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Federal Act
on Public Procurement

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 21 June 2019 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Art. 32 Lots and partial supplies

1 The ten­der­er has to sub­mit a com­plete tender for what is to be pro­cured.

2 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity may di­vide the pro­cure­ment item in­to lots and award them to one or more ten­der­ers.

3 If the con­tract­ing au­thor­ity has formed lots, ten­der­ers may sub­mit a tender for sev­er­al lots, un­less the con­tract­ing au­thor­ity has provided oth­er­wise in the in­vit­a­tion to tender. It may stip­u­late that a single ten­der­er may re­ceive only a lim­ited num­ber of lots.

4 If the con­tract­ing au­thor­ity re­serves the right to re­quire ten­der­ers to co­oper­ate with third parties, it an­nounces this in the in­vit­a­tion to tender.

5 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity may re­serve the right to award con­tracts for par­tial sup­plies in the in­vit­a­tion to tender.