Art. 7 Proof of refugee status
1 Any person who applies for asylum must prove or at least credibly demonstrate their refugee status. 2 Refugee status is credibly demonstrated if the authority regards it as proven on the balance of probabilities. 3 Cases are not credible in particular if they are unfounded in essential points or are inherently contradictory, do not correspond to the facts or are substantially based on forged or falsified evidence. BGE
139 II 1 (9C_963/2011) from 6. Dezember 2012
Regeste: Art. 24 Ziff. 1 lit. b des Abkommens über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge; Art. 59 AsylG; Art. 2 Abs. 2 FlüB. Unter der Herrschaft von Art. 59 AsylG kann sich auch ein vorläufig aufgenommener Flüchtling auf Art. 2 Abs. 2 FlüB berufen (E. 4.3). |