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Federal Act
on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications

Art. 14 Interface with the police information systems of the Federal Office of Police

1 The data con­tained in the pro­cessing sys­tem may be copied to the in­form­a­tion sys­tems re­ferred to in Art­icles 10, 12 and 13 of the Fed­er­al Act of 13 June 200829 on the Fed­er­al Po­lice In­form­a­tion Sys­tems (FPISA) us­ing the on­line ac­cess, provided:

the ap­plic­able law al­lows data pro­cessing in these sys­tems; and
it is en­sured that only those per­sons re­spons­ible for the rel­ev­ant pro­ceed­ings have ac­cess to the data.

2 The data may only be trans­mit­ted by a per­son who has ac­cess rights to the pro­cessing sys­tem pur­su­ant to this Act and to the rel­ev­ant in­form­a­tion sys­tem pur­su­ant to the FPISA.