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Federal Act
on the Elimination of Discrimination
against People with Disabilities
(Disability Discrimination Act, DDA)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 13 December 2002 (Status as of 1 July 2020)

Art. 12 Special cases

1 When weigh­ing-up in­terests un­der Art­icle 11 para­graph 1, the court or the ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­ity is not re­quired to or­der the elim­in­a­tion of dis­crim­in­a­tion re­lat­ing to ac­cess to build­ings, struc­tures and dwell­ings un­der Art­icle 3 let­ters a, c and d if the cost of the modi­fic­a­tions ex­ceeds five per cent of the in­sur­ance value of the build­ing or new value of the struc­ture or 20 per cent of the renov­a­tion costs.

2 When weigh­ing-up in­terests un­der Art­icle 11 para­graph 1, the court or the ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­ity shall take ac­count of the time re­quired to make ad­apt­a­tions in pub­lic trans­port (Art. 22); ac­count must also be taken of the fed­er­al im­ple­ment­a­tion concept for the pay­ment of fin­an­cial as­sist­ance (Art. 23 para. 3) and the op­er­a­tions and in­vest­ment plans of the pub­lic trans­port com­pany based there­on.

3 The court or the ad­min­is­trat­ive au­thor­ity shall re­quire the li­censed un­der­tak­ing or state au­thor­ity to of­fer an ap­pro­pri­ate al­tern­at­ive solu­tion if it de­cides un­der Art­icle 11 para­graph 1 not to or­der the elim­in­a­tion of dis­crim­in­a­tion.32

32 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 16 March 2012 on the Second Stage of Rail­ways Re­form 2, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2013 (AS 2012 5619, 2013 1603; BBl 2011 911).