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Asylum Act

Art. 21 Application for asylum made at the border, following detention in the vicinity of the border, on illegal entry or within Switzerland 51

1 Per­sons who re­quest asylum at the bor­der or fol­low­ing their de­ten­tion for il­leg­al entry in the vi­cin­ity of the bor­der or with­in Switzer­land shall be as­signed to a fed­er­al centre by the com­pet­ent au­thor­it­ies. Art­icle 24a para­graph 3 is re­served.52

2 SEM shall veri­fy its com­pet­ence to carry out the asylum pro­ced­ure, tak­ing ac­count of the pro­vi­sions of the Dub­lin As­so­ci­ation Agree­ments.

3 The Dub­lin As­so­ci­ation Agree­ments are lis­ted in An­nex 1.

51 Amended by An­nex No 1 of the FA of 13 June 2008 (Amend­ments in im­ple­ment­a­tion of the Schen­gen and Dub­lin As­so­ci­ation Agree­ments), in force since 12 Dec. 2008 (AS 2008 54075405Art. 2 let. c; BBl 2007 7937).

52 Amended by No I of the FA of 25 Sept. 2015, in force since 1 March 2019 (AS 2016 3101, 2018 2855; BBl 2014 7991).