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Federal Act
on Public Procurement

Art. 37 Opening of tenders

1 In the open and se­lect­ive pro­ced­ure, all tenders sub­mit­ted on time are opened by at least two rep­res­ent­at­ives of the con­tract­ing au­thor­ity.

2 Minutes of the tender open­ing are pre­pared. These must con­tain at least the names of the people present, the names of the ten­der­ers, the date of their tender sub­mis­sion, any tender vari­ants and the total price of each tender.

3 If the supply and price tenders must be submitted in two separate envelopes, the envelopes must be opened in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, but only the total prices must be recorded in the minutes regarding the opening of the second envelope.

4 At the latest after the con­tract has been awar­ded, all ten­der­ers are gran­ted ac­cess to the minutes upon re­quest.