Federal Act
on Public Procurement

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Art. 56 Appeal timeframe, grounds for appeal and entitlement to appeal

1 Ap­peals must be sub­mit­ted in writ­ing with a state­ment of the grounds with­in 20 days of the de­cision be­ing no­ti­fied.

2 The pro­vi­sions of the APA17 and the Fed­er­al Act of 17 June 200518 on the Fed­er­al Su­preme Court on leg­al hol­i­days do not ap­ply to the award pro­ced­ures un­der this Act.

3 The ap­pro­pri­ate­ness of a de­cision can­not be re­viewed in ap­peal pro­ceed­ings.

4 Only those that can prove that they can and wish to provide the goods, work or ser­vices re­ques­ted or equi­val­ent goods, work or ser­vices may ap­peal against awards in the dir­ect award pro­ced­ure. An ap­peal may be filed only on the grounds that the dir­ect award pro­ced­ure was wrongly ap­plied or that the con­tract was awar­ded based on cor­rup­tion.

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