Federal Act
on Foreign Nationals and Integration
(Foreign Nationals and Integration Act, FNIA)1

1 Amended by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2016 (Integration), in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2017 6521, 2018 3171; BBl 2013 2397, 2016 2821).

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Art. 43 Spouses and children of persons with a settlement permit 63

1 The for­eign spouse and un­mar­ried chil­dren un­der 18 of a per­son with a set­tle­ment per­mit are en­titled to be gran­ted a res­id­ence per­mit and to have their res­id­ence per­mit ex­ten­ded provided:

they live with that per­son;
suit­able ac­com­mod­a­tion is avail­able;
they do not de­pend on so­cial as­sist­ance;
they are able to com­mu­nic­ate in the na­tion­al lan­guage spoken at their place of res­id­ence; and
the fam­ily mem­ber they are join­ing is not claim­ing sup­ple­ment­ary be­ne­fits un­der the Fed­er­al Act of 6 Oc­to­ber 200664 on Be­ne­fits sup­ple­ment­ary to the Old Age, Sur­viv­ors’ and In­valid­ity In­sur­ance (SBA) or would not be en­titled to claim such be­ne­fits due to fam­ily re­uni­fic­a­tion.

2 In or­der to ob­tain a res­id­ence per­mit, it is suf­fi­cient to re­gister for a lan­guage sup­port pro­gramme as an al­tern­at­ive to meet­ing the re­quire­ment set out in para­graph 1 let­ter d.

3 In the case of un­mar­ried chil­dren un­der the age of 18, the re­quire­ment in para­graph 1 let­ter d does not ap­ply.

4 The grant­ing and ex­ten­sion of the res­id­ence per­mit may be linked to the con­clu­sion of an in­teg­ra­tion agree­ment if there is a spe­cial need for in­teg­ra­tion in ac­cord­ance with the cri­ter­ia set out in Art­icle 58a.

5 After a law-abid­ing and un­in­ter­rup­ted peri­od of stay of five years, spouses are en­titled to be gran­ted a set­tle­ment per­mit if the in­teg­ra­tion cri­ter­ia set out in Art­icle 58a are met.

6 Chil­dren un­der twelve are en­titled to be gran­ted a set­tle­ment per­mit.

63 Amended by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2016 (In­teg­ra­tion), in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2017 6521, 2018 3171; BBl 2013 2397, 2016 2821).

64 SR 831.30


149 II 1 (2C_60/2022) from 27. Dezember 2022
Regeste: Art. 43 Abs. 1 lit. c und e, Art. 44 Abs. 1 lit. c und e, Art. 63 Abs. 1 lit. c AIG; Rechtmässigkeit des Widerrufs einer Niederlassungsbewilligung, wenn Ergänzungsleistungen zur AHV/IV bezogen werden. Bezüglich der Frage, ob Sozialhilfeabhängigkeit im Sinne von Art. 63 Abs. 1 lit. c AIG besteht, ist auf den Zeitpunkt des angefochtenen Urteils abzustellen. Wird in diesem Zeitpunkt keine Sozialhilfe mehr bezogen, sondern Ergänzungsleistungen, ist der Widerrufsgrund nicht mehr erfüllt (E. 4).

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