Federal Act
on Public Procurement

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Art. 39 Adjustment of tenders

1 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity may work with the ten­der­ers to ad­just the tenders with re­gard to the goods, work or ser­vices and the ar­range­ments for their pro­vi­sion in or­der to de­term­ine the most ad­vant­age­ous tender.

2 An ad­just­ment takes place only if:

this is the only way to cla­ri­fy the con­tract or the tenders or to make the tenders ob­ject­ively com­par­able in ac­cord­ance with the award cri­ter­ia; or
sup­ply changes are ob­ject­ively and ma­ter­i­ally ne­ces­sary, whereby what is to be sup­plied, the cri­ter­ia and the spe­cific­a­tions may not be ad­ap­ted in such a way that the char­ac­ter­ist­ic sup­ply or the po­ten­tial group of ten­der­ers changes as a res­ult.

3 A call for price ad­just­ments is per­mit­ted only in con­nec­tion with the cir­cum­stances de­scribed in para­graph 2.

4 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity logs the res­ults of the ad­just­ment.

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