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Federal Act
on Swiss Citizenship
(Swiss Citizenship Act, SCA)

Art. 12

1 Suc­cess­ful in­teg­ra­tion is demon­strated in par­tic­u­lar by:

show­ing re­spect for pub­lic se­cur­ity and or­der;
re­spect­ing the val­ues en­shrined in the Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion;
be­ing able to com­mu­nic­ate in a na­tion­al lan­guage in every­day situ­ations, or­ally and in writ­ing;
par­ti­cip­at­ing in eco­nom­ic life or by ac­quir­ing an edu­ca­tion; and
en­cour­aging and sup­port­ing the in­teg­ra­tion of one’s wife or hus­band, re­gistered part­ner or the minor chil­dren for whom one has par­ent­al re­spons­ib­il­ity.

2 Ap­pro­pri­ate ac­count must be taken of the situ­ation of per­sons who, due to dis­ab­il­ity or ill­ness or oth­er sig­ni­fic­ant per­son­al cir­cum­stances, are un­able or only able with dif­fi­cult to meet the cri­ter­ia for in­teg­ra­tion set out in para­graph 1 let­ters c and d.

3 The can­tons may provide for ad­di­tion­al cri­ter­ia for in­teg­ra­tion.