Federal Act
on the Free Movement of Lawyers
(Lawyers Act, FMLA)

of 23 June 2000 (Status as of 23 January 2023)

The Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation,

on the basis of Article 95 of the Federal Constitution1,
in implementation of the Agreement of 21 June 19992 between the Swiss Confederation, of the one part, and the European Community and its member states, of the other, on the Free Movement of Persons,
and having considered the Federal Council Dispatch dated 28 April 19993,


Section 1 General

Art. 1 Subject matter  

This Act guar­an­tees free move­ment for law­yers and set outs the prin­ciples for prac­tising as a law­yer in Switzer­land.

Art. 2 Personal scope  

1 This Act ap­plies to per­sons who hold a law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate and who rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies in Switzer­land in terms of the law­yers’ mono­poly.

2 It sets out the mod­al­it­ies by which parties may be rep­res­en­ted be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies by law­yers who:

are cit­izens of mem­ber states of the European Uni­on (EU) or of the European Free Trade As­so­ci­ation (EFTA);
are cit­izens of the United King­dom of Great Bri­tain and North­ern Ire­land who are covered by Part Four of the Agree­ment of 25 Feb­ru­ary 20194 between the Swiss Con­fed­er­a­tion and the United King­dom of Great Bri­tain and North­ern Ire­land on Cit­izens’ Rights fol­low­ing the With­draw­al of the United King­dom from the European Uni­on and the Free Move­ment of Per­sons Agree­ment.5

3 These mod­al­it­ies also ap­ply to Swiss cit­izens who are en­titled to prac­tise the pro­fes­sion of a law­yer in a mem­ber state of the EU or of EFTA6 un­der any of the pro­fes­sion­al titles lis­ted in the An­nex.

4 The pro­vi­sions on law­yers from EU or EFTA mem­ber states also ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis to law­yers from the United King­dom in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2 let­ter b.7

4 SR

5 Amended by An­nex No 2 of the FD of 25 Sept. 2020 on the Ap­prov­al and Im­ple­ment­a­tion of the Agree­ment between Switzer­land and the United King­dom on Cit­izens’ Rights fol­low­ing the With­draw­al of the United King­dom from the European Uni­on and the Free Move­ment of Per­sons Agree­ment, in in force since 1 March 2021 (AS 2021 85; BBl 2020 1029).

6 Term ad­ded by No I of the FA of 22 March 2002, in force since 1 Aug. 2002 (AS 2002 2134; BBl 2002 2637). This amend­ment has been made throughout the text.

7 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 2 of the FD of 25 Sept. 2020 on the Ap­prov­al and Im­ple­ment­a­tion of the Agree­ment between Switzer­land and the United King­dom on Cit­izens’ Rights fol­low­ing the With­draw­al of the United King­dom from the European Uni­on and the Free Move­ment of Per­sons Agree­ment, in in force since 1 March 2021 (AS 2021 85; BBl 2020 1029).

Art. 3 Relationship with cantonal law  

1 Un­der this Act, the can­tons shall re­tain their right to lay down the re­quire­ments for be­ing gran­ted a law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate.

2 The fore­go­ing also ap­plies to the right of the can­tons to per­mit hold­ers of their own can­ton­al law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate to rep­res­ent parties be­fore their own ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies.

Section 2 Intercantonal Freedom of Movement and the Cantonal Lawyers’ Roll

Art. 4 Principle of inter-cantonal freedom of movement  

Law­yers re­gistered on a can­ton­al law­yers’ roll may rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies in Switzer­land without fur­ther au­thor­isa­tion.

Art. 5 Cantonal lawyers’ roll  

1 Each can­ton shall keep a roll of law­yers who have a place of busi­ness with­in the can­ton and who meet the re­quire­ments of Art­icles 7 and 8.

2 The roll shall con­tain the fol­low­ing per­son­al data:

sur­name, fore­name(s), date of birth and place of ori­gin or na­tion­al­ity of the law­yer con­cerned;
a copy of the prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate;
the cer­ti­fic­ates that con­firm that the re­quire­ments of Art­icle 8 have been sat­is­fied;
the place of busi­nesses and, if ap­plic­able, the name of the law firm;
dis­cip­lin­ary meas­ures that are not yet spent.

3 The roll shall be kept by the can­ton­al su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity for law­yers.

Art. 6 Entry on the roll  

1 Law­yers who hold a can­ton­al law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate and who wish to rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies shall ap­ply to be entered on the roll for the can­ton in which they have their place of busi­ness.

2 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity shall enter the law­yers on the roll when it has es­tab­lished that the re­quire­ments of Art­icles 7 and 8 have been sat­is­fied.

3 It shall pub­lish the re­gis­tra­tion in an of­fi­cial can­ton­al or­gan of pub­li­city.

4 The law­yers’ as­so­ci­ation of the can­ton con­cerned also has the right to ob­ject to a law­yer’s entry on the roll.

Art. 7 Professional requirements 8  

1 To be entered on the roll, the law­yer must hold a law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate. Such a cer­ti­fic­ate may be is­sued by the can­tons only if the fol­low­ing re­quire­ments are sat­is­fied:

suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of a leg­al course of stud­ies with a li­cen­ti­ate or mas­ter’s de­gree from a Swiss uni­versity or an equi­val­ent high­er edu­ca­tion de­gree from a state that has an agree­ment with Switzer­land on mu­tu­al re­cog­ni­tion;
suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of at least one year of prac­tic­al train­ing in Switzer­land with an ex­am­in­a­tion on know­ledge of leg­al the­ory and prac­tice.

2 Can­tons in which Itali­an is an of­fi­cial lan­guage may re­cog­nise a for­eign de­gree equi­val­ent to a li­cen­ti­ate or a mas­ter’s that has been ob­tained in the Itali­an lan­guage.

3 The com­ple­tion of leg­al stud­ies with a bach­el­or’s de­gree shall sat­is­fy the re­quire­ments for ad­mis­sion to prac­tic­al train­ing.

8 Amended by No I of the FA of 23 June 2006, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 4399; BBl 20056621).

Art. 8 Personal requirements  

1 To be entered on the roll, the law­yer must sat­is­fy the fol­low­ing per­son­al re­quire­ments:

they must have the ca­pa­city to act;
they must not have any crim­in­al con­vic­tion for of­fences in­com­pat­ible with the pro­fes­sion of be­ing a law­yer, un­less this con­vic­tion no longer ap­pears on a stand­ard private ex­tract in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 41 of the Crim­in­al Re­cords Re­gister Act of 17 June 201610;
they must not have any un­paid debt cer­ti­fic­ates is­sued against them;
they must be able to prac­tise as a law­yer in­de­pend­ently; they may be an em­ploy­ee only of per­sons who are also entered on a can­ton­al roll.

2 Law­yers em­ployed by re­cog­nised char­it­able or­gan­isa­tions may be entered on the roll provided they sat­is­fy the re­quire­ments of para­graph 1 let­ters a–c and they strictly lim­it their activ­it­ies of cli­ent rep­res­ent­a­tion to man­dates that fall un­der the ob­jects pur­sued by the or­gan­isa­tion con­cerned.

9 Amended by An­nex 1 No 13 of the Crim­in­al Re­cords Re­gister Act of 17 June 2016, in force since 23 Jan. 2023 (AS 2022 600; BBl 2014 5713).

10 SR 330

Art. 9 Removal of the entry on the roll  

Law­yers who no longer sat­is­fy any one of the re­quire­ments for entry on the roll shall be re­moved from the roll.

Art. 10 Inspection of the roll  

1 The fol­low­ing bod­ies and per­sons may in­spect the roll:

the fed­er­al and can­ton­al court and ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­it­ies be­fore which the law­yers ap­pear;
the court and ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­it­ies of the EU or EFTA mem­ber states, be­fore which the law­yers entered on the roll ap­pear;
the can­ton­al su­per­vis­ory au­thor­it­ies for law­yers;
the law­yers them­selves in re­la­tion to their own entries.

2 Any per­son is en­titled to in­form­a­tion on wheth­er a law­yer is entered on the roll and wheth­er a law­yer is sub­ject to a dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from prac­tising.

Art. 10a Report 11  

The data from the roll that is re­quired to as­sign and use the Busi­ness Iden­ti­fic­a­tion Num­ber in ac­cord­ance with the Fed­er­al Act of 18 June 201012 on the Busi­ness Iden­ti­fic­a­tion Num­ber shall be re­por­ted to the Swiss Fed­er­al Stat­ist­ic­al Of­fice.

11 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 3 of the FA of 18 June 2010 on the Busi­ness Iden­ti­fic­a­tion Num­ber, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 4989; BBl 2009 7855).

12 SR 431.03

Art. 11 Professional title  

1 Law­yers shall use the pro­fes­sion­al title as­signed to them with their law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate, or an equi­val­ent pro­fes­sion­al title of the can­ton on whose roll they are entered.

2 In busi­ness com­mu­nic­a­tions, they shall in­dic­ate that they are entered on a can­ton­al roll.

Section 3 Professional Rules and Disciplinary Supervision

Art. 12 Professional rules  

The fol­low­ing pro­fes­sion­al rules ap­ply to law­yers:

They shall prac­tise their pro­fes­sion di­li­gently and con­scien­tiously.
They shall prac­tise their pro­fes­sion in­de­pend­ently, in their own name and on their own re­spons­ib­il­ity.
They shall avoid any con­flict between the in­terests of their cli­ents and per­sons with whom they have a busi­ness or per­son­al re­la­tion­ship.
They may ad­vert­ise their ser­vices, provided the ad­vert­ising re­mains ob­ject­ive and meets a pub­lic need for in­form­a­tion.
They shall not enter in­to any agree­ment with their cli­ent be­fore the con­clu­sion of a leg­al dis­pute on shar­ing in the pro­ceeds from the pro­ceed­ings as a sub­sti­tute for their fee; fur­ther­more, they shall not un­der­take to waive their fee in the event of an un­fa­vour­able out­come to the pro­ceed­ings.
They must ob­tain pro­fes­sion­al in­dem­nity in­sur­ance com­men­sur­ate with the nature and ex­tent of the risks re­lated to their work; the sum in­sured must amount to at least one mil­lion francs per an­num; in­stead of in­dem­nity in­sur­ance, oth­er equi­val­ent se­cur­ity may be provided.
They are re­quired in the can­ton on whose roll they are entered to carry out of­fi­cial pub­lic de­fence work and provide leg­al rep­res­ent­a­tion un­der the leg­al aid sys­tem.
They shall keep the as­sets en­trus­ted to them sep­ar­ate from their own as­sets.
They shall on tak­ing on a case ex­plain their billing prin­ciples to their cli­ent and in­form their cli­ent peri­od­ic­ally or on re­quest about the amount of the fee due.
They shall no­ti­fy the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity of any changes to the data re­lat­ing to them on the roll.

13 Amended by No I of the FA of 23 June 2006, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 4399; BBl 20056621).

Art. 13 Professional confidentiality  

1 Law­yers shall be bound by pro­fes­sion­al con­fid­en­ti­al­ity that is un­lim­ited in time and ap­plies to deal­ings with any per­son in re­la­tion to any­thing en­trus­ted to them by their cli­ents in the course of their pro­fes­sion­al activ­it­ies. Re­lease from this ob­lig­a­tion does not re­quire the law­yers to dis­close any­thing en­trus­ted to them.

2 They shall en­sure that their aux­il­i­ary staff pre­serve pro­fes­sion­al con­fid­en­ti­al­ity.

Art. 14 Cantonal supervisory authority for lawyers  

Each can­ton shall des­ig­nate an au­thor­ity to su­per­vise the law­yers that rep­res­ent parties be­fore court au­thor­it­ies on its ter­rit­ory.

Art. 15 Duty to notify 14  

1 The can­ton­al court and ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­it­ies shall im­me­di­ately no­ti­fy the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity for their can­ton of any fail­ure to meet the per­son­al re­quire­ments un­der Art­icle 8 and of in­cid­ents that could breach the pro­fes­sion­al rules.

2 The fed­er­al court and ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­it­ies shall im­me­di­ately no­ti­fy the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity of the can­ton in which a law­yer is entered on the roll of any fail­ure to meet the per­son­al re­quire­ments un­der Art­icle 8 and of in­cid­ents that could breach the pro­fes­sion­al rules.

14 Amended by No I of the FA of 23 June 2006, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS 2006 4399; BBl 20056621).

Art. 16 Disciplinary proceedings in another canton  

1 If a su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity opens dis­cip­lin­ary pro­ceed­ings against a law­yer who is not entered on the roll of the can­ton con­cerned, it shall no­ti­fy the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity for the can­ton on whose roll the law­yer is entered.

2 If it in­tends to or­der a dis­cip­lin­ary meas­ure, it shall grant the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity in the can­ton on whose roll the law­yer is entered the op­por­tun­ity to state its opin­ion on the res­ult of the in­vest­ig­a­tion.

3 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity in the can­ton on whose roll the law­yer is entered shall be no­ti­fied of the res­ult of the dis­cip­lin­ary pro­ceed­ings.

Art. 17 Disciplinary measures  

1 In the event of a breach of this Act, the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity may or­der the fol­low­ing dis­cip­lin­ary meas­ures:

an of­fi­cial warn­ing;
a rep­rim­and;
a fine not ex­ceed­ing 20,000 francs;
a sus­pen­sion from prac­tising for a peri­od not ex­ceed­ing two years;
a per­man­ent dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from prac­tising.

2 A fine may be im­posed in ad­di­tion to a dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from prac­tising.

3 If ne­ces­sary, the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity may im­pose a dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from prac­tising as a pre­cau­tion­ary meas­ure.

Art. 18 Validity of the disqualification from practising  

1 A dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from prac­tising ap­plies throughout Switzer­land.

2 No­tice of the dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion shall be giv­en to the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­it­ies in the oth­er can­tons.

Art. 19 Statute of limitations  

1 The right to bring dis­cip­lin­ary pro­ceed­ings is sub­ject to a stat­ute of lim­it­a­tions of one year from the time that the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity learned of the in­cid­ent in ques­tion.

2 This peri­od shall be in­ter­rup­ted by any in­vest­ig­at­ive meas­ure taken by the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity.

3 The right to bring dis­cip­lin­ary pro­ceed­ings is sub­ject in every case to a stat­ute of lim­it­a­tions of ten years from the time that the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity learned of the in­cid­ent in ques­tion.

4 If the breach of the pro­fes­sion­al rules con­sti­tutes a crim­in­al of­fence, the longer lim­it­a­tion peri­od provided for un­der the crim­in­al law ap­plies.

Art. 20 Removal of disciplinary measures  

1 Warn­ings, rep­rim­ands and fines shall be re­moved from the roll five years after they are ordered.

2 A sus­pen­sion from prac­tising shall be re­moved from the roll ten years after it ceases to ap­ply.

Section 4 Practising as a Lawyer and Freedom to Provide Services for Lawyers from EU or EFTA Member States

Art. 21 Principles  

1 Cit­izens of EU or EFTA mem­ber states who are en­titled to prac­tise as a law­yer in their coun­try of ori­gin un­der any of the pro­fes­sion­al titles lis­ted in the An­nex may rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies in Switzer­land in ac­cord­ance with their free­dom to provide ser­vices.

2 The law­yers provid­ing the ser­vices shall not be entered in the can­ton­al law­yers’ roll.

Art. 22 Proof of qualification to practise  

The fed­er­al and can­ton­al ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies be­fore which the law­yers provid­ing the ser­vices ap­pear as well as the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­it­ies for law­yers may re­quire that the law­yers prove their qual­i­fic­a­tion to prac­tise.

Art. 23 Obligation to act in consultation with a registered lawyer  

Where there is a man­dat­ory re­quire­ment to be rep­res­en­ted by a law­yer in pro­ceed­ings, the law­yers provid­ing the ser­vices are ob­liged to act in con­sulta­tion with a law­yer who is entered on a can­ton­al law­yers’ roll.

Art. 24 Professional title  

The law­yers provid­ing the ser­vices shall use their ori­gin­al pro­fes­sion­al title in the of­fi­cial lan­guage of their state of ori­gin and provide de­tails of the pro­fes­sion­al or­gan­isa­tion to whose jur­is­dic­tion they are sub­ject or the court be­fore which they are ad­mit­ted un­der the reg­u­la­tions of the state con­cerned.

Art. 25 Professional rules  

The law­yers provid­ing the ser­vices are sub­ject to the pro­fes­sion­al rules set out in Art­icle 12 with the ex­cep­tion of the pro­vi­sions on of­fi­cial pub­lic de­fence work and leg­al aid work (let. g) and entry on the roll (let. j).

Art. 26 Information on disciplinary measures  

The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity shall no­ti­fy the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity in the state of ori­gin of any dis­cip­lin­ary meas­ures that they or­der against law­yers provid­ing ser­vices.

Section 5 Regular Practising by Lawyers from EU or EFTA member states under their Original Professional Title

Art. 27 Principles  

1 Cit­izens of EU or EFTA mem­ber states who are en­titled to prac­tise as a law­yer in their coun­try of ori­gin un­der any of the pro­fes­sion­al titles lis­ted in the An­nex may rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies in Switzer­land on a reg­u­lar basis provided they are re­gistered with a can­ton­al su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity for law­yers.

2 Art­icles 23–25 also ap­ply to these law­yers.

Art. 28 Registration with the supervisory authority  

1 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity shall keep a pub­lic list of cit­izens from EU or EFTA mem­ber states who may reg­u­larly rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies in Switzer­land un­der their ori­gin­al pro­fes­sion­al title.

2 The law­yers shall re­gister them­selves with the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity of the can­ton in which they have a busi­ness ad­dress. They shall prove that they are qual­i­fied to prac­tise by pro­du­cing a cer­ti­fic­ate con­firm­ing their re­gis­tra­tion with the re­spons­ible body in their coun­try of ori­gin; this cer­ti­fic­ate must have been is­sued with­in the pre­vi­ous three months.

3 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity shall no­ti­fy the rel­ev­ant of­fice of the state of ori­gin of their re­gis­tra­tion in the list.

Art. 29 Cooperation with the responsible body in the state of origin  

1 Be­fore the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity brings dis­cip­lin­ary pro­ceed­ings against cit­izens of EU or EFTA mem­ber states that reg­u­larly rep­res­ent parties be­fore ju­di­cial au­thor­it­ies in Switzer­land, it shall no­ti­fy the rel­ev­ant body in the state of ori­gin.

2 The su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity shall work with the re­spons­ible body in the state of ori­gin dur­ing the dis­cip­lin­ary pro­ceed­ings and shall in par­tic­u­lar give it the op­por­tun­ity to state its opin­ion there­on.

Section 6 Registration of Lawyers from EU or EFTA Member States on a Cantonal Lawyers’ Roll

Art. 30 Principles  

1 Cit­izens of EU or EFTA mem­ber states may be entered on a can­ton­al law­yers’ roll without sat­is­fy­ing the re­quire­ments un­der Art­icle 7 let­ter b provided they:

have passed a qual­i­fy­ing ex­am­in­a­tion (Art. 31); or
have been entered for at least three years on the list of law­yers prac­tising un­der their ori­gin­al pro­fes­sion­al title and prove that they:
have prac­tised dur­ing this peri­od ef­fect­ively and reg­u­larly in the field of Swiss law, or
have prac­tised in the field of Swiss law for a short­er peri­od and have proven their pro­fes­sion­al skills in an in­ter­view (Art. 32).

2 They shall thereby have the same rights and ob­lig­a­tions as law­yers who hold a can­ton­al law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate and are entered on a can­ton­al law­yers’ roll.

Art. 31 Qualifying examination  

1 Cit­izens of EU or EFTA mem­ber states shall be ad­mit­ted to the qual­i­fy­ing ex­am­in­a­tion if:

they have suc­cess­fully com­pleted at least three years of stud­ies at a uni­versity and if ap­plic­able the re­quired pro­fes­sion­al train­ing in ad­di­tion to such stud­ies; and
they hold a de­gree that en­titles them to prac­tise as a law­yer in an EU or EFTA mem­ber state.

2 The law­yers must sit the qual­i­fy­ing ex­am­in­a­tion be­fore the law­yers’ ex­am­in­a­tion board of the can­ton on whose roll they wish to be entered.

3 The qual­i­fy­ing ex­am­in­a­tion shall cov­er the spe­cial­ist fields that are the sub­ject of the can­ton­al law­yers’ ex­am­in­a­tion and which dif­fer sub­stan­tially from those which have already been ex­amined in the course of their train­ing in their state of ori­gin. Its con­tent is also de­term­ined by the pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence of the law­yers con­cerned.

4 The qual­i­fy­ing ex­am­in­a­tion may be resat twice.

Art. 32 Interview to verify professional skills  

1 The in­ter­view to veri­fy pro­fes­sion­al skills shall be con­duc­ted by the law­yers’ ex­am­in­a­tion board of the can­ton on whose roll the law­yer wishes to be entered.

2 It shall is based in par­tic­u­lar on the in­form­a­tion and doc­u­ments provided by the law­yer about the work that they have done in Switzer­land.

3 It shall take ac­count of the know­ledge and the pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence of law­yer con­cerned in the field of Swiss law, as well as courses and sem­inars at­ten­ded on Swiss law.

Art. 33 Professional title  

In ad­di­tion to the pro­fes­sion­al title of the can­ton on whose roll they are entered, law­yers may also use their ori­gin­al pro­fes­sion­al title.

Section 7 Procedure

Art. 34  

1 The can­tons shall reg­u­late the pro­ced­ure.

2 They shall provide for a simple and quick pro­ced­ure for veri­fy­ing that the re­quire­ments are sat­is­fied for entry on the can­ton­al law­yers’ roll.

Section 8 Final Provisions

Art. 35 Amendment of current legislation  


15 The amend­ment may be con­sul­ted un­der AS 2002 863.

Art. 36 Transitional law  

Per­sons who hold a law­yer’s prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate un­der the cur­rent can­ton­al law shall be entered on the can­ton­al law­yers’ roll, provided they would have been gran­ted a pro­fes­sion­al prac­tising cer­ti­fic­ate in the oth­er can­tons un­der Art­icle 196 num­ber 5 of the Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion.

Art. 37 Referendum and commencement  

1 This Act is sub­ject to an op­tion­al ref­er­en­dum.

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall de­term­ine the com­mence­ment date. Art­icle 2 para­graphs 2 and 3 and Art­icle 10 para­graph 1 let­ter b as well as Sec­tions 4, 5 and 6 shall only come in­to force if the Agree­ment of 21 June 199916 between the Swiss Con­fed­er­a­tion of the one part and the European Uni­on and its mem­ber states of the oth­er on the Free Move­ment of Per­sons comes in­to force.

3 For cit­izens of mem­ber states of EFTA, Art­icle 2 para­graphs 2 and 3 and Art­icle 10 para­graph 1 let­ter b as well as the Sec­tions 4, 5 and 6 only come in­to force if the Fed­er­al Act of 14 Decem­ber 200117 in re­la­tion to the Pro­vi­sions on the Free Move­ment of Per­sons in the Agree­ment of 21 June 2001 on the Amend­ment of the Con­ven­tion of 4 Janu­ary 1960 es­tab­lish­ing the European Free Trade As­so­ci­ation (EFTA) comes in force.18

Com­mence­ment date: 1 June 2002

16 SR

17 AS 2002 685. This FA came in­to force on 1 June 2002.

18 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 22 March 2002, in force since 1 Aug. 2002 (AS 2002 2134; BBl 2002 2637).

Annex 19

19 Amended by Annex No 11 of the FD of 17 June 2016 (Extension of the Agreement on Free Movement to the Republic of Croatia), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 20165233; BBl 2016 2223).

(Art. 21 para. 1 and 27 para. 1)

List of professional titles in the EU and EFTA member states in accordance with Directives 77/249/EEC and 98/5/EU

Belgium Avocat/Advocaat/Rechtsanwalt

Bulgaria Aдвокат

Denmark Advokat

Germany Rechtsanwalt

Estonia Vandeadvokaat

Finland Asianajaja/Advokat

France Avocat

Greece 

Ireland Barrister, Solicitor

Iceland Lögmaður

Italy Avvocato

Croatia Odvjetnik/Odvjetnica

Latvia Zvērināts advokāts

Liechtenstein Rechtsanwalt

Lithuania Advokatas

Luxembourg Avocat

Malta Avukat/Prokuratur Legali

Netherlands Advocaat

Norway Advokat

Austria Rechtsanwalt

Poland Adwokat/Radca prawny

Portugal Advogado

Romania Avocat

Sweden Advokat

Republic of Slovakia Advokát/Komerčný právnik

Slovenia Odvetnik/Odvetnica

Spain Abogado/Advocat/Avogado/Abokatu

Czech Republic Advokát

Hungary Ügyvéd

United Kingdom Advocate/Barrister/Solicitor

Cyprus ό

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