(Clinical Trials Ordinance, ClinO)" />
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on Clinical Trials
with the exception of
Clinical Trials of Medical Devices1
(Clinical Trials Ordinance, ClinO)

of 20 September 2013 (Status as of 26 May 2022)

1 Amended by Annex 2 No 2 of the O of 1 July 2020 on Clinical Trials with Medical Devices, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2020 3033).

The Swiss Federal Council,

on the basis of the Human Research Act of 30 September 20112 (HRA), of Article 36 paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of the Transplantation Act of 8 October 20043 (Transplantation Act),
and of Article 54 paragraphs 3, 6 and 7 of the Therapeutic Products Act of 15 December 20004 (TPA),


Chapter 1 General Provisions

Section 1 Purpose and Definitions

Art. 1 Purpose  

1 This Or­din­ance reg­u­lates:

the re­quire­ments for the con­duct of:
clin­ic­al tri­als with medi­cin­al products, in­clud­ing com­bin­a­tions un­der Art­icle 2 para­graph 1 let­ters f and g of the Med­ic­al Devices Or­din­ance of 1 Ju­ly 2020 (MedDO)7, or trans­plant products,
clin­ic­al tri­als with …8 products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA9,
clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion,
clin­ic­al tri­als that are not clin­ic­al tri­als un­der num­bers 1 to 3;
the au­thor­isa­tion and no­ti­fic­a­tion pro­ced­ures for clin­ic­al tri­als;
the du­ties and re­spons­ib­il­it­ies of re­search eth­ics com­mit­tees (eth­ics com­mit­tees), the Swiss Agency for Thera­peut­ic Products (the Agency) and the Fed­er­al Of­fice of Pub­lic Health (the FOPH) in con­nec­tion with the au­thor­isa­tion and no­ti­fic­a­tion pro­ced­ures;
the re­gis­tra­tion of clin­ic­al tri­als and pub­lic ac­cess to the re­gistry.

2 The fol­low­ing ap­ply:

for clin­ic­al tri­als with med­ic­al devices un­der Art­icle 1 MedDO und Art­icle 1 of the Or­din­ance of 4 May 202211 on In Vitro Dia­gnost­ic Med­ic­al Devices: the Or­din­ance of 1 Ju­ly 202012 on Clin­ic­al Tri­als with Med­ic­al Devices;
for clin­ic­al tri­als of xeno­trans­plant­a­tion: the Xeno­trans­plant­a­tion Or­din­ance of 16 March 200713 ap­plies.14

5 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2020 on Clin­ic­al Tri­als with Med­ic­al Devices, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2020 3033).

6 Amended by An­nex No 2 of the O of 19 May 2021, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2021 281).

7 SR 812.213

8 Term re­moved by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, with ef­fect from 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294). This change has been made throughout the text.

9 Term in ac­cord­ance with An­nex No 2 of the O of 19 May 2021, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2021 281). This change has been made throughout the text.

10 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

11 SR 812.219

12 SR 810.306

13 SR 810.213

14 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2020 on Clin­ic­al Tri­als with Med­ic­al Devices, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2020 3033).

Art. 2 Definitions 15  

In this Or­din­ance:

clin­ic­al tri­al means a re­search pro­ject in­volving in­di­vidu­als that pro­spect­ively as­signs them to un­der­go a health-re­lated in­ter­ven­tion in or­der to study its ef­fects on health or on the struc­ture and func­tion of the hu­man body;
health-re­lated in­ter­ven­tion means a pre­vent­ive, dia­gnost­ic, thera­peut­ic, pal­li­at­ive or re­hab­il­it­at­ive meas­ure in­vest­ig­ated in a clin­ic­al tri­al;
min­im­al risks and bur­dens means risks and bur­dens, which, in terms of in­tens­ity and qual­ity, and tak­ing in­to ac­count the vul­ner­ab­il­ity of the par­ti­cipants and the spe­cif­ic cir­cum­stances, will have only a slight and tem­por­ary im­pact on the par­ti­cipants’ health; in par­tic­u­lar, min­im­al risks and bur­dens may be as­so­ci­ated with:
sur­veys and ob­ser­va­tions,
peri­pher­al ven­ous or ca­pil­lary blood sampling and skin punch biopsies of lim­ited ex­tent,
re­mov­ing or col­lect­ing bod­ily sub­stances without in­vas­ive in­ter­ven­tions, in par­tic­u­lar, saliva, ur­ine and stool samples,
tak­ing swabs,
mag­net­ic res­on­ance ima­ging scans without a con­trast me­di­um, ul­tra­sound ex­am­in­a­tions or elec­tro­grams,
ex­am­in­a­tions us­ing ion­ising ra­di­ation, provided that the ef­fect­ive dose is be­low 5 mSv per re­search pro­ject and per per­son con­cerned and:
the medi­cin­al product used is au­thor­ised or ex­empt from au­thor­isa­tion, or
the devices un­der Art­icle 1 MedDO17 bear con­form­ity mark­ings and no con­trast me­di­um is used;
spon­sor means a per­son or in­sti­tu­tion headquartered or rep­res­en­ted in Switzer­land that takes re­spons­ib­il­ity for or­gan­ising a clin­ic­al tri­al, and in par­tic­u­lar for the ini­ti­ation, man­age­ment and fin­an­cing of the tri­al in Switzer­land;
in­vest­ig­at­ormeans a per­son re­spons­ible in Switzer­land for the con­duct of a clin­ic­al tri­al and for the pro­tec­tion of the par­ti­cipants at the tri­al site; an in­vest­ig­at­or who takes re­spons­ib­il­ity for or­gan­ising a clin­ic­al tri­al in Switzer­land is also a spon­sor.

15 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 1 Ju­ly 2020 on Clin­ic­al Tri­als with Med­ic­al Devices, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2020 3033).

16 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

17 SR 812.213

Section 2 Principles

Art. 3 Scientific integrity  

1 The spon­sor and the in­vest­ig­at­or, and the oth­er per­sons in­volved in the clin­ic­al tri­al, shall main­tain sci­entif­ic in­teg­rity. In par­tic­u­lar, it is pro­hib­ited:

to falsi­fy, fab­ric­ate or sup­press re­search res­ults;
to fail to dis­close con­flicts of in­terest at the plan­ning stage, in the au­thor­isa­tion pro­ced­ure, or when con­duct­ing or pub­lish­ing re­search;
to im­pede or pre­vent re­search activ­it­ies without good reas­on;
to pre­vent or sanc­tion the ex­pos­ure of sci­entif­ic mis­con­duct.

2 The ap­plic­able guidelines are the Prin­ciples and Pro­ced­ures for In­teg­rity in Sci­entif­ic Re­search is­sued by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sci­ences, as spe­cified in An­nex 1 num­ber 1. In jus­ti­fied cases, oth­er re­cog­nised sci­entif­ic in­teg­rity guidelines of equi­val­ent stand­ing may be used.

Art. 4 Scientific quality  

The spon­sor and the in­vest­ig­at­or of a clin­ic­al tri­al shall en­sure sci­entif­ic qual­ity. In par­tic­u­lar:

they shall define a re­search ques­tion based on the cur­rent state of sci­entif­ic know­ledge;
they shall use an ap­pro­pri­ate sci­entif­ic meth­od­o­logy; and
they shall en­sure the avail­ab­il­ity of the re­sources re­quired for the clin­ic­al tri­al and provide the ne­ces­sary in­fra­struc­ture.
Art. 5 Rules of Good Clinical Practice  

1 Clin­ic­al tri­als must be con­duc­ted in ac­cord­ance with the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice, as spe­cified in An­nex 1 num­ber 2.

2 A clin­ic­al tri­al covered by Chapter 4 may be con­duc­ted in ac­cord­ance with oth­er rules which are re­cog­nised in the spe­cialty in ques­tion, provided that the pro­tec­tion of par­ti­cipants and data qual­ity and se­cur­ity are guar­an­teed.

3 The meas­ures and pre­cau­tions re­quired in ac­cord­ance with the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice must be ad­ap­ted to the ex­tent of the risks to which par­ti­cipants are ex­posed. De­pend­ing on the ex­tent of these risks, there may be cer­tain de­vi­ations from the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice. Any de­vi­ations must be re­cor­ded in the pro­tocol. The pro­tec­tion of the par­ti­cipants and data qual­ity and se­cur­ity must be guar­an­teed in all cases.

Art. 6 Professional qualifications  

1 The clin­ic­al tri­al in­vest­ig­at­or must:

be ad­equately trained in Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice and have the pro­fes­sion­al know­ledge and ex­per­i­ence re­quired for the clin­ic­al tri­al; and
be con­vers­ant with the leg­al re­quire­ments for clin­ic­al tri­als or be able to en­sure com­pli­ance by call­ing in ap­pro­pri­ate ex­pert­ise.

2 In ad­di­tion, the in­vest­ig­at­or in a clin­ic­al tri­al of medi­cin­al products, products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA or trans­plant­a­tion must be en­titled to prac­tise the med­ic­al pro­fes­sion in­de­pend­ently.18

3 For clin­ic­al tri­als covered by Chapter 4, a per­son without med­ic­al qual­i­fic­a­tions may also serve as an in­vest­ig­at­or, provided that this per­son is en­titled to prac­tise in­de­pend­ently the pro­fes­sion spe­cific­ally qual­i­fy­ing him or her to con­duct the clin­ic­al tri­al.19

4 The oth­er per­sons con­duct­ing the clin­ic­al tri­al must have the pro­fes­sion­al know­ledge and ex­per­i­ence ap­pro­pri­ate to the activ­it­ies in ques­tion.

18 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

19 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

Section 3 Information, Consent and Revocation

Art. 7 Information  

1 In ad­di­tion to the points spe­cified in Art­icle 16 para­graph 2 HRA, the per­sons con­cerned must re­ceive in­form­a­tion on:

pos­sible al­tern­at­ives to the in­ter­ven­tion un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion, if the clin­ic­al tri­al is ex­pec­ted to of­fer a dir­ect be­ne­fit;
the ef­fort in­volved and the ob­lig­a­tions arising from par­ti­cip­a­tion;
their right to with­hold or to re­voke their con­sent without giv­ing reas­ons and without suf­fer­ing any dis­ad­vant­ages in re­la­tion to their med­ic­al treat­ment;
the con­sequences of re­voc­a­tion of con­sent for their sub­sequent med­ic­al treat­ment, and for fur­ther use of the per­son­al data and bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al col­lec­ted up to this point;
their right to re­ceive in­form­a­tion at any time in re­sponse to fur­ther ques­tions re­lat­ing to the clin­ic­al tri­al;
their right to be in­formed of res­ults con­cern­ing their health, and their right to forgo such in­form­a­tion or to des­ig­nate a per­son who is to take this de­cision for them;
the meas­ures en­vis­aged to cov­er any dam­age arising from the clin­ic­al tri­al, in­clud­ing the pro­ced­ure in the event of a claim;
the spon­sor and the main sources of fin­an­cing for the clin­ic­al tri­al;
oth­er points rel­ev­ant to their de­cision on par­ti­cip­a­tion.

2 If the in­ten­tion ex­ists to make fur­ther use for re­search of bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al sampled or health-re­lated per­son­al data col­lec­ted in the clin­ic­al tri­al, the per­sons con­cerned must also re­ceive in­form­a­tion on the points spe­cified in Art­icles 28–32 of the Hu­man Re­search Or­din­ance of 20 Septem­ber 201320.

3 The in­form­a­tion may be provided in stages. It may be ad­di­tion­ally presen­ted in a non-tex­tu­al form.

4 Ap­pro­pri­ate meas­ures must be taken to en­sure that the per­sons con­cerned have un­der­stood the es­sen­tial ele­ments of the in­form­a­tion provided.

Art. 8 Exceptions to written form  

1 In in­di­vidu­al cases, in­form­a­tion may be provided and con­sent giv­en in a non‑writ­ten form if:

the per­son con­cerned, for phys­ic­al or cog­nit­ive reas­ons, can­not read or can­not write; and
the in­vest­ig­at­or fur­nishes proof of the pro­vi­sion of in­form­a­tion and con­sent, spe­cific­ally by means of writ­ten con­firm­a­tion by wit­nesses, or by a re­cord­ing of verbal con­sent.

2 In in­di­vidu­al cases, the re­quire­ment to provide in­form­a­tion in writ­ten form may be waived if:

this could only be im­ple­men­ted with dis­pro­por­tion­ate ef­fort, giv­en the lan­guage skills of the per­son con­cerned; and
an in­de­pend­ent qual­i­fied trans­lat­or is called in to provide or­al in­form­a­tion and gives writ­ten con­firm­a­tion there­of.
Art. 9 Consequences of revocation of consent  

1 If con­sent is re­voked, the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and health‑re­lated per­son­al data of the per­son con­cerned must be an­onymised after data eval­u­ation has been com­pleted.

2 An­onymisa­tion of the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and per­son­al data may be dis­pensed with if:

the per­son con­cerned ex­pressly re­nounces this right when re­vok­ing con­sent; or
it is es­tab­lished at the be­gin­ning of the clin­ic­al tri­al that an­onymisa­tion is not pos­sible and the per­son con­cerned, hav­ing been ad­equately in­formed of this fact, con­sen­ted to par­ti­cip­ate.

3 Per­sons re­vok­ing con­sent must be offered any fol­low-up care re­quired to pro­tect their health.

Section 4 Liability and Coverage

Art. 10 Exemptions from liability  

1 Ex­empt from li­ab­il­ity in re­la­tion to clin­ic­al tri­als un­der Art­icle 19 para­graph 1 HRA shall be any per­son who proves that the dam­age is at­trib­ut­able to:

the ad­min­is­tra­tion of an au­thor­ised medi­cin­al product used in ac­cord­ance with the pre­scrib­ing in­form­a­tion;
the ad­min­is­tra­tion of an au­thor­ised medi­cin­al product, if this is re­cog­nised as stand­ard in guidelines pre­pared in ac­cord­ance with in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cep­ted qual­ity cri­ter­ia;
the use of a product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA that has been re­por­ted pur­su­ant to Art­icle 6 para­graph 3 MedDO22 in its ver­sion of 1 Janu­ary 200223 in ap­plic­a­tion of Art­icle 108 para­graph 1 let­ter b MedDO and used in ac­cord­ance with the in­struc­tions;
the use of some oth­er health-re­lated in­ter­ven­tion which is re­cog­nised as stand­ard in guidelines pre­pared in ac­cord­ance with in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cep­ted qual­ity cri­ter­ia.

2 Also ex­empt from li­ab­il­ity un­der Art­icle 19 para­graph 1 HRA shall be any per­son who proves that the ex­tent of the dam­age is no great­er than would be ex­pec­ted in the cur­rent state of sci­entif­ic know­ledge and:

com­par­able dam­age could also have oc­curred if the in­jured party had un­der­gone stand­ard ther­apy for the dis­ease; or
in the case of acutely life-threat­en­ing dis­eases for which no stand­ard ther­apy ex­ists.

21 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

22 SR 812.213

23 AS 2001 3487

Art. 11 Extension of the limitation period  

The lim­it­a­tion peri­od for com­pens­a­tion claims in re­spect of dam­age:

at­trib­ut­able to the use of ion­ising ra­di­ation is gov­erned by Art­icle 40 of the Ra­di­olo­gic­al Pro­tec­tion Act of 22 March 199124;
at­trib­ut­able to the use of ge­net­ic­ally mod­i­fied or­gan­isms is gov­erned by Art­icle 32 of the Gene Tech­no­logy Act of 21 March 200325.
Art. 12 Exemptions from liability coverage requirements  

Ex­empt from li­ab­il­ity cov­er­age re­quire­ments are:

dam­age ex­empt from li­ab­il­ity in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 10;
Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­als (Art. 19 para. 1, Art. 20 para. 1, Art. 49 para. 1 and Art. 61 para. 1) in­volving meas­ures for sampling of bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al or col­lec­tion of health-re­lated per­son­al data which en­tail only min­im­al risks and bur­dens.
Art. 13 Requirements for liability coverage  

1 The li­ab­il­ity cov­er­age re­quire­ments can be ful­filled:

by tak­ing out in­sur­ance; or
by provid­ing se­cur­ity of equi­val­ent value.

2 The policy value shall be set in ac­cord­ance with An­nex 2.

3 The li­ab­il­ity cov­er­age must cov­er dam­age oc­cur­ring up to ten years after the com­ple­tion of the clin­ic­al tri­al.

Art. 14 Protection of the injured party  

1 Can­cel­la­tion of the in­sur­ance policy by the in­sur­ance com­pany is not per­miss­ible after the oc­cur­rence of the in­sured event.

2 With­in the frame­work of the in­sur­ance cov­er­age, the in­jured party or leg­al suc­cessor has a dir­ect claim against the in­sur­ance com­pany. Ob­jec­tions can­not be raised on the basis of the in­sur­ance policy or the In­sur­ance Policies Act of 2 April 190826.

3 If the in­sur­ance com­pany is sub­ject to ac­tion un­der para­graph 2, it shall have a right of re­course against the in­sured party.

4 Para­graphs 1–3 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis if se­cur­ity of equi­val­ent value is provided in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 13 para­graph 1 let­ter b.

Section 5 Clinical Trials in Emergency Situations

Art. 15 Post hoc consent  

1 The spon­sor and the in­vest­ig­at­or must, when plan­ning or con­duct­ing a clin­ic­al tri­al in an emer­gency situ­ation, take any meas­ures ne­ces­sary to en­sure that:

the con­sent of the per­son con­cerned can be ob­tained post hoc as soon as pos­sible;
in the case of a clin­ic­al tri­al in­volving chil­dren or ad­oles­cents, the con­sent of the leg­al rep­res­ent­at­ive can be ob­tained as soon as pos­sible, if this is re­quired in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 22 and 23 HRA;
in the case of a clin­ic­al tri­al in­volving adults per­man­ently lack­ing ca­pa­city, the con­sent of the per­son au­thor­ised to act as a rep­res­ent­at­ive can be ob­tained as soon as pos­sible, if no state­ment of wishes for­mu­lated in a state of ca­pa­city is avail­able.

2 The pro­ced­ure for ob­tain­ing post hoc con­sent must be defined in the pro­tocol.

Art. 16 Death of the person  

1 If a per­son who was in­cluded in a clin­ic­al tri­al in an emer­gency situ­ation dies be­fore it has been pos­sible to ob­tain con­sent or re­fus­al in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 15, the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and the health-re­lated per­son­al data col­lec­ted may only be used if this per­son has con­sen­ted, in an ad­vance dir­ect­ive or oth­er­wise, to the use of such ma­ter­i­al and health-re­lated data for re­search pur­poses.

2 In the ab­sence of a state­ment of wishes as spe­cified in para­graph 1, use is per­miss­ible if con­sent is giv­en by the next of kin or a des­ig­nated trus­ted per­son. Con­sent is gov­erned by Art­icle 8 of the Trans­plant­a­tion Act.

Art. 17 Handling of biological material and health-related personal data  

1 The bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al sampled and the health-re­lated per­son­al data col­lec­ted dur­ing a clin­ic­al tri­al in an emer­gency situ­ation may only be eval­u­ated when con­sent has been ob­tained in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 15 or 16.

2 In ex­cep­tion­al cases, the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and the health-re­lated per­son­al data may be eval­u­ated be­fore con­sent has been ob­tained if:

the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al is only util­is­able for a lim­ited peri­od; or
this is ne­ces­sary for the sake of the par­ti­cipants’ safety and health.

3 If con­sent to par­ti­cip­ate in a clin­ic­al tri­al in an emer­gency situ­ation is with­held post hoc, the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and the health-re­lated per­son­al data must be des­troyed.

4 If the valid­ity of the clin­ic­al tri­al or its res­ults is com­prom­ised in es­sen­tial re­spects by the de­struc­tion of the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and the health-re­lated per­son­al data, the use there­of in the clin­ic­al tri­al is per­miss­ible in spite of re­fus­al of con­sent. The bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al and the health-re­lated per­son­al data must be an­onymised without delay. The right to dis­sent of the per­son con­cerned is re­served.

5 If it is fore­see­able that ma­ter­i­al or data may be eval­u­ated be­fore con­sent has been ob­tained, in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2, or used in spite of re­fus­al of con­sent, in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 4, this must be stated in the pro­tocol.

Section 6 Storage of Health-Related Personal Data and Biological Material

Art. 18  

1 Any per­son who stores health-re­lated per­son­al data in con­nec­tion with a clin­ic­al tri­al must take ap­pro­pri­ate op­er­a­tion­al and or­gan­isa­tion­al meas­ures to pro­tect it, and in par­tic­u­lar:

re­strict the hand­ling of the health-re­lated per­son­al data to those per­sons who re­quire this data to ful­fil their du­ties;
pre­vent un­au­thor­ised or ac­ci­dent­al dis­clos­ure, al­ter­a­tion, de­le­tion and copy­ing of the health-re­lated per­son­al data;
doc­u­ment all pro­cessing op­er­a­tions which are es­sen­tial to en­sure trace­ab­il­ity.

2 Any per­son who stores bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al in con­nec­tion with a clin­ic­al tri­al must, in par­tic­u­lar:

com­ply with the prin­ciples set out in para­graph 1 mu­tatis mutandis;
en­sure that the tech­nic­al re­quire­ments are met for ap­pro­pri­ate stor­age of the bio­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­al;
make avail­able the re­sources re­quired for stor­age.

Chapter 2 Authorisation and Notification Procedures for Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products, Products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA and Transplant Products

Section 1 General Provisions

Art. 19 Categorisation of clinical trials of medicinal products  

1 Clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products come un­der Cat­egory A if the medi­cin­al product is au­thor­ised in Switzer­land and its use:

is in ac­cord­ance with the pre­scrib­ing in­form­a­tion;
is in an in­dic­a­tion or dosage dif­fer­ent from that spe­cified in the pre­scrib­ing in­form­a­tion, but in ac­cord­ance with the fol­low­ing cri­ter­ia:
the in­dic­a­tion is with­in the same dis­ease group of the In­ter­na­tion­al Clas­si­fic­a­tion of Dis­eases (ICD), as spe­cified in An­nex 1 num­ber 3,
the dis­ease in ques­tion is self-lim­it­ing and the dosage of the medi­cin­al product is lower than that spe­cified in the pre­scrib­ing in­form­a­tion; or
is re­cog­nised as stand­ard in guidelines pre­pared in ac­cord­ance with in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cep­ted qual­ity cri­ter­ia.

2 Clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products come un­der Cat­egory B if the medi­cin­al product:

is au­thor­ised in Switzer­land; and
is not used as spe­cified in para­graph 1.

3 They come un­der Cat­egory C if the medi­cin­al product is not au­thor­ised in Switzer­land.

4 In jus­ti­fied cases, a clin­ic­al tri­al of a medi­cin­al product au­thor­ised in Switzer­land may be as­signed to a dif­fer­ent cat­egory if this is pos­sible or ne­ces­sary with re­gard to medi­cin­al product safety or pro­tec­tion of the par­ti­cipants’ safety and health.

Art. 20 Categorisation of clinical trials of products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA 27  

1 Clin­ic­al tri­als of products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA come un­der Cat­egory A if:

the product that is un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion has been re­por­ted pur­su­ant to Art­icle 6 para­graph 3 MedDO28 in its ver­sion of 1 Janu­ary 200229 in ap­plic­a­tion of Art­icle 108 para­graph 1 let­ter b MedDO; and
it is used in ac­cord­ance with the in­struc­tions.

2 They come un­der Cat­egory C if:

das product that is un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion has not been re­por­ted pur­su­ant to Art­icle 6 para­graph 3 MedDO in its ver­sion of 1 Janu­ary 2002 in ap­plic­a­tion of Art­icle 108 para­graph 1 let­ter b MedDO;
the product that is un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion is not used in ac­cord­ance with the in­ten­ded pur­poses spe­cified in the in­struc­tions; or
use of the product that is un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion is pro­hib­ited in Switzer­land.

27 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

28 SR 812.213

29 AS 2001 3487

Art. 21 Clinical trials of transplant products  

For clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant products, the pro­vi­sions of this Or­din­ance con­cern­ing clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.

Art. 22 Clinical trials of gene therapy and clinical trials of genetically modified or pathogenic organisms  

1 For the pur­poses of this Or­din­ance, clin­ic­al tri­als of gene ther­apy are tri­als in which ge­net­ic in­form­a­tion is in­tro­duced in­to so­mat­ic cells (so­mat­ic gene ther­apy).

2 For the pur­poses of this Or­din­ance, clin­ic­al tri­als of ge­net­ic­ally mod­i­fied or­gan­isms are tri­als of medi­cin­al products con­tain­ing ge­net­ic­ally mod­i­fied or­gan­isms as defined in the Re­lease Or­din­ance of 10 Septem­ber 200830, and in par­tic­u­lar rep­lic­a­tion-com­pet­ent vir­uses.

3 For the pur­poses of this Or­din­ance, clin­ic­al tri­als of patho­gen­ic or­gan­isms are tri­als of medi­cin­al products con­tain­ing patho­gen­ic or­gan­isms as defined in the Re­lease Or­din­ance.

4 For clin­ic­al tri­als of gene ther­apy and for clin­ic­al tri­als of ge­net­ic­ally mod­i­fied or patho­gen­ic or­gan­isms, the pro­vi­sions of this Or­din­ance con­cern­ing clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.

Art. 23 Coordination and information in authorisation procedures  

1 The in­vest­ig­at­or and the spon­sor may sim­ul­tan­eously sub­mit ap­plic­a­tions to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and to the Agency.

2 The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and the Agency shall in­form each oth­er about mat­ters re­lat­ing to the re­view areas spe­cified in Art­icle 25 and in Art­icle 32, and shall co­ordin­ate their as­sess­ments.

Section 2 Procedure for the Responsible Ethics Committee

Art. 24 Application  

1 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall sub­mit to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 3 for re­view.

2 The eth­ics com­mit­tee may re­quest ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion.

3 The spon­sor may sub­mit the ap­plic­a­tion in­stead of the in­vest­ig­at­or. In this case, the spon­sor as­sumes the ob­lig­a­tions of the in­vest­ig­at­or as spe­cified in Art­icles 28 and 29 and also the no­ti­fic­a­tion and re­port­ing ob­lig­a­tions vis-à-vis the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee. The ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments must be co-signed by the in­vest­ig­at­or.

Art. 25 Review areas  

The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee shall re­view:

the com­plete­ness of the ap­plic­a­tion;
the cat­egor­isa­tion re­ques­ted;
the in­form­a­tion in­ten­ded for re­gis­tra­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 64;
the pro­tocol with re­gard to:
the sci­entif­ic rel­ev­ance of the top­ic (Art. 5 HRA), the suit­ab­il­ity of the chosen sci­entif­ic meth­od­o­logy and com­pli­ance with Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice,
the ra­tio between the likely risks and bur­dens and the ex­pec­ted be­ne­fits (Art. 12 para. 2 HRA),
the meas­ures taken to min­im­ise risks and bur­dens, and for the pro­tec­tion and fol­low-up of par­ti­cipants (Art. 15 HRA), in­clud­ing pre­cau­tion­ary meas­ures in the hand­ling of per­son­al data,
the need to in­volve per­sons, and in par­tic­u­lar per­sons who are par­tic­u­larly vul­ner­able (Art. 11 HRA),
the cri­ter­ia for the se­lec­tion of par­ti­cipants,
the pro­posed pro­ced­ure for provid­ing in­form­a­tion and ob­tain­ing con­sent, in­clud­ing the ap­pro­pri­ate­ness of the peri­od for re­flec­tion,
the ap­pro­pri­ate­ness of the re­mu­ner­a­tion for par­ti­cipants,
com­pli­ance with sci­entif­ic in­teg­rity re­quire­ments;
the com­plete­ness of the doc­u­ment­a­tion for re­cruit­ment, in­form­a­tion and con­sent, and its com­pre­hens­ib­il­ity, es­pe­cially with re­gard to the pos­sible in­volve­ment of par­tic­u­larly vul­ner­able per­sons;
the guar­an­tee­ing of the right to com­pens­a­tion in the event of dam­age (Art. 20 HRA);
the ad­equacy of the know­ledge and ex­per­i­ence of the in­vest­ig­at­or and of the oth­er per­sons con­duct­ing the clin­ic­al tri­al, in re­la­tion to the dis­cip­line con­cerned and the con­duct of a clin­ic­al tri­al;
the suit­ab­il­ity of the in­fra­struc­ture at the tri­al site;
the fin­an­cing of the clin­ic­al tri­al and the agree­ments between the spon­sor, third parties and the in­vest­ig­at­or con­cern­ing the al­loc­a­tion of tasks, re­mu­ner­a­tion and pub­lic­a­tion;
for Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products or products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA cap­able of emit­ting ion­ising ra­di­ation: ad­di­tion­ally, com­pli­ance with ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion le­gis­la­tion and the dose es­tim­a­tion;
for in­vest­ig­a­tions in­volving ra­di­ation sources31: ad­di­tion­ally, com­pli­ance with ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion le­gis­la­tion and the dose es­tim­a­tion, in cases where an opin­ion does not have to be sought from the FOPH in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 28;
oth­er areas, where this is ne­ces­sary to as­sess the pro­tec­tion of par­ti­cipants.

31 Ger­man text amended by An­nex 11 No 6 of the Ra­di­olo­gic­al Pro­tec­tion Or­din­ance of 26 Apr. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 4261). This amend­ment is not rel­ev­ant to the Eng­lish text.

Art. 26 Procedure and deadlines  

1 The eth­ics com­mit­tee shall ac­know­ledge re­ceipt of the ap­plic­a­tion with­in 7 days and no­ti­fy the in­vest­ig­at­or of any form­al de­fi­cien­cies in the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments.

2 It shall reach a de­cision with­in 30 days of ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments.

3 If the eth­ics com­mit­tee re­quests ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 24 para­graph 2, the clock shall be stopped un­til this in­form­a­tion has been re­ceived.

4 It shall in­form the Agency of its de­cision in the case of Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als.

Art. 27 Multicentre clinical trials  

1 The co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall sub­mit the ap­plic­a­tion for mul­ti­centre clin­ic­al tri­als to the lead com­mit­tee in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 47 para­graph 2 HRA. The spon­sor may sub­mit the ap­plic­a­tion in­stead of the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or; Art­icle 24 para­graph 3 ap­plies mu­tatis mutandis.

2 The co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or is the per­son re­spons­ible in Switzer­land for co­ordin­a­tion of the in­vest­ig­at­ors re­spons­ible at the in­di­vidu­al tri­al sites.

3 The lead com­mit­tee shall ac­know­ledge re­ceipt of the ap­plic­a­tion with­in 7 days and at the same time no­ti­fy the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or wheth­er the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments are form­ally in or­der.

4 At the re­quest of the lead com­mit­tee, the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall sub­mit the re­quired num­ber of cop­ies of the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 3 to the eth­ics com­mit­tees re­spons­ible at the oth­er tri­al sites (eth­ics com­mit­tees con­cerned). These shall re­view the loc­al con­di­tions and in­form the lead com­mit­tee of their as­sess­ment with­in 15 days.

5 The lead com­mit­tee shall reach a de­cision with­in 45 days of ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion. It shall in­form the eth­ics com­mit­tees con­cerned of its de­cision and the Agency in the case of Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als.

Art. 28 Procedure for investigations involving radiation sources  

1 In the case of in­vest­ig­a­tions in­volving ra­di­ation sources, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall ad­di­tion­ally sub­mit to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee the doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 3 num­ber 5. Sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of the fol­low­ing para­graphs, the au­thor­isa­tion pro­ced­ure is gov­erned by Art­icles 24–27 and 29.

2 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall ad­di­tion­ally sub­mit to the FOPH the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 3 num­ber 6, in­form­ing the eth­ics com­mit­tee at the same time, if the ef­fect­ive dose per per­son, tak­ing the un­cer­tainty factor in­to ac­count, is more than 5 mSv per year and:

a ra­dio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al is used which is not au­thor­ised in Switzer­land;
a ra­dio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­al is used which is au­thor­ised in Switzer­land, and the in­ter­ven­tion in ques­tion is not a routine nuc­le­ar medi­cine ex­am­in­a­tion; or
some oth­er ra­dio­act­ive source32 is used.

3 The FOPH shall de­liv­er an opin­ion for the eth­ics com­mit­tee on com­pli­ance with ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion le­gis­la­tion and on the dose es­tim­a­tion.

4 The eth­ics com­mit­tee shall grant au­thor­isa­tion if:

the re­quire­ments covered by Art­icle 25 are met; and
the FOPH has raised no ob­jec­tions to the clin­ic­al tri­al.

5 It shall reach a de­cision with­in 45 days of ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments. It shall in­form the FOPH of its de­cision.

32 Term in ac­cord­ance with An­nex 11 No 6 of the Ra­di­olo­gic­al Pro­tec­tion Or­din­ance of 26 April 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 4261).

Art. 29 Changes  

1 Sig­ni­fic­ant changes to an au­thor­ised clin­ic­al tri­al must be au­thor­ised by the eth­ics com­mit­tee be­fore be­ing im­ple­men­ted. Ex­empt from this re­quire­ment are meas­ures which have to be taken im­me­di­ately in or­der to pro­tect the par­ti­cipants.

2 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall sub­mit to the eth­ics com­mit­tee any ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 3 which are af­fected by the change. At the same time, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall provide in­form­a­tion on the reas­ons for the change.

3 The fol­low­ing are con­sidered to be sig­ni­fic­ant changes:

changes af­fect­ing the par­ti­cipants’ safety and health, or their rights and ob­lig­a­tions;
changes to the pro­tocol, and in par­tic­u­lar changes based on new sci­entif­ic know­ledge which con­cern the tri­al design, the meth­od of in­vest­ig­a­tion, the en­d­points or the form of stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is;
a change of tri­al site, or con­duct­ing the clin­ic­al tri­al at an ad­di­tion­al site; or
a change of spon­sor, co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or or in­vest­ig­at­or re­spons­ible at a tri­al site.

4 The eth­ics com­mit­tee shall reach a de­cision on sig­ni­fic­ant changes with­in 30 days. Art­icle 26 ap­plies mu­tatis mutandis.

5 If a site at which a clin­ic­al tri­al is to be ad­di­tion­ally con­duc­ted does not lie with­in the re­spons­ib­il­ity of the eth­ics com­mit­tee which gran­ted au­thor­isa­tion, the pro­ced­ure is gov­erned by Art­icle 27mu­tatis mutandis.

6 Oth­er changes must be no­ti­fied to the eth­ics com­mit­tee in the an­nu­al safety re­port spe­cified in Art­icle 43.

Section 3 Procedure for the Swiss Agency for Medicinal Products, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices or Combinations under Article 2 letters f–h MedDO

Art. 30 Exemption from mandatory authorisation 33  

Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­als are ex­emp­ted from the re­quire­ment for au­thor­isa­tion from the Agency as spe­cified in Art­icle 54 para­graph 1 TPA.

33 Amended by An­nex No 2 of the O of 19 May 2021, in force since 26 May 2021 (AS 2021 281).

Art. 31 Application  

1 The spon­sor shall sub­mit to the Agency the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 for re­view.

2 The Agency may re­quest ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion.

Art. 32 Review areas  

1 For clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products, the Agency shall re­view:

the com­plete­ness of the ap­plic­a­tion;
the safety of the medi­cin­al product, and in par­tic­u­lar the pre­clin­ic­al and clin­ic­al phar­ma­co­logy, tox­ic­o­logy, for­mu­la­tion and phar­ma­cokin­et­ics, and the pro­posed dosage and in­dic­a­tion;
the risk as­sess­ment and risk man­age­ment based on the medi­cin­al product safety data;
the qual­ity of the medi­cin­al product and com­pli­ance with Good Man­u­fac­tur­ing Prac­tice (GMP);
oth­er areas, where this is ne­ces­sary to as­sess the safety or qual­ity of the medi­cin­al product.

2 For Cat­egory B clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products cap­able of emit­ting ion­ising ra­di­ation, it shall ad­di­tion­ally re­view com­pli­ance with ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion le­gis­la­tion and the dose es­tim­a­tion.

3 For clin­ic­al tri­als of products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA, it shall re­view:

the com­plete­ness of the ap­plic­a­tion;
the re­quire­ments spe­cified in Art­icle 54 para­graph 4 let­ter b TPA.
Art. 33 Procedure and deadlines  

1 The Agency shall ac­know­ledge re­ceipt of the ap­plic­a­tion with­in 7 days and no­ti­fy the spon­sor of any form­al de­fi­cien­cies in the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments.

2 It shall reach a de­cision with­in 30 days of ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments.

3 If a medi­cin­al product or product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA is to be used in per­sons for the first time or man­u­fac­tured in a new pro­cess, this dead­line may be ex­ten­ded by a max­im­um of 30 days. The Agency shall in­form the spon­sor of the ex­ten­ded dead­line.

4 If the Agency re­quests ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 31 para­graph 2, the clock shall be stopped un­til this in­form­a­tion has been re­ceived.

5 The Agency shall in­form the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and oth­er com­pet­ent can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies of its de­cision.

Art. 34 Changes  

1 Sig­ni­fic­ant changes to an au­thor­ised clin­ic­al tri­al must be au­thor­ised by the Agency be­fore be­ing im­ple­men­ted. Ex­empt from this re­quire­ment are meas­ures which have to be taken im­me­di­ately in or­der to pro­tect the par­ti­cipants.

2 The spon­sor must sub­mit to the Agency any ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 which are af­fected by the change. At the same time, the spon­sor shall provide in­form­a­tion on the reas­ons for the change.

3 The fol­low­ing are con­sidered to be sig­ni­fic­ant changes:

changes to the medi­cin­al product or product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA, or to its ad­min­is­tra­tion or use;
changes based on new pre­clin­ic­al or clin­ic­al data which may af­fect product safety; or
changes con­cern­ing the pro­duc­tion of the medi­cin­al product or product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA which may af­fect product safety.

4 The Agency shall reach a de­cision with­in 30 days after re­ceipt of the com­plete ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments af­fected by the change. Art­icle 33 ap­plies mu­tatis mutandis.

5 Oth­er changes which af­fect the doc­u­ments sub­mit­ted to the Agency must be no­ti­fied to the Agency as quickly as pos­sible.

Section 4 Special Provisions for Clinical Trials of Gene Therapy, for Clinical Trials of Genetically Modified or Pathogenic Organisms, and for Clinical Trials involving Ionising Radiation

Art. 35 Clinical trials of gene therapy and clinical trials of genetically modified or pathogenic organisms  

1 For Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als of gene ther­apy and for clin­ic­al tri­als of ge­net­ic­ally mod­i­fied or patho­gen­ic or­gan­isms as defined in Art­icle 22, the doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 num­ber 4 must be sub­mit­ted to the Agency.

2 Be­fore grant­ing au­thor­isa­tion, the Agency shall seek opin­ions from the Swiss Ex­pert Com­mit­tee for Biosafety (SECB), the Fed­er­al Of­fice for the En­vir­on­ment (FOEN) and the FOPH.

3 In ad­di­tion to the areas spe­cified in Art­icle 32, it shall re­view wheth­er the qual­ity and bio­lo­gic­al safety of the product are guar­an­teed with re­gard to the par­ti­cipants and to hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment.

4 It shall grant au­thor­isa­tion if:

the SECB has con­firmed the qual­ity and bio­lo­gic­al safety of the product with re­gard to the par­ti­cipants and to hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment; and
no ob­jec­tions to the clin­ic­al tri­al have been raised by the FOPH or by the FOEN, based on the as­sess­ment of the en­vir­on­ment­al data.

5 The Agency shall grant au­thor­isa­tion with­in 60 days of ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments. The Agency shall in­form the com­pet­ent fed­er­al and can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies of its de­cision.

6 Au­thor­isa­tions shall re­main val­id for the dur­a­tion of the clin­ic­al tri­al, but for no longer than five years after they are gran­ted.

7 The Agency, the FOPH and the FOEN shall jointly is­sue guidelines on as­sess­ment of risks to hu­man health and the en­vir­on­ment.

Art. 36 Clinical trials of medicinal products or products under Article 2 a paragraph 2 TPA capable of emitting ionising radiation  

1 For Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products or products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA cap­able of emit­ting ion­ising ra­di­ation, the doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 num­ber 5 must ad­di­tion­ally be sub­mit­ted to the Agency.

2 In the case of Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­als, the Agency shall seek an opin­ion from the FOPH be­fore grant­ing au­thor­isa­tion. The FOPH shall re­view com­pli­ance with ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion le­gis­la­tion and the dose es­tim­a­tion.

3 The Agency shall grant au­thor­isa­tion if:

the re­quire­ments covered by Art­icle 32 are met; and
the FOPH has raised no ob­jec­tions to the clin­ic­al tri­al.

4 The Agency shall reach a de­cision on Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­als with­in 60 days of ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments. It shall in­form the FOPH of its de­cision.

5 In the case of Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­als, it shall trans­mit to the FOPH dir­ectly after re­ceipt:

the fi­nal re­port spe­cified in Art­icle 38 para­graph 3 in­clud­ing all in­form­a­tion of rel­ev­ance for ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion, and in par­tic­u­lar a ret­ro­spect­ive par­ti­cipant dose es­tim­a­tion, un­less stip­u­la­tions to the con­trary have been made by the FOPH;
the re­ports spe­cified in Art­icle 41 para­graph 2 and Art­icle 42 para­graph 1.

Section 5 Notifications and Reporting

Art. 37 Notification of safety and protective measures  

1 If im­me­di­ate safety and pro­tect­ive meas­ures have to be taken dur­ing the con­duct of a clin­ic­al tri­al, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall no­ti­fy the eth­ics com­mit­tee of these meas­ures, and of the cir­cum­stances ne­ces­sit­at­ing them, with­in 7 days.

2 In the case of clin­ic­al tri­als of products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA, this no­ti­fic­a­tion shall be made with­in 2 days.

3 For Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als, the no­ti­fic­a­tions spe­cified in para­graphs 1 and 2 shall be made to the Agency. This ob­lig­a­tion rests on the spon­sor.

Art. 38 Notification and reporting upon completion, discontinuation or interruption of a clinical trial  

1 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall no­ti­fy the eth­ics com­mit­tee of the com­ple­tion of the clin­ic­al tri­al in Switzer­land with­in 90 days. Com­ple­tion of a clin­ic­al tri­al is marked by the last par­ti­cipant’s fi­nal fol­low-up vis­it, in the ab­sence of pro­vi­sions to the con­trary in the pro­tocol.

2 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall no­ti­fy the eth­ics com­mit­tee of the dis­con­tinu­ation or in­ter­rup­tion of the clin­ic­al tri­al with­in 15 days. In the no­ti­fic­a­tion, the reas­ons for the dis­con­tinu­ation or in­ter­rup­tion shall be stated.

3 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall sub­mit a fi­nal re­port to the eth­ics com­mit­tee with­in a year after com­ple­tion or dis­con­tinu­ation of the clin­ic­al tri­al, un­less a longer peri­od is spe­cified in the pro­tocol.

4 If a mul­ti­centre clin­ic­al tri­al is dis­con­tin­ued or in­ter­rup­ted at one of the tri­al sites, the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall also no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee con­cerned in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2.

5 For Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als, the no­ti­fic­a­tions and re­ports spe­cified in para­graphs 1–3 shall be made to the Agency. These ob­lig­a­tions rest on the spon­sor.

Art. 39 Documentation of adverse events (AE) in clinical trials of medicinal products  

1 If, in the course of a Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­al of medi­cin­al products, ad­verse events which are not to be clas­si­fied as ser­i­ous oc­cur in par­ti­cipants, they must be doc­u­mented by the in­vest­ig­at­or in a stand­ard­ised man­ner.

2 Ad­verse events oc­cur­ring in the course of a Cat­egory B clin­ic­al tri­al must be doc­u­mented in a stand­ard­ised man­ner, if this is en­vis­aged in the pro­tocol or was re­ques­ted by the au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for au­thor­isa­tion.

3 For Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­als, there is no ob­lig­a­tion to doc­u­ment ad­verse events.

4 The defin­i­tion of ad­verse events is gov­erned by the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice as spe­cified in An­nex 1 num­ber 2.

Art. 40 Serious adverse events (SAE) in clinical trials of medicinal products  

1 If, in the course of a clin­ic­al tri­al, ser­i­ous ad­verse events oc­cur in par­ti­cipants, the in­vest­ig­at­or must doc­u­ment these in a stand­ard­ised man­ner and no­ti­fy the spon­sor with­in 24 hours after they be­come known. Events which are not to be re­por­ted ac­cord­ing to the pro­tocol are ex­emp­ted.

2 In the ab­sence of pro­vi­sions to the con­trary in the pro­tocol, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee of a fatal ser­i­ous ad­verse event oc­cur­ring at a tri­al site in Switzer­land with­in 7 days.

3 In the case of a mul­ti­centre clin­ic­al tri­al, the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall also re­port events as spe­cified in para­graph 2 to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee con­cerned with­in the same peri­od.

4 The defin­i­tion of ser­i­ous ad­verse events is gov­erned by the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice as spe­cified in An­nex 1 num­ber 2.

Art. 41 Suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions (SUSAR) in clinical trials of medicinal products  

1 If, in the course of a clin­ic­al tri­al, a sus­pec­ted un­ex­pec­ted ser­i­ous ad­verse re­ac­tion oc­curs in par­ti­cipants, the in­vest­ig­at­or must doc­u­ment this in a stand­ard­ised man­ner and no­ti­fy the spon­sor with­in 24 hours after it be­comes known.

2 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee of a fatal sus­pec­ted un­ex­pec­ted ser­i­ous ad­verse re­ac­tion oc­cur­ring in Switzer­land with­in 7 days, and of any oth­er sus­pec­ted un­ex­pec­ted ser­i­ous ad­verse re­ac­tion with­in 15 days.

3 If, in the case of a mul­ti­centre clin­ic­al tri­al, a sus­pec­ted un­ex­pec­ted ser­i­ous ad­verse re­ac­tion oc­curs at one of the tri­al sites, the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall also no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee con­cerned in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2, with­in the same peri­od.

4 For Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als, the no­ti­fic­a­tions spe­cified in para­graph 2 shall also be made to the Agency. This ob­lig­a­tion rests on the spon­sor. For Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­als, the spon­sor is sub­ject to the no­ti­fic­a­tion re­quire­ments spe­cified in Art­icle 59 para­graphs 1 and 2 TPA.

5 The defin­i­tion of a sus­pec­ted un­ex­pec­ted ser­i­ous ad­verse re­ac­tion is gov­erned by the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice as spe­cified in An­nex 1 num­ber 2.

Art. 42 Serious adverse events (SAE) and deficiencies in products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA in clinical trials of such products 34  

1 The in­vest­ig­at­or shall, with­in 7 days, no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee of the fol­low­ing:

ser­i­ous ad­verse events which oc­cur in par­ti­cipants in Switzer­land in the course of a Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­al of products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA and where it can­not be ex­cluded that the events are at­trib­ut­able:
to the product un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion, or
to an in­ter­ven­tion un­der­taken in the clin­ic­al tri­al;
de­fi­cien­cies in the product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion that could have led to ser­i­ous ad­verse events if suit­able ac­tion had not been taken, in­ter­ven­tion had not been made, or cir­cum­stances had been less for­tu­nate.

2 If, in the case of a mul­ti­centre clin­ic­al tri­al at one of the tri­al sites, ser­i­ous ad­verse events or de­fi­cien­cies oc­cur de­fi­cien­cies in the product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion, the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall also no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee con­cerned.

3 For a Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­al, the no­ti­fic­a­tions spe­cified in para­graph 1 shall also be made to the Agency. This ob­lig­a­tion rests on the spon­sor. In ad­di­tion, the spon­sor shall no­ti­fy the Agency of any events oc­cur­ring or de­fi­cien­cies in the product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion ob­served abroad. In the case of a Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­al, the spon­sor is sub­ject to the re­port­ing re­quire­ments spe­cified in Art­icle 15 para­graph 1 MedDO35 in its ver­sion of 1 Janu­ary 200236 in ap­plic­a­tion of Art­icle 103 para­graph 2 MedDO.

4 The defin­i­tion of ser­i­ous ad­verse events and de­fi­cien­cies in products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA is gov­erned by the rules of Good Clin­ic­al Prac­tice as spe­cified in An­nex 1.

34 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

35 SR 812.213

36 AS 2001 3487

Art. 43 Reporting on the safety of participants  

1 Once a year, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall present to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee a list of events and de­fi­cien­cies in the product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion and ad­verse re­ac­tions as spe­cified in Art­icles 40–42 and, on this basis, shall sub­mit a re­port on their sever­ity and caus­al re­la­tion­ship to the in­ter­ven­tion, and on the safety of par­ti­cipants (an­nu­al safety re­port, ASR).37

2 In the case of clin­ic­al tri­als also con­duc­ted abroad ac­cord­ing to the same pro­tocol, the events and de­fi­cien­cies in the product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion and ad­verse re­ac­tions oc­cur­ring abroad must also be in­cluded in the list and the re­port.38

3 For Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als, re­ports as spe­cified in para­graphs 1 and 2 must also be sub­mit­ted to the Agency. This ob­lig­a­tion rests on the spon­sor.

37 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

38 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

Art. 44 Assessment, notification and reporting on the use of radiation sources 39  

1 In clin­ic­al tri­als in­volving medi­cin­al products or products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA cap­able of emit­ting ion­ising ra­di­ation, and in in­vest­ig­a­tions us­ing ra­di­ation sources, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall as­sess com­pli­ance with the dose guid­ance value in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 45 of the Ra­di­olo­gic­al Pro­tec­tion Or­din­ance of 26 April 201740.

2 If the per­mit­ted dose guid­ance value is ex­ceeded at any time, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall no­ti­fy the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee with­in sev­en work­ing days of it be­com­ing known.

3 In the case of Cat­egory B and C clin­ic­al tri­als with medi­cin­al products or products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA that emit ion­ising ra­di­ation, no­ti­fic­a­tion in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2 must also be giv­en to the Agency. This ob­lig­a­tion rests on the spon­sor.

4 The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and the Agency may ob­tain spe­cial­ist ad­vice from the FOPH in or­der to as­sess the dose cal­cu­la­tion or the dose es­tim­a­tion and to de­cide what fur­ther meas­ures are re­quired.

5 With­in a year of the com­ple­tion or dis­con­tinu­ation of a clin­ic­al tri­al which in­cluded in­vest­ig­a­tions in­volving ra­dio­act­ive sources, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall sub­mit to the FOPH a fi­nal re­port in­clud­ing all in­form­a­tion of rel­ev­ance for ra­di­olo­gic­al pro­tec­tion, and in par­tic­u­lar a ret­ro­spect­ive par­ti­cipant dose es­tim­a­tion.

6 The re­port­ing re­quire­ments in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 5 do not ap­ply in the case of routine nuc­le­ar medi­cine ex­am­in­a­tions in­volving au­thor­ised ra­dio­phar­ma­ceut­ic­als.

7 With­in the frame­work of the opin­ion de­livered in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 28, or on re­quest, the FOPH may spe­cify fur­ther ex­emp­tions from the re­port­ing re­quire­ments in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 5.

39 Amended by An­nex 11 No 6 of the Ra­di­olo­gic­al Pro­tec­tion Or­din­ance of 26 Apr. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 4261).

40 SR 814.501

Art. 45 Data retention requirements  

1 The spon­sor must re­tain all data re­lat­ing to the clin­ic­al tri­al un­til the ex­piry date of the last batch sup­plied of the medi­cin­al product un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion or of the last product un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA man­u­fac­tured, but at least for ten years after the com­ple­tion or dis­con­tinu­ation of the clin­ic­al tri­al. In the case of products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA that can be im­planted, the re­ten­tion peri­od amounts to a min­im­um of 15 years.41

2 The in­vest­ig­at­or must re­tain all doc­u­ments re­quired for the iden­ti­fic­a­tion and fol­low-up of par­ti­cipants, and all oth­er ori­gin­al data, for at least ten years after the com­ple­tion or dis­con­tinu­ation of the clin­ic­al tri­al. In the case of products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA that can be im­planted, the re­ten­tion peri­od amounts to a min­im­um of 15 years.42

3 For clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant products and for clin­ic­al tri­als of blood and blood products, the re­ten­tion re­quire­ments are gov­erned by Art­icle 40 para­graph 1 TPA.

41 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

42 Amended by An­nex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

Section 6 Inspections and Official Measures

Art. 46 Agency inspections  

1 The Agency is en­titled to in­spect all clin­ic­al tri­als of medi­cin­al products, products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA or trans­plant products.

2 If the Agency car­ries out in­spec­tions, it shall in­form in ad­vance the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and oth­er com­pet­ent can­ton­al and fed­er­al au­thor­it­ies. They may par­ti­cip­ate in the in­spec­tion.

3 The Agency’s powers are gov­erned by Art­icle 62 of the Medi­cin­al Products Au­thor­isa­tion Or­din­ance of 14 Novem­ber 201843.

4 The Agency may ad­di­tion­ally carry out in­spec­tions abroad at the spon­sor’s ex­pense, if this is ne­ces­sary to as­sess the clin­ic­al tri­al con­duc­ted in Switzer­land. The spon­sor must be in­formed in ad­vance.

5 The Agency shall in­form the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and oth­er com­pet­ent can­ton­al and fed­er­al au­thor­it­ies of the res­ults of the in­spec­tion.

43 SR 812.212.1. The ref­er­ence has been amended on 1 Jan. 2019 pur­su­ant to Art. 12 para. 2 of the Pub­lic­a­tions Act of 18 June 2004 (SR 170.512).

Art. 47 Official measures of the Agency  

The Agency may re­voke or sus­pend the au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted or make the con­tinu­ation of the clin­ic­al tri­al sub­ject to ad­di­tion­al con­di­tions, in par­tic­u­lar if:

the safety or health of par­ti­cipants is at risk, par­tic­u­larly as a res­ult of in­ad­equate product safety or man­u­fac­tur­ing de­fects;
the qual­ity of the data col­lec­ted is poor;
the clin­ic­al tri­al is not con­duc­ted in ac­cord­ance with the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments ap­proved by the Agency or by the eth­ics com­mit­tee;
the au­thor­isa­tion and no­ti­fic­a­tion re­quire­ments have not been com­plied with.
Art. 48 Coordination and information  

1 The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee, the Agency and the oth­er com­pet­ent can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies shall co­ordin­ate in ad­vance the of­fi­cial meas­ures to be taken.

2 The right is re­served to take meas­ures which have to be ordered without delay in or­der to pro­tect the safety or health of the per­sons con­cerned. The eth­ics com­mit­tees and the oth­er com­pet­ent fed­er­al and can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies shall im­me­di­ately in­form each oth­er about such meas­ures.

Chapter 3 Authorisation and Notification Procedures for Clinical Trials of the Transplantation of Human Organs, Tissues and Cells

Section 1 General Provisions

Art. 49 Categorisation  

1 A clin­ic­al tri­al of the trans­plant­a­tion of hu­man or­gans, tis­sues and cells comes un­der Cat­egory A if the trans­plant­a­tion to be in­vest­ig­ated is re­cog­nised as stand­ard in guidelines pre­pared in ac­cord­ance with in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cep­ted qual­ity cri­ter­ia.

2 A clin­ic­al tri­al of the trans­plant­a­tion of hu­man or­gans, tis­sues and cells comes un­der Cat­egory C if the trans­plant­a­tion to be in­vest­ig­ated is not re­cog­nised as stand­ard as spe­cified in para­graph 1.

3 Clin­ic­al tri­als of the trans­plant­a­tion of em­bryon­ic and foet­al tis­sues and cells come un­der Cat­egory C.

Art. 50 Information and coordination in authorisation procedures  

1 The in­vest­ig­at­or and the spon­sor may sim­ul­tan­eously sub­mit ap­plic­a­tions to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and to the FOPH.

2 The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and the FOPH shall in­form each oth­er about mat­ters re­lat­ing to the re­view areas spe­cified both in Art­icle 25 and in Art­icle 53, and shall co­ordin­ate their as­sess­ments.

Section 2 Procedure for the Responsible Ethics Committee

Art. 51  

For the pro­ced­ure for the au­thor­isa­tion of clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion by the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee, Art­icles 24–29 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.

Section 3 Procedure for the FOPH

Art. 52 Exemption from mandatory authorisation  

Cat­egory A clin­ic­al tri­als are ex­emp­ted from the re­quire­ment for au­thor­isa­tion from the FOPH spe­cified in Art­icle 36 para­graph 1 of the Trans­plant­a­tion Act.

Art. 53 Review areas  

For clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion, the FOPH shall re­view:

the com­plete­ness of the ap­plic­a­tion;
the ori­gin of the or­gans, tis­sues or cells used in the clin­ic­al tri­al;
com­pli­ance with the re­quire­ments of the trans­plant­a­tion le­gis­la­tion, par­tic­u­larly with re­gard to the du­ties of care in the hand­ling of or­gans, tis­sues and cells, and the al­loc­a­tion of or­gans;
the avail­ab­il­ity of the au­thor­isa­tions re­quired in ac­cord­ance with the Trans­plant­a­tion Act;
oth­er areas, where this is ne­ces­sary to as­sess the safety and qual­ity of the or­gans, tis­sues or cells used.
Art. 54 Authorisation procedure  

1 The spon­sor shall sub­mit to the FOPH the ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 for re­view.

2 The FOPH may re­quest ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion.

3 For the pro­ced­ure and dead­lines, Art­icle 33 ap­plies mu­tatis mutandis.

Art. 55 Changes  

1 Sig­ni­fic­ant changes to an au­thor­ised clin­ic­al tri­al must be au­thor­ised by the FOPH be­fore be­ing im­ple­men­ted. Ex­empt from this re­quire­ment are meas­ures which have to be taken im­me­di­ately in or­der to pro­tect the par­ti­cipants.

2 The spon­sor must sub­mit to the FOPH any ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 which are af­fected by the change. At the same time, the spon­sor shall provide in­form­a­tion on the reas­ons for the change.

3 The fol­low­ing are con­sidered to be sig­ni­fic­ant changes:

new sci­entif­ic know­ledge, based in par­tic­u­lar on new pre­clin­ic­al or clin­ic­al data, which af­fects the as­sess­ment of the safety of the or­gans, tis­sues or cells used; or
changes re­lat­ing to the ori­gin, the tests to be per­formed or the stor­age of the or­gans, tis­sues or cells used.

4 Also con­sidered sig­ni­fic­ant in the case of clin­ic­al tri­als of the trans­plant­a­tion of em­bryon­ic or foet­al tis­sues and cells are changes which may af­fect the safety of the par­ti­cipants.

5 The FOPH shall reach a de­cision with­in 30 days of re­ceipt of the com­plete set of ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments af­fected by the change. Art­icle 33 ap­plies mu­tatis mutandis.

6 Oth­er changes which af­fect doc­u­ments sub­mit­ted to the FOPH must be no­ti­fied to the FOPH as quickly as pos­sible.

Art. 56 Special provisions for clinical trials of the transplantation of embryonic or foetal tissues and cells  

1 The FOPH shall grant au­thor­isa­tion if, in ad­di­tion to Art­icle 53, the re­quire­ments spe­cified in Art­icle 34 of the Trans­plant­a­tion Or­din­ance of 16 March 200744 are met.

2 It shall grant au­thor­isa­tion with­in 60 days or, in the case of sig­ni­fic­ant changes, with­in 30 days after re­ceipt of the com­plete ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments.

3 For clin­ic­al tri­als of the trans­plant­a­tion of em­bryon­ic or foet­al tis­sues and cells, Art­icles 35, 36 and 38 of the Trans­plant­a­tion Or­din­ance ad­di­tion­ally ap­ply.

Section 4 Notifications and Reporting

Art. 57  

1 For no­ti­fic­a­tions and re­port­ing in the case of clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion, Art­icles 37–41, 43 and 44 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.45

2 The ob­lig­a­tions which must be ful­filled un­der these pro­vi­sions vis-à-vis the Agency are to be ful­filled, for clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion, vis-à-vis the FOPH.

3 For clin­ic­al tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion, the du­ties of the spon­sor and the in­vest­ig­at­or con­cern­ing doc­u­ment­a­tion, trace­ab­il­ity and re­ten­tion of re­cords are gov­erned by Art­icles 34 and 35 of the Trans­plant­a­tion Act.

45 Cor­rec­tion of 27 Dec. 2013 (AS 2013 5579).

Section 5 Inspections and Official Measures

Art. 58 FOPH inspections  

1 The FOPH may carry out in­spec­tions at any time and in­spect all doc­u­ments and data re­lat­ing to a clin­ic­al tri­al of trans­plant­a­tion. It may re­quest the can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies or third parties to carry out in­spec­tions.

2 Oth­er powers and du­ties of co­oper­a­tion are gov­erned by Art­icle 63 para­graphs 2 and 3 and Art­icle 64 of the Trans­plant­a­tion Act.

Art. 59 Official measures  

1 The FOPH may re­voke or sus­pend the au­thor­isa­tion gran­ted or make the con­tinu­ation of the clin­ic­al tri­al sub­ject to ad­di­tion­al con­di­tions, par­tic­u­larly if:

it has reas­on to as­sume that the re­quire­ments are no longer met, the doc­u­ments spe­cified in Art­icle 54 have been changed without due no­ti­fic­a­tion hav­ing been made, or the tri­al is not be­ing con­duc­ted in ac­cord­ance with these doc­u­ments;
such meas­ures are ne­ces­sit­ated by new in­form­a­tion con­cern­ing safety or the sci­entif­ic basis.

2 For the co­ordin­a­tion of meas­ures and the ex­change of in­form­a­tion between the FOPH, the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee and oth­er com­pet­ent can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies, Art­icle 48 ap­plies mu­tatis mutandis.

Chapter 4 Other Clinical Trials

Section 1 General Provisions

Art. 60 Scope  

This Chapter ap­plies to clin­ic­al tri­als which are neither tri­als of medi­cin­al products, products un­der Art­icle 2a para­graph 2 TPA or trans­plant products nor tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion.

Art. 61 Categorisation  

1 A clin­ic­al tri­al comes un­der Cat­egory A if the health-re­lated in­ter­ven­tion in­vest­ig­ated:

en­tails only min­im­al risks and bur­dens; or
is re­cog­nised as stand­ard in guidelines pre­pared in ac­cord­ance with in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­cep­ted qual­ity cri­ter­ia.

2 A clin­ic­al tri­al comes un­der Cat­egory B if the health-re­lated in­ter­ven­tion in­vest­ig­ated:

en­tails more than min­im­al risks and bur­dens; and
is not re­cog­nised as stand­ard as spe­cified in para­graph 1 let­ter b.

Section 2 Authorisation and Notification Procedures for the Responsible Ethics Committee

Art. 62 Applicable provisions  

The pro­vi­sions which ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis are:

for the au­thor­isa­tion pro­ced­ure for clin­ic­al tri­als, Art­icles 24–29;
for the no­ti­fic­a­tion of safety and pro­tect­ive meas­ures, Art­icle 37 para­graph 1;
for no­ti­fic­a­tion and re­port­ing upon com­ple­tion, dis­con­tinu­ation or in­ter­rup­tion of a clin­ic­al tri­al, Art­icle 38 para­graphs 1–4;
for re­port­ing on the safety of par­ti­cipants, Art­icle 43 para­graphs 1 and 2;
for data re­ten­tion re­quire­ments, Art­icle 45 para­graph 2.
Art. 63 Documentation and notification of serious adverse events  

1 If, in the course of a clin­ic­al tri­al, ser­i­ous ad­verse events oc­cur in par­ti­cipants in Switzer­land, and it can­not be ex­cluded that the events are at­trib­ut­able to the in­ter­ven­tion un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion, the in­vest­ig­at­or must doc­u­ment them in a stand­ard­ised man­ner. In ad­di­tion, the in­vest­ig­at­or shall re­port these events:

to the spon­sor with­in 24 hours after they be­come known; and
to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee with­in 15 days.

2 A ser­i­ous ad­verse event is defined as any event which:

re­quires in­pa­tient treat­ment not en­vis­aged in the pro­tocol or ex­tends a cur­rent hos­pit­al stay;
res­ults in per­man­ent or sig­ni­fic­ant in­ca­pa­city or dis­ab­il­ity;
is life-threat­en­ing or res­ults in death; or
causes a con­gen­it­al an­om­aly or birth de­fect.

3 If ne­ces­sary in or­der to guar­an­tee par­ti­cipants’ safety and health, fur­ther ad­verse events which must be doc­u­mented or re­por­ted are to be des­ig­nated in the pro­tocol or at the re­quest of the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee.

4 If, in the case of a mul­ti­centre clin­ic­al tri­al, ser­i­ous ad­verse events oc­cur at one of the tri­al sites, the co­ordin­at­ing in­vest­ig­at­or shall also re­port the events as spe­cified in para­graphs 1 and 3 to the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee con­cerned, with­in the same peri­od.46

46 Cor­rec­tion of 27 Dec. 2013 (AS 2013 5579).

Chapter 5 Registration

Art. 64 Approved registries and data to be entered  

1 For an au­thor­ised clin­ic­al tri­al, the spon­sor must re­gister the data spe­cified in An­nex 5 num­ber 1:

in a primary re­gistry47 re­cog­nised by the World Health Or­gan­iz­a­tion (WHO); or
in the re­gistry of the U.S. Na­tion­al Lib­rary of Medi­cine48.

2 The spon­sor shall ad­di­tion­ally enter the data spe­cified in An­nex 5 num­ber 2 in the sup­ple­ment­ary fed­er­al data­base, us­ing a Swiss na­tion­al lan­guage.

3 The data must be entered in the form au­thor­ised by the re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee.

47 The re­gis­tries can be con­sul­ted at: www.who.int > Pro­grammes and pro­jects > Clin­ic­al Tri­als – In­ter­na­tion­al Re­gistry Plat­form.

48 The re­gistry can be con­sul­ted at: www.clin­ic­al­tri­als.gov

Art. 65 Time of registration  

1 The re­gis­tra­tion spe­cified in Art­icle 64 must be per­formed be­fore the clin­ic­al tri­al is con­duc­ted, sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of para­graph 2.

2 Clin­ic­al tri­als in which the medi­cin­al product un­der in­vest­ig­a­tion is be­ing ad­min­istered to adult per­sons for the first time (Phase I clin­ic­al tri­als) must be re­gistered no later than one year after the com­ple­tion of the clin­ic­al tri­al.

3 The spon­sor must up­date the data entered in ac­cord­ance with the re­quire­ments of the re­gistry in ques­tion, as spe­cified in Art­icle 64 para­graph 1, but at least once a year.

Art. 66 Responsibility  

The spon­sor is re­spons­ible for the ac­cur­acy and com­plete­ness of the data entered.

Art. 67 Portal  

1 Pub­lic ac­cess to in­form­a­tion on clin­ic­al tri­als con­duc­ted in Switzer­land shall be guar­an­teed by a portal provid­ing ac­cess to one or more re­gis­tries.

2 The portal shall en­able in par­tic­u­lar:

link­ing of data in the sup­ple­ment­ary fed­er­al data­base to data in the ap­proved re­gistry, as spe­cified in Art­icle 64 para­graph 1;
search­ing for clin­ic­al tri­als by keywords.

3 The op­er­a­tion of the portal and of the sup­ple­ment­ary fed­er­al data­base shall be guar­an­teed by the co­ordin­a­tion of­fice spe­cified in Art­icle 10 of the HRA Or­gan­isa­tion Or­din­ance of 20 Septem­ber 201349.

Chapter 6 Final Provisions

Art. 68 Updating of Annexes  

The Fed­er­al De­part­ment of Home Af­fairs may up­date An­nexes 1–5 in ac­cord­ance with in­ter­na­tion­al or tech­nic­al de­vel­op­ments. It shall un­der­take up­dates which may give rise to tech­nic­al bar­ri­ers to trade in con­sulta­tion with the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs, Edu­ca­tion and Re­search.

Art. 69 Repeal of other legislation  

The fol­low­ing Or­din­ances shall be re­pealed:

Or­din­ance of 14 June 199350 on the Waiver of Pro­fes­sion­al Con­fid­en­ti­al­ity in Med­ic­al Re­search;
Or­din­ance of 17 Oc­to­ber 200151 on Clin­ic­al Tri­als of medi­cin­al products, in vitro dia­gnost­ic med­ic­al devices or com­bin­a­tions un­der Art­icle 2 let­ters f–h MedDO;
HIV Stud­ies Or­din­ance of 30 June 199352.

50 [AS 1993 1983]

51 [AS 2001 3511, 2004 4037No I 6, 2007 5651No II 3, 2010 1215An­nex 7 4043, 2012 2777An­nex 5 No 4]

52 [AS 1993 2294]

Art. 70 Amendment of other legislation  

The amend­ment of oth­er le­gis­la­tion is reg­u­lated in An­nex 6.

Art. 71 Transitional provisions for clinical trials authorised under existing law  

1 Clin­ic­al tri­als of thera­peut­ic products and trans­plant products and tri­als of trans­plant­a­tion which were au­thor­ised be­fore 1 Janu­ary 2014 are con­sidered to be Cat­egory C clin­ic­al tri­als.

2 Oth­er au­thor­ised clin­ic­al tri­als are con­sidered to be Cat­egory B clin­ic­al tri­als.

3 On re­quest, the au­thor­ity which au­thor­ised the clin­ic­al tri­al be­fore 1 Janu­ary 2014 may as­sign the clin­ic­al tri­al to a dif­fer­ent cat­egory. In this case, the li­ab­il­ity, cov­er­age, no­ti­fic­a­tion, re­port­ing and doc­u­ment­a­tion re­quire­ments are gov­erned by the new law.

4 The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee shall make the de­cision spe­cified in para­graph 3 ac­cord­ing to the sim­pli­fied pro­ced­ure spe­cified in Art­icle 6 of the HRA Or­gan­isa­tion Or­din­ance of 20 Septem­ber 201353.

5 The as­sess­ment of sig­ni­fic­ant changes is gov­erned by the new law.

Art. 72 Transitional provision for clinical trials not subject to authorisation under existing law  

The re­spons­ible eth­ics com­mit­tee shall make a de­cision on ap­plic­a­tions con­cern­ing clin­ic­al tri­als not sub­ject to au­thor­isa­tion un­der ex­ist­ing law, sub­mit­ted in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 67 para­graph 2 HRA, with­in six months after ac­know­ledge­ment of re­ceipt of the form­ally cor­rect ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments.

Art. 73 Transitional provision concerning mandatory registration  

The spon­sor of an au­thor­ised clin­ic­al tri­al which is not com­pleted with­in a year after the com­mence­ment of the HRA must, with­in six months, enter the data spe­cified in An­nex 5 num­ber 1 in a re­gistry, as spe­cified in Art­icle 64 para­graph 1.

Art. 74 Entry into force  

This Or­din­ance enters in­to force on 1 Janu­ary 2014.

Annex 1 54

54 Revised by No I of the FDHA Ordinance of 24 March 2017 (AS 2017 2439) and Annex No 1 of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 26 Nov. 2017 (AS 2017 5935).

(Art. 3, 5, 19, 39–42)

Rules and classifications

1 Guidelines on scientific integrity

The applicable guidelines are the Principles and Procedures for Integrity in Scientific Research issued by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, in the version dated 28 February 200855.

55 These guidelines can be obtained against payment or consulted free of charge at the Federal Office of Public Health, CH-3003 Bern; they can also be accessed online at: www.akademien-schweiz.ch > Publications > Guidelines and Recommendations.

2 Rules of Good Clinical Practice

The applicable rules of Good Clinical Practice are:

for clinical trials of medicinal products and transplant products: the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice issued by the International Conference on Harmonisation, in the version dated 9 November 201656 (ICH Guideline);
for clinical trials of products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA: Annexes VIII and X to Directive 93/42/EEC57 and Annexes 6 and 7 to Directive 90/385/EEC58 and the requirements specified in EN ISO 14155:201159. The definition of serious adverse events in accordance with Article 42 is based on the Guidelines on in vitro diagnostic medical devices and products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA (MEDDEV 2.7/3) of May 201560;
for clinical trials as specified in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Ordinance: the ICH Guideline mutatis mutandis.

56 This Guideline can be obtained against payment or consulted free of charge at the Federal Office of Public Health, CH-3003 Bern; it can also be accessed online at: www.ich.org > work products > Efficacy Guidelines.

57 Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices, OJ L 169, 12.7.1993, p. 1; last amended by Directive 2007/47/EC, OJ L 247, 21.9.2007, p. 21.

58 Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices, OJ L 189, 20.7.1990, p. 17; last amended by Directive 2007/47/EC, OJ L 247, 21.9.2007, p. 21.

59 This standard can be consulted free of charge at the Federal Office of Public Health, CH‑3003 Bern and at the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, CH-3003 Bern. It can also be purchased from the Swiss Association for Standardisation, Sulzerallee 70, 8404Winterthur; www.snv.ch.

60 These guidelines can be consulted free of charge at the Federal Office of Public Health, CH-3003 Bern, or accessed online at: www.ec.europa.eu/growth/ > Sectors > Medical devices > Guidance.

3 International Classification of Diseases

The applicable classification is the 2010 version of the International Classification of Diseases issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) (ICD-10)61; the relevant disease groups are those identified by three-character codes.

61 The classification can be obtained against payment or consulted free of charge at the Federal Office of Public Health, CH-3003 Bern; it can also be accessed online at: www.who.int > Health topics > Classifications of disease.

Annex 2

(Art. 13)

Policy values for liability coverage

For Category A clinical trials where any measures for the collection of health-related personal data or the sampling of biological material entail more than only minimal risks and burdens, the policy value shall be at least:
per person: 250 000 Swiss francs;
for damage to property: 20 000 Swiss francs;
for the entire clinical trial: 3 million Swiss francs.
For other clinical trials, the policy value shall be at least:
per person: 1 million Swiss francs;
for damage to property: 50 000 Swiss francs;
for the entire clinical trial: 10 million Swiss francs.

Annex 3 62

62 Revised by Annex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

(Art. 24, 27–29)

Application documents to be submitted to the responsible ethics committee for the procedure for clinical trials

1 Application documents for Category A clinical trials of medicinal products, products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA and transplant products

Basic form, including a summary of the protocol in the national language of the trial site and reasons for the requested categorisation;
case report form (CRF);
information sheet and informed consent form, and recruitment documents, in particular the wording of announcements or advertisements;
other documents issued to participants;
information on the type and amount of remuneration for participants;
for clinical trials of medicinal products: the prescribing information;
for clinical trials of products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA that have been reported pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 3 MedDO63 in its version of 1 January 200264 in application of Article 108 paragraph 1 letter b MedDO: the information provided in the report on conformity, the intended use and instructions;
for clinical trials not using proprietary products: proof of compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice and correct labelling of the medicinal products, products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA;
the investigator’s CV, including evidence of his or her knowledge and experience, and a list of the other persons conducting the clinical trial, indicating their responsibilities and relevant professional knowledge;
information on the suitability and availability of infrastructure at the trial site;
information on the secure handling of personal data;
agreements between the sponsor, or third parties acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator, in particular with regard to the financing of the clinical trial, remuneration of the investigator and publication;
certificate of insurance or other proof of coverage for possible damage, including agreements on this matter between the sponsor, or a third party acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator;
any decisions or opinions of ethics committees abroad concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given.

2 Application documents for Category B and C clinical trials of medicinal products, products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA or transplant products

Basic form, including a summary of the protocol in the national language of the trial site and reasons for the requested categorisation;
case report form (CRF);
information sheet and informed consent form, and recruitment documents, in particular the wording of announcements or advertisements;
other documents issued to participants;
information on the type and amount of remuneration for participants;
for Category B clinical trials of medicinal products: the prescribing information and the Investigator’s Brochure (IB), giving details of how the use of the product differs from the dosage/indication specified in the prescribing information;
for Category C clinical trials of medicinal products: the Investigator’s Brochure (IB);
for Category C clinical trials of medical devices with no assessment of conformity: the documents specified in Annex 4 number 3.4 letter a;
for Category C clinical trials of products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA that have been reported pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 3 MedDO in its version of 1 January 2002 in application of Article 108 paragraph 1 letter b MedDO and which are not used in accordance with the intended purpose or the instructions: the documents specified in Annex 4 number 3.5 letters a–d;
the investigator’s CV, including evidence of his or her knowledge and experience, and a list of the other persons conducting the clinical trial, indicating their responsibilities and relevant professional knowledge;
information on the suitability and availability of infrastructure at the trial site;
information on the secure handling of personal data;
agreements between the sponsor, or third parties acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator, in particular with regard to the financing of the clinical trial, remuneration of the investigator and publication;
certificate of insurance or other proof of coverage for possible damage, including agreements on this matter between the sponsor, or a third party acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator;
for clinical trials of gene therapy: the information specified in Annex 4 number 4;
any decisions or opinions of ethics committees abroad concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given.

65 Correction of 27 Dec. 2013 (AS 2013 5579).

3 Application documents for clinical trials of transplantation and for clinical trials not involving medicinal products or products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA

Basic form, including a summary of the protocol in the national language of the trial site and reasons for the requested categorisation;
case report form (CRF);
information sheet and informed consent form, and recruitment documents, in particular the wording of announcements or advertisements;
other documents issued to participants;
information on the type and amount of remuneration for participants;
for clinical trials of transplantation of human organs, tissues and cells: information on donor information and consent;
for Category A clinical trials of transplantation of human organs, tissues and cells: in addition to the information specified in number 3.7, information on:
the origin and quality of the organs, tissues or cells used, and in particular on the tests performed in this connection,
compliance with duties of care, particularly with regard to the assessment of fitness to donate and mandatory testing, and the subsequent handling of organs, tissue and cells,
authorisation, if handling of the organs, tissues or cells used is subject to authorisation under the Transplantation Act;
the investigator’s CV, including evidence of his or her knowledge and experience, and a list of the other persons conducting the clinical trial, indicating their responsibilities and relevant professional knowledge;
information on the suitability and availability of infrastructure at the trial site;
information on the secure handling of personal data;
agreements between the sponsor, or third parties acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator, in particular with regard to the financing of the clinical trial, remuneration of the investigator and publication;
certificate of insurance or other proof of coverage for possible damage, including agreements on this matter between the sponsor, or a third party acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator;
for clinical trials of transplantation of genetically modified human organs, tissues and cells: the information specified in Annex 4 number 6.7;
any decisions or opinions of ethics committees abroad concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given.

4 Application documents for the ethics committees concerned in multicentre clinical trials

Basic form, including a summary of the protocol in the national language of the trial site and reasons for the requested categorisation;
information sheet and informed consent form, and recruitment documents, in particular the wording of announcements or advertisements, used at the site in question;
the CV of the investigator responsible at the site in question, including evidence of his or her knowledge and experience, and a list of the other persons conducting the clinical trial at the site in question, indicating their responsibilities and relevant professional knowledge;
information on the suitability and availability of infrastructure at the trial site in question;
agreements between the sponsor, or third parties acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the coordinating investigator and other investigators at the other sites, in particular with regard to the remuneration of the investigator at the site in question;
certificate of insurance or other proof of coverage for possible damage occurring at the trial site in question, including agreements on this matter between the sponsor, or a third party acting on the sponsor’s behalf, and the investigator.

5 Additional application documents for Category A clinical trials of medicinal products or products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA capable of emitting ionising radiation, and for investigations involving radiation sources

Details of all relevant radiological protection aspects, and in particular a calculation or estimate of the effective dose, organ doses and any tumour doses;
the licences required under Article 28 of the Radiological Protection Act of 22 March 199166.

6 Additional application documents for clinical trials which include investigations involving radiation sources and require an opinion from the FOPH in accordance with Article 28 paragraph 2

Information on the properties of the radiopharmaceutical, and in particular on pharmacokinetics, quality, stability, radiochemical purity and radionuclide purity;
for authorised radiopharmaceuticals: the prescribing information;
for non-authorised radiopharmaceuticals: information on the manufacturing and quality control processes for the radiopharmaceutical, the names of the persons responsible for these processes and details of their professional qualifications;
the names of the persons responsible for the use of the radiopharmaceutical in humans and details of their professional qualifications;
information specified in the FOPH form for clinical trials of radiopharmaceuticals or radiolabelled compounds67.

67 This form can be obtained [in French/German] from the Federal Office of Public Health, Radiological Protection Division, CH-3003 Bern; it can also be accessed online at: www.bag.admin.ch > Themen > Strahlung, Radioaktivität und Schall.

Annex 4 68

68 Revised by Annex 2 No 2 of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 26 May 2022 (AS 2022 294).

(Art. 31, 34–36, 54, 55)

Application documents to be submitted to the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products or to the FOPH for the procedure for clinical trials of medicinal products, products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA or transplant products, clinical trials of gene therapy and of genetically modified or pathogenic organisms, and clinical trials of transplantation

1 Application documents for Category B clinical trials of medicinal products and transplant products

Basic form;
prescribing information for the medicinal product or transplant product;
documents on the quality of the medicinal product, only concerning any changes in the composition and manufacturing thereof;
Investigator’s Brochure (IB), only concerning changes in the administration of the medicinal product;
proof of compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP);
proof of compliance with correct labelling;
any decisions of foreign drug regulatory authorities concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given;
information on any applications currently being reviewed by an ethics committee in Switzerland, and on any decisions of ethics committees in Switzerland.

2 Application documents for Category C clinical trials of medicinal products and transplant products

Basic form;
documents on the quality of the medicinal product or transplant product;
Investigator’s Brochure (IB), including information on risk assessment; if the medicinal product under investigation is authorised for the proposed use in a country with a comparable drug regulation system, the relevant prescribing information may be submitted; for clinical trials in which the medicinal product or transplant product under investigation is being used in persons for the first time: in addition, the study reports cited in the IB;
for trials of transplant products or gene therapy: documents on preclinical and toxicology studies;
proof of compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP);
proof of compliance with correct labelling;
any decisions of foreign drug regulatory authorities concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given;
information on any applications currently being reviewed by an ethics committee in Switzerland, and on any decisions of ethics committees in Switzerland.

3 Application documents for Category C clinical trials of products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA

Basic form;
case report form (CRF);
for clinical trials of a product under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA that has not been reported pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 3 MedDO69 in its version of 1 January 200270 in application of Article 108 paragraph 1 letter b MedDO: the relevant documentation, comprising:
Investigator’s Brochure (IB), with a compilation of current clinical and non-clinical information on the product under investigation and its components,
list of the applicable standards for products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA and description of all deviations,
documentation of and reasons for any deviations from the standard ISO 14155,
manufacturer’s statement or release in accordance with Annex VIII to Directive 93/42/EEC71 or Annex 6 to Directive 90/385/EEC72,
confirmation that documentation is being kept available as specified in Annex VIII to Directive 93/42/EEC or Annex 6 to Directive 90/385/EEC,
if the sponsor of the clinical trial and the manufacturer of the product are not identical: agreement on risk management between the sponsor and manufacturer;
for clinical trials of a product under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA that has been reported pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 3 MedDO in its version of 1 January 2002 in application of Article 108 paragraph 1 letter b MedDO which is not used in accordance with the intended purpose or the instructions: the relevant documentation, comprising:
information on the conformity of the product under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA,
product information on the product under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA,
risk analysis for the new use and safety measures derived therefrom,
other elements of the IB concerning the new use,
list of the applicable standards for products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA, description of deviations from these standards associated with the new use,
documentation of and reasons for any deviations from the standard ISO 14155;
information sheet and informed consent form;
any decisions of foreign medical device regulatory authorities concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given;
information on any applications currently being reviewed by an ethics committee in Switzerland, and on any decisions of ethics committees in Switzerland.

69 SR 812.213

70 AS 2001 3487

71 Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices, OJ L 169, 12.7.1993, p. 1; last amended by Directive 2007/47/EC, OJ L 247, 21.9.2007, p. 21.

72 Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices, OJ L 189, 20.7.1990, p. 17; last amended by Directive 2007/47/EC, OJ L 247, 21.9.2007, p. 21.

4 Additional application documents for Category B and C clinical trials of gene therapy and of genetically modified or pathogenic organisms

Information on the risks of the investigational product containing genetically modified or pathogenic organisms;
risk assessment of the conduct of the clinical trial with regard to the protection of human health and the environment;
a description of the safety measures required for the protection of human and animal health and the environment, and in particular to prevent the release of microorganisms into the environment during and after transplantation, and during transport, storage and disposal.

5 Additional application documents for clinical trials of medicinal products or products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA capable of emitting ionising radiation

Details of all relevant radiological protection aspects, and in particular a calculation or estimate of the effective dose, organ doses and any tumour doses;
the licences required under Article 28 of the Radiological Protection Act of 22 March 199173;
for medicinal products or products under Article 2a paragraph 2 TPA containing radioactive sources74:
information on the properties of the radiopharmaceutical, and in particular on pharmacokinetics, quality, stability, radiochemical purity and radionuclide purity,
for authorised radiopharmaceuticals: the prescribing information,
for non-authorised radiopharmaceuticals: information on the manufacturing and quality control processes for the radiopharmaceutical, the names of the persons responsible for these processes and details of their professional qualifications,
the names of the persons responsible for the use of the radiopharmaceutical in humans and details of their professional qualifications,
information specified in the FOPH form for clinical trials of radiopharmaceuticals or radiolabelled compounds75.

73 SR 814.50

74 German text amended by Annex 11 No 6 of the Radiological Protection Ordinance of 26 Apr. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 4261).

75 This form can be obtained [in French/German] from the Federal Office of Public Health, Radiological Protection Division, CH-3003 Bern; it can also be accessed online at: www.bag.admin.ch > Themen > Strahlung, Radioaktivität und Schall.

6 Application documents for Category C clinical trials of transplantation of human organs, tissues and cells

Basic form;
proof of the origin of the organs, tissues or cells used;
documents on the quality of the organs, tissues or cells used, and in particular on the tests performed;
proof of compliance with duties of care, particularly with regard to the assessment of fitness to donate and mandatory testing, and the procedure in the event of reactive test results;
proof of compliance with correct labelling;
authorisation, if handling of the organs, tissues or cells used is subject to authorisation;
any decisions of foreign regulatory authorities concerning the clinical trial, including any conditions imposed and the reasons given;
information on any applications currently being reviewed by an ethics committee in Switzerland, and on any decisions of ethics committees in Switzerland.

Annex 5

(Art. 64)

Content of registration

1 Data to be entered in a registry

The data specified in Version 1.2.1 of the WHO Trial Registration Data Set76 must be entered in a registry as specified in Article 64 paragraph 1.

76 The Trial Registration Data Set can be consulted free of charge at the Federal Office of Public Health, CH-3003 Bern: www.bag.admin.ch. It can also be accessed online at: www.who.int > Programmes and projects > Clinical Trials – International Registry Platform > Registry Network.

2 Data to be entered in the supplementary database

In the supplementary database specified in Article 64 paragraph 2, the following data must be entered in a Swiss national language:

the name of the registry specified in Article 64 paragraph 1 in which the data was entered, together with the time of registration and the identification number issued by the registry;
the title of the clinical trial and a summary of the study protocol in lay‑friendly language;
the health-related intervention being studied;
the disease or condition being studied;
eligibility and exclusion criteria;
trial sites.

Annex 6

(Art. 70)

Amendment of other legislation

The following ordinances are amended as follows:


77 The amendments may be consulted under AS 20133407.

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