on the Remediation of Polluted Sites
(Contaminated Sites Ordinance, CSO)

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Art. 23 Collaboration with those concerned

1 In en­for­cing this Or­din­ance, the au­thor­it­ies shall col­lab­or­ate with those dir­ectly con­cerned. In par­tic­u­lar, they shall ex­am­ine wheth­er vol­un­tary meas­ures provided for in sec­tor­al agree­ments of the private sec­tor are suit­able for the en­force­ment of this Or­din­ance.

2 They shall en­deav­our to reach agree­ment with those dir­ectly con­cerned on the ne­ces­sary as­sess­ments and meas­ures in ac­cord­ance with the re­quire­ments of this Or­din­ance. To this end, they shall con­sult those dir­ectly con­cerned at the earli­est pos­sible time.

3 They may dis­pense with is­su­ing rul­ings if car­ry­ing out the re­quired in­vest­ig­a­tion, mon­it­or­ing and re­medi­ation meas­ures is guar­an­teed by oth­er means.

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