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Federal Act
on Swiss Citizenship
(Swiss Citizenship Act, SCA)

Art. 39

1 The can­ton of ori­gin shall is­sue a cer­ti­fic­ate of re­lief of cit­izen­ship in which every per­son covered by the cer­ti­fic­ate is lis­ted.

2 The SEM shall ar­range for the cer­ti­fic­ate of re­lief of cit­izen­ship to be served and shall no­ti­fy the can­ton when the cer­ti­fic­ate has been suc­cess­fully served.

3 It shall post­pone ser­vice if it is not ex­pec­ted that the per­son re­lieved of cit­izen­ship will be gran­ted the for­eign cit­izen­ship of which he or she has been as­sured.

4 If the place of res­id­ence of the per­son re­lieved of cit­izen­ship is un­known, no­tice of re­lief of cit­izen­ship may be pub­lished in the Fed­er­al Gaz­ette. Such pub­lic­a­tion has the same ef­fect as ser­vice of the cer­ti­fic­ate of re­lief of cit­izen­ship.