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on Vocational and Professional Education and Training
(Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance, VPETO)

Art. 7 Preparation for upper-secondary level VET

(Art. 12 VPETA)

1 After com­plet­ing com­puls­ory edu­ca­tion, pu­pils may at­tend pre-vo­ca­tion­al courses. These prac­tic­al and work-re­lated op­tions are in­ten­ded to pre­pare pu­pils for en­rol­ment in up­per-sec­ond­ary level VET.

2 Pre-vo­ca­tion­al courses last no more than one year and are sched­uled ac­cord­ing to the aca­dem­ic year.

3 Pu­pils are as­sessed at the end of these pre­par­at­ory courses.