Asylum Act

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Art. 76 Withdrawal of temporary protection and removal

1 After con­sulta­tion with rep­res­ent­at­ives of the can­tons, the char­it­able or­gan­isa­tions and, if re­quired, oth­er non-gov­ern­ment­al or­gan­isa­tions, the Of­fice of the United High Com­mis­sion­er for Refugees as well as with in­ter­na­tion­al or­gan­isa­tions, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall de­term­ine when the tem­por­ary pro­tec­tion for cer­tain groups of per­sons in need of pro­tec­tion will be with­drawn; it shall make the de­cision in a gen­er­al rul­ing.

2 SEM shall grant the per­sons af­fected by the de­cision in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1 the right to a hear­ing.

3 If as a res­ult of the hear­ing, in­dic­a­tions of per­se­cu­tion are re­vealed, an in­ter­view shall be held in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 29.200

4 If, hav­ing been gran­ted the right to a hear­ing, the per­son con­cerned does not provide an opin­ion, SEM shall is­sue a re­turn de­cision. For the en­force­ment of the re­mov­al, Art­icles 10 para­graph 4 and 46–48 of this Act as well as Art­icle 71 of the FNIA201 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.202

5 The pro­vi­sions of Sec­tion 1a. of Chapter 8 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis to para­graphs 2–4.203

200 Amended by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2012, in force since 1 Feb. 2014 (AS 2013 43755357; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325).

201 SR 142.20

202 Amended of the second sen­tence in ac­cord­ance with An­nex No II 1 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 on For­eign Na­tion­als, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 5437, 2008 5405; BBl 2002 3709).

203 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 25 Sept. 2015, in force since 1 March 2019 (AS 2016 3101, 2018 2855; BBl 2014 7991).

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