a company whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, the articles of association must also contain provisions on: - 1.
- the number of activities that the members of the board of directors, the executive board and the board of advisors may carry out in comparable positions in other undertakings with commercial objects;
- 2.
- the maximum term of the contracts that govern the remuneration of members of the board of directors, the executive board and the board of advisors, and the maximum notice of termination for unlimited contracts (Art. 735b);
- 3.
- the principles on the duties and responsibilities of the remuneration committee;
- 4.
- the details of the vote of the general meeting on the remuneration of the board of directors, the executive board and of the board of advisors.320
3 Other undertakings in terms of paragraph 2 number 1 do not include undertakings that are controlled by the company or that control the company.321
Art. 629324
E. Foundation
I. Deed of incorporation
1. Content
1 The company is founded when the founder members declare by public deed that they are forming a company limited by shares, lay down the articles of association therein and appoint the governing bodies. 2 In such deed of incorporation, the founder members shall subscribe for the shares and declare that: - 1.
- all the shares are validly subscribed for;
- 2.
- that the promised capital contributions correspond to the full issue price;
- 3.
- the requirements for payment of capital contributions prescribed by law and the articles of association are met at the time that the deed of incorporation is signed;
- 4.
- there are no contributions in kind, instances of offsetting or special privileges other than those mentioned in the supporting documents.325
3 If the share capital is specified in a foreign currency or if contributions are made in a different currency from that of the share capital, the exchange rates applied must be indicated in the public deed.326
Art. 630327
The share subscription is valid only where: - 1.
- the number, nominal value, type, class and issue price of the shares are specified;
- 2.
- an unconditional commitment is given to pay up the capital corresponding to the issue price.
Art. 631328
II. Supporting documents
1 In the deed of incorporation, the notary must specify the foundation documents individually and confirm that they have been laid before him or her and the founder members. 2 The following documents must be appended to the deed of incorporation: - 1.
- the articles of association;
- 2.
- the incorporation report;
- 3.
- the audit confirmation;
- 4.
- confirmation that the capital contributions have been deposited in cash;
- 5.
- the agreements on contributions-in-kind;
- 6.329
- …
328 Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969). 329 Repealed by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), with effect from 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).
Art. 632330
III. Capital contributions
1. Minimum contribution
1 When the company is founded, capital equivalent to at least 20 per cent of the nominal value of each share must be paid up. 2 In all cases the capital contribution must be at least 50,000 francs. If the share capital is in a foreign currency, the contributions made at the time of foundation must have a value equivalent to at least 50,000 francs.331
Art. 633332
2. Payment of contributions
a. Money contributions
1 Money contributions must be deposited in a bank as defined in Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Banking Act of 8 November 1934333 for the exclusive use of the company. 2 The bank may release the money only when the company has been entered in the commercial register. 3 Money contributions are payments in the currency of the share capital and payments in freely convertible currencies that are different from that of the share capital.
Art. 634334
b. Contributions in kind
1 The items forming a contribution in kind shall satisfy the contribution requirement only if the following requirements are met: - 1.
- They may be entered as assets on the balance sheet.
- 2.
- They may be transferred to the company’s assets.
- 3.
- On the company being entered in the commercial register, the company immediately acquires ownership and may freely dispose of the items or, in the case of immovable property, receives an unconditional right to enter it in the land register.
- 4.
- Their value may be realised by transfer to a third party.
2 The contribution in kind must be agreed in writing. The contract must be done as a public deed if this is required for the transfer of the object. 3 A single public deed is sufficient even if immovable property situated in two or more cantons constitutes the contribution in kind. The deed must be done by a notary at the seat of the company. 4 The articles of association must indicate the items, their valuation and the name of the contributor and the shares that they have been issued and any other considerations provided by the company. The general meeting may repeal the related provisions of the articles of association after ten years.
Art. 634a335
1 Shares may be paid up by offset with a claim. 2 Offset with a claim shall also satisfy the contribution requirement if the claim is no longer covered by assets. 3 The articles of association must indicate the amount of the claim being offset, the name of the shareholder and the shares that they have been issued. The general meeting may repeal the related provisions of the articles of association after ten years.
Art. 634b336
d. Subsequent contribution
1 The board of directors shall determine the rules governing subsequent contributions in respect of shares that are not fully paid-up. 2 Subsequent contributions may be made in money or in kind, by offset against a claim or by converting freely disposable equity capital.
Art. 635337
3. Verification of capital contributions
a. Statutory report
The founder members shall draw up a written statutory report in which they give account of: - 1.338
- the nature and condition of contributions in kind and the appropriateness of their valuation;
- 2.
- the existence of debts and whether such debts may be set off;
- 3.
- the reasons for and appropriateness of special privileges accorded to founder members or other persons.
Art. 635a339
A licensed auditor shall verify the incorporation report and confirm in writing that it is complete and accurate. 339 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 636340
If special privileges are granted on foundation to the founding members or other persons, the articles of association must indicate the names of the beneficiaries and the nature and value of the privilege granted.
Art. 640343
F. Entry in the commercial register
I. Company
The company must be entered in the commercial register at the place where it has its seat. 343Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 641344
344 Repealed by No I 2 of the FA of 17 March 2017 (Commercial Register Law), with effect from 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 957; BBl 2015 3617).
Art. 643
G. Acquisition of legal personality
I. Time; Entry conditions not satisfied
1 The company acquires legal personality only through entry in the commercial register. 2 It acquires legal personality thereby even if the conditions for such entry were in fact not satisfied. 3 However, where the law or the articles of association were contravened in the foundation of the company such that the interests of creditors or shareholders were substantially jeopardised or harmed, at the request of those creditors or shareholders the court may order that the company be dissolved. …347 4 The foregoing right of action prescribes if action is not brought within three months of publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce. 347Second sentence repealed by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 644
II. Nullity of shares issued before registration
1 Shares issued before the company is entered in the commercial register are void; obligations arising from the share subscription are unaffected thereby.349 2 A person issuing shares prior to such entry is liable for all resultant losses.
Art. 645
III. Obligations contracted prior to entry
1 A person acting in the name of the company prior to entry in the commercial register is liable personally and jointly and severally for his actions. 2 Where such obligations were incurred expressly in the name of the company to be founded and are assumed by the latter within three months of its entry in the commercial register, the persons who contracted them are relieved of liability and only the company is liable.
Art. 647351
H. Amendment of the articles of association
The resolution adopted by the general meeting or the board of directors concerning an amendment of the articles of association must be done as a public deed and entered in the commercial register.
Art. 650353
I. Increase and reduction in the share capital
I. Ordinary capital increase
1. Resolution of the general meeting
1 The general meeting may resolve to make an ordinary increase in share capital. 2 The resolution of the general meeting must be done as a public deed and contain the following information: - 1.
- the nominal value or, if applicable, the maximum nominal value by which the share capital is to be increased;
- 2.
- the number or, if applicable, the nominal value and type of newly issued shares and preferential rights pertaining to specific classes of shares;
- 3.
- the issue price or the authority conferred on the board of directors to set the price, and the date on which the new shares entitle their holders to receive dividends;
- 4.
- in the case of contributions in kind: their nature and value, the name of the contributor and the shares issued in return and any other considerations provided by the company;
- 5.
- in the case of shares paid up by offset with a claim: the amount of the claim offset, the name of the creditor and the shares due to them;
- 6.
- the conversion of freely disposable equity capital;
- 7.
- the nature and value of special privileges and the names of the beneficiaries;
- 8.
- any restriction on the transferability of new registered shares;
- 9.
- any restrictions on or cancellation of the subscription right and the consequences if this right is not exercised or is withdrawn;
- 10.
- the conditions to be met when exercising contractual subscription rights.
3 An application to register the capital increase must be filed with the commercial register office within six months of the resolution of the general meeting, otherwise the resolution becomes invalid
Art. 652357
1 The shares are subscribed in a special document (subscription form) in accordance with the provisions governing the foundation of the company. 2 The subscription form must make reference to the resolution of the general meeting concerning the share capital increase and the related resolution of the board of directors. Where the law requires a prospectus, the subscription form also refers to this.358 3 …359
Art. 652b362
3. Subscription right and issue price
1 Every shareholder is entitled to the proportion of the newly issued shares that corresponds to their existing participation. 2 A resolution by the general meeting to increase the share capital may restrict or cancel this subscription right only for good cause.In particular, the takeover of companies, parts of companies or equity interests and employee share ownership are deemed to be good cause.363 3 Where the company has granted a shareholder the right to subscribe to shares, it may not bar them from exercising such a right on the basis of a restriction on the transferability of registered shares laid down in the articles of association. 4 No one may gain an undue advantage or suffer an undue disadvantage as a result of the restriction or cancellation of the subscription right or the fixing of the issue price.364
Art. 652c366
4. Making of contributions
Unless the law provides otherwise, capital contributions must be made in accordance with the provisions governing the foundation of the company.
Art. 652d368
5. Increase from equity capital
1 The share capital may also be increased through conversion of freely disposable equity capital. 2 The equity capital used to meet the amount of the increase is shown: - 1.
- in the annual accounts as approved by the general meeting and audited by a licensed auditor; or
- 2.
- in an interim account audited by a licensed auditor, provided the balance sheet date at the time of the resolution of the general meeting is more than six months in the past.369
3 The articles of association must indicate that the capital increase was made by converting freely disposable equity capital.370
Art. 652e372
6. Capital increase report
The board of directors shall draw up a written report in which it gives account of: - 1.373
- the nature and condition of contributions in kind and the appropriateness of their valuation;
- 2.
- the existence of debts and whether such debts may be set off;
- 3.
- the free disposability of the equity capital thus converted;
- 4.
- compliance with the resolution of the general meeting, in particular concerning restrictions on or cancellation of subscription rights and the allocation of subscription rights that have not been exercised or have been withdrawn;
- 5.
- the reasons for and appropriateness of special privileges accorded to specific shareholders or other persons.
Art. 652f375
1 A licensed auditor shall verify the capital increase report and confirm in writing that it is complete and accurate.376 2 No such audit confirmation is required where the capital contribution for the new share capital is made in money, the share capital increase is not for the purpose of funding an acquisition in kind and subscription rights are not restricted or cancelled. 375 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). 376Amended by No I 3 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on Limited Liability Companies and Amendments to the Law on Companies limited by Shares, Cooperatives, the Commercial Register and Business Names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
Art. 652g377
8. Amendment of articles of association and statements from the board of directors
1 Once the capital increase report and, where required, the audit confirmation are available, the board of directors shall amend the articles of association and declare that: - 1.
- all shares are validly subscribed for;
- 2.
- the promised capital contributions correspond to the full issue price;
- 3.
- the requirements prescribed by law, the articles of association and the resolution of the general meeting for making the contributions are met at the time of the declarations;
- 4.
- there are no contributions in kind, instances of offsetting or special privileges other than those mentioned in the supporting documents;
- 5.
- it has received the documents on which the capital increase is based.
2 The resolution on the amendment of the articles of association and declarations must be done as public deeds. The notary must name each of the documents supporting the capital increase individually and confirm that the documents were presented to them. The supporting documents must be attached to the public deed.
Art. 652h378
9. Nullity of shares issued before registration
Shares issued prior to entering the capital increase in the commercial register are void; the obligations arising from the share subscription remain effective.
Art. 653379
II. Increase from contingent capital
1. General principle
1 The general meeting resolve to create contingent capital by granting shareholders, creditors of bonds or similar debt instruments, employees, members of the board of directors of the company or another company in the group or third parties the right to subscribe for new shares (conversion and option rights). 2 The share capital automatically increases whenever and to the extent that such conversion or option rights are exercised and the contribution obligations are discharged by payment or offsetting. 3 The provisions on increasing the share capital from contingent capital also applymutatis mutandisin the event that conversion and acquisition requirements are imposed. 4 The foregoing paragraphs are subject to the regulations of the Banking Act of 8 November 1934380 on reserve capital.
Art. 653a381
1 The nominal amount by which the share capital may be increased in this contingent manner must not exceed one-half of the share capital specified in the commercial register.382 2 The capital contribution must be at least equal to the nominal value.
Art. 653b383
3. Basis in articles of association
1 The articles of association must stipulate: - 1.384
- the nominal value of the contingent capital;
- 2.
- the number, nominal value and type of shares;
- 3.
- the beneficiaries of conversion or option rights;
- 4.385
- any restriction or cancellation of the subscription right of existing shareholders, provided they are not allocated the option rights;
- 5.
- preferential rights attached to specific classes of shares;
- 6.
- the restrictions on the transferability of newly registered shares;
- 7.386
- the procedure for exercising the conversion or option rights and for waiving these rights.
2 Where the bonds or similar debt instruments to which the conversion or option rights attach are not offered first to the shareholders for subscription, the articles of association must also stipulate: - 1.
- the conditions on which the conversion or option rights may be exercised;
- 2.
- the basis on which the issue amount is to be calculated.
3 Conversion or option rights granted before the provision of the articles of association concerning the contingent capital has been entered in the commercial register are void.387
Art. 653c388
4. Protection of shareholders
1 If the shareholders are granted option rights in connection with contingent capital, the rules on the subscription right in the case of an ordinary capital increase applymutatis mutandis. 2 If bonds or similar debt instruments to which conversion or option rights attach are issued in connection with contingent capital, they must be offered first to the shareholders for subscription in proportion to the shareholders’ existing participations. 3 This priority subscription right may be restricted or cancelled if: - 1.
- there is good cause; or
- 2.
- the shares listed on a stock exchange and the bonds or similar debt instruments are issued subject to appropriate conditions.
4 No one may gain an undue advantage or suffer an undue disadvantage as a result of the restriction or cancellation of the subscription right or the priority subscription right.
Art. 653d389
5. Protection of beneficiaries of conversion or option rights
1 Persons who have a conversion or option right may not be barred from exercising that right on account of restrictions on the transferability of registered shares, unless this possibility is reserved in the articles of association and the prospectus.390 2 Conversion or option rights may be adversely affected by a share capital increase, by the issue of new conversion or option rights, or in some other manner only if the conversion price is lowered or the beneficiaries are granted some other form of adequate compensation or if the shareholders suffer the same adverse effect.
Art. 653e391
6. Execution of capital increase
a. Exercise of rights; capital contribution
1 The declaration on the exercise of the conversion or option rights shall refer to the provision of the articles of association concerning the contingent capital; where the law requires a prospectus, the declaration must refer to it.392 2 Money contributions must be deposited in a bank as defined in Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Banking Act of 8 November 1934393 for the exclusive use of the company.394 3 The shareholder’s rights are established when the capital contribution is made.
Art. 653f395
1 At the end of each financial year, a licensed audit expert shall verify whether the issue of the new shares was in conformity with the law, the articles of association and, if applicable, the prospectus. The external auditor shall confirm this in writing. 2 The board of directors may order the audit to be conducted earlier.
Art. 653g396
c. Amendment of the articles of association and statements of the board of directors
1 On receipt of the audit confirmation, the board of directors shall amend the articles of association and declare: - 1.
- the number, nominal value and type of the newly issued shares;
- 2.
- if applicable the preferential rights that pertain to individual classes of shares;
- 3.
- the status of the share capital and of the contingent capital as at the end of the financial year or the date of the audit;
- 4.
- that it has received the documents on which the capital increase is based.
2 If the articles of association specify a capital band, the board of directors shall in amending the articles of association adjust the upper and lower limits of the capital band according to the extent of the capitalincrease, unless the capital is being increased on the basis of authorisation granted to the board of directors to increase the capital with contingent capital. 3 The resolution on any amendment of the articles of association and the declarations must be done in a public deed. The notary must name the foundation documents individually and confirm that they have been laid before him or her. The supporting documents shall be attached to the public deed.
Art. 653i398
1 The board of directors may repeal or amend the relevant provision of the articles of association on the contingent capital if: - 1.
- the conversion or option rights have expired;
- 2.
- no conversion or option rights were granted; or
- 3.
- all or some of those entitled have decided not to exercise the conversion or option rights granted to them.
2 The articles of association may only be amended if a licensed audit expert has confirmed the circumstances in writing.
Art. 653j399
III. Reducing the share capital
1. Ordinary capital reduction
a. Principles
1 The general meeting may pass a resolution on reducing the share capital. The board of directors shall prepare for and carry out the reduction. 2 The capital may be reduced by reducing the nominal value or by cancelling shares. 3 The share capital may only be reduced below 100,000 francs provided it is at the same time increased again at least to this amount. If the share capital is in a foreign currency, it must be replaced by capital with a value equivalent to at least 100,000 francs. 4 An application to register the reduction of the share capital must be filed with the commercial register office within six months of the resolution of the general meeting, otherwise the resolution becomes invalid.
Art. 653k400
1 If the share capital is reduced, the board of directors shall notify the creditors that they may request security by registering their claims. The notice must be published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce. Applications to register claims must be made in writing, specifying the amount of and legal grounds for the claim. 2 The company must secure the creditors’ claims to the extent that the previous cover has been reduced by the capital reduction, provided the creditors request it to do so within 30 days of publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce. 3 The obligation to secure claims lapses if the company meets the claim or proves that there is no risk that the claim will not be met as a result of reducing the share capital. If the audit confirmation is available, it may be presumed that there is no risk that the claim will not be met.
Art. 653l401
If the balance sheet date is more than six months in the past at the time the general meeting passes a resolution to reduce the share capital, the company must prepare an interim account.
Art. 653m402
1 Based on the account and the result of the call on creditors, a licensed audit expert must confirm in writing that the creditors’ claims will be fully covered even if the share capital is reduced. 2 If the audit confirmation is already available at the time that the general meeting passes the resolution, the board of directors shall give notice of the result. The licensed audit expert must be present at the general meeting unless the meeting has dispensed with such presence by unanimous resolution.
Art. 653n403
e. Resolution of the general meeting
The resolution of the general meeting on reducing the share capital must be done as a public deed and contain the following information: - 1.
- the nominal value or if applicable the maximum nominal value by which the share capital will be reduced;
- 2.
- the method for carrying out the capital reduction, in particular whether the reduction is made by reducing the nominal value or by cancelling shares;
- 3.
- the way in which the reduced amount is to be used.
Art. 653o404
f. Amendment of the articles of association and declarations of the board of directors; Entry in the commercial register
1 If all the requirements for reducing the share capital are met, the board of directors shall amend the articles of association and declare that the requirements under the law, the articles of association and the general meeting resolution are met at the time of the declarations and that it has received the supporting documents on which the capital reduction is based. 2 The resolution on the amendment of the articles of association and the declarations of the board of directors must be done in a public deed. The notary must specify the supporting documents on which the capital reduction is based, and confirm that the documents were presented to him or her. The supporting documents must be attached to the public deed. 3 Funds released by capital reduction may only be paid out to shareholders after the capital reduction has been entered in the commercial register.
Art. 653p405
2. Capital reduction in the event of negative net worth
1 If the share capital is reduced in order to partly or fully correct a situation of negative net worth caused by losses and if a licensed audit expert confirms to the general meeting that the amount of the capital reduction does not exceed the amount of the negative net worth, the provisions relating to an ordinary capital reduction on securing claims, the interim account, the audit confirmationand the declarations of the board of directors do not apply. 2 The resolution of the general meeting shall contain the information specified in Article 653n. It shall make reference to the result of the audit report and amend the articles of association.
Art. 653q406
3. Simultaneous reduction and increase in share capital
a. Principle
1 If the share capital reduced and at the same time increased to at least the previous amount and if the amount of the contribution paid is not reduced, the provisions relating to an ordinary capital reduction on securing claims, the interim account, the audit confirmationand the declarations of the board of directors do not apply. 2 However, the provisions relating to an ordinary capital increase apply mutatis mutandis. 3 The board of directors need not amend the articles of association, provided the number and the nominal value of the shares and the amount of the contributions made thereon remain unchanged.
Art. 653r407
b. Cancellation of shares
1 If the share capital is reduced to zero for the purpose of restructuring and then increased again, the current membership rights of the shareholders lapse at the time of the reduction. Issued shares must be cancelled. 2 When the share capital is increased again, the former shareholders have subscription rights that may not be withdrawn from them.
Art. 653s408
IV. Capital band
1. Authorisation
1 The articles of association may authorise the board of directors to vary the share capital within a bandwidth (capital band) for a period not exceeding five years. They shall specify the limits within which the board of directors may increase and reduce the share capital. 2 The upper limit of the capital band may not exceed the share capital specified in the commercial register by more than half. The lower limit of the capital band may not be less than half of the share capital specified in the commercial register. 3 The articles of association may restrict the powers of the board of directors. They may in particular provide that the board of directors may only increase or only reduce the share capital. 4 The articles of association may only authorise the board of directors to reduce the share capital if the company has not dispensed with a limited audit of the annual accounts.
Art. 653t409
2. Principles in the articles of association
1 If a capital band is introduced, the articles of association must specify the following: - 1.
- the lower and the upper limit of the capital band;
- 2.
- the date on which the board of directors’ authority to alter the share capital ends;
- 3.
- restrictions on and conditions and requirements for authorisation;
- 4.
- the number, nominal value and type of shares and the preferential rights of individual classes of shares or participation certificates;
- 5.
- the nature and value of special privileges and the names of the beneficiaries;
- 6.
- restrictions on the transferability of newly registered shares;
- 7.
- any restriction or cancellation of the subscription right or the good cause for which the board of directors may restrict or cancel the subscription right, and the allocation of subscription rights that have not been exercised or have been withdrawn;
- 8.
- the requirements for exercising contractually acquired subscription rights;
- 9.
- the authorisation of the board of directors to increase the capital with contingent capital and the information specified in Article 653b;
- 10.
- the authorisation of the board of directors to create participation capital.
2 On expiry of its authorisation, the board of directors shall cancel the provisions governing the capital band in the articles of association.
Art. 653u410
3. Increasing and reducing the share capital within the capital band
1 The board of directors may, within the limits of its authority, increase and reduce the share capital. 2 If the board of directors decides to increase or reduce the share capital, it shall issue the required provisions, unless they are contained in the general meeting’s resolution on authorisation. 3 In the case of a reduction of the share capital within the capital band, the provisions on securing claims, the interim account and the audit confirmation in the case of an ordinary capital reduction applymutatis mutandis. 4 Following any increase or reduction in the share capital, the board of directors shall make the required declarations and shall amend the articles of association accordingly. The resolution on the amendment of the articles of association and the declarations of the board of directors must be done in a public deed. 5 Otherwise, the rules on an ordinary capital increase, a capital increase from contingent capital and a capital reduction apply mutatis mutandis.
Art. 653v411
4. Increase or reduction of the share capital by the general meeting
1 If the general meeting resolvesto increase or reduce the share capital or to change the currency of the share capital during the term of the board of directors’ authorisation, the resolution on the capital band shall lapse. The articles of association must be amended accordingly. 2If the general meeting resolves to introduce contingent capital, the upper and lower limits of the capital band shall increase to the extent of the increase in the share capital. The general meeting may instead subsequently resolve to authorise the board of directors to increase the capital with conditional capital within the limits of the existing capital range.
Art. 654
V. Preference shares
1. Require-ments
1 Pursuant to or by amendment of the articles of association, the general meeting may resolve that preference shares be issued or that existing shares be converted into preference shares. 2 Where a company has issued preference shares, further preference shares conferring preferential rights over the existing preference shares may be issued only with the consent of both a special meeting of the adversely affected holders of the existing preference shares and of a general meeting of all shareholders, unless otherwise provided in the articles of association. 3 The same applies to any proposal to vary or cancel preferential rights attached to the preference shares that were conferred pursuant to the articles of association.
Art. 656
2. Status of preference shares
1 Preference shares enjoy the preferential rights vis-à-vis ordinary shares that are expressly conferred on them by the original articles of association or by amendment thereof. In other respects, they are of equal status with the ordinary shares. 2 In particular, preferential rights may relate to the dividend, with or without rights to cumulative dividends, to the share in the proceeds of liquidation and to subscription rights in the event that new shares are issued.
Art. 656a416
J. Participation certificates
I. Definition; applicable regulations
1 The articles of association may provide for participation capital divided into specific amounts (participation certificates). These participation certificates must be in the same currency as the share capital. They are issued against a capital contribution, have a nominal value and do not confer the right to vote.417 2 Unless otherwise provided by law, the provisions governing share capital, shares and shareholders also apply to the participation capital, participation certificates and participation certificate holders. 3 The participation certificates must be designated as such. 4 Participation capital may be created: - 1.
- on foundation;
- 2.
- by an ordinary capital increase;
- 3.
- by a capital increase from contingent capital;
- 4.
- within a capital band.418
5 The conversion of shares into participation certificates requires the consent of all the shareholders concerned.419
Art. 656b420
II. Participation and share capital
1 The part of the participation capital composed of participation certificates that are listed on a stock exchange may not exceed ten times the share capital specified in the commercial register. The remaining part of the participation capitalmust not exceed an amount equal to double the share capital specified in the commercial register. 2 The provisions governing minimum capital do not apply. 3 The participation capital must be added to the share capital when: - 1.
- forming the statutory retained earnings;
- 2.
- using the statutory capital reserves and retained earnings;
- 3.
- assessing whether there is a situation of negative net worth or loss of capital;
- 4.
- restricting the extent of an increase in capital from contingent capital;
- 5.
- determining the lower and upper limits of a capital band.
4 The thresholds must be calculated separately for shareholders and participation certificate holders when: - 1.
- instigating a special investigation in the event that a related motion is rejected by thegeneral meeting;
- 2.
- dissolving the company by court judgment;
- 3.
- giving notice of the beneficial owner in accordance with Article 697j.
5 They shall be calculated: - 1.
- based on the shares issued for the acquisition of the company’s own shares;
- 2.
- based on the participation certificates issued for the acquisition of the company’s own participation certificates.
6 They shall be calculated based solely on the share capital: - 1.
- for the right to convene the general meeting;
- 2.
- for the right to table agenda items and motions.
Art. 656c421
III. Legal status of the participation certificate holders
1. In general
1 Participation certificate holders have no right to vote and, unless otherwise provided by the articles of association, none of the rights associated therewith. 2 Rights associated with the right to vote are the right to convene a general meeting, the right to attend such a meeting, the right to information, the right of inspection and the right to table agenda items and motions.422 3 Subject to the same requirements as the shareholder, the participation certificate holder has the right to instigate a special investigation. If the articles of association do not provide for any more far-reaching rights, the participation certificate holder may submit a written request for information, access to documents or the instigation of a special investigation to the general meeting.423
Art. 656d425
2. Notice of and information on resolutions of general meetings
1 Whenever a general meeting is convened, notice must be given to participation certificate holders together with the agenda items and the motions tabled. 2 Any participation certificate holder may request access to the minutes within the 30 days following the general meeting.426
Art. 656e427
3. Representation on the board of directors
The articles of association may grant participation certificate holders the right to have a representative on the board of directors.
Art. 656f428
4. Pecuniary rights
a. In general
1 The articles of association must not place participation certificate holders at a disadvantage as against shareholders in respect of the distribution of the disposable profit and the proceeds of liquidation and subscription to new shares. 2 Where several classes of shares exist, the participation certificates must be treated as at least equivalent to the lowest ranking class of shares. 3 Amendments to the articles of association and other resolutions of the general meeting that adversely affect the position of participation certificate holders are permitted only if they also adversely affect the position of the shareholders to whom the participation certificate holders are equal in status to the same degree. 4 Unless otherwise provided by the articles of association, the preferential rights of participation certificate holders and their rights to participate in the company’s governance as laid down by the articles of association may be restricted or cancelled only with the consent of a special meeting of the participation certificate holders concerned and of the general meeting of all shareholders.
Art. 656g429
1 Where participation capital is created, the shareholders have a subscription right as for the issue of new shares. 2 The articles of association may provide that shareholders may subscribe only to shares and participation certificate holders only to participation certificates where the share capital and the participation capital are to be increased simultaneously in the same proportions. 3 Where only the participation capital or only the share capital is to be increased or one is to be increased by a greater proportion, the subscription rights must be allocated so that shareholders and participation certificate holders may retain their relative participations in the overall capital.
Art. 657431
K. Dividend rights certificates
1 The articles of association may provide for the creation of dividend rights certificates in favour of persons linked with the company by previous capital participation or by virtue of being shareholders, creditors, employees or similar. The articles of association must indicate the number of dividend rights certificates issued and the nature of the associated rights. 2 Such dividend rights certificates entitle their holders only to a share in the disposable profit or the proceeds of liquidation or to subscribe to new shares. 3 The dividend rights certificate must not have a nominal value; it must not be called a participation certificate or issued in exchange for a capital contribution stated as an asset in the balance sheet. 4 By operation of law, the beneficiaries under dividend rights certificates form a community to which the provisions governing the community of bond creditors apply mutatis mutandis. However, a decision to waive some or all rights under dividend rights certificates is binding only if taken by the holders of a majority of all such certificates in circulation. 5 Dividend rights certificates may be created in favour of the company’s founder members only by means of the original articles of association.
Art. 659433
L. Own shares
I. Requirements for and restrictions on acquisition
1 The company may acquire its own shares only where freely disposable equity capital is available at its acquisition value. 2 The acquisition by a company of its own shares is limited to 10 per cent of the share capital specified in the commercial register. 3 If the acquisition is connected with a restriction on transferability or an action for dissolution, the foregoing upper limit is 20 per cent. The shares that exceed the threshold of 10 per cent must be sold or cancelled by means of a capital reduction within two years.
Art. 659a434
II. Consequences of acquisition
1 If a company acquires its own shares, the right to vote and the rights associated therewith for these shares shall be suspended. 2 The right to vote on the company’s own shares and the rights associated therewith shall also be suspended if the company transfers its own shares and it is agreed to take back or return the shares concerned. 3 If the right to vote is exercised, even though it is suspended, the provisions governing unauthorised participation in the general meeting (Art. 691) apply. 4 The company must indicate an amount equivalent to the cost of acquiring its own shares on its balance sheet as negative items in the equity capital (Art. 959a para. 2 no 3 let. e).
Art. 659b435
III. Own shares in the group
1 If a company controls one or more undertakings (Art. 963), any acquisition of its shares by such an undertaking is subject to the same restrictions and has the same consequences as the acquisition of its own shares mutatis mutandis. 2 The controlling company must show a separate amount equivalent to the acquisition value of these shares for the shares in accordance with paragraph 1 as statutory retained earnings.