Art. 18 The donor’s informed consent
1 Donated sperm cells may only be used in legitimate assisted reproductive techniques and for purposes to which the donor has given his written consent. 2 Before donating sperm, the donor must be informed in writing about the legal situation, and in particular the right of the child to obtain information on the donor’s records (Art. 27).
Art. 19 Selection of donors
1 Donors must be carefully selected according to medical criteria; in particular, health risks for the recipient of the donated sperm cells must be excluded as far as possible. Other selection criteria are prohibited. 2 The donor may provide his sperm cells to only one centre; he must be expressly informed of this restriction prior to donation.
Art. 20 Supply of donated sperm cells
1 Donated sperm cells may only be supplied to persons who have a licence to use assisted reproductive techniques; the data specified in Article 24 paragraph 2 is also to be provided. 2 Any person who receives donated sperm cells must ensure compliance with Article 22 paragraph 2.
Art. 21 Non-remuneration
No payment shall be made for sperm donation as such.
Art. 22 Use of donated sperm cells
1 Sperm cells from different donors must not be used within one cycle. 2 Sperm cells from one donor may be used to produce a maximum of eight children. 3 When an assisted reproductive technique is used, the relationship between the persons from whom the reproductive cells are obtained must not constitute an impediment to marriage in accordance with Article 95 CC44. 4 When donated sperm cells are selected, only the donor’s blood group and similarity in physical appearance to the man with whom filiation is to be established shall be taken into account.
Art. 23 Filiation
1 If a child is conceived through sperm donation in accordance with the provisions of this Act, neither the child nor the husband or wife of the mother can contest filiation with the husband or wife of the mother.45 2 If a child has been conceived through sperm donation, a paternity action against the sperm donor (Art. 261 ff. CC) is not permitted; however, such an action is permissible if the donor knowingly donated sperm at the place of a person who was not licensed to use assisted reproductive techniques or to preserve and supply donated sperm cells.
Art. 24 Documentation requirements
1 Any person who receives or uses donated sperm cells must document the donation in a reliable manner. 2 In particular, the following data about the donor is to be recorded: - a.
- family name and first name, date and place of birth, place of residence, place of origin in Switzerland or nationality, occupation and education;
- b.
- date of the sperm donation;
- c.
- results of the medical examination;
- d.
- information about physical appearance.
3 The following data concerning the woman for whom the donated sperm cells are used and her husband or wife shall be recorded:46 - a.
- family name and first name, date and place of birth, place of residence, place of origin in Switzerland or nationality;
- b.
- date on which the sperm cells are used.
Art. 25 Transmission of data
1 Immediately after the birth of the child, the physician who carried out the reproductive procedure must transmit the data specified in Article 24 to the Federal Civil Status Office (Federal Office). 2 If the physician has not been informed of a birth, then he or she must transmit the data immediately after the calculated date of birth, unless it has been established that the treatment was unsuccessful. 3 The Federal Council shall enact the necessary provisions on data protection.
Art. 26 Retention of data
The Federal Office shall retain the data for 80 years.
Art. 27 Information
1 Once the child has reached 18 years of age, he or she may request information from the Federal Office about the donor’s physical appearance and personal data (Art. 24 para. 2 lets. a and d). 2 In addition, the child may at any time request information on all the data relating to the donor (Art. 24 para. 2) if he or she has a legitimate interest in obtaining it. 3 Before the Federal Office discloses personal data, it shall inform the donor if possible. If the donor does not wish to have personal contact, then the child must be informed and made aware of the donor’s rights of privacy and his family’s entitlement to protection. If the child insists on his or her right to obtain information under paragraph 1, the information shall be provided. 4 The Federal Council may assign responsibility for handling requests for information to a specialised federal commission. 5 ...47 47 Repealed by Annex No 87 of the FA on the Federal Administrative Court of 17 June 2005, with effect from 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 21971069; BBl 2001 4202).