on Vocational and Professional Education and Training
(Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance, VPETO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 19 November 2003 (Status as of 1 April 2022)

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Art. 65a Subsidies for study programmes at professional education institutions 30

(Art. 56 VPETA)

1 The sub­sidies men­tioned in Art­icle 56 VPETA for study pro­grammes at pro­fes­sion­al edu­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tions shall cov­er no more than 25 per cent of the cor­res­pond­ing ex­pendit­ure.

2 Sub­sidies for study pro­grammes at pro­fes­sion­al edu­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tions shall be provided if:

the study pro­grammes are cre­ated by pro­fes­sion­al or­gan­isa­tions whose activ­it­ies are car­ried out at na­tion­al level, for the whole of Switzer­land; and
the study pro­grammes do not already be­ne­fit from can­ton­al sub­sidies.

30 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 14 Nov. 2012, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 6473).

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