Federal Act
on Swiss Citizenship
(Swiss Citizenship Act, SCA)

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Art. 7

1 A child born abroad to a Swiss par­ent who is a cit­izen of an­oth­er coun­try for­feits Swiss cit­izen­ship on reach­ing the age of 25, un­less his or her birth has been no­ti­fied to a Swiss au­thor­ity abroad or in Switzer­land or he or she has de­clared in writ­ing that he or she wishes to re­main a Swiss cit­izen.

2 If a child for­feits Swiss cit­izen­ship by vir­tue of para­graph 1, then his or her chil­dren also for­feit Swiss cit­izen­ship.

3 No­ti­fic­a­tion in terms of para­graph 1 is con­sti­tuted in par­tic­u­lar by any no­ti­fic­a­tion by par­ents, re­l­at­ives or ac­quaint­ances with a view to the child's entry in re­gisters in Switzer­land, ma­tric­u­la­tion or the is­su­ing of iden­tity doc­u­ments.

4 Any per­son who, against his or her will, has been un­able to provide no­ti­fic­a­tion or a de­clar­a­tion in terms of para­graph 1 in time, may still do so val­idly with­in one year of the reas­on for their fail­ure to do so ceas­ing to ap­ply.


124 I 297 () from 26. August 1998
Regeste: Art. 4 BV: Alterslimite für die Ausübung des Notariats. Urkundspersonen können sich nicht auf die Handels- und Gewerbefreiheit berufen (E. 3a). Darstellung der Funktion eines Notars (E. 4a), insbesondere im Kanton Neuenburg, der das System des freien Notariats kennt (E. 4b). Art. 62 des neuenburgischen Gesetzes über das Notariat, der die Funktion des Notars als Urkundsperson einer Alterslimite von 70 Jahren unterstellt, verletzt weder das Willkürverbot noch das Gleichbehandlungsgebot (E. 4c).


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