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Asylum Act

Art. 95i Term of validity

1 The ap­prov­al au­thor­ity shall de­cide on the ob­jec­tions un­der the law on com­puls­ory pur­chase at the same time as de­cid­ing on plan­ning ap­prov­al.

2 Plan­ning ap­prov­al ex­pires if the con­struc­tion pro­ject has not be­gun five years after ap­prov­al be­comes leg­ally bind­ing.

3 The ap­prov­al au­thor­ity may ex­tend the peri­od of valid­ity of the plan­ning ap­prov­al for good cause by a max­im­um of three years. No ex­ten­sion is per­mit­ted if the rel­ev­ant fac­tu­al and leg­al cir­cum­stances have sub­stan­tially changed since leg­ally bind­ing plan­ning ap­prov­al was gran­ted.