Art. 38a Modalities
1 The Federal Council shall regulate the calculation and disbursement of compensation and the calculation and collection of contributions to costs. 2 It may provide that the compensation and contributions to costs are calculated on an individual basis or at a flat rate. 3 It shall specify the tariffs for calculations made on an individual basis. 4 For calculations made on a flat-rate basis, it shall take account of the extent to which the costs may be attributed to the Confederation or to individual cantons according to the benefit of the information and the surveillance. If the cantons have agreed on the shares of the overall costs that they are each to bear, the allocation of costs shall be based on this agreement. 5 In the case of flat-rate compensation and contributions to costs, the Service shall provide statements on its services and those of the entities obliged to cooperate showing the amounts that would be incurred in the case of an individual assessment. |