Asylum Act

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 55 Exceptional situations

1In times of in­creased in­ter­na­tion­al ten­sion, in the event of the out­break of an armed con­flict in which Switzer­land is not in­volved, or in the event of an ex­cep­tion­ally large in­flux of asylum seekers in times of peace, Switzer­land shall grant asylum to refugees as long as the cir­cum­stances per­mit.

2The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall take the re­quired meas­ures. It may, in derog­a­tion from the law, re­strict the re­quire­ments for grant­ing asylum and the leg­al status of the refugees and is­sue spe­cial pro­ced­ur­al pro­vi­sions. It shall sub­mit a re­port on this to the Fed­er­al As­sembly im­me­di­ately.

3If Switzer­land’s ca­pa­city to per­man­ently ac­com­mod­ate refugees is ex­ceeded, asylum may only be gran­ted tem­por­ar­ily un­til those ad­mit­ted are able to go else­where.

4If it be­comes ap­par­ent that a con­sid­er­able num­ber of refugees are com­ing to Switzer­land, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall seek rap­id and ef­fect­ive in­ter­na­tion­al co­oper­a­tion with a view to their real­loc­a­tion to oth­er coun­tries.

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