Federal Act
on Public Procurement

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 21 June 2019 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 39 Adjustment of tenders

1 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity may work with the ten­der­ers to ad­just the tenders with re­gard to the goods, work or ser­vices and the ar­range­ments for their pro­vi­sion in or­der to de­term­ine the most ad­vant­age­ous tender.

2 An ad­just­ment takes place only if:

this is the only way to cla­ri­fy the con­tract or the tenders or to make the tenders ob­ject­ively com­par­able in ac­cord­ance with the award cri­ter­ia; or
sup­ply changes are ob­ject­ively and ma­ter­i­ally ne­ces­sary, whereby what is to be sup­plied, the cri­ter­ia and the spe­cific­a­tions may not be ad­ap­ted in such a way that the char­ac­ter­ist­ic sup­ply or the po­ten­tial group of ten­der­ers changes as a res­ult.

3 A call for price ad­just­ments is per­mit­ted only in con­nec­tion with the cir­cum­stances de­scribed in para­graph 2.

4 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity logs the res­ults of the ad­just­ment.

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