1 In order to promote the VPET system, professional organisations responsible for organising VET, professional education, job-related CET and corresponding examinations may create and maintain their own VPET funds.
2 The professional organisations shall describe the purpose of their VPET fund. Specifically, the fund should be used to fund the activities of companies in their branch that carry out training activities for specific fields of activity.27
3 At the request of corresponding professional organisation, the Federal Council may declare the professional organisation’s VPET fund mandatory for all companies within the given economic branch and require that each company contribute to the fund. By analogy, the provisions of the Federal Act of 28 September 195628 on the Declaration of General Application of Collective Employment Agreements also apply.
4 In order for a fund to qualify as mandatory, the following conditions must be met:
- a.
- at least 30% of all of the companies representing 30% of all employees and learners in the given economic branch already contribute to the VPET fund;
- b.
- the professional organisation has its own training institution;
- c.
- funds shall only be used for the occupations within the given economic branch;
- d.
- funds shall be used for VET and professional education initiatives that benefit all of the companies within the given economic branch.
5 The form and amount of contributions to the VPET fund shall depend on the amount of funding that the members of the corresponding professional organisation contribute to cover VPET costs. The Federal Council shall establish the maximum amount for contributions; this maximum amount may vary from one economic branch to another.
6 Companies whose contribution to VPET costs is already included in their membership fees to the professional organisation or companies that are able to demonstrate that they already provide commensurate VET, professional education and/or job-related CET courses, shall not be required to make payments into the VPET fund that has been declared mandatory for all other companies within the given economic branch.
7 SERI shall be responsible for overall supervision of mandatory VPET funds. SERI shall issue an ordinance to regulate the accounting and auditing aspects of such funds.