Art. 7
1 A child born abroad to a Swiss parent who is a citizen of another country forfeits Swiss citizenship on reaching the age of 25, unless his or her birth has been notified to a Swiss authority abroad or in Switzerland or he or she has declared in writing that he or she wishes to remain a Swiss citizen. 2 If a child forfeits Swiss citizenship by virtue of paragraph 1, then his or her children also forfeit Swiss citizenship. 3 Notification in terms of paragraph 1 is constituted in particular by any notification by parents, relatives or acquaintances with a view to the child's entry in registers in Switzerland, matriculation or the issuing of identity documents. 4 Any person who, against his or her will, has been unable to provide notification or a declaration in terms of paragraph 1 in time, may still do so validly within one year of the reason for their failure to do so ceasing to apply. |