1 SEM shall, subject to paragraph 5, order a ban on entry against foreign nationals who have been issued with a return decision if:
- a.
- the return decision may be enforced immediately in accordance with Article 64d paragraph 2 letters a–c;
- b.
- the person does not leave by the appointed deadline;
- c.
- the person has violated or represents a threat to public security and order in Switzerland or abroad; or
- d.
- the person has been convicted of an offence or of an attempted offence under Article 115 paragraph 1, 116, 117 or 118.153
2 A ban on entry may be ordered against foreign nationals who:
- a.
- have incurred social assistance costs;
- b.
- have had to be taken into detention in preparation for departure or pending deportation or have been placed in coercive detention (Art. 75–78).154
3 The ban on entry shall be ordered for a maximum duration of five years. It may be ordered for a longer period if the person concerned represents a serious risk to public security or order.
4 The Federal Office of Police (fedpol) may order a ban on the entry of any foreign national in order to safeguard Switzerland’s internal or external security; it shall consult the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) beforehand. fedpol may order a ban on entry for a period of more than five years or in serious cases for an unlimited period.
5 The authority issuing the ban on entry may by way of exception refrain from imposing a ban on entry on humanitarian grounds or for other good cause or revoke the ban permanently or temporarily. In reaching its decision, the authority must in particular consider whether grounds for issuing the ban on entry and the need to protect public security and order and to safeguard Switzerland’s internal or external securityoutweigh the private interests of the person concerned in not being subject to the ban.155
152 Amended by Art. 2 No 1 of the FD of 18 June 2010 on the Adoption of the EC Directive on the Return of Illegal Immigrants (Directive 2008/115/EC), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 5925; BBl 2009 8881).
153 Amended by Annex 1 No 1 of the FD of 18 Dec. 2020 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU relating to the Adoption of the Legislation on the Establishment, Operation and Use of the Schengen Information System (SIS), in force since 22 Nov. 2022 (AS 2021 365; 2022 636; BBl 2020 3465).
154 Amended by Annex 1 No 1 of the FD of 18 Dec. 2020 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU relating to the Adoption of the Legislation on the Establishment, Operation and Use of the Schengen Information System (SIS), in force since 22 Nov. 2022 (AS 2021 365; 2022 636; BBl 2020 3465).
155 Amended by Annex No I of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Implementation of Art. 121 para. 3–6 Federal Constitution on the expulsion of foreign nationals convicted of certain offences), in force since 1 Oct. 2016 (AS 2016 2329; BBl 2013 5975).