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Federal Act
on Public Procurement

Art. 45 Sanctions

1 If a ten­der­er or sub­con­tract­or which, either it­self or through its gov­ern­ing bod­ies, ful­fils to a ser­i­ous ex­tent one or more of the cri­ter­ia re­ferred to in Art­icle 44 para­graph 1 let­ters c and e and para­graph 2 let­ters b, f and g, the con­tract­ing au­thor­ity or the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity by vir­tue of the law or­der may ex­clude it from fu­ture pub­lic con­tracts for a peri­od of up to 5 years. A warn­ing may be is­sued in minor cases. In the case of cor­rup­tion (Art. 44 para. 1 lit. e), the ten­der­er is ex­cluded from con­tracts awar­ded by all fed­er­al con­tract­ing au­thor­it­ies; in the oth­er cases, the ten­der­er is ex­cluded from con­tracts awar­ded by the con­tract­ing au­thor­ity con­cerned only.

2 The pos­sible sanc­tions ap­ply ir­re­spect­ive of wheth­er any fur­ther leg­al ac­tion is taken against the ten­der­er or sub­con­tract­or con­cerned or its gov­ern­ing bod­ies. The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity shall no­ti­fy the Com­pet­i­tion Com­mis­sion of any sus­pi­cion of un­law­ful agree­ments af­fect­ing com­pet­i­tion (Art. 44 para. 2 lit. b).

3 The con­tract­ing au­thor­ity or the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity by vir­tue of the law shall no­ti­fy an of­fice des­ig­nated by the Fed­er­al Coun­cil of a leg­ally bind­ing ex­clu­sion in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1. This of­fice shall keep a non-pub­lic list of sanc­tioned ten­der­ers and sub­con­tract­ors, which re­cords the reas­ons for the ex­clu­sion and the dur­a­tion of the ex­clu­sion from pub­lic con­tracts. The of­fice shall en­sure that each con­tract­ing au­thor­ity can ob­tain the rel­ev­ant in­form­a­tion in re­la­tion to a par­tic­u­lar ten­der­er or sub­con­tract­or. It may es­tab­lish a re­triev­al pro­ced­ure for this pur­pose. The Con­fed­er­a­tion and the can­tons shall al­low mu­tu­al ac­cess to all in­form­a­tion col­lec­ted in ac­cord­ance with this art­icle. The entry is de­leted from the list once the sanc­tion has ex­pired.