Asylum Act

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Art. 93 Return assistance and prevention of irregular migration 267

1 The Con­fed­er­a­tion shall provide re­turn as­sist­ance. For this pur­pose, it may provide for the fol­low­ing meas­ures:

the full or par­tial fund­ing of re­turn coun­selling agen­cies;
the full or par­tial fund­ing of pro­jects in Switzer­land to pre­serve the abil­ity of those con­cerned to re­turn;
the full or par­tial fund­ing of pro­grammes in the nat­ive coun­try, coun­try of ori­gin or a third coun­try to fa­cil­it­ate and ar­range the re­turn, re­pat­ri­ation and re­in­teg­ra­tion (pro­grammes abroad);
the grant­ing of fin­an­cial sup­port in in­di­vidu­al cases to fa­cil­it­ate the re­in­teg­ra­tion of re­turnees or provide them with tem­por­ary med­ic­al care in their nat­ive coun­try, coun­try of ori­gin or third coun­try.

2 Pro­grammes abroad may also pur­sue the goal of con­trib­ut­ing to the pre­ven­tion of ir­reg­u­lar mi­gra­tion. Ir­reg­u­lar mi­gra­tion pre­ven­tion pro­grammes are those that con­trib­ute in the short term to lim­it­ing the risk of primary or sec­ond­ary mi­gra­tion to Switzer­land.

3 For the pur­pose of im­ple­ment­ing re­turn as­sist­ance, the Con­fed­er­a­tion may work with in­ter­na­tion­al or­gan­isa­tions and set up a co­ordin­a­tion of­fice.

4 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall reg­u­late the re­quire­ments and the pay­ment and the ac­count­ing pro­ced­ure for the sub­sidies.

267 Amended by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2006 4745, 2007 5573; BBl 20026845).

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