on Vocational and Professional Education and Training
(Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance, VPETO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 19 November 2003 (Status as of 1 April 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 75 Vocational qualifications subject to cantonal legislation

(Art. 73 para. 2 VPETA)

1 Qual­i­fic­a­tions awar­ded on com­ple­tion of up­per-sec­ond­ary level VET pro­grammes sub­ject to can­ton­al le­gis­la­tion shall be con­sidered fed­er­al if an in­ter­can­t­on­al agree­ment has been reached re­gard­ing said qual­i­fic­a­tions.

2 The equi­val­ency of the qual­i­fic­a­tions men­tioned in para­graph 1 with qual­i­fic­a­tions sub­ject to new fed­er­al rules as well as the con­di­tions ap­ply­ing to the con­ver­sion of qual­i­fic­a­tions shall be es­tab­lished in cor­res­pond­ing VET or­din­ances.

3 Re­cog­ni­tion of courses of study and con­ver­sion of qual­i­fic­a­tions in fields that were pre­vi­ously sub­ject to in­ter­can­t­on­al le­gis­la­tion shall be handled by SERI on the basis of pre­vi­ous in­ter­can­t­on­al le­gis­la­tion un­til com­mence­ment of cor­res­pond­ing VET or­din­ances.

4 In the field of health care, re­cog­ni­tion of courses of study, con­ver­sion of Swiss qual­i­fic­a­tions and re­cog­ni­tion of for­eign qual­i­fic­a­tions shall be handled by the Swiss Red Cross un­til com­mence­ment of cor­res­pond­ing fed­er­al VET or­din­ances.

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