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Federal Act
on Swiss Citizenship
(Swiss Citizenship Act, SCA)

Art. 45

1 In re­sponse to a writ­ten and jus­ti­fied re­quest re­lat­ing to a spe­cif­ic case, the au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for im­ple­ment­ing this Act shall dis­close to each oth­er the data re­quired to:

de­cide on an ap­plic­a­tion for or­din­ary nat­ur­al­isa­tion, sim­pli­fied nat­ur­al­isa­tion or re­in­state­ment of cit­izen­ship;
de­clare a nat­ur­al­isa­tion null and void;
de­cide on an ap­plic­a­tion for re­lief of Swiss cit­izen­ship;
is­sue a with­draw­al of Swiss cit­izen­ship;
is­sue a de­clar­at­ory rul­ing about a per­son’s Swiss cit­izen­ship.

2 In re­sponse to a writ­ten and jus­ti­fied re­quest re­lat­ing to a spe­cif­ic case, oth­er fed­er­al, can­ton­al or com­mun­al au­thor­it­ies are re­quired to dis­close to the au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for im­ple­ment­ing this Act the data re­quired to carry out their du­ties pur­su­ant to para­graph 1.