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Federal Act
on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications

Art. 7 Purpose of the processing system

The pro­cessing sys­tem serves to:

re­ceive the data col­lec­ted by tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions sur­veil­lance and make it avail­able to the au­thor­ised au­thor­it­ies;
main­tain over an ex­ten­ded peri­od the legib­il­ity and se­cur­ity of the data col­lec­ted by tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions sur­veil­lance;
provide in­form­a­tion on ac­cess to tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions ser­vices;
of­fer pro­cessing func­tions for the data stored in the sys­tem, in­clud­ing ana­lys­is func­tions such as visu­al­isa­tion, alert­ing or speak­er re­cog­ni­tion;
sup­port busi­ness pro­cessing and con­trols.

13 Amended by No I of the FA of 1 Oct 2021 (Amend­ment of Le­gis­la­tion on Us­ing Data in the PTSS Pro­cessing Sys­tem), in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 190; BBl 2020 6985).