on Licensing in the Medicinal Products Sector
(Medicinal Products Licensing Ordinance, MPLO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 14 November 2018 (Status as of 1 January 2020)

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Art. 30 Compulsory testing

1 A sample of every col­lec­ted blood dona­tion used for trans­fu­sion or to man­u­fac­ture labile blood products must be tested in ac­cord­ance with the test­ing re­quire­ments lis­ted in An­nex 5 num­ber 2.

2 The tests must be per­formed us­ing ap­pro­pri­ate meth­ods or pro­ced­ures that are val­id­ated in ac­cord­ance with the state-of-the-art sci­entif­ic and tech­nic­al know­ledge and are suit­able for test­ing donated blood and plasma.

3 Be­fore blood or eryth­ro­cyte pre­par­a­tions are trans­fused, their com­pat­ib­il­ity with the re­cip­i­ent's blood must be es­tab­lished us­ing ap­pro­pri­ate meth­ods.

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