Art. 12 Compliance with workplace health and safety regulations, terms and conditions of employment, equal pay for men and women, and environmental law
1 For goods, work and services to be provided in Switzerland, the contracting authority shall award a public contract only to tenderers that comply with the workplace health and safety regulations and the terms and conditions of employment applicable at the place of performance, the notification and authorisation duties in accordance with the Federal Act of 17 June 200511 on Measures to Combat Illegal Employment (IEA) and the provisions on the equal treatment of men and women in terms of equal pay. 2 For goods, work and services to be provided abroad, the contracting authority shall award a public contract only to tenderers that comply as a minimum with the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in accordance with Annex 6. In addition, the contracting authority may require compliance with other important international labour standards, as well as appropriate evidence, and may arrange for checks to be carried out. 3 The contracting authority shall award a public contract only to tenderers that comply as a minimum with the legal provisions on the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources applicable at the place of performance; in Switzerland, these include the provisions of Swiss environmental law, and abroad the international conventions for the protection of the environment designated by the Federal Council. 4 Subcontractors are obliged to comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 3. These obligations must be included in the agreements between tenderers and subcontractors. 5 The contracting authority may check compliance with the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 or outsource the task, provided this task was not delegated to an authority governed by special legislation or another suitable body, in particular a supervisory body with equal representation. The contracting authority may provide the authority or supervisory body with the necessary information and documents for carrying out these checks. The tenderer has to provide the evidence required upon request. 6 The authorities and supervisory bodies responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 report to the contracting authority on the results of the checks and on any measures taken. |