Federal Acton Cartels and other Restraints of Competition (Cartel Act, CartA)
Chapter 1 General Provisions (1 - 4)
Chapter 2 Substantive Provisions
Section 1 Unlawful Restraints of Competition (5 - 8)
Section 2 Concentrations of Undertakings (9 - 11)
Chapter 3 Civil Procedure (12 - 16)
Chapter 4 Administrative Procedure
Section 1 Competition Authorities (18 - 25)
Section 2 Investigation of Restraints of Competition (26 - 31)
Section 3 Review of Concentrations of Undertakings (32 - 38)
Section 4 Procedure and Rights of Appeal (39 - 44)
Section 5 Other Duties and Powers of the Competition Authorities (45 - 49)
Section 6 Administrative Sanctions (49 - 53)
Section 7 Fees (53 - 53)
Chapter 5 Criminal Sanctions (54 - 57)
Chapter 6 Implementation of International Agreements (58 - 59)
Chapter 6a Evaluation (59 - 59)
Chapter 7 Final Provisions (60 - 63)