on Vocational and Professional Education and Training
(Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance, VPETO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 19 November 2003 (Status as of 1 April 2022)

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Art. 7 Preparation for upper-secondary level VET

(Art. 12 VPETA)

1 After com­plet­ing com­puls­ory edu­ca­tion, pu­pils may at­tend pre-vo­ca­tion­al courses. These prac­tic­al and work-re­lated op­tions are in­ten­ded to pre­pare pu­pils for en­rol­ment in up­per-sec­ond­ary level VET.

2 Pre-vo­ca­tion­al courses last no more than one year and are sched­uled ac­cord­ing to the aca­dem­ic year.

3 Pu­pils are as­sessed at the end of these pre­par­at­ory courses.


140 V 299 (9C_239/2014) from 16. Juli 2014
Regeste: Art. 35 Abs. 1 IVG; Kinderrente für volljährige Kinder. Der Anspruch auf eine Kinderrente der Invalidenversicherung besteht bei einem über 18 Jahre alten Kind, welches in seinem zukünftigen Lehrbetrieb ein weder gesetzlich noch reglementarisch vorgeschriebenes Praktikum absolviert, höchstens für die Dauer eines Jahres (E. 3).

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