Federal Act on Foreign Nationals and Integration

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 64d Departure deadline and immediate enforcement

1On is­su­ing the re­mov­al or­der, an ap­pro­pri­ate de­par­ture dead­line of between sev­en and thirty days must be set. A longer peri­od must be set or the de­par­ture dead­line ex­ten­ded if spe­cial cir­cum­stances such as the fam­ily situ­ation, health prob­lems or a long peri­od of stay so re­quire.

2The re­mov­al or­der must be en­forced im­me­di­ately or a de­par­ture dead­line of less than sev­en days may be set where:

the per­son con­cerned rep­res­ents a threat to pub­lic se­cur­ity and or­der or rep­res­ents a threat to in­tern­al or ex­tern­al se­cur­ity;
spe­cif­ic in­dic­a­tions lead to the be­lief that the per­son con­cerned in­tends to evade de­port­a­tion;
an ap­plic­a­tion for a per­mit is re­fused on the basis that it is clearly un­jus­ti­fied or an ab­use of pro­ced­ure;
the per­son con­cerned is be­ing re­ad­mit­ted by a State un­der Art­icle 64c para­graph 1 let­ter a on the basis of a read­mis­sion agree­ment;
the per­son con­cerned was pre­vi­ously re­fused entry in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 14 of the Schen­gen Bor­ders Code3 (Art. 64c para. 1 let. b);
the per­son con­cerned is be­ing re­moved un­der the Dub­lin As­so­ci­ation Agree­ments (Art. 64a).

3The fol­low­ing spe­cif­ic in­dic­a­tions in par­tic­u­lar lead to the be­lief that a per­son in­tends to evade de­port­a­tion:

The per­son fails to co­oper­ate in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 90.
The per­son’s pre­vi­ous con­duct leads to the con­clu­sion that they wish to defy of­fi­cial or­ders.
The per­son enters Swiss ter­rit­ory des­pite a ban on entry.4

1 In­ser­ted by Art. 2 No 1 of the FD of 18 June 2010 on the Ad­op­tion of the EC Dir­ect­ive on the Re­turn of Il­leg­al Im­mig­rants (Dir­ect­ive 2008/115/EC), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 5925; BBl 2009 8881).
2 Amended by An­nex No 1 of the FD of 15 Dec. 2017 (Ad­op­tion of Reg­u­la­tion [EU] 2016/1624 on the European Bor­der and Coast Guard), in force since 15 Sept. 2018 (AS 2018 3161; BBl 2017 4155).
3 See foot­note to Art. 7 para. 3.
4 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).

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