Federal Act on Foreign Nationals and Integration

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 41b Office issuing biometric identity cards

1The of­fice en­trus­ted with is­su­ing bio­met­ric iden­tity cards and the gen­er­al con­tract­ors con­cerned must prove that:

they have the re­quired spe­cial­ist know­ledge and qual­i­fic­a­tions;
they guar­an­tee the se­cure, high qual­ity and punc­tu­al pro­duc­tion of iden­tity cards in ac­cord­ance with the spe­cific­a­tions;
they guar­an­tee com­pli­ance with the data pro­tec­tion re­quire­ments; and
they have suf­fi­cient fin­an­cial re­sources.

2Be­ne­fi­cial own­ers, share­hold­ers and mem­bers of the board or an equi­val­ent man­age­ment body, ex­ec­ut­ive man­agers and oth­er per­sons who have or could have a sig­ni­fic­ant in­flu­ence on the un­der­tak­ing or pro­duc­tion of for­eign na­tion­al iden­tity cards must be of good repu­ta­tion. Se­cur­ity screen­ing in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 6 of the Or­din­ance of 19 Decem­ber 20012 on Per­son­nel Se­cur­ity Screen­ing may be car­ried out.

3The SEM may at any time re­quest the doc­u­ments ne­ces­sary to veri­fy com­pli­ance with the re­quire­ments lis­ted in para­graphs 1 and 2. If the is­su­ing of­fice is part of a cor­por­ate group, the re­quire­ments ap­ply to the en­tire group.

4The pro­vi­sions of para­graphs 1-3 ap­ply to ser­vice pro­viders and sup­pli­ers if the products or ser­vices provided are es­sen­tial for the pro­duc­tion of the identi­fy cards.

5The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall spe­cify the ad­di­tion­al re­quire­ments to be met by the is­su­ing of­fice, gen­er­al con­tract­ors, ser­vice pro­viders and sup­pli­ers.

1 In­ser­ted by Art. 2 No I of the FD of 18 June 2010 (De­vel­op­ment of the Schen­gen Ac­quis and In­tro­duc­tion of Bio­met­ric Data in­to For­eign Na­tion­al Iden­tity Cards), in force since 24 Jan. 2011 (AS 2011 175; BBl 2010 51).
2 SR 120.4

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