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Federal Act
on Foreign Nationals and Integration
(Foreign Nationals and Integration Act, FNIA)1

1 Amended by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2016 (Integration), in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2017 6521, 2018 3171; BBl 2013 2397, 2016 2821).

Art. 104a Passenger information system 374

1 SEM shall main­tain a pas­sen­ger in­form­a­tion sys­tem (API Sys­tem) in or­der to:

im­prove bor­der con­trols;
com­bat un­law­ful entry in­to the Schen­gen area and trans­it through the in­ter­na­tion­al trans­it zones of the air­ports;
com­bat in­ter­na­tion­al or­gan­ised crime and ter­ror­ism, es­pi­on­age and pre­par­a­tions for il­leg­al trad­ing in weapons and ra­dio­act­ive ma­ter­i­als and il­leg­al tech­no­logy trans­fers.375

1bis The API Sys­tem con­tains the data in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 104 para­graph 3 and the res­ults of com­par­is­ons in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 4.376

2 In or­der to check wheth­er air car­ri­ers are ful­filling their duty to provide data, and to en­force pen­al­ties un­der Art­icle 122b, SEM may re­trieve data in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 104 para­graph 3 from the API Sys­tem.377

3 In or­der to im­prove bor­der con­trols and to com­bat un­law­ful entry in­to the Schen­gen area and trans­it through the in­ter­na­tion­al trans­it zones of the air­ports, the au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for checks on per­sons at the Schen­gen ex­tern­al bor­ders may re­trieve data in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 104 para­graph 3 from the API Sys­tem.378

3bis If it is sus­pec­ted that a per­son is pre­par­ing for or com­mit­ting of­fences un­der Art­icle 104 para­graph 1bis let­ter a, fed­pol may re­trieve the data in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 104 para­graph 3.379

4 The data in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 104 para­graph 3 let­ters a and b shall be auto­mat­ic­ally and sys­tem­at­ic­ally com­pared with the data from RI­POL, the SIS, the ZEMIS and the In­ter­pol data­base for stolen and lost doc­u­ments (ASF-SLTD).380

5 The data in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 104 para­graph 3 and the res­ults of the com­par­is­ons in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 4 may only be used fol­low­ing the ar­rival of the flight con­cerned in or­der to con­duct crim­in­al or asylum pro­ceed­ings, or pro­ceed­ings un­der the law on for­eign na­tion­als. It must be erased:

when it is es­tab­lished that no pro­ceed­ings of this type will be con­duc­ted, or two years after the date of the flight con­cerned at the latest;
on the day after the rul­ing in pro­ceed­ings of this type takes full leg­al ef­fect.

6 The data may be re­tained in an­onymised form for stat­ist­ic­al pur­poses bey­ond the dead­lines set out in para­graph 5.

374 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 20 June 2014 (Vi­ol­a­tions of the Duty of Care and to Re­port by Air Car­ri­ers, In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 Oct. 2015 (AS 2015 3023; BBl 2013 2561).

375 Amended by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).

376 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).

377 Amended by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).

378 Amended by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).

379 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).

380 Amended by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 (Pro­ced­ur­al Reg­u­la­tions and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems), in force since 1 June 2019 (AS 2019 1413; BBl 2018 1685).