Art. 16 General tasks related to surveillance
In relation to surveillance of post and telecommunications, the Service has the following general tasks: - a.
- It shall contact the ordering authority and the approving authority immediately before post or information is passed on to the ordering authority if, in its opinion, the surveillance order:
- 1.
- in the case of surveillance in the course of criminal proceedings, does not concern a criminal offence for which surveillance is permitted under the applicable law;
- 2.36
- has not been issued by the competent authority or, pursuant to Articles 29–31 IntelSA37, has not been approved and granted permission to proceed; or
- 3.
- is incomplete or unclear.
- b.
- It shall contact the ordering authority and the approving authority immediately if, in its opinion, the surveillance is technically inappropriate, does not correspond to the surveillance types provided for by law or in the implementing provisions or is not technically feasible.
- c.
- It shall provide the competent authority with the information required to order surveillance; if necessary, it shall request the entities obliged to cooperate to provide it with this information.
- d.
- It shall instruct the entities obliged to cooperate on how to carry out the surveillance, request them to take the necessary measures for the surveillance and supervise the implementation of the surveillance.
- e.
- It shall implement the measures ordered by the approving authority to protect professional secrecy.
- f.
- It shall check whether surveillance extends beyond the approved period and terminate it at the end of the period if it has not been sent a copy of the renewal application.
- g.
- It shall notify the approving authority immediately of the termination of surveillance.
- h.
- It shall follow the technical developments in relation to postal and telecommunications services.
- i.
- It shall organise and carry out training for persons who are allowed to access the processing system.
- j.
- It may, on request, advise authorities and entities obliged to cooperate on technical, legal and operational aspects of surveillance of post and telecommunications.
- k.
- It shall produce statistics on surveillance.
130 II 249 () from 13. April 2004
Regeste: Art. 32 VÜPF; Anfechtung eines Entscheides des Dienstes für Besondere Aufgaben; Umfang des Beschwerderechts der Anbieterinnen von Fernmeldediensten. Die Entscheide des Dienstes für Besondere Aufgaben können an die Rekurskommission des Eidgenössischen Departementes für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation weitergezogen werden, deren Entscheide der Verwaltungsgerichtsbeschwerde an das Bundesgericht unterliegen (E. 2.1).
Die Anbieterinnen von Fernmeldediensten sind nicht befugt, einen Entscheid des Dienstes für Besondere Aufgaben, der sie zur Übermittlung von Mobiltelefon-Daten verpflichtet, mit der Begründung anzufechten, die erlassene Überwachungsanordnung sei rechtswidrig (E. 2.2).