Asylum Act

of 26 June 1998 (Status as of 22 November 2022)

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Art. 37b SEM processing strategy 108

SEM shall set out in a pro­cessing strategy which ap­plic­a­tions for asylum shall be pro­cessed as a pri­or­ity. In do­ing so, it shall pay par­tic­u­lar at­ten­tion to the stat­utory time lim­its, the situ­ation in the coun­tries of ori­gin, the evid­ent mer­its or oth­er­wise of the ap­plic­a­tions and the con­duct of the asylum seekers.

108 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2012, in force since 1 Feb. 2014 (AS 2013 43755357; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325).

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