Bei grossen Gesetzen wie OR und ZGB kann dies bis zu 30 Sekunden dauern

on the International Automatic Exchange
of Information in Tax Matters
(AEOI Ordinance)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 23 November 2016 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

The Swiss Federal Council,

based on the Federal Act of 18 December 20151 on the International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (AEOIA),


Section 1 …

Art. 12  

2 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 7 Nov. 2018, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2018 4333).

Section 2 Non-Reporting Financial Institutions

Art. 2 Collective investment vehicles  

1The fol­low­ing col­lect­ive in­vest­ment vehicles are treated as non-re­port­ing fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions un­der Art­icle 3 para­graph 7 AEOIA, provided that all in­terests are held by or through in­di­vidu­als or en­tit­ies which are not re­port­able per­sons and that the re­quire­ments set out in Art­icle 3 para­graph 8 of the AEOIA are met:

con­trac­tu­al funds un­der Art­icles 25 to 35 of the Col­lect­ive Cap­it­al In­vest­ment Schemes Act of 23 June 20063 (CISA);
in­vest­ment com­pan­ies with vari­able cap­it­al un­der Art­icles 36 to 52 of the CISA;
lim­ited part­ner­ships for col­lect­ive in­vest­ments un­der Art­icles 98 to 109 of the CISA;
in­vest­ment com­pan­ies with fixed cap­it­al un­der Art­icles 110 to 118 of the CISA;
in­vest­ment com­pan­ies in the form of Swiss com­pan­ies lim­ited by shares lis­ted on a Swiss stock ex­change un­der Art­icle 2 para­graph 3 of the CISA.

2However, these vehicles are deemed to be re­port­ing fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions if in­terests are held by or through pass­ive non-fin­an­cial en­tit­ies (NFEs) pur­su­ant to the com­mon re­port­ing stand­ard (CRS) with con­trolling per­sons that are re­port­able per­sons.

Art. 3 Entities active in asset management or investment advice  

En­tit­ies act­ive in as­set man­age­ment or in­vest­ment ad­vice which, based on a cus­tom­er's power of at­tor­ney or as the body of a com­pany or a found­a­tion, ex­clus­ively man­age as­sets held in the name of the cus­tom­er, com­pany or found­a­tion with a fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion in Switzer­land or abroad are treated as non-re­port­ing fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions un­der Art­icle 3 para­graph 11 AEOIA.

Art. 4 Central securities depositories  

Cent­ral se­cur­it­ies de­pos­it­or­ies un­der in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 61 of the Fin­an­cial Mar­ket In­fra­struc­ture Act of 19 June 20154 are deemed to be non-re­port­ing fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions un­der Art­icle 3 para­graph 11 AEOIA for activ­it­ies re­quir­ing au­thor­isa­tion un­der that Act, provided the ac­count hold­ers are the fol­low­ing per­sons or en­tit­ies:

in­di­vidu­als or en­tit­ies that are not re­port­able per­sons; or
pass­ive NFEs with con­trolling per­sons that are not re­port­able per­sons.
Art. 5 Associations  

As­so­ci­ations or­gan­ised and es­tab­lished in Switzer­land that pur­sue a non-com­mer­cial pur­pose are deemed to be non-re­port­ing fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions un­der Art­icle 3 para­graph 11 AEOIA.

Art. 6 Foundations  

Found­a­tions or­gan­ised and es­tab­lished in Switzer­land are deemed to be non-re­port­ing fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions un­der Art­icle 3 para­graph 11 AEOIA if they:

pur­sue pub­lic or char­it­able pur­poses and en­dow their profits ex­clus­ively and ir­re­voc­ably for those pur­poses; or
pur­sue non-ma­ter­i­al pur­poses, gen­er­ate profits of no more than CHF 20,000 and en­dow those profits ex­clus­ively and ir­re­voc­ably for those pur­poses.
Art. 75  

5 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Section 3 Excluded Accounts

Art. 8 Accounts of lawyers or notaries  

1De­pos­it­ory or cus­todi­al ac­counts held by law­yers or not­ar­ies li­censed in Switzer­land or by a firm of law­yers or not­ar­ies li­censed in Switzer­land that are or­gan­ised in the form of a com­pany on be­half of cli­ents as the be­ne­fi­cial own­ers of the as­sets de­pos­ited are treated as ex­cluded ac­counts.

2The as­sets that may be held in such ac­counts and the con­di­tions un­der which such ac­counts may be held are gov­erned by the Agree­ment of 14 Feb­ru­ary 20136 between Switzer­land and the United States of Amer­ica for co­oper­a­tion to fa­cil­it­ate the im­ple­ment­a­tion of FATCA.

Art. 9 Capital contribution accounts  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat cap­it­al con­tri­bu­tion ac­counts as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA, provided:

the ac­counts are used ex­clus­ively to de­pos­it the cap­it­al on the found­a­tion of a com­pany or an in­crease in its cap­it­al;
the ac­counts are closed or trans­formed in­to ac­counts in the name of the com­pany after its found­a­tion or a cap­it­al in­crease; and
any re­pay­ments res­ult­ing from a failed found­a­tion or cap­it­al in­crease or from ex­cess cap­it­al be­ing paid in are made solely to the per­sons who con­trib­uted the cap­it­al.
Art. 10 Accounts of associations  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat ac­counts of as­so­ci­ations or­gan­ised and es­tab­lished in Switzer­land that pur­sue a non-com­mer­cial pur­pose as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA.

Art. 11 Accounts of foundations  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat ac­counts of found­a­tions or­gan­ised and es­tab­lished in Switzer­land as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA provided the found­a­tions meet the re­quire­ments set out in Art­icle 6 let­ters a and b of this Or­din­ance.

Art. 12 Accounts of co-owners associations 7  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat ac­counts of co-own­ers as­so­ci­ations as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA provided:

the shares in co-own­er­ship un­der Art­icle 23 of the Land Re­gister Or­din­ance of 23 Septem­ber 20118 are re­cor­ded in the land re­gister;
the co-own­ers have agreed use and man­age­ment reg­u­la­tions un­der Art­icle 647 of the Civil Code9 (CC) in which it is stip­u­lated that the fin­an­cial as­sets man­aged by the co-own­ers’ as­so­ci­ation be used ex­clus­ively for ex­pendit­ures in con­nec­tion with the prop­erty in co-own­er­ship; and
the use and man­age­ment reg­u­la­tions un­der Art­icle 649a para­graph 2 CC is noted in the land re­gister.

7 Amended by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

8 SR 211.432.1

9 SR 210

Art. 13 Accounts of condominium owners associations  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat ac­counts of con­domin­i­um own­ers as­so­ci­ations as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA provided the con­domin­i­um own­ers as­so­ci­ations meet the re­quire­ments set out in Art­icle 712lpara­graph 2 of the CC10.

Art. 14 Dormant accounts 11  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat dormant ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 11 para­graph 6 let­ters a and b AEOIA that have a bal­ance or value of no more than USD 1,000 at the end of the cal­en­dar year or an­oth­er ap­pro­pri­ate re­port­ing peri­od or at the time of ac­count clos­ure as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA.

11 Amended by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Art. 1512  

12 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Art. 16 E- money accounts  

1Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat e-money ac­counts as ex­cluded ac­counts in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 3 of the AEOIA, provided:

the ac­counts are used ex­clus­ively as a means of pay­ment in the form of e-money for cash­less pay­ments for goods and ser­vices, for cash with­draw­als or for cash­less pay­ment trans­ac­tions between in­di­vidu­als for which an elec­tron­ic­ally stored bal­ance is a re­quire­ment for the trans­ac­tion;
a con­trac­tu­ally agreed bal­ance of no more than 10,000 Swiss francs, US dol­lars or euros ap­plies;
each over­pay­ment of more than 10,000 Swiss francs, US dol­lars or euros is re­fun­ded to the ac­count hold­er with­in 60 days; and
no in­terest is cred­ited to the ac­counts.

2E-money means any elec­tron­ic­ally stored mon­et­ary value in the form of a claim on the e-money is­suer that is is­sued on re­ceipt of an amount of money for the pur­pose of mak­ing pay­ment trans­ac­tions and that is ac­cep­ted by in­di­vidu­als or en­tit­ies oth­er than the e-money is­suer.

Art. 17 Accounts of deceased persons  

Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions may treat de­ceased per­sons' ac­counts as ac­counts held ex­clus­ively by an es­tate with its own leg­al per­son­al­ity, and thus as ex­cluded ac­counts, un­til the com­munity of heirs is dis­solved, provided the de­ceased’s death was no­ti­fied to them by an opened will, a death cer­ti­fic­ate or in an­oth­er ap­pro­pri­ate form.

Section 4 Residence of Financial Institutions in Switzerland

Art. 18 Financial institutions subject to and exempt from tax  

The fol­low­ing are treated as res­id­ent in Switzer­land in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 5 para­graph 1 AEOIA:

fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions that are sub­ject to un­lim­ited tax­a­tion in Switzer­land or that have an eco­nom­ic af­fil­i­ation in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 para­graph 1 let­ter b or Art­icle 51 para­graph 1 let­ter b of the Fed­er­al Act of 14 Decem­ber 199013 on Dir­ect Fed­er­al Tax­a­tion;
tax-ex­empt fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions es­tab­lished un­der Swiss law.
Art. 19 Trusts regulated abroad  

Trusts that are reg­u­lated abroad as col­lect­ive in­vest­ments vehicles are not treated as res­id­ent in Switzer­land ir­re­spect­ive of the trust­ees' dom­i­cile.

Art. 20 Place of management  

The place of man­age­ment in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 5 para­graph 2 let­ter b of the AEOIA is the place of ef­fect­ive ad­min­is­tra­tion in Switzer­land.

Section 5 Alternative Provisions of the OECD Commentary on the CRS

Art. 21  

The al­tern­at­ive pro­vi­sions of the OECD com­ment­ary on the CRS are con­tained in the an­nex. They ap­ply in­so­far as that is not pre­cluded by the agree­ment ap­plic­able in the par­tic­u­lar case.

Section 6 Further Details on the General Reporting Requirements

Art. 22 Amount and classification of payments  

1Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions re­port pay­ments in fa­vour of a re­port­able ac­count as:

pro­ceeds from sales or re­demp­tions;
oth­er in­come.

2In­terest is in par­tic­u­lar in­terest on bonds, mort­gage cer­ti­fic­ates and land charge cer­ti­fic­ates is­sued in series, debt re­gister as­sets and cli­ent as­sets.

3Di­vidends are in par­tic­u­lar dis­tri­bu­tions of profit, li­quid­a­tion sur­pluses and pe­cu­ni­ary be­ne­fits from fin­an­cial in­terests of all kinds, in­clud­ing bo­nus shares, bo­nus nom­in­al value in­creases and the like.

4Pro­ceeds from sales or re­demp­tions are in par­tic­u­lar pro­ceeds from the sale or re­demp­tion of the fol­low­ing:

bonds, in­so­far as the pro­ceeds are not in­terest;
equity se­cur­it­ies of any kind;
de­riv­at­ive products of any kind, in­so­far as the pro­ceeds are not in­terest or di­vidends;
units in col­lect­ive in­vest­ment schemes.

5Oth­er in­come is in­come that is not treated as in­terest, di­vidends or pro­ceeds from sales or re­demp­tions, in­clud­ing be­ne­fits re­ceived from re­port­able in­sur­ance con­tracts and for­war­ded pay­ments of a col­lect­ive in­vest­ment scheme in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1.

Art. 23 Categories of financial accounts  

1The fol­low­ing are also treated as de­pos­it­ory ac­counts:

cap­it­al­isa­tion trans­ac­tions by life in­surers in ac­cord­ance with in An­nex 1, in­sur­ance sec­tor A6, of the In­sur­ance Over­sight Or­din­ance of 9 Novem­ber 200514 (IOO);
tontines by life in­surers in ac­cord­ance with in­sur­ance sec­tor A7 in An­nex 1 in­sur­ance sec­tor A7, of the IOO;
ad­vance premi­ums and premi­um de­pos­its that are based on a sep­ar­ate con­trac­tu­al re­la­tion­ship.

2In­sur­ance con­tracts where the oc­cur­rence of the in­sured event is def­in­ite but which the in­surer does not yet have to re­deem in full or in part are treated as cash value in­sur­ance con­tracts.

3In or­der for a con­tract to qual­i­fy as an an­nu­ity con­tract, it is ir­rel­ev­ant wheth­er it provides tem­por­ary or in­def­in­ite life cov­er. En­dow­ment in­sur­ance con­tracts are not treated as an­nu­ity con­tracts.

Art. 24 Refund of unused premiums as part of the cash value  

A re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion may treat the re­fund of un­used premi­ums from a non-in­vest­ment-linked cash value in­sur­ance con­tract or an­nu­ity con­tract as part of the cash value.

Art. 25 Surrender value in the case of annuity contracts  

1For the pur­poses of the ap­plic­able agree­ment, the sur­render value of the in­sur­ance con­tract is treated as the sur­render value of the an­nu­ity con­tract. Cap­it­al-form­ing an­nu­ity con­tracts have a sur­render value of zero provided:

they may not yet or may no longer be sur­rendered;
they may not be sur­rendered.

2A re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion may use the ac­tu­ar­ial re­serve as the sur­render value of an an­nu­ity con­tract for the pur­poses of the ap­plic­able agree­ment in­stead of the sur­render value.

Art. 26 Reporting currency  

1Re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions must spe­cify in the re­ports the cur­rency in which the amounts are de­nom­in­ated.

2They may in­dic­ate the amounts in the fol­low­ing cur­ren­cies:

in the cur­rency in which the fin­an­cial ac­count is main­tained;
in the ref­er­ence cur­rency spe­cified by the ac­count hold­er;
in Swiss francs; or
in US dol­lars.

Section 7 Further Details on the Due Diligence Obligations

Art. 27 Opening of new accounts 15  

1 Cases in which new ac­counts are opened without the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion con­trib­ut­ing to or be­ing able to pre­vent their open­ing are deemed to be ex­cep­tions un­der Art­icle 11 para­graph 8 let­ter b AEOIA.

2 Such ex­cep­tions in­clude in par­tic­u­lar:

change of poli­cy­hold­er in the case of in­sur­ance on the life of an­oth­er per­son through leg­al suc­ces­sion;
change of ac­count hold­er as a con­sequence of a court or of­fi­cial; or­der
cre­ation of a be­ne­fi­ciary claim against a trust or sim­il­ar leg­al en­tity on the basis of its deed of cre­ation or the found­a­tion deed.

15 Amended by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Art. 28 Closure of accounts  

1If a preex­ist­ing in­di­vidu­al or en­tity ac­count is closed be­fore the end of the time frame in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 11 para­graph 2 or 3 AEOIA and the re­view of the ac­count by the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion has not been com­pleted by the time of clos­ure, the fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion may treat it as a non-re­port­able ac­count.

2If a new in­di­vidu­al or en­tity ac­count is closed and the tax res­id­ence of the ac­count hold­er or con­trolling per­son of the en­tity could not be de­term­ined by the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion up to the time of clos­ure, the fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion may treat it as a non-re­port­able ac­count.

3If a preex­ist­ing or new in­di­vidu­al or en­tity ac­count is closed fol­low­ing a change in cir­cum­stances and the re-ex­am­in­a­tion of the ac­count re­quired by the change in cir­cum­stances has not been com­pleted by the time of clos­ure, the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion need not take the change in cir­cum­stances in­to ac­count for the re­port.

Art. 29 Third-party claims arising from cash value insurance contracts and annuity contracts upon maturity  

1If a claim arising from a cash value in­sur­ance con­tract or an an­nu­ity con­tract be­comes due and the in­di­vidu­al or en­tity en­titled to the claim is not the pre­vi­ous ac­count hold­er, this third party en­titled to the claim shall be treated as the hold­er of a new ac­count.

2Be­fore ful­filling the claim, the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion must have a self-cer­ti­fic­a­tion from the third party en­titled to the claim. This is without pre­ju­dice to cases where the fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion:

can es­tab­lish on the basis of in­form­a­tion in its pos­ses­sion or pub­lic in­form­a­tion that the en­tity en­titled to the claim is not a re­port­able per­son;
can ap­ply the al­tern­at­ive pro­ced­ure for fin­an­cial ac­counts held by in­di­vidu­al be­ne­fi­ciar­ies of a cash value in­sur­ance con­tract or an an­nu­ity con­tract in ac­cord­ance with the ap­plic­able due di­li­gence ob­lig­a­tions in the CRS.

3If the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion is un­able to ful­fil the claim arising from the con­tract due to the ab­sence of a self-cer­ti­fic­a­tion, the third party en­titled to the claim is in de­fault. The con­sequences of de­fault will be sus­pen­ded for the fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion un­til the self-cer­ti­fic­a­tion is re­ceived.

4Art­icle 11 para­graphs 8 and 9 of the AEOIA do not ap­ply.

Art. 3016  

16 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, with ef­fect from 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Section 8 Registration Duty for Reporting Swiss Financial Institutions

Art. 31  

1A Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion must re­gister with the Fed­er­al Tax Ad­min­is­tra­tion (FTA) at the latest by the end of the cal­en­dar year in which it be­comes a re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion.

2A re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion must de-re­gister with the FTA at the latest by the end of the cal­en­dar year in which its ca­pa­city as a re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion ceases to ap­ply or in which it ceases its com­mer­cial activ­ity.

3If the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion no­ti­fies the FTA that it does not main­tain any re­port­able fin­an­cial ac­counts, this is not treated as de-re­gis­tra­tion.

4 In the case of a trust that must re­por­ted un­der Art­icle 13 para­graph 4 AEOIA, the trust­ee must add «TDT=» be­fore the name of the trust. Art­icle 13 para­graphs 2 and 3 AEOIA ap­plies by ana­logy.17

17 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Section 9 Information Transmitted Automatically from Abroad

Art. 32  

1The can­tons shall re­port the fol­low­ing to the FTA with­in two months after the end of each cal­en­dar year:

the OASI num­ber18 of the in­di­vidu­als with un­lim­ited tax li­ab­il­ity in the can­ton;
the busi­ness iden­ti­fic­a­tion num­ber of the en­tit­ies with un­lim­ited tax li­ab­il­ity in the can­ton.

2The FTA shall as­sign the in­form­a­tion trans­mit­ted auto­mat­ic­ally from abroad on the basis of these re­ports and if need be on the basis of fur­ther de­tails re­quired for iden­ti­fic­a­tion pur­su­ant to the ap­plic­able agree­ment to the can­tons.

3It shall make the in­form­a­tion trans­mit­ted auto­mat­ic­ally from abroad ac­cess­ible in the re­triev­al pro­ced­ure to the au­thor­ity con­cerned with the as­sess­ment and col­lec­tion of dir­ect taxes in the can­ton where the re­port­able per­son has un­lim­ited tax li­ab­il­ity.

4Em­ploy­ees of this au­thor­ity have ac­cess to this in­form­a­tion in the re­triev­al pro­ced­ure only if they identi­fy them­selves with two-factor au­then­tic­a­tion, whereby one of the factors has to be a unique and for­gery-proof phys­ic­al iden­ti­fi­er.

18 Term in ac­cord­ance with An­nex No II 25 of the O of 17 Nov. 2021, in force since 1 Jan. 2022 (AS 2021 800).

Section 10 Information System

Art. 33 Organisation and management of the information system  

1The FTA's in­form­a­tion sys­tem is op­er­ated as an in­de­pend­ent in­form­a­tion sys­tem on the plat­form of the Fed­er­al Of­fice of In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy, Sys­tems and Tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion on be­half of the FTA.

2If the same data of vari­ous FTA or­gan­isa­tion­al units is pro­cessed, the cor­res­pond­ing in­form­a­tion sys­tems can be net­worked to ex­change mas­ter data, in­so­far as this is ne­ces­sary for ef­fi­cient data pro­cessing.

3The FDF may spe­cify de­tailed rules for the or­gan­isa­tion and op­er­a­tion of the FTA's in­form­a­tion sys­tem.

Art. 34 Categories of personal data processed  

The FTA may pro­cess the per­son­al data trans­mit­ted to it pur­su­ant to the ap­plic­able agree­ment.

Art. 35 Destruction of data  

The FTA shall des­troy the data no later than 20 years after the end of the cal­en­dar year in which it re­ceived it.

Section 11 Final Provisions 19

19 Amended by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

Art. 35a Transitional provision to the Amendment of 11 November 2020 20  

In re­la­tion to ac­counts that are be­ing op­er­ated on the day be­fore the Amend­ment of 11 Novem­ber 2020 comes in­to force and in re­spect of which the re­port­ing Swiss fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion has a self-cer­ti­fic­a­tion that does not carry a tax iden­ti­fic­a­tion num­ber, the rules set out in Sec­tion I, Sub­sec­tion C of the An­nex to the Mul­ti­lat­er­al Com­pet­ent Au­thor­ity Agree­ment of 29 Oc­to­ber 201421 on the Auto­mat­ic Ex­change of Fin­an­cial Ac­count In­form­a­tion ap­ply.

20 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).

21 SR 0.653.1

Art. 36 Commencement 22  

This Or­din­ance comes in­to force on 1 Janu­ary 2017.

22 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 11 Nov. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 5251).


(Art. 21)

Alternative Provisions of the OECD Commentary on the CRS

In addition to the alternative procedure set out in the CRS or in an applicable agreement for financial accounts of individuals who are beneficiaries of a cash value insurance contract or annuity contract, the following provisions apply:
«A reporting financial institution may treat a financial account that is a member's interest in a group cash value insurance contract or group annuity contract as a financial account that is not a reportable account until the date on which an amount is payable to the employee/certificate holder or beneficiary, if the financial account that is a member's interest in a group cash value insurance contract or group annuity contract meets the following requirements:
the group cash value insurance contract or group annuity insurance contract is issued to an employer and covers 25 or more employees/certificate holders;
the employees/certificate holders are entitled to receive any contract value related to their interest and to name beneficiaries for the benefit payable upon the employee's death; and
the aggregate amount payable to any employee/certificate holder or beneficiary does not exceed USD 1,000,000.
The term «group cash value insurance contract» means a cash value insurance contract that (i) provides cover for individuals who are affiliated through an employer, trade association, labour union or other association or group, and (ii) charges a premium for each member of the group (or member of a class within the group) that is determined without regard to the individual health characteristics other than age, gender and smoking habits of the member (or class of members) of the group.
The term «group annuity insurance contract» means an annuity insurance contract under which the obligees are individuals who are affiliated through an employer, trade association, labour union, or other association or group.»
Instead of the definition given for «preexisting account» in the CRS or in an applicable agreement, the following applies:
«The term «preexisting account» means:
a financial account maintained by a reporting financial institution as at [xx.xx.xxxx];
any financial account of an account holder, regardless of the date such financial account was opened, if:
the account holder also holds with the reporting financial institution (or with a related entity within the same jurisdiction as the reporting financial institution) a financial account that is a preexisting account under subparagraph C(9)(a),
the reporting financial institution (and, as applicable, the related entity within the same jurisdiction as the reporting financial institution) treats both of the aforementioned financial accounts, and any other financial accounts of the account holder that are treated as preexisting accounts under letter b, as a single financial account for the purposes of satisfying the standards of knowledge requirements set forth in paragraph A of Section VII and for the purposes of determining the balance or value of any of the financial accounts when applying any of the account thresholds,
with respect to a financial account that is subject to AML/KYC procedures, the reporting financial institution is permitted to satisfy such AML/KYC procedures for the financial account by relying upon the AML/KYC procedures performed for the preexisting account described in subparagraph C(9)(a), and
the opening of the financial account does not require the provision of new, additional or amended client information by the account holder other than for purposes of the common reporting standard.»
Instead of the definition given for «related entity» in the CRS or in an applicable agreement, the following applies:
«An entity is a «related entity» of another entity if (a) either entity controls the other entity; (b) the two entities are under common control; or (c) the two entities are investment entities as described in subparagraph A(6)(b), are under common management, and such management fulfils the due diligence obligations of such investment entities. For this purpose, control includes direct or indirect ownership of more than 50% of the votes and value in an entity.»

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