Title 1 General Provisions |
Art. 1 Subject matter
(Art. 1 and 157 FinMIA) This Ordinance governs specifically:
Art. 2 Definitions
(Art. 2 lit. b and c FinMIA) 1 Securities are deemed to be standardised and suitable for mass trading if they are publicly offered for sale in the same structure and denomination or are placed with more than 20 clients, insofar as they have not been created especially for individual counterparties.2 2 Derivatives are deemed to comprise financial contracts whose price is derived specifically from:
3 The following are not deemed to be derivatives:
4 Spot transactions are deemed to be transactions that are settled either immediately or following expiry of the deferred settlement deadline within two business days. Spot transactions are also deemed to be:
2 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Art. 3 Significant group companies
(Art. 3 para. 2 FinMIA) The functions of a group company are significant with respect to the activities which require authorisation if they are necessary for the continuation of important business processes, in particular in the areas of liquidity management, treasury, risk management, master data administration and accounting, personnel, information technology, trading and settlement, and legal and compliance. |
Title 2 Financial Market Infrastructures |
Chapter 1 Common Provisions |
Section 1 Authorisation Conditions and Duties for all Financial Market Infrastructures |
Art. 4 Authorisation application
(Art. 4 and 5 FinMIA) 1 The financial market infrastructure shall submit an authorisation application to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This shall contain all the information necessary for assessing it, specifically information on:
2 The financial market infrastructure shall attach along with its authorisation application the necessary documentation, namely its articles of association or partnership agreements and regulations. |
Art. 5 Changes in facts
(Art. 7 FinMIA) 1 The financial market infrastructure shall notify FINMA in particular of:
2 It may only report any changes in its articles of association to the commercial register and put any changes in regulations into effect following FINMA's approval of the changes in question. |
Art. 6 Business area
(Art. 8 para. 2 FinMIA) 1 The financial market infrastructure must describe its area of business in factually and geographically precise terms in the articles of association, partnership agreements or regulations. 2 The business area and its geographical extent must be in harmony with the financial market infrastructure's financial capabilities and administrative organisation. |
Art. 7 Place of management
(Art. 8 paras. 1 and 2 FinMIA) 1 The financial market infrastructure must effectively be managed from Switzerland. An exception is made here for general directives and decisions within the context of group supervision if the financial market infrastructure forms part of a financial group that is subject to appropriate consolidated supervision by a foreign financial market supervisory authority. 2 The persons entrusted with managing the financial market infrastructure must be resident in a place from which they can effectively exercise such management. |
Art. 8 Corporate governance
(Art. 8 para. 2 FinMIA) 1 The financial market infrastructure must have an organisational structure and an organisational basis that set out the tasks, responsibilities, powers and accountability of the following bodies:
2 The body for governance, supervision and control must comprise at least three members. These may not belong to the bodies described in paragraph 1 letters a and c. 3 The body for governance, supervision and control shall set out the basic risk management principles and determine the risk tolerance of the financial market infrastructure. This body shall have its work evaluated regularly. 4 The financial market infrastructure shall define, implement and maintain a compensation policy that promotes sound and effective risk management and does not create incentives to relax risk standards. 5 It must have mechanisms in place that allow it to establish the needs of participants with regard to the services provided by the financial market infrastructure. |
Art. 9 Risk management
(Art. 8 para. 3 FinMIA) 1 With regard to risk management, the financial market infrastructure must have a concept for the integrated identification, measurement, management and monitoring of risks, particularly with respect to:
2 It must have instruments in place and create incentives in order to ensure that participants can continuously manage and limit the risks arising for themselves or for the financial market infrastructure. 3 Insofar as the financial market infrastructure has indirect participants and these are identifiable, it must also identify, measure, control and monitor the risks posed to the financial market infrastructure by these parties. 4 The internal documentation of the financial market infrastructure on passing a resolution and the monitoring of transactions associated with the risks should be designed in such a way that allows the audit firm to make a reliable assessment with respect to the business activity. 5 The financial market infrastructure shall ensure an effective internal control system which, among other things, guarantees compliance with legal and internal company rules and regulations (compliance function). 6 The internal audit function must submit a report to the body with responsibility for governance, supervision and control or to one of its committees. It must have sufficient resources as well as unrestricted audit rights. |
Art. 10 Guarantee of irreproachable business conduct
(Art. 9 paras. 2 and 3 FinMIA) 1 The authorisation application for a new financial market infrastructure must contain the following information and documentation in particular on the members of the board and executive management in accordance with Article 9 paragraph 2 FinMIA and on the owners of a qualified participation in accordance with Article 9 paragraph 3 FinMIA:
2 Persons holding a qualified participation must make a declaration to FINMA stating whether they hold the participation in question for their own account or on a fiduciary basis for a third party, and whether they have granted options or similar rights with respect to this participation. 3 The financial market infrastructure must submit to FINMA within 60 days of the end of the financial year a list of all qualified participants in the financial market infrastructure. This list shall contain details on the identity and participation rate of all qualified participants as at the relevant closing date, as well as any changes relative to the prior-year closing date. In addition, the information and documentation set out in paragraph 1 is to be submitted for any qualified participants being reported for the first time. |
Art. 11 Outsourcing
(Art. 11 FinMIA) 1 An outsourcing situation in accordance with Article 11 paragraph 1 FinMIA is deemed to exist if the financial market infrastructure has commissioned a service provider to independently and permanently provide an essential service for the financial market infrastructure in accordance with Article 12. 2 The following aspects in particular are to be addressed in the agreement with the service provider:
3 The financial market infrastructure must exercise care in the selection, instruction and controlling of the service provider. It shall integrate the outsourced service into its internal control system and monitor the services rendered by the service provider on an ongoing basis. 4 Outsourcing to foreign countries requires appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the observance of professional confidentiality and data protection in accordance with Swiss law. Contracting parties of a financial market infrastructure whose data is to be sent to a service provider abroad must be informed about this. 5 The financial market infrastructure, its internal audit function, the external audit firm, FINMA and – in the case of systemically important financial market infrastructures – the SNB must be able to inspect and review the outsourced service. 6 Paragraphs 1 to 5 do not apply if a central securities depository outsources some of its services or activities to a technical platform that connects securities settlement systems by way of providing a public service. This kind of outsourcing must be governed by means of a dedicated regulatory and operational framework, which requires the approval of FINMA. |
Art. 12 Essential services
(Art. 11 para. 1 FinMIA) 1 Essential services are deemed to be services that are necessary for the continuation of important business processes, in particular in the areas of liquidity management, treasury, risk management, master data administration and accounting, personnel, information technology, and legal and compliance. 2 The following services are also deemed to be essential:
3 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 4 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Art. 13 Minimum capital
(Art. 12 FinMIA) 1 The minimum capital shall amount to:
1bis For trading venues and DLT trading facilities, where justified, FINMA can stipulate a minimum amount that is up to 50% higher.8 2 In the event of non-cash capital contributions, the value of the assets brought in and the amount of the liabilities shall be reviewed by a licensed audit firm. This also applies when an existing company is transformed into a financial market infrastructure. 5 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 6 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 7 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 8 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Art. 14 Business continuity
(Art. 13 FinMIA) 1 The strategy detailed in Article 13 paragraph 1 FinMIA must be enshrined in the company organisation and should regulate in particular:
2 The financial market infrastructure shall prepare a business impact analysis which sets out the recovery point objective and the recovery time objective for the business processes that are necessary for operations. 3 It shall set out the options for the recovery of the business processes that are necessary for operations. 4 The strategy detailed in Article 13 paragraph 1 FinMIA must be approved by the body responsible for governance, supervision and control. |
Art. 15 IT systems
(Art. 14 FinMIA) 1 The IT systems must be set up in such a way that:
2 The financial market infrastructure shall take appropriate measures to ensure that business-relevant data can be recovered in the event of loss. |
Art. 16 International business
(Art. 17 FinMIA) 1 The report that a financial market infrastructure must submit to FINMA prior to commencing activity abroad must contain all the necessary information and documentation for evaluating the activity in question, namely:
2 The financial market infrastructure must also notify FINMA of:
Art. 17 Fair and open access
(Art. 18 FinMIA) 1 Fair access is deemed not to be guaranteed in particular if excessively high or objectively unjustified requirements are made, or if excessive prices are demanded for use of the services offered. Fee structures should not be conducive to disorderly market conditions. 2 The financial market infrastructure may make access conditional upon fulfilment of operational, technical, financial and legal requirements. 3 If it restricts access for reasons of efficiency, FINMA shall consult the Competition Commission as part of its assessment. |
Art. 19 Publication of essential information
(Art. 21 FinMIA) The financial market infrastructure shall regularly publish in addition to the information required under Article 21 FinMIA:
Chapter 2 Trading Venues and Organised Trading Facilities |
Section 2 Trading Venues |
Art. 24 Regulatory and supervisory organisation
(Art. 27 FinMIA) 1 An appropriate regulatory and supervisory organisation shall encompass the following bodies in particular:
2 The body that fulfils the regulatory tasks of the trading venue must be independent of the business management of the trading venue and largely independent of the participants and issuers, both organisationally and with respect to personnel. It must have sufficient organisational, personnel and financial resources.10 2bis The body that fulfils the supervisory tasks of the trading venue must be independent of the business management of the trading venue and independent of the participants and issuers, both organisationally and with respect to personnel. It must have sufficient organisational, personnel and financial resources.11 3 Both issuers and investors must be appropriately represented in the body responsible for the admission of securities to trading. 4 The trading venue shall set out in its regulations the tasks and powers of the various bodies, as well as the representation of issuers and investors in the body that is responsible for the admission of securities to trading. 9 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 10 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 11 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Art. 25 Approval of regulations
(Art. 27 para. 4 FinMIA) 1 When approving regulations, FINMA shall review in particular whether these:
2 FINMA may consult the Competition Commission before making its decision. The latter shall give its opinion on whether the regulations are neutral in terms of competition and are conducive to anti-competitive arrangements or not. |
Art. 27 Pre-trade transparency
(Art. 29 paras. 1 and 3 lit. b FinMIA) 1 The trading venue shall publish the information communicated via its trading facilities on pre-trade transparency for shares throughout normal trading hours. 2 For each share, the five best bid and offer prices as well as the volume of orders are to be published. 3 Paragraphs 1 and 2 also apply for actionable indications of interest. 4 The trading venue may make provision for exceptions in its regulations for:
Art. 28 Post-trade transparency
(Art. 29 paras. 2 and 3 lit. b FinMIA) 1 The trading venue shall publish the information on post-trade transparency with respect to transactions executed via the trading venue in accordance with its regulations. 2 Post-trade information with respect to transactions that were carried out on the trading venue outside of normal business hours are to be published by the trading venue prior to the start of trading on the trading day following execution of the transaction in question. 3 Paragraph 1 also applies to transactions that were conducted outside of the trading venue insofar as they were carried out during the course of the trading day on the most important market for the securities in question or during the normal trading hours of the trading venue. Otherwise, the information is to be published immediately prior to the beginning of the ordinary trading hours of the trading venue, or at the latest prior to the start of the next trading day on the most important market for these securities. 4 The trading venue may make provision for later publication in its regulations in the case of:
Art. 29 Exceptions to pre-trade and post-trade transparency
(Art. 29 para. 3 lit. b FinMIA) 1 Securities transactions are not subject to the provisions on pre-trade and post-trade transparency if they are carried out as part of public tasks and not for investment purposes, namely on the part of:
2 Securities transactions carried out by the following parties may be excluded from the provisions on pre-trade and post-trade transparency as long as the transactions are carried out as part of public tasks and not for investment purposes, and as long as reciprocal rights are granted and an exception does not stand in contradiction to the legislative purpose:
3 The Federal Department of Finance (FDF) shall publish a list of the bodies covered by paragraph 2. 4 The trading venue is to be informed in cases where transactions are carried out as part of public tasks and not for investment purposes. |
Art. 30 Guarantee of orderly trading
(Art. 30 FinMIA) 1 The trading venue shall set transparent rules and procedures for fair, efficient and orderly trading, as well as objective criteria for the effective execution of orders. It must have measures in place to ensure the robust management of technical processes and the operation of its systems. 2 It must possess effective systems, procedures and arrangements to ensure in particular that its trading facilities:
3 It must enter into an agreement, in writing or in another form that that allows for its proof by text, with all participants holding a special function, in particular participants that pursue a market-making strategy in the trading venue. It shall maintain systems and procedures that ensure that these participants comply with the regulations.13 4 It may also prescribe in its regulations that participants must flag up short-selling positions in its trading facility. 13 Amended by Annex 1 No II 14 of the Financial Institutions Ordinance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633). |
Art. 31 Algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading
(Art. 30 FinMIA) 1 The trading venue must be able to identify the following:
2 It shall require participants that pursue algorithmic trading to flag the orders generated in this manner, record all entered orders, including order cancellations, and in particular to possess effective precautions and risk controls that ensure that their systems:
3 In order to take account of the additional burden on system capacity, the trading venue may make provision for higher fees for:
Art. 32 Supervision of trading
(Art. 31 para. 2 FinMIA) 1 The trading supervisory body must have appropriate systems and resources to carry out its tasks. 2 The functioning of the trading supervisory systems must also be guaranteed without restriction even in the event of high data volumes. 3 The trading supervisory body shall monitor trading in such a way that forms of conduct in accordance with Articles 142 and 143 FinMIA can be identified irrespective of whether they are attributable to manual, automated or algorithmic trading. |
Art. 33 Admission of securities by a stock exchange
(Art. 35 FinMIA) 1 The stock exchange shall guarantee that all securities admitted to trading and all listed securities can be traded in a fair, efficient and orderly manner. 2 In the case of derivatives, it shall ensure in particular that the way in which derivatives trading is structured facilitates orderly pricing. 3 The stock exchange shall take the necessary measures to review the securities listed and admitted to trading for their fulfilment of the admission and listing requirements. |
Art. 34 Admission of securities by a multilateral trading facility
(Art. 36 FinMIA) 1 The multilateral trading facility shall guarantee that all securities admitted to trading can be traded in a fair, efficient and orderly manner. 2 In the case of derivatives, it shall ensure in particular that the way in which derivatives trading is structured facilitates orderly pricing. 3 The multilateral trading facility shall take the necessary measures to review the securities admitted to trading for their fulfilment of the admission requirements. |
Art. 35 Appeal body
(Art. 37 paras. 1 to 3 FinMIA) 1 The appeal body shall be independent in its adjudication and bound only by the law. 2 The members may not belong to the body responsible for the admission of securities to trading, nor may they be in an employment relationship or any other contractual relationship with the trading venue that could lead to conflicts of interest. 3 The provisions of the Federal Supreme Court Act of 17 June 200514 on recusal apply to the members of the independent appeal body. 4 The regulations concerning the independent appeal body shall contain guidelines with respect to composition, election, organisation and proceedings before the appeal body. |
Art. 36 Record-keeping duty of participants
(Art. 38 FinMIA) 1 The participants admitted to a trading venue shall keep a record of all orders they receive and all securities transactions they execute. 2 The record-keeping duty also applies to orders and transactions in derivatives whose underlying instruments are securities admitted to trading on a trading venue. 3 The record-keeping duty applies not only to transactions on own account, but also to transactions executed on behalf of a client. 4 FINMA shall regulate what information is necessary and in what form it must be recorded. |
Art. 37 Reporting duty of participants
(Art. 39 FinMIA) 1 The participants admitted to a trading venue shall report all transactions they execute involving securities admitted to trading on a trading venue. In particular, the following must be reported:
2 The reporting duty also applies to transactions in derivatives whose underlying instruments are securities admitted to trading on a trading venue. 3 The reporting duty applies not only to transactions on own account, but also to transactions executed on behalf of a client. 4 The following transactions executed abroad do not have to be reported:
5 Third parties may be involved in reporting. 15 Term in accordance with Annex 1 No II 14 of the Financial Institutions Ordinance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633). This amendment has been made throughout the text. |
Section 3 Organised Trading Facilities |
Art. 38 Authorisation and recognition conditions
(Art. 43 para. 1 FinMIA) The authorisation and recognition conditions that apply to the operator of an organised trading facility are based on the financial market acts pursuant to Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Financial Market Supervision Act of 22 June 200716. |
Art. 39 Organisation and prevention of conflicts of interest
(Art. 44 FinMIA) 1 The operator of an organised trading facility shall issue regulations on the organisation of trading and monitor compliance with the statutory and regulatory provisions, as well as the trading process. 2 It shall keep a chronological record of all orders and transactions carried out through the organised trading facility. 3 In the event of agreements being made according to discretionary rules, identical client orders may be matched only if best execution can be guaranteed. Exceptions are permissible only if the clients concerned have expressly waived any claim to best possible execution. |
Art. 40 Guarantee of orderly trading
(Art. 45 FinMIA) The operator of an organised trading facility shall set transparent rules and procedures for fair, efficient and orderly trading, as well as objective criteria for the effective execution of orders. It must have measures in place to ensure the robust management of technical processes and the operation of its systems in accordance with Article 30 paragraphs 2 to 4. |
Art. 42 Pre-trade transparency
(Art. 46 paras. 2 and 3 FinMIA) 1In the case of multilateral trading and bilateral trading where a liquid market exists, Articles 27 and 29 apply by analogy. 2 In the case of bilateral trading where no liquid market exists, price quotes on demand shall suffice. |
Art. 43 Post-trade transparency for securities
(Art. 46 paras. 1 and 2 FinMIA) 1 In the case of multilateral trading, Article 28 paragraphs 1 and 4 as well as Article 29 apply by analogy. 2 In the case of bilateral trading, aggregated publication at the end of the trading day shall suffice. |
Chapter 3 Central Counterparties |
Art. 45 Organisation, business continuity and IT systems
(Art. 8, 13 and 14 FinMIA) 1 The central counterparty must appoint a risk committee that includes representatives of the participants, of the indirect participants and members of the body for governance, supervision and control. This committee shall advise the central counterparty on all matters that could have an impact on the risk management of the central counterparty. 2 The central counterparty shall arrange procedures, capacity planning and sufficient capacity reserves so that, in the event of a disruption, its systems can still process all transactions still open by the close of trading. |
Art. 46 Collateral
(Art. 49 FinMIA) 1 If predefined thresholds are exceeded, the central counterparty shall call in initial margins and variation margins at least once a day. 2 It shall avoid concentration risks in the collateral and shall ensure that it can have prompt access to the collateral. 3 It shall make provision for procedures by means of which it can review the models and parameters on which its risk management is based, and shall conduct these reviews on a regular basis. 4 If the central counterparty holds its own assets or the collateral and assets of participants with third parties, it shall minimise the associated risks. In particular, it shall hold the collateral and assets with creditworthy financial intermediaries which, insofar as possible, are subject to supervision. |
Art. 48 Capital adequacy
(Art. 51 FinMIA) 1 The central counterparty must hold a minimum capital in the amount of 8.0% in accordance with Article 42 paragraph 1 letter b CAO17.18 FINMA may demand additional capital in accordance with Article 45 CAO. Titles 1 to 3 CAO apply to the calculation.19 2 The dedicated capital in accordance with Article 53 paragraph 2 letter c FinMIA shall amount to at least 25% of the required capital set out in Title 3 CAO. 3 The central counterparty shall hold further capital in order to cover the costs of a voluntary cessation of business or restructuring. In the case of systemically important central counterparties, this capital must suffice to implement the plan set out in Article 72, but must at least be sufficient to cover ongoing operating expenditure for six months. 4 In special cases, FINMA can ease the requirements set out in the paragraphs 1 to 3 or impose more rigorous requirements. 5 The central counterparty must have a plan that sets out how further capital is to be procured if its capital no longer fulfils the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 4. The plan must be approved by the body responsible for governance, supervision and control. 6 If its capital falls short of 110% of the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 4, the central counterparty shall immediately inform FINMA and its audit firm, and shall provide FINMA with a plan that sets out how the threshold can once again be adhered to. 18 Amended by Annex No 5 of the O of 29 Nov. 2023, in force since 1 Jan. 2025 (AS 2024 13). 19 Amended by Attachment No 2 to the O of 11 May 2016, in force since 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 1725). |
Art. 50 Liquidity
(Art. 52 FinMIA) 1 The following are deemed to constitute liquidity in a currency as set out in Article 52 paragraph 1 FinMIA:
2 The central counterparty shall regularly review compliance with the requirements set out in Article 52 paragraph 1 FinMIA under various stress scenarios. In doing so, it shall apply collateral discounts (haircuts) to the liquidity that would be appropriate even under extreme but plausible market conditions. It shall diversify its sources of liquidity. 3 The investment strategy of the central counterparty must be in harmony with its risk management strategy. It must avoid concentration risks. |
Art. 51 Portability
(Art. 55 FinMIA) 1 Portability is ensured if:
2 If a transfer cannot take place by the deadline set by the central counterparty, the central counterparty may take all precautions in accordance with its regulations to actively manage the risks with respect to the positions in question, including the liquidation of assets and collateral of the participant in default who holds this for the account of an indirect participant or its clients. |
Chapter 4 Central Securities Depositories |
Art. 52 Organisation
(Art. 8 FinMIA) 1 The central securities depository shall set up a user committee for every securities settlement system operated by it, on which the issuers and participants in these securities settlement systems are represented. 2 The user committee shall advise the central securities depository in key matters affecting issuers and participants. |
Art. 53 Principles for the custody, recording and transfer of securities
(Art. 62 FinMIA) Central securities depositories that use a common settlement infrastructure shall establish identical times for:
Art. 54 Collateral
(Art. 64 FinMIA) 1 The central securities depository must have sufficient collateral in order to fully cover its current credit exposure. 2 It shall avoid concentration risks in the collateral and shall ensure that it can have prompt access to the collateral. 3 It shall make provision for procedures by means of which it can review the models and parameters on which its risk management is based, and shall conduct these reviews on a regular basis. 4 If it holds its own assets or the collateral and assets of participants with third parties, it shall minimise the associated risks. In particular, it shall hold the collateral and assets with creditworthy financial intermediaries which, insofar as possible, are subject to supervision. |
Art. 55 Exchange-of-value settlement
(Art. 65 FinMIA) The central securities depository shall enable participants to eliminate their principal risk by ensuring that the settlement of one obligation occurs if and only if the settlement of the other obligation is guaranteed. |
Art. 56 Capital adequacy
(Art. 66 FinMIA) 1 The central securities depository must hold a minimum capital in the amount of 8.0% in accordance with Article 42 paragraph 1 letter b CAO21.22 FINMA may demand additional capital in accordance with Article 45 CAO. Titles 1 to 3 CAO apply to the calculation.23 2 For all other matters, Article 48 paragraphs 3 to 6 apply by analogy. 22 Amended by Annex No 5 of the O of 29 Nov. 2023, in force since 1 Jan. 2025 (AS 2024 13). 23 Amended by Attachment No 2 to the Ordinance of 11 May 2016, in force since 1 July 2016 (AS 2016 1725). |
Art. 58 Liquidity
(Art. 67 FinMIA) 1 The following are deemed to constitute liquidity in a currency as set out in Article 67 paragraph 1 FinMIA:
2 The central securities depository shall regularly review compliance with the requirements set out in Article 67 paragraph 1 FinMIA under various stress scenarios. In doing so, it shall apply collateral discounts (haircuts) to the liquidity that would be appropriate even under extreme but plausible market conditions. It shall diversify its sources of liquidity. 3 The investment strategy of the central securities depository must be in harmony with its risk management strategy. It must avoid concentration risks. |
Chapter 4a DLT Trading Facilities25
25 Inserted by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Section 2 Requirements |
Art. 58c Applicability of certain requirements for trading venues
(Art. 73b FinMIA) 1 Unless otherwise specified in this Section, Articles 24 to 32 and Article 35 apply by analogy to DLT trading facilities. 2 Instead of the option under Article 30 paragraph 2 letter f to cancel, amend or correct any transaction in exceptional cases, a DLT trading facility must have a mechanism in place that achieves an economically equivalent effect. |
Art. 58d Record-keeping and reporting duty
(Art. 73c para. 3 FinMIA) 1 Private participants are exempt from the record-keeping duty under Article 38 of the FinMIA and the reporting duty under Article 39 of the FinMIA. 2 Articles 36 and 37 of this Ordinance apply by analogy to the other participants. |
Art. 58e Admission and exclusion of participants
(Art. 73c paras. 4 and 5 FinMIA) 1 The DLT trading facility shall regulate in the regulations in accordance with Article 73c paragraph 5 of the FinMIA whether and which private participants will be admitted. 2 The granting of non-discriminatory access in accordance with Article 18 of the FinMIA is not binding for private participants. |
Art. 58f Admission of DLT securities and other assets
(Art. 73d FinMIA) 1 The DLT trading facility shall regulate in the regulations in accordance with Article 73d of the FinMIA which DLT securities and other assets will be admitted to its services. It may specify the admitted DLT securities and assets individually in the regulations or define them according to their type and function. 2 If the DLT trading facility admits derivatives designed as DLT securities, only products without fair value or leverage components may be admitted to trading. 3 DLT securities and other assets which significantly hinder the implementation of the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 10 October 199726, or which could adversely affect the stability and integrity of the financial system may not be admitted. FINMA can define these DLT securities and assets in more detail. 4 The DLT trading facility shall make provision in the regulations for revoking the admission of DLT securities and other assets. 5 The requirements under Article 34 apply by analogy. |
Art. 58g Minimum requirements for the admission of DLT securities and regular auditing
(Art. 73d para. 3 FinMIA) 1 DLT securities may be admitted by the DLT trading facility if the distributed ledger meets at least the requirements under Article 973d paragraph 2 of the CO27. 2 If the distributed ledger is not operated by the relevant DLT trading facility itself, the facility shall audit the ledger before admitting the relevant DLT securities and regularly thereafter, but at least once a year, for compliance with the requirements under paragraph 1. 3 It shall inform its participants of the audits performed and of the findings. |
Art. 58h Disclosures on transactions
(Art. 73d FinMIA) 1 The DLT trading facility shall monitor all transactions conducted on its systems with admitted DLT securities. It shall disclose this data free of charge to all approved DLT trading facilities. 2If the DLT securities admitted for trading on the DLT trading facility are based on securities which are also admitted for trading on a Swiss trading venue, the DLT trading facility shall disclose to that trading venue, free of charge, all transactions with these DLT securities. 3 The trading venues and DLT trading facilities shall use this data exclusively to fulfil their tasks in the area of trade monitoring. 4 FINMA may regulate the details of these disclosures. |
Art. 58i Duty of information
(Art. 73e para. 1 FinMIA) 1 DLT trading facilities with private participants shall provide them with the associated prospectus or key information document for each DLT security admitted to the DLT trading facility. 2 They shall inform these participants of the following aspects of the distributed ledger for the relevant DLT securities:
3 Moreover, they shall immediately publish information on the transactions in other assets carried out on the DLT trading facility, in particular the price, the volume and the time of the transactions. |
Art. 58j Other requirements relating to services in the area of central custody, clearing or settlement
(Art. 73e para. 2 FinMIA) 1 Unless otherwise specified in this Section, the requirements for central securities depositories under Articles 62 to 73 of the FinMIA and 52 to 58 of this Ordinance apply by analogy for DLT trading facilities that provide services in accordance with Article 73a paragraph 1 letter b or c of the FinMIA. 2 The segregation in accordance with Article 69 of the FinMIA may take place in the distributed ledger underlying the DLT securities or in the systems of the DLT trading facility. 3 A DLT trading facility may also enable the settlement of payments in another manner than that provided for in Article 65 paragraph 1 of the FinMIA if it involves a FINMA-supervised institution for the purpose. 4 For a DLT trading facility, liquidity in a currency in accordance with Article 67 paragraph 1 of the FinMIA also includes cryptobased assets, insofar as the payment obligation is to be fulfilled in the same virtual currency. 5 In derogation from Article 52, the DLT trading facility does not have to set up a user committee. |
Title 3 Market Conduct |
Chapter 1 Derivatives Trading |
Section 2 Clearing via a Central Counterparty |
Art. 85 Commencement of duty
(Art. 97 and 101 para. 2 FinMIA) The duty to clear derivatives transactions via authorised or recognised central counterparties applies from the point at which FINMA publishes the clearing duty for the derivative category in question:
Art. 86 Transactions not covered
(Art. 94 para. 4 and 97 para. 2 FinMIA)28 1 Transactions with counterparties that are subject to the clearing duty for the first time in accordance with Article 98 paragraph 2 or Article 99 paragraph 2 FinMIA do not need to be cleared through a central counterparty if they were concluded prior to subjection to the clearing duty. 2 Derivatives transactions with counterparties which have their registered office or domicile in Switzerland to which the derivatives trading provisions do not apply do not have to be cleared through a central counterparty. 3 Derivatives transactions in which a covered bond issuer or a legal entity of a cover pool for covered bonds is involved do not have to be cleared via a central counterparty if the following prerequisites are met:
28 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 29 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 87 Derivatives transactions intended to reduce risks
(Art. 98 para. 3 FinMIA) Derivatives transactions intended to reduce risks are directly associated with the business activity, liquidity management or asset management of the non-financial counterparty if they:
Art. 88 Thresholds
(Art. 100 FinMIA) 1 The following thresholds apply to the average gross positions in outstanding OTC derivatives transactions of non-financial counterparties:
2 Where the average gross position of all outstanding OTC derivatives transactions of financial counterparties are concerned, a threshold of CHF 8 billion applies at financial or insurance group level. |
Art. 89 Average gross position
(Art. 100 FinMIA) The following rules apply to the calculation of the average gross position of outstanding OTC derivatives transactions:
Art. 90 Cross-border transactions
(Art. 94 para. 2 and 102 FinMIA) Cross-border transactions do not have to be cleared through a central counterparty if the foreign counterparty:
Section 4 Risk Mitigation |
Art. 94 Duties
(Art. 107 to 111 FinMIA) 1 The risk mitigation duties apply only to derivatives transactions between companies. 2 If FINMA determines that a derivatives transaction should no longer be subject to the clearing duty, it shall inform the counterparties promptly in this respect, granting them an appropriate period in which to make the necessary adjustments. |
Art. 95 Confirmation of contractual terms
(Art. 108 lit. a FinMIA) 1 The contractual terms must be reciprocally confirmed at the latest within two business days of the conclusion of the OTC derivatives transaction in question. 2 OTC derivatives transactions concluded after 4 p.m. must be confirmed at the latest within three business days of the transaction being concluded. 3 The deadlines that apply for complex transactions and small counterparties shall be extended by one business day. 4 The counterparties may agree that an OTC derivatives transaction should also be considered confirmed if one of the counterparties does not raise any objection to a unilateral confirmation. |
Art. 96 Portfolio reconciliation
(Art. 108 lit. b FinMIA) 1 The details for reconciling the portfolios must be agreed prior to completing an OTC derivatives transaction. 2 The portfolio reconciliation shall encompass the key terms of the concluded OTC derivatives transactions and their valuation. 3 It may also be carried out by a third party appointed by one of the counterparties. 4 It must be carried out:
5 Derivatives not covered by the clearing duty under Article 101 paragraph 3 letter b FinMIA are not factored in for purposes of determining outstanding transactions in accordance with paragraph 4. |
Art. 97 Dispute resolution
(Art. 108 lit. c FinMIA) 1 The place of jurisdiction and the applicable law for any disputes must be agreed at the latest when an OTC derivatives transaction is concluded. 2 Procedures are to be set out in the agreement:
Art. 98 Portfolio compression
(Art. 108 lit. d FinMIA) 1 Portfolio compression need not be undertaken if it would not lead to any meaningful reduction in counterparty risk and the counterparty subject to the obligation documents this at least every six months. 2 Portfolio compression would not lead to any meaningful reduction in counterparty risk in particular if:
3 Portfolio compression also need not be undertaken if the corresponding work and expense would be disproportionate to the anticipated reduction in counterparty risk. |
Art. 99 Valuation of outstanding transactions
(Art. 109 FinMIA) 1 Market conditions that do not permit the valuation of OTC derivatives transactions are deemed to hold sway if:
2 A market for an OTC derivatives transaction is viewed as inactive if:
3 If a valuation is permissible on the basis of model prices, the model must:
Art. 100 Duty to exchange collateral 31
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 If counterparties have to exchange collateral, this shall take the form of:
2 The duty to supply an initial margin applies only to counterparties whose aggregated month-end average gross position of OTC derivatives not cleared through a central counterparty, including derivatives in accordance with Article 107 paragraph 2 letter b of the FinMIA, is greater than CHF 8 billion at group or financial or insurance group level for the months of March, April and May of the year; in this regard, intra-group transactions are not counted several times from the viewpoint of each group company. 3 The duty under paragraph 2 always applies for the entirety of the subsequent calendar year. 31 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 100a Exceptions to the duty to exchange collateral 32
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 The exchange of initial margins and variation margins may be waived if:
2 The exchange of initial margins may be waived if such margins would have to be provided for the currency components of currency derivatives where the nominal amount and interest in one currency are exchanged against the nominal amount and interest in another currency at a predefined time and according to a predefined method. 3 If one of the counterparties to a derivatives transaction is a covered bond issuer or a legal entity of a cover pool for covered bonds, that counterparty may, subject to the conditions set out in Article 86 paragraph 3, agree with its counterparty that:
32 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 100b Initial margin reduction 33
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 The counterparties may reduce initial margins by no more than CHF 50 million. 2 The amount of the initial margins of a counterparty that belongs to a financial or insurance group or a group is determined taking all of the group companies into account. 3 In the case of intra-group transactions, the initial margin may be reduced by no more than CHF 10 million. 33 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 101 Timing of initial margin calculation and payment 34
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 The initial margin must be calculated for the first time within one business day of the execution of the derivatives transaction. It must be recalculated regularly, but at least every ten business days. 2 If both of the counterparties are in the same time zone, the calculation is to be based on the previous day's netting set. If the two counterparties are not in the same time zone, the calculation is to be based on the netting set transactions that were executed on the previous day before 4pm in the earlier of the two time zones. 3 The initial margin is to be paid on the respective calculation day according to paragraph 1. The customary timeframes apply for settlement. 34 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 101a Timing of variation margin calculation and payment 35
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 Variation margins are to be recalculated at least every business day. 2 The basis of the calculation is the valuation of the outstanding transaction in accordance with Article 109 of the FinMIA. For all other matters, Article 101 paragraph 2 is applicable by analogy. 3 Variation margins are to be paid on the respective calculation day according to paragraph 1. The customary timeframes apply for settlement. 4 Notwithstanding paragraph 3, variation margins may be paid up to two business days after the calculation day if:
35 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 102 Treatment of initial margins 36
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 No reciprocal offsetting may apply to initial margins. 2 Initial margins paid in cash must be held with a central bank or a Swiss bank independent of the paying counterparty or an independent foreign bank subject to appropriate regulation and supervision. 3 Initial margins not paid in cash may be held by the receiving counterparty or by a third party mandated by the counterparty. The third party may be the paying counterparty. 4 The use of initial margins for other purposes is not permissible. This does not apply to the reutilisation of initial margins paid in cash by a custodial third party, provided it is contractually ensured that the reutilisation does not adversely affect the security and its usability. 5 The receiving counterparty and the custodial third party must keep the non-cash initial margins received separate from their own assets and conclude a segregation agreement. This shall prescribe in particular that:
36 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 103 Calculation of initial margins
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 The initial margin is calculated as a percentage discount on the gross positions of the individual derivatives transactions. Derivatives transactions that form the object of a netting agreement concluded between the counterparties («netting set») may be pooled. 2 It shall amount to the following for each derivative category:
3 If a transaction can be classified in more than one derivative category in accordance with paragraph 2, it shall be assigned:
4 The initial margin for a netting set is calculated in accordance with Annex 3. 5 Financial counterparties that use a market risk model approach approved by FINMA in accordance with Article 88 CAO37 for calculating positions according to risk weighting, or that use a market model approved by FINMA in accordance with Articles 50a to 50d of the Insurance Oversight Ordinance of 9 November 200538 for calculating solvency as part of the Swiss Solvency Test (SST), may calculate the initial margin payment on that basis so long as no internationally harmonised standard model that is recognised throughout the industry has been established. FINMA shall regulate the technical criteria that the model approach or the market model must meet. 6 ...39 39 Repealed by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, with effect from 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 104 Admissible collateral for initial and variation margins
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 The following count as admissible collateral:
2Collateral is deemed to be high value if it is highly liquid, has a strong track record of preserving its value even in a period of stress and can be monetised within an appropriate period. 3 Resecuritisation positions are not admissible as collateral. 4 The collateral must be valued anew each day. 40 Amended by Annex No 5 of the O of 29 Nov. 2023, in force since 1 Jan. 2025 (AS 2024 13). 42 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 105 Discounts on collateral
(Art. 110 FinMIA) 1 The value of the collateral should be marked down by means of discounts on the market value in accordance with Annex 4. 2 An additional discount of 8% must be applied in cases where:
3 Counterparties may ascertain the discounts that apply using their own estimates of market price and exchange rate volatility if they meet the qualitative and quantitative minimum standards in accordance with Annex 5. 4 They shall take measures to:
44 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 106 Cross-border transactions
(Art. 94 para. 2 and 107 FinMIA) 1 The duty to exchange collateral in the case of cross-border transactions shall also apply, subject to the exemption envisaged in paragraphs 2, 2bis and 2ter, if the foreign counterparty of the Swiss counterparty which has the duty to exchange collateral would also be subject to this duty if it had its registered office in Switzerland.45 2 No collateral has to be exchanged if the foreign counterparty:
2bis The Swiss counterparty may dispense with the payment of initial margins and variation margins to the foreign counterparty if an independent legal review showed that:
2ter It can dispense with requiring the foreign counterparty to pay initial margins and variation margins if the conditions under paragraph 2bis letter a or b are met and:
3 The other risk mitigation duties that would require the involvement of the counterparty may be fulfilled unilaterally insofar as this corresponds to recognised international standards. 45 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 46 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 47 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Section 6 Documentation and Auditing |
Art. 113 Documentation
(Art. 116 FinMIA) 1 Financial and non-financial counterparties shall regulate, in writing or in another form that that allows for proof by text, the processes with which they ensure fulfilment of the duties with respect to:48
2 Non-financial counterparties which do not want to trade in derivatives may set out this resolution in writing or in another form that that allows for proof by text, in which case they are exempt from the duty set out in paragraph 1.49 3 Financial counterparties appointed by other financial or non-financial counterparties to implement their duties shall regulate the corresponding processes in accordance with paragraph 1 by analogy. 48 Amended by Annex 1 No II 14 of the Financial Institutions Ordinance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633). 49 Amended by Annex 1 No II 14 of the Financial Institutions Ordinance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633). |
Art. 114 Auditing and notifications
(Art. 116 and 117 FinMIA) 1 In the case of non-financial counterparties, the auditor shall review whether these counterparties have taken measures, in particular to comply with the derivatives trading duties set out in Article 113 paragraph 1 letters a to e. 2 When carrying out its audit, it shall take account of the principles of risk-oriented review and materiality. 3 The auditor in accordance with Article 727 of the Swiss Code of Obligations50 (CO) shall set out the results of its audit in a comprehensive report for the board of directors in accordance with Article 728b paragraph 1 CO. 4 The auditor in accordance with Article 727a CO shall inform the responsible body of the audited company of the results of the audit. 5 If the auditor identifies violations of the provisions on derivatives trading, it shall incorporate these into its report in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4. It shall set a deadline for rectification of the reported violations. 6 If the audited company has not executed any derivatives transactions during the audit period and no derivatives transactions are outstanding at the end of this period, the reports required under paragraphs 3 and 4 may be waived. 7 The auditor shall report the violations to the FDF if the company does not remedy the violations in accordance with paragraph 5 by the deadline set, or if it repeats these violations. |
Chapter 4 Exceptions to the Ban on Insider Trading and Market Manipulation |
Art. 123 Buyback of own equity securities
(Art. 142 para. 2 and 143 para. 2 FinMIA) 1 The buyback of own equity securities at market price as part of a public buyback offer (buyback programme) in accordance with Article 142 paragraph 1 letter a and Article 143 paragraph 1 FinMIA is permissible, subject to Article 124, if:
2 The buyback of own equity securities at a fixed price or through the issuance of put options in accordance with Article 142 paragraph 1 letter a and Article 143 paragraph 1 FinMIA is permissible, subject to Article 124, if:
3 In individual cases, the Swiss Takeover Board may authorise buybacks of a larger scope than those referred to in paragraph 1 letters b and c and paragraph 2 letter b if this is compatible with the interests of investors. 4 It is assumed that Article 142 paragraph 1 letter a and Article 143 paragraph 1 FinMIA are not violated if the purchase price paid on a separate trading line is a maximum of 2% higher than:
Art. 124 Blackout periods
(Art. 142 para. 2 and 143 para. 2 FinMIA) 1 Article 123 paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the buyback of own equity securities if the buyback programme is announced or the buyback of own equity securities occurs:
2 The buyback at market price remains reserved if this is undertaken by:
3 The parameters under paragraph 2 letter a must have been set prior to publication of the buyback offer and may be adjusted once a month for the duration of the buyback programme. If the parameters are set or adjusted within one of the periods set out in paragraph 1, the buyback may be performed only after a waiting period of 90 days. |
Art. 125 Content of buyback notices
(Art. 142 para. 2 and 143 para. 2 FinMIA) The buyback notice in accordance with Article 123 paragraph 1 letter g and paragraph 2 letter c must contain at least the following information:
Art. 126 Price stabilisation after a public placement of securities
(Art. 142 para. 2 and 143 para. 2 FinMIA) Securities transactions which are intended to stabilise the price of a security that has been admitted to trading on a trading venue or DLT trading facility in Switzerland and which fall under Article 142 paragraph 1 letter a and Article 143 paragraph 1 of the FinMIA are permissible if:51
51 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 52 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). 53 Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Art. 127 Other permissible securities transactions
(Art. 142 para. 2 and 143 para. 2 FinMIA) 1 The following securities transactions are permissible even if they fall under Article 142 paragraph 1 letter a and Article 143 paragraph 1 FinMIA:
2 Paragraph 1 may also be declared applicable to securities transactions carried out by the following parties as long as the transactions are carried out in connection with public tasks and not for investment purposes, and as long as reciprocal rights are granted and an exception does not stand in contradiction to the legislative purpose:
3 The FDF shall publish a list of the bodies covered by paragraph 2. |
Art. 128 Admissible communication of insider information
(Art. 142 para. 2 FinMIA) The communication of insider information to a person does not fall under Article 142 paragraph 1 letter b FinMIA if:
Title 4 Transitional and Final Provisions |
Art. 129 Financial market infrastructures 55
1 The duties set out in Article 27, Article 28 paragraphs 2 to 4, Article 30 paragraphs 2 and 3, Article 31, Article 40 second sentence, and Articles 41 to 43 must be fulfilled no later than 1 January 2018.56 1bis The record-keeping and disclosure duties set out in Article 36 paragraph 2 and Article 37 paragraph 1 letter d and paragraph 2 must be fulfilled no later than 1 October 2018. Facts occurring between 1 January 2018 and 30 September 2018 that come under these duties are to be recorded and retroactively reported no later than 31 December 2018.57 1ter Foreign branches of Swiss securities firms and foreign participants on a trading venue must fulfil their duties under Article 36 paragraph 2 and Article 37 paragraph 1 letter d and paragraph 2 no later than 1 January 2019.58 2 The exemption from the reporting duty set out in Article 37 paragraph 4 may be claimed up to 31 December 2017 without an agreement in accordance with Article 32 paragraph 3 FinMIA or an exchange of information between FINMA and the competent foreign supervisory authority. 55 Amended by No I of the O of 29 June 2016, in force since 1 Aug. 2016 (AS 2016 2703) 56 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 57 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 58 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). |
Art. 130 Reporting to a trade repository
1 The duty to report to a trade repository under Article 104 FinMIA must be fulfilled at the latest:
2 The deadlines set out in paragraph 1 shall be extended by six months in each case for the reporting of derivatives transactions that are traded via trading venues or via the operator of an organised trading facility. 3 In special cases, FINMA may extend the timeframes set out in this Article. 59 Amended by No I of the O of 30 Sept. 2022, in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2022 576). 60 Amended by No I of the O of 14 Sept. 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2018 3377). |
Art. 131 Risk mitigation duties
1 The duties that apply with respect to timely confirmation, portfolio reconciliation, dispute resolution and portfolio compression in accordance with Article 108 letters a to d FinMIA shall apply by the following deadlines following the entry into force of this Ordinance:
2 The duty to value outstanding derivatives transactions in accordance with Article 109 FinMIA shall apply to outstanding derivatives transactions 12 months after the entry into force of this Ordinance. 3 The duty to exchange collateral in accordance with Article 110 of the FinMIA applies only to derivatives transactions concluded after the duties under paragraphs 4 and 5bis have entered into force.61 4 The duty to exchange variation margins shall apply:
5 The duty to exchange initial margins shall apply for counterparties whose aggregated month-end average gross position of non-centrally-cleared OTC derivatives at group or financial or insurance group level:
6 FINMA may extend the timeframes set out in this Article in order to take account of recognised international standards and foreign legal developments. 61 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 62 Inserted by Annex 1 No II 14 of the Financial Institutions Ordinance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633). 63 Amended by Annex 1 No II 14 of the Financial Institutions Ordinance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633). 64 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 65 Inserted by No I of the O of 5 July 2017 (AS 2017 3715). Amended by No I 10 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400). |
Art. 133 Occupational pension schemes and investment foundations 66
1 For occupational pension schemes and investment foundations in accordance with Articles 48 to 60a of the Federal Act of 25 June 198267 on Occupational Old Age, Survivors' and Invalidity Pension Provision, the clearing duty set out in Article 97 of the FinMIA shall not apply up to 30 September 2021 for derivatives transactions that these institutions enter into with a view to reducing risk in accordance with Article 87.68 1bis The transitional period in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be extended to 30 September 2022.69 1ter The transitional period in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be extended to 30 September 2023.70 2 The Federal Department of Home Affairs may extend the timeframe set out in this paragraph 1 in order to take account of recognised international standards and foreign legal developments. 66 Amended by No I of the O of 5 July 2017, in force since 1 Aug. 2017 (AS 2017 3715). 68 Amended by No I of the FDFA O of 4 Sept. 2020, in force since 1 Oct. 2020 (AS 2020 3801). 69 Inserted by No I of the FDHA O of 25 Aug. 2021, in force since 1 Oct. 2021 (AS 2021 539). 70 Inserted by No I of the FDHA O of 17 Aug. 2022, in force since 1 Oct. 2022 (AS 2022 489). |
Annex 1 |
(Art. 134) |